View Full Version : Rogue archer training

01-31-2006, 04:39 PM
FINALLY migrated to fully trained in RW. Now with these extra points, I'm working on ambush.

So here's the question.. 1x ambush or 2x? And 2x hide or 3x?

01-31-2006, 04:45 PM
If you can fit the points I'd go:

2x Archery
2x Perception
2x Ambush
3x Hide/Stalk
2x Dodge

Armor ranks to chainmail and up.
1x PT

My extra points went into 3x picking skills and spells but thats besides the point. The above is all you need to be an excellent sniper.

Oh and fitting in enough CMAN ranks for Shadow Mastery is a nice bonus too. One second sneaking makes you feel super stealthy.

01-31-2006, 05:10 PM
I'm keeping her 3x'd perception, she's a great picker and I am not willing to sacrifice it.

Also.. why 2x dodge if you're going to spend the strong majority of your time hidden?

She's in 5x brig @ 33 trains, and I expect I'll keep her there for awhile, anyway. Other priorities. Again, I'm thinking the idea is not to get hit.

01-31-2006, 05:17 PM
Also.. why 2x dodge if you're going to spend the strong majority of your time hidden?

Again, I'm thinking the idea is not to get hit.

Hence the 2x dodge... just in case you get sniffed from hiding.

01-31-2006, 05:31 PM
3x perception is mostly a waste, in my opinion. It counts more if you're trying to snipe from the open but most times you'll stun whatever it is you're aiming for anyway. If you're doing it for lockpicking reasons, well 2x perception will let you see damn well near anything that you'll be able to pick open.

Even at 3x hiding with shadow mastery up, I did get revealed sometimes. Being able to dodge, duck, survive a hit is important. 2x dodging isn't that huge of a point sink.

At 33, you've still got a lot of options open to you to try and you can cherry pick hunting grounds that are suitable for your style. You can do pretty much anything you like. If you push your rogue to the cap, or hit hunting areas that swarm, then you'll notice how squishy brig is and how often being uncovered can lead to death.

01-31-2006, 05:50 PM
HEH, all our nifty hiding and stealthy movement is great and super sneaky but it doesn't take but one falchion to the face to make you wish you could dodge that shit when the time comes.

Also 3x perception mechanically speaking probably isn't going to do you any niftyness.

Oh and welcome to the club of Rogue Snipers! Meetings are every Sunday, newbs bring the beer and pizza. :D

02-01-2006, 08:45 AM
Yeah I have a ranger twc hunter, and a rogue archer. Backwards? I THINK NOT.

Also.. new 5x crossbow = purr.

02-01-2006, 11:39 AM
I loved the ability to have such a huge AS from using a 6x crossbow and ebladed bolts. A heavy bolt to the eye from the shadows was so powerful it was heady.

It got old after a while so I went back to OHE/picking.

Have fun with your archer, its definatly a viable setup for a rogue.