View Full Version : Augie & Washee's Fantabulous Auction

02-02-2006, 07:54 PM
A) Please send all bids to fenix825@play.net with something in the subject to notify me that it is an auction bid. Or you can bid through AIM at GS4Augie or U2U here on the PC boards.
B) The following prices are Flat Prices. First come, first serve.
C) If you have a question on any of the items, please email me or IM me at GS4Augie
D) I will deliver to Landing, Icemule, Pinefar, The Rift, Solhaven, or Four Winds Isle for no charge. Anywhere else is subject to a delivery fee.
E) You have 3 days from the date of your bid to pick up your item or it goes back up for sale.
F) We may pull any item off auction without notice provided there are no bids on it.
G) Prices are possibly negotiable. It never hurts to ask.

New Items are listed at the top. Sold Items are listed at the end.
a veniom-threaded bandolier
look in bandolier
Surrounded by some swirling mist is a fiery crimson vultite chakram with razor-sharp edges.

This is one of the unlimited weapon making bandoliers that is only usable by people who have over 20 ranks in Hurling Weapons. It is belt worn.

The chakrams are 4x and acid flaring.

You carefully inspect your crimson vultite chakram.
After a careful inspection you determine that a fiery crimson vultite chakram with razor-sharp edges requires skill in thrown weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified quoit.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

It has the following scripts:
WEAR: You slip the bandolier into place and carefully buckle it.
REMOVE: You carefully unbuckle your veniom-threaded bandolier and slip it off.
RUB: You pull a crimson vultite chakram gracefully from your bandolier.
DROP CHAKRAM: As you drop the crimson vultite chakram, it dissolves into vapor.
GET CHAKRAM when it's on the floor after hurling: As you grab at the crimson vultite chakram, it dissolves into vapor.

After a while it dissolves on its own: The crimson vultite chakram dissolves into vapor.

If you try to WEAR it and you're not trained in hurling: You struggle to wear the veniom-threaded bandolier, but it is somehow repelled from your body and you are unable to overcome the force.

a half-melted black steel knife (Further enchanted to 2x, weighs less than 2, 10/195, poisons your enemy when used in an ambush, dissipates at 1 per round)
SHOW: The blade of the knife is coated with a sticky black film. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph

The poison on the knife is stackable, so you can keep poisoning the target over and over again and it will dissipate at 1 per round.

Since this one is enchanted to 2x, it will hit magical creatures

a krodera-bound spiked hoarbeam shield (+22, weighs 8, 50/200, has spikes added to it by Drogur that can be used to damage your opponent while using cmans)
SHOW: This medium sized shield forms a perfect circle of protection and is carefully bound in krodera to offer it more durability and support. Only a few thin scratches mar the surface of the hoarbeam, attesting to the sturdiness of its structure. Set into the shield's center is a swirling purple thunderstone, the gem's colors seeming to seethe and shift like miniature stormclouds in an angry sky. Small bands of zorchar surround the precious gem and seem to form a safe haven to keep it from knocking loose. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Washee lunges forward at you with his spiked hoarbeam shield and attempts a shield bash!
[Roll result: 165 (open d100: 94)]
Washee lashes at you with a sharp shield bash and you lose your footing.
... 5 points of damage!
Bones in left arm crack.

** A spike on Washee's spiked hoarbeam shield jabs into you! **
... 10 points of damage!
Nice puncture to the back, just grazed the spine!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

a dark snakeskin longcoat (weighs 5, holds a very large amount)
The exterior of the longcoat is crafted out of overlapping skins stripped from various snakes. The patterns from each skin mesh together to give a blending effect. The smooth surface of the scales range from black to brown to red to grey and brings an iridescent shimmer. A row of fang-shaped buttons carved from black onyx lines the front of the longcoat and can be used to fasten it shut. A slithering saw-scaled viper is embroidered in winding thread around the collar and down the right sleeve.

a shadowy black vultite khopesh (4x, weighs 4, 90/200, blessable)
The slender, slightly curving blade of this ancient-looking khopesh is wrought of the purest vultite. The metal is a deep shadowy black in hue, and seems to reflect no light whatsoever. The base of the blade is viciously serrated, each of the small tines honed to a razor-sharp point. Midnight black leather is tightly wrapped around the weapon's grip, its surface tooled with an intricate pattern of interlocking knotwork. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the khopesh.

a carved felwood shawm (Unique Raffle Won, Master quality horn instrument)
SHOW: This shawm has been carved in the shape of a sylvan, apparently rigid with fear. Tiny booted feet, toes pointed, make up the double-reed mouthpiece. The body of the shawm is represented as an elongated torso, complete with tiny pants and jerkin. Finally, the unfortunate creature's head is carved into the curved bell of the instrument where his huge mouth, unnaturally gaping with terror, forms the opening of the shawm.

a muddy brown finch charm (one of the SimuCon bird charms, pin worn, fully alterable)
WHISPER CHARM <person> <message>: A muddy brown finch flutters off, speeding away in the distance. (NOTE: It takes a bit for the charm to come back to you - DO NOT PANIC it will return!)
They see: A muddy brown finch flutters into the area and lands on your shoulder, warbling softly. It lifts its head and twitters, "Augie bade me tell you 'Hello'.
After a moment, the tiny bird takes to the air and darts out of sight.
Others see: A muddy brown finch flutters into the area and lands on Washee's shoulder, warbling softly. After a moment, the tiny bird takes to the air and darts out of sight.
WHISPER CHARM <person> <message> (when the person is in the same room): The finch lifts its head in confusion, looking at Washee.

a pale crystal shard (neck worn) comes with:
a small sand elemental
The elemental is a miniature swirling storm of multi-hued sand, its millions of sparkling granules constantly shifting and spiraling in ever-renewed patterns of ethereal brilliance. Its surface melds and constantly reforms in undulating ripples, while each granule appears to shift through the myriad hues of light and dark in a heartbeat.
(Find out more info at Elraena's Sand Elemental Training Guide: http://www.3squeezes.com/gs/sandele.htm)

a dainty blown glass hoop swirled with a myriad of colors (Flippable piercing jewelry)

some fitted emerald casting gloves with wispy vines encircling silver sigils (gloves designed for pure casters, has different messaging based on what element you're attuned to)
WEAR (as a pure casting profession): You easily slide your hands into your emerald casting gloves, and then tug slightly to get them fitted properly to your fingers. As you flex your hands, the silvery sigils on the backs of your gloves shimmer slightly.
REMOVE (as a pure casting profession) You tug at the fingers of your emerald casting gloves and then gently slide them off your hands.
RAISE (lightning attuned): You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting a magic phrase under your breath. A brilliant bolt of lightning that dazzles the eyes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove.
RAISE (with no element attuned): You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head and feel a slight ebb of power from the sigil, but not sensing a strong elemental attunement, nothing happens.
WAVE (lightning attuned): You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of crackling energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving a luminous tail like a comet behind it.
WAVE (with no element attuned) You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. You feel a pulse from the sigil on your glove, but that is all.
WEAR (Not a pure casting profession): You struggle to squeeze your hands into your emerald casting gloves, but they aren't a good fit. Your hands feel very uncomfortable.
REMOVE (Not a pure casting profession): You struggle to peel your emerald casting gloves off your hands. As you finally manage it you feel a sense of relief.

a sparkling platinum dice case engraved with intricate swirls
a pair of small black diamond dice engraved with intricate swirls (custom set of Darynth's loaded dice that switches to 6, 10, 12, and 20 sided)
SHOW: These small twenty-sided dice are made of black diamond. Their perfectly circular pips are wrought of intricately faceted crystal. You notice that each of the pips is engraved with a single, tiny rune. Darynth's signature is etched in tiny letters in one corner of the single-pipped side.
a small platinum key
LOCK CASE WITH KEY: You hear a click as it locks.
UNLOCK CASE WITH KEY: You hear a click as it unlocks.
RUB DICE (this swaps the number of sides these dice have):
You gently rub the tips of your fingers along the edges of your black diamond dice. The faceted crystalline pips pulse once with a pale silvery glow and you feel the dice begin to shift. When they stop shifting, you notice that they now have 10 sides instead of 6.
WHISPER DICE # # (whisper the numbers you want the dice to roll): You bring your black diamond dice up to your lips and, pretending to blow on them for good luck, quietly whisper the numbers 5 and 4. The faceted crystalline pips pulse once with a pale silvery glow and you feel the weights within your dice shift subtley.
ROLL DICE: You lean forward and roll your black diamond dice on the ground.
The dice bounce a few times and come to a rest on 5 and 4.
You quickly retrieve the black diamond dice.
GRIP DICE (to only roll one): You grip one of your black diamond dice between your palm and little finger, satisfied that only one die will be rolled when you toss them.
GRIP DICE (do it again to roll both): You release your grip on the second of your black diamond dice. Both are now ready to toss.
ROLL DICE (when only rolling one) You lean forward and roll one of your black diamond dice on the ground.
The die bounces a few times and comes to a rest on 4.
You quickly retrieve the die.
WHISPER DICE # # (when the sides are smaller than the number): You turn your dice over in your hand a few times. They seem to only have 6 sides!

a masterfully forged blued steel hatchet with a silver mesh-wrapped golvern haft (6x, weighs 6, 85/290, handaxe based, dual flares : cold and acid)
TURN (cold): As you turn the axe, it draws all the heat from the surrounding air as ice forms on it.
TURN (acid): As you turn the axe, a trail of smoking black liquid runs down its length.

an ancient imflass moon axe with a piece of dragon's-fang quartz inlaid into the pommel (+27, weighs 4, 90/200, dual flares : cold and acid)
TURN (cold): As you turn the axe, it draws all the heat from the surrounding air as ice forms on it.
TURN (acid): As you turn the axe, a trail of smoking black liquid runs down its length.

a matte-finished black imflass scabbard inset with a murky shadowglass orb (5x per day self-recharging blessing scabbard, 15 swings per bless, belt worn, weighs less than 2)

a weathered old traveler's box with a small golvern padlock (Tinnoc box that makes shards and slivers from slabs of metal)
SHOW: The traveler's box appears relatively unremarkable except for a small door recessed into the bottom of the box, and a tiny opening at the top. A small area on top of the box looks as though it's designed to be depressed.

a delicate silver belly chain adorned with tiny diamond moon charms (waist worn, weighs less than 2)

a white spidersilk gown trimmed with blue satin and seed pearls (Nalea gown, chest worn, weighs 5, More information found here: http://www.gemstone.game-host.org/towncorpse/nalea_gown.htm)

a small orb of urnon
SHOW: The orb of urnon appears to be a perfectly round sphere of shifting hues, which might fit comfortably in the palm of one's hand. Faint oil-like patterns drift across its circumference, resembling subtle disturbances across the surface of some otherworldly lake.
(From the H4H2, Loresong and information found here: http://members.aol.com/gs3augie/urnon.html)

a misty blue snake-stone
(From the H4H2, Loresong and information found here: http://members.aol.com/gs3augie/snakestone.html)

a thick ironwood pan flute inlaid with thin silver veins

A) a shimmering dark silver dress fashioned in the finest silk with an elegant dusting of crystalline onyx and a dark silver thread that winds its way around the waist and around the shoulders to secure a six tentacled star engraved in a fine onyx stone (pin worn, weighs 2, THE longest tap description item in game, was made as part of a set with the gloves, collar, and belt)


B) a pair of shoulder-length icy black leather gloves trimmed in dark silver thread embroidered with the image of a six tentacled star and clasped at the wrist by tiny shimmering star rubies (pin worn, weighs less than 2, was made as part of a set with the dress, collar, and belt)


C) an icy black collar trimmed with glistening dark silver thread that loops at the center forming an intricate six tentacled star set against a pure silver cross (neck worn, weighs less than 2, was made as part of a set with the dress, gloves, and belt)


D) an icy black belt trimmed with dark silver thread that loops at the center forming an intricate six tentacled star (belt worn, weighs less than 2)


NOTE: I will take a bulk bid of 20 mil for items A, B, C, D. They were part of a very old wedding set.
a glowing six-tentacled star amulet suspended on a length of braided dark silver thread (altered crystal amulet, neck worn, weighs less than 2)

a large six-tentacled urglaes star talisman hung from a thick iron chain (altered crystal amulet, neck worn, weighs less than 2)

an exquisitely soft bag of mist-grey suede worked with a six-pointed star in shimmering black spidersilk (opens/closes, holds a small amount, belt worn, weighs less than 2)

a black elven-styled pouch with a six-tentacled star worked meticulously on the flap in gleaming silver thread (opens/closes, holds a small amount, belt worn, weighs less than 2)

a plain leather bandolier (shoulder worn, weighs 2, specially made to only hold small blades)
SHOW: This plain leather bandolier appears quite durable, and is completely unadorned. It is fashioned to sling across the chest and around the back, its plain silver buckle located to secure tightly at the hip. Very basic stitching attaches the numerous uncolored blade sheaths that line the front. Each sheath has a simple flap with a round brass button sewn at the top, meant to easily flick open so that the blades within can be snatched quickly and easily.
WEAR: You sling your leather bandolier over your head and shoulder, giving it a tug to ensure that it lies smoothly against your chest.
REMOVE: You lift your leather bandolier over your head and slide it off your arm.
If you try to put a weapon that doesn't fit: The leather bandolier is not designed to hold such an item!

a tiny black diamond crescent moon pendant hanging on a slim platinum chain (neck worn, weighs less than 2)

Once again, please send all bids to fenix825@play.net or via AIM at GS4Augie or U2U me.

an ash-hilted imflass falchion (+22, weighs 3, 95/200, dual flares : fire and vibe)
TURN (fire): As you turn the falchion, it bursts into flames sending small streams of fire all about.
TURN (vibe): As you turn the falchion, it begins to vibrate back and forth violently.


02-03-2006, 11:11 AM
Although I am mainly looking for coins, I am willing to listen to trade offers for any of the items listed. It never hurts to ask!

02-03-2006, 08:39 PM
can the casting gloves be altered?

02-03-2006, 08:43 PM
can the casting gloves be altered?
Yes, although they have a few rules restricting their variations.

02-04-2006, 11:28 AM
can the casting gloves be altered?

They can, the only thing is that they have to keep the silver sigils in order for the scripts to work.

Oh yah - I updated the first post of the auction to reflect sold items.