View Full Version : Cleaning out my locker

Shabar Shabaz
01-27-2006, 07:11 PM
If you have interest in these items, please send an email to RunRudyRun@comcast.net, or catch me on AIM at Nomarowv. All prices are flat.

a thin silver-link waistchain accented with dangling black ora stars

some open-toed halfling sandals
>l sand
The finely crafted sandals are cleverly designed to provide the bottom of the feet with protection from sharp stones, while leaving the top open as to not bind the toes or matt the hair.

a black velvet choker edged with delicate moonstone beading

a tiny filigree gold leaf amulet
100k - altered crystal amulet

a blackened glaes sai with a grinning ruby-eyed skull pommel
100k 3x blessable

a twisted driftwood ring
>l ring
When viewed at various angles, the wood alternates between a silvery shade and a golden hue. Images of swimming sharks have been carved along its length so skillfully that they almost seem like part of the grain.
200k - Charl ring

a mother-of-pearl hair comb carved with tiny frolicking sea otters
50k - got it from a wavedancer quest

a silver-speckled blue veniom hairpin topped with a hollow glaes orb
75k - wearable lockpick

a dark leather bag swept with silver sigils

some crimson silk casting gloves with silvery sigils
100k - special scripts for pures

a heavy invar chain
100k - ring holder

a sinew-bound dark vest trimmed with tiny bones
50k - pin worn, vsa

a large silver candy tin
100k - makes candy 1x a day

a battered black drinking horn
>l horn
Molded from black steel, the wide drinking horn curves to a sharp tip. Covering the lip of the horn, black iron has been plated over the steel. Small nicks and dents mar the surface, telling of its years of use. Leather straps wrap the center of the horn, allowing it to be attatched to a belt.
200k - belt worn

a shoulder-slung ratty leather satchel emblazoned with an elaborate silver phoenix

a faded leather doublet stitched on the back with a brilliant phoenix
150k - pin worn, vsa

a pair of phoenix-embroidered fingerless silk gloves

a cracked leather belt affixed with rusty metal clips,
200k - holds a medium amount but only daggers. tap the belt and the dagger comes up into your hand

a rusted and battered steel bracer,
200k - same as above

a gold fertility bracelet
500k - very old and unique as far as I know.

a star-etched silver chart case
comes with: a creased and torn star chart
a heavy vellum map
300k - maps have a bunch of actions and the case itself has some as well

a black cotton knitting satchel embroidered with a silver crescent moon
comes with: 4 skeins of opalescent yarn
300k - found during the digging game at EG

a supple black leather satchel - 20k

a veniom-edged black leather staff harness - 20k

a ragged net pouch clasped with a coral fish - 50k

a twilight-hued supple leather longcoat - 30k

a golden spidersilk backpack -40k

a rugged weathered longcoat
The high collar of this garment has a golden phoenix on one side and a rolaren waraxe on the other, and you notice that if clasped, it would appear the phoenix is clutching the waraxe in its talons. This battered leather longcoat is covered with layers of dried mud and brambles and constant exposure to the harsh elements has somewhat bleached away its color. You notice the threads have become worn and frayed, and scorched in a few places.
250k - holds a large amount and closes

a gold-dusted white vultite sledgehammer - 100k

a drakar-edged mithglin war mattock
The solid oak haft of this war mattock has been wrapped in plaited leather thongs, alternating red and black to produce a checkered effect. The ends of the strips are knotted with beads of bones, perhaps as a tally of victories.
200k - 3x, fire flares

a gold-banded blue vultite yoribo -75k

a slender gold whistle - 40k

a glass-topped hurricane lamp - 40k

an ancient white modwir runestaff -75k, 4x

some burnished gold prayer beads - 30k

a glistening gold Phoen symbol - 30k

a thin twisted gold chain - 30k

a white ora and faewood runestaff -75k 4x

a polished russet kakore runestaff - 50k +12

a pair of glaes vaalin-trimmed bracers - 30k

a voluminous black stalking cloak - 30k