View Full Version : TasteyKakes

10-16-2003, 01:57 AM
Whats your favorite flavor?

Koffee Kakes goin down pretty good right now.

10-16-2003, 01:59 AM

10-16-2003, 02:00 AM
Tayre is a tool.

(Now that we've covered, that.... answer my question.)

10-16-2003, 02:00 AM
Exactly what I was thinking Tayre.

Edited to add: The WTF post, not the tool post. Although, what kind of tool are you?

[Edited on 10-16-2003 by JustMe]

10-16-2003, 02:01 AM
WTF or I'm a tool? :D

10-16-2003, 02:02 AM
Man... I thought every backwood town had TasteyKakes. We gottem in the big citys.

10-16-2003, 02:02 AM
you must be from philly

10-16-2003, 02:03 AM
Someone want to explain WTF a TasteyKake is? Sounds like a KrispyKreme wanna be so far...

10-16-2003, 02:04 AM
I live in Houston.

Well, San Antonio right now for school, but I've lived in Houston for almost all 18 years of my life and have never heard of TastyKakes or wtfever.

(Houston is the 4th largest city in the country)

10-16-2003, 02:04 AM
I've never heard of a TasteyKake.

Is the TasteyKake phenomenon anywhere equal to that of KrispyKreme?

10-16-2003, 02:05 AM

But I can only have like 2 before I start getting nausiated from sugar. They're fucking SWEET (literaly).

10-16-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
I live in Houston.

Well, San Antonio right now for school, but I've lived in Houston for almost all 18 years of my life and have never heard of TastyKakes or wtfever.

(Houston is the 4th largest city in the country)

And it smells like mildew.

10-16-2003, 02:06 AM
I can't/won't argue that.

Technically I don't live IN Houston... I live 30 minutes outside. So my city is nice and clean and perty.

10-16-2003, 02:07 AM
i dunno .. all the tastycake fiends i know are from philly they horde them and like when they move out of philly have people send them damn gift boxes of them .. its a rather sick addiction

10-16-2003, 02:07 AM
Tasteycakes are kind of like twinkies, or zingers, but not as good. They are in vending machines all over the place here. If you cannot get them where you live, just get some sawdust, sugar, and a small amount of water. Mix them together, and have at it.


10-16-2003, 02:12 AM
i have to admit though im eatting some tastykae krimpets right now that my roommate imported up here the last time he went home

10-16-2003, 07:05 AM
I live in the equivalent of a cornfield, in the midwest.

I've never heard of Tastykakes. But there are a lot of things we don't have here. We have Krispy Kreme though. I get a chocolate frosted glazed, every day on my way to class.

10-16-2003, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
I live in Houston.

You dont need Tastywhatevers in Houston. You have the Kolache. Best breakfast food there is.

Of course I live now in Augusta GA and there is nothing.

10-16-2003, 07:32 AM
Oohhh Kolache's. I use to get those everyday before school. Now you're making me hungry for one.

10-16-2003, 07:58 AM
Tastykakes rock! I haven't even heard of them until I moved up north. We usually buy krimpets and put them in the fridge. Yummy!

10-16-2003, 08:11 AM
TastyKakes is like Li'l Debbies. KrispyKreme is like Dunkin Donuts.

One comes out of a box, the other goes into a box.

Jeez, get it straight, people!

10-16-2003, 11:00 AM
I would have no idea what you're talking about except my manager in California used to carry them where I worked... now in Montana I'm sure NO ONE knows what the hell they are. Ahhh, the joys of living in the middle of no where.

10-16-2003, 12:50 PM
I love Tastykakes.. Chocolate Juniors are my fave. And I wouldn't compare them to Little Debbie crap.. maybe comparable to Hostess?

10-16-2003, 05:03 PM
They have TastyKakes here in MN. KrispyKreme just opened too, but NO Dunkin' Donuts!?!? How can this be a city of like 60,000 and No DD? I don't get it....

10-16-2003, 05:08 PM
Little Debbie cakes are so incredibly cheap they get people to try them. Well let me tell you that having tried two or three types, they all suck. I mean they literally could not give me them for free.

Simply disgusting. Awful, should be outlawed.

Tastykakes are here in Jersey for sure. Competitor with Hostess and Drakes for snack cake market.

10-16-2003, 05:20 PM
hey those little debbie oatmeal cream pies are damn addiction but yes here in jersey tastykakes are available ... but im all out of krimpets :(

10-16-2003, 05:24 PM
Little Debbie Fudge Rounds are a staple in my house, and the nutty bars too. I don't care for TasteyKakes, although I've only tried them out of the vending machine at work, so I don't know how fresh they were...

Who me
10-16-2003, 06:39 PM
Chocolate Juniors are delish.

10-16-2003, 06:47 PM
You are all ill.