View Full Version : My current favorite show of all time...

01-18-2006, 11:51 AM
I fucking LOVE this show...

Aqua Teen Hunger Force (http://www.adultswim.com/shows/athf/index.html)

Anyone else borderline obsessed like myself?

I used to be pretty into it, then moved and didnt have a TV or let alone time to scour the net for it. So I've taken like a, i dunno 4 month break from ATHF. Just finished downloading all 4 seasons last night, started watching some episodes I havent seen before and realized how much I missed this damn show.

Of course you pretty much have to smoke a bowl to get on the right wavelength, but when you do this show is godly.

I loved the curse of the mummy episode last night, hilarious. CUU-uuuurrrrrrse!? CURSE!

Then he's all bling blingin.

Also the popup ad's episode was fucking hilarious too, loved it. I love all their crazy wacky ideas that are unique and different.

Anyways, needless to say I'm tempted to decorate my "changing area" in my studio completely in ATHF shit. It's pretty cheap on ebay. I need to get some good ATHF shirts to sport here in the city too. Im also trying to find an ATHF appreciation group since I've only been in NYC for a few months and have only a few friends, and no one who appreciates smoking bowls and watching ATHF for hours.

01-18-2006, 12:05 PM
And as always, Meatwad gets the Honies.

01-18-2006, 12:11 PM
meatwads the shiznit, i can do a crazy meatwad impression. Everyone tries, but mine is almost identical.

01-18-2006, 12:12 PM
Despite a bunch of lame frylock references when I had my dred's I've never been able to get into this show.

01-18-2006, 12:22 PM
Yah it is a very strange show, I agree to that.

To be honest I thought it was fucking weird and dumb when I first saw it. Then I smoked a few bowls, gave it a chance, and now i'm obsessed.

It's not nearly as good when youre not high. But either way it usually doesnt make a good first impression on people.

Sean of the Thread
01-18-2006, 12:23 PM
Uhm nocurnutz drugs are bad mmmkay.

My favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm hands down.

01-18-2006, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Uhm nocurnutz drugs are bad mmmkay.

My favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm hands down.

Good to know the D.A.R.E. police dog scruffy McGee's propoganda is still solidly rooted in your psyche.

01-18-2006, 12:36 PM
Grey's Anatomy

01-18-2006, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix

Originally posted by Xyelin
Uhm nocurnutz drugs are bad mmmkay.

My favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm hands down.

Good to know the D.A.R.E. police dog scruffy McGee's propoganda is still solidly rooted in your psyche.

Good to know the hemp movement is still firmly rooted in yours.

01-18-2006, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Axhinde

Originally posted by nocturnix

Originally posted by Xyelin
Uhm nocurnutz drugs are bad mmmkay.

My favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm hands down.

Good to know the D.A.R.E. police dog scruffy McGee's propoganda is still solidly rooted in your psyche.

Good to know the hemp movement is still firmly rooted in yours.

Hemp? I have no use of hemp! And I take no part in its movement either! :lol:

01-18-2006, 01:08 PM
The absolute best show on TV right now is Project Runway on Bravo. Subjecting talented creative high-strung people to time pressure projects with someone getting eliminated after every project equals fascinating viewing. How can you not love a show where some six foot gay guy wearing five inch heels is bellowing in the background, "Where the HELL is my chiffon!", or the judge is telling the hapless loser that his model looks like "barefoot Appalachia Barbie".

Yeah, it's junky reality TV - but the designers really are talented people, and even the loser outfits are amazing considering how little time they have to create them. Some of the stuff they whip up is truly terrific. Given than it's an ordeal for me to put a button back on a shirt, I'm mesmerized by the level of construction skill on display.

Tonight's new episode has the designers creating a skating outfit for Sasha Cohen. I love ice skating, too! Sasha won the ladies US Nationals on Saturday and should be on the podium in Turin next month. Bravo at 10 pm. Check it out.

BTW - if you're into TV shows, even a little, check out televisionwithoutpity.com - they summarize several different shows, and the writing is consistently good. Their forums are pretty damn funny, too.

01-18-2006, 01:23 PM
Pft. Battlestar Gallactica FTW!

01-18-2006, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Pft. Battlestar Gallactica FTW!

Havent seen Battlestar Gallactica, only references in family guy. :)

If i had to pick a favorite show of the sci-fi genre, not counting cartoons(futurama ftw), I'd have to pick Farscape!

01-18-2006, 01:41 PM
I gave up on TV. My television is used solely for playing videogames and watching DVDs.

[Edited on 1-18-2006 by Warriorbird]

01-18-2006, 01:49 PM
Yah TV does suck.

I dont even own a TV, just download the few shows I actually like. Which are mostly adult cartoons.

01-18-2006, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Havent seen Battlestar GallacticaYour life is wholly without merit.

Seriously though, watch it. It's probably the best show of the decade.

01-18-2006, 02:50 PM
My current favorite show of all time...

... so which is it?

Current or of all time?

01-18-2006, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by nocturnix
Havent seen Battlestar GallacticaYour life is wholly without merit.

Seriously though, watch it. It's probably the best show of the decade.

Totally agree. You don't even have to get stoned to enjoy it. It's actually a good show.

01-18-2006, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

My current favorite show of all time...

... so which is it?

Current or of all time?

It is my favorite show of all time...currently.

My FSOAT changes a few times a year usually.