View Full Version : I'm so 1337.

01-22-2006, 01:09 PM
omg so I totally fucked up a bunch of times but I think I've got this whole website thing down. It's set up on my PC, and therefore is only accessible when my system is up (which normally would be 99.9% uptime but is now much less because of the stupid increase in electricity prices /frown), but it's totally in 8374 ph453 and tells the story of a dumb girl in my school. Check it out!! (

I'm hoping I can actually do something almost useful with it, since its current state is nothing more than a quick joke.

01-22-2006, 01:32 PM
Too much time on your hands, chief.

01-22-2006, 10:56 PM
I expected more.

01-22-2006, 10:58 PM
I have put just as much time into the site as you think. I don't know what to use it for, though, to make it worth anything.

01-22-2006, 11:00 PM
You could be super nerdy and make a GS website.

01-22-2006, 11:02 PM
There's not much to make a site on that hasn't been done already. It would be more or less "This site is about GS.

The end."

01-23-2006, 11:28 PM
I have tried your link several times to no avail. how much is electricity per kilowatt in Mass? Can't you just steal your neighbour's electricity like other ghetto people?

01-24-2006, 12:00 AM
Forgot to update. I installed a new router today and my IP subsequently changed. The site can now be accessed through

01-24-2006, 01:05 AM
I am not sure l33t is the right word. I think lame would be more appropriate.

01-24-2006, 05:45 AM
Lame would be the right word if you ignored, "I'm hoping I can actually do something almost useful with it, since its current state is nothing more than a quick joke," as well the main success, "omg so I totally fucked up a bunch of times but I think I've got this whole website thing down. It's set up on my PC."

01-24-2006, 09:03 AM
I was just razzing you Bob. I am looking forward to seeing the improvements of your website and how you punk off your fellow students.

01-24-2006, 10:16 AM
I still say she's sorta cute in an abstract, 15-year-old sense.

01-24-2006, 12:14 PM
I still say she's sorta cute in an abstract, 15-year-old sense.

Pedophile alert....

01-24-2006, 12:27 PM
omg so I totally fucked up a bunch of times but I think I've got this whole website thing down. It's set up on my PC, and therefore is only accessible when my system is up (which normally would be 99.9% uptime but is now much less because of the stupid increase in electricity prices /frown), but it's totally in 8374 ph453 and tells the story of a dumb girl in my school. Check it out!! (

I'm hoping I can actually do something almost useful with it, since its current state is nothing more than a quick joke.

So the website server is your PC?
What did you need/need to do to set that up?

01-24-2006, 02:53 PM
Yeah, my PC is running as the web host. I use Windows XP Professional, which, if you have your Windows disk available, has Internet Information Services on it. You can install it in the Add/Remove Programs window. It's in Add/Remove Windows Components. It's very, very automated (which I love) so you basically just name it and add an index.htm (or whatever you want your default to be) in the root folder and work from there. Your site is located at http://ip.ip.ip.ip/ but if you use a router you probably have to configure port forwarding so that port 80 HTTP requests get forwarded to the correct internal IP. The only downfall to this is that when I restart my computer, if other internal IPs are in use because of the other computers on the network, I have to change the port forwarding to reflect it. Internal IP assignments in order instead of by port FTL.

01-25-2006, 04:16 AM
Have fun with it :)

01-25-2006, 06:10 AM
Yeah, my PC is running as the web host. I use Windows XP Professional, which, if you have your Windows disk available, has Internet Information Services on it. You can install it in the Add/Remove Programs window. It's in Add/Remove Windows Components. It's very, very automated (which I love) so you basically just name it and add an index.htm (or whatever you want your default to be) in the root folder and work from there. Your site is located at http://ip.ip.ip.ip/ but if you use a router you probably have to configure port forwarding so that port 80 HTTP requests get forwarded to the correct internal IP. The only downfall to this is that when I restart my computer, if other internal IPs are in use because of the other computers on the network, I have to change the port forwarding to reflect it. Internal IP assignments in order instead of by port FTL.
If you were truly 1337, you would assign local static IPs to fix this problem.

Noobs r funny.

01-25-2006, 06:19 AM
Yeah, I guess I would.

If that was possible.

02-13-2006, 08:17 PM
Yeah, I guess I would.

If that was possible.

Umm...do you know anything about computers? Why do you claim static IPs is not possible? I can set a static IP on my computer (WinXP) in about 10 seconds. Why can you not do the same?

02-13-2006, 08:21 PM
I've already set up a local static IP, but thanks for your concern.

Do you know anything about being not retarded?

02-13-2006, 08:31 PM
Any donations yet?

02-13-2006, 08:31 PM
Unfortunately, no.

02-13-2006, 08:36 PM
Not that it matters, but you have your full name and IP address posted for everyone to see.

02-13-2006, 08:45 PM
My name isn't in this thread and even though it was on my page the IP listed is not mine anymore.