View Full Version : Campaigners give enclosure seal of disapproval

01-24-2006, 01:21 PM
I love this article in our local rag.
Mostly for the quote I have bolded at the end.

Animal rights activists and Green Party members staged a protest against a proposed seal enclosure.

The campaigners stood at the entrance to the Palace Pier, Brighton, and urged the public to sign a petition against the Sea Life Centre plans.

The Green Party voiced concern when proposals were submitted to Brighton and Hove City Council's planning committee by the Sea Life Centre in Marine Parade to build two pools at the entrance to its aquarium.

They are initially planned for use as an enclosure for two seals bred in captivity but permission is also being sought to keep penguins in case the centre decides to house some of the birds in the future.

Animal lovers claim the busy and noisy site is unsuitable to house any animal and are calling the move a retrograde step for animal rights.

About 500 people signed the petition to oppose the building of the pools during the protest on Saturday afternoon.

Green councillor Georgia Wrighton said: "The site is completely inappropriate for keeping seals.

"Imagine it on a bank holiday Monday ñ lots of cars, lots of people and alcohol-fuelled activity.

"I can just imagine a stag party thinking it would be a hilarious idea to steal a seal or a penguin.

"They may be captive seals that can't be released into the wild but there have to better places for enclosures than on the side of a busy road opposite the Palace Pier."

Alison Plaumer, 49, of Old Shoreham Road, Hove, said: "We are concerned about these plans and will fight to stop them."

Elizabeth Wakefield, 44, of Grange Road, Hove, said: "We fought against the dolphinarium at the Sea Life Centre about 15 years ago and were successful.

"We hope to achieve the same this time.

"I consider this completely the wrong place for seals or penguins."

Green Party national spokeswoman on animal rights Sue Baumgardt, 60, of Stoneham Road, Hove, said: "If this goes ahead, it could be a slippery slope.

"I believe it is purely a money-making endeavour."

The Sea Life Centre declined to comment but said a full statement and artists' impressions of the proposed enclosure would be released today.

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01-24-2006, 01:54 PM
Any place that houses seals will be a slippery slope.....fight the slippery slope!