View Full Version : New features that we like
01-24-2006, 10:35 AM
Just noticed a few things that seem pretty nice.
Hovering over a topic link will show a tooltip of the first few lines of the post.
Within each folder is a "Search this Forum" link to search just within this folder. Quicker then going to the search page and then choosing the forum you want to search from the long drop-down list.
U2U Folders, ftw.
Ignore lists have been mentioned, but they're worth mentioning again.
Member List actually goes somewhere when you click on the next page of a letter.
New Posts - saves me from scrolling down "Today's Posts" and trying to figure out if I'd read all the new posts.
U2U Folders
Ignore Lists
Different Fonts
IE Spell (spell checker option)
Better graphics
Did I mention BULLETS?!?!
The ability to see unread posts (in the Today's Posts section) by having them in bold.
Mouse over summary pop up window to read first paragraph of thread without opening it.
01-24-2006, 11:20 AM
Being able to pull up people's posts from their profile and getting a list of their posts, not just the thread name
I agree.. bullets!
Clicking on the replies number for the thread tells you who has posted and how many times (thought that was rather neat)
Being able to add a poll after the thread has started
New Posts that show me new posts since last login regardless of where that is (and going directly to them rather than starting at the beginning)
Private messages that can be downloaded
Being able to PM up to 5 people at once... sweet
Hovering over the title of the thread shows you the first line of the post... super sweet
02-03-2006, 04:57 PM
Kinda cool: I just noticed that we now have the option of rating threads from "Excellent" to "Terrible". Be nice if there was a filter option for filtering any threads below "Average". Mostly because there are certain topics of discussion I have no interest in reading and it would be nice if they weren't cluttering up my screen :P
02-03-2006, 05:36 PM
I'd also love to see a feature whereby one could filter entire folders from appearing on the Today's Posts page. For instance, some readers have zero interest in game mechanics or the merchant folder because they do not play GS any longer, etc. Being able to filter anything posted in the Political folder might thrill some readers as well (sorry Backlash et. al.).
02-03-2006, 06:02 PM
As an alternative in the meantime, what you can do is subscribe to the forum folder itself. Then you can go into your User CP and read only the stuff you subscribed to.
Subscribing is actually a neat tool on these forums once you play around with it.
02-03-2006, 07:13 PM
As an alternative in the meantime, what you can do is subscribe to the forum folder itself. Then you can go into your User CP and read only the stuff you subscribed to.
Subscribing is actually a neat tool on these forums once you play around with it.
Thanks CT. Goes to prove there IS more than one way to skin a cat :P
The only thing I like about these new boards is having a little check mark on the threads that I post in.
Other than that? There is not much difference.
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