View Full Version : Idea for a Possible Elven PRO
01-08-2006, 11:25 PM
(Crossposted from the Officials, since not everyone reads there.)
I succumbed to the lure that is the Nalfein and rolled up a wizard a few weeks ago, and I must say that I'm absolutely enthralled. She is quickly becoming one of my favorites characters. My love for the character was such that I looked around for a PRO or some sort of organization to join, since playing a "proper" Elf is not exactly easy, and much easier when done with other people.
I found no active PROs, aside from militias, but they seemed far too focused for my character's taste.
That said, I'm wondering if there is anyone else who is interested in forming a PRO for Pure Elves (no Sylvans or Dark Elves), but with a much, much broader focus, that being anything and everything that is truly Elven.
01-08-2006, 11:32 PM
I like the idea. I thought about it myself a while ago. Something I could see putting Axhinde into.
01-08-2006, 11:36 PM
Exactly what is the draw of the Nalfein elves?
01-08-2006, 11:37 PM
They wear pretty clothes?
01-08-2006, 11:42 PM
01-09-2006, 12:38 AM
Nalfein are creatures of intrigue. They are always scheming and double-dealing. Think of them as how one would view the aristocracy of some older monarchies.
01-09-2006, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
Nalfein are creatures of intrigue. They are always scheming and double-dealing. Think of them as how one would view the aristocracy of some older monarchies.
That's a good bit of it. I'm also strongly attracted by the element of subterfuge while maintaining a refined culture. I play my girl as a true Lady: polite, quiet, cultured and so on, but she's always scheming, no matter what.
01-09-2006, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Axhinde
I like the idea. I thought about it myself a while ago. Something I could see putting Axhinde into.
:hands you hair dye:
Sean of the Thread
01-09-2006, 08:09 AM
I will form a PRO for only DE Sorcs(if I can find any other ones) and we will 111 till you are crisp if you form a nalfien group.
I started a Nalfein COL sorcerer in Ta'Vaalor with the intent to play exactly how you describe though maybe a little more outspoken and confrontational. Wasn’t enjoying the sorc thing so I went Vaaloran Voln paladin and toned it down a bit. Im definitely interested in a pure elf PRO and from what I see on the boards there are some others.
Its a tough concept to play in GS for two main reasons. One is that many people just play to have fun and dont get the deep roleplay aspect. Ta'Vaalor is a newbie drop so that compounds it. The other is that unless there is some GM support either through roleplay or implementation of a system of government/nobility/or official player law enforcement there wont be a whole heck of a lot of political maneuvering for the players to do.
I am enjoying myself so I might activate for a few months. If you need help founding it Im all in. I was about to join Crimson Ravens but would rather start up the pure elf thing.
01-09-2006, 08:51 AM
Sorcerer and Paladin don't really fit my idea of a Nalfein, though RP justifications will allow for just about anything.
A rogue, of course, is a classic profession for that culture. I believe a ranger, or a warrior would fit nicely as so long as one worked to keep each more sophisticated than bash this, or tree-hug that.
For pures, I could possibly see a wizard, though walking about with a layer stone covering your body? Sounds a bit odd for a Nalfein.
Nothing is odd for a Nalfein. I think they're the most versatile of the Houses, although I guess I'm biased. Anything might suit their needs as a whole people.
Individually, they are people. What if a Nalfein were grasping for power by any means necessary? I could see turning to sorcery easily. Ditto for paladin, turning to a dark god. Or even a light one. Not all Nalfein are evil, just the most prominent ones have been.
Yeah, playing a proper sort lord or lady in GS can be very tedious. Your character doesn't get to cut loose like the others do. There are discussion topics, sadly common, that your character must refrain from. Other players get in the way of playing that sort of aristocracy either through ignorance or malice. Courtship isn't as free with nobles as it is for all the huggykissylicky types and a large majority of people will think they're just uptight. Your character can't say all the sarcastic and/or mean things you might think up yourself, because there are rigid rules of behavior that don't necessarily allow that.
And really, there's only so much tea your character can drink at proper little tea dates before you want to kill. Ahem. These are just the frustrations and challenges I've faced with Lysistrata, though. I guess others' mileage may vary.
01-09-2006, 12:13 PM
I don't really see any profession couldn't be played with Nalfein considerations.
Miss X
01-09-2006, 12:24 PM
I'd definitely be interested. I started a Nalfein wizard a couple of months ago, she's just about to hit 20. It's definitely been much harder to make friends than it was with Chica because I try to avoid hugging and smooching and all that. More of a challenge though compared to my normal huggy cute halfling thing.
Let me know if you decide to set it up Gretchen, I'd totally join! :)
01-09-2006, 12:57 PM
My Nalfein, is in fact is a sweet sensitive little thing. With a bleeding heart for the world around her (empath). She does no plotting or schemeing... but she does like fashion. ;)
I would be interested in an elven PRO I was chatting with Ranad's player about it in the Gemstone chat room a month back. I think it's a great idea.
01-09-2006, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Sorcerer and Paladin don't really fit my idea of a Nalfein, though RP justifications will allow for just about anything.
A rogue, of course, is a classic profession for that culture. I believe a ranger, or a warrior would fit nicely as so long as one worked to keep each more sophisticated than bash this, or tree-hug that.
For pures, I could possibly see a wizard, though walking about with a layer stone covering your body? Sounds a bit odd for a Nalfein.
I chose a wizard for my Nalfein because of the RP I have set for her. I see her as a proper Lady (As Dex outlined). Because of that, I imagine she views physical combat as being too "messy" or something below her. Getting all sweaty by swinging a weapon just won't do. I could have played an archer, but I preferred a spellcaster.
That leaves a pure. Sorcery was too Faendryl, while I don't see her as being religious, so no cleric. No way would I see her as being an empath to get herself all bloody and sharing her body with others.
That left a wizard, which is doubly good because she can cultivate an innocent appearance while still being quite dangerous. I take it further by hiding a number of daggers on her.
01-09-2006, 02:30 PM
Exactly. Summoning demons and having animated creatures following you about doesn't strike me as all that "Nalfein" to me.
The Nalfein, along with most other pure elves are not devout creatures. It goes against the foundations of their culture to worship the Arkati as all-out gods. You can always play the, "I am just exploiting so-and-so for my own ends" role, I suppose, though that takes away alot of what the Paladin is. Clerics will face the same problems.
Empaths are constantly going to be covered in blood and gore if they heal, which is a bit of a stretch for the profession? Cheapening themselves by taking the injuries of Dhe'nar and halflings? A Nalfein?
01-09-2006, 02:42 PM
My Paladin is Vaalor, and he is not the worshipping type. Like most pure elves, the relationship he has with his deity is one of respect through actions, and not praying at a temple. Just because you play a paladin/cleric does not mean you have to be "Oh ye of little faith, the hammer of my god will smite thee in thine underpants." Likewise, not all sorcerers should be played as necrophiliac practicing, demonic Satanists whose sole purpose is world domination and instilling utter terror.
01-09-2006, 02:55 PM
Don't mind my rotting corpse of a body guard, my fellow sophisticates. You will all grow quite used to the stench in time.
As I said, you can RP a forest gnome as a Nalfein if you wish, though some professions/cultures just click better than others.
01-09-2006, 03:05 PM
I guess I should stave off the flood of "You can take your judgemental attitude and shove it" posts by saying I am only expressing my opinion. I believe that certain professions/magics suit the Nalfein, and some do not.
If you can make a Nalfein sorcerer/cleric/paladin work without too many compromises and concessions, more power to you.
01-09-2006, 03:05 PM
I guess I should stave off the flood of "You can take your judgemental attitude and shove it" posts by saying I am only expressing my opinion. I believe that certain professions/magics suit the Nalfein, and some do not.
If you can make a Nalfein sorcerer/cleric/paladin work without too many compromises and concessions, more power to you.
Originally posted by Fallen
Don't mind my rotting corpse of a body guard, my fellow sophisticates. You will all grow quite used to the stench in time.
As I said, you can RP a forest gnome as a Nalfein if you wish, though some professions/cultures just click better than others.
Ok, I can understand why no elf but Faendryl would be a sorcerer. But in the grand scheme of things, wouldn’t clerics and empaths be a necessity along with warriors in the countless wars they've had?
Also, I don't recall where in the docs Ive read that elves would not worship Arkati. I never played and elf and only started playing again after many years hiatus. If someone could point my to some more detailed elf stuff it would be great.
01-09-2006, 05:08 PM
Also, I don't recall where in the docs Ive read that elves would not worship Arkati. I never played and elf and only started playing again after many years hiatus. If someone could point my to some more detailed elf stuff it would be great. >>
Heh, guess I should read a little more closely.
The Seven Cities, established about fifty thousand years after the Ur-Daemon war ended, provided the center of the Elven Empire. Each House of Elves declared patrons, Arkati that they respected and honored, and built temples in which to leave tributes of appreciation. However, this should not be mistaken for worship. They treated their chosen Arkati as casual vassals might treat an undemanding liege.
Today, Elven religion is little changed. They worship no god, but pay respect to their given patrons. Some few Elves have experienced epiphanies, coming out the other side nearly zealots. Other have casual deity/worshipper relationships with Arkati, enough, at least, to be given clerical magics by their chosen god. Mostly, however, Elves believe that the one thing worth worship is their own personal initiative.
Vaalor patrons include Koar, Phoen, Kai and Eonak. They actively dislike Oleani, Charl, Cholen and Tonis. Of the lesser gods, they also respect Voln, and some female Vaalor warriors align with Leya as well.
Nalfein patrons include Ronan, Charl, Tonis, Fash'lo'nae and Andelas. Given their pursuits, they consider it strategically poor to actively dislike any deity. Of the lesser gods, they respect Onar.
Ok, my Vaaloran paladin of Koar isn't too far off.
01-09-2006, 05:28 PM
<< A Paladin is a martial champion sworn to the service of a patron Arkati, serving both as the fighting arm to slay those who would oppose the patron deity and as the defender of the deity's faithful servants. In recognition of the service of the champion, the patron Arkati grants powerful spiritual abilities to enhance and protect the Paladin on the field of battle. Through close, physical combat, Paladins conquer their foes with force, supplemented by spells of the spiritual magic sphere. To aid with their constant fighting on behalf of their patrons, Paladins have learned to wear heavy armors and are skilled with all of the melee combat forms. >>
It could work, I suppose, but you are going to have an issue of split loyalty. With the Nalfein, one imagines most would be hesitent to swear service to ONE particular arkati, and place their needs above that of the House. Interesting RP comes from conflictions and contradictions.
[Edited on 1-9-2006 by Fallen]
01-09-2006, 08:47 PM
Separation of church and state. Wonder if GS monarchies have the same attitude?
Originally posted by Axhinde
Separation of church and state. Wonder if GS monarchies have the same attitude?
Well, Axhinde hangs around with a half-elf. Not sure how you are going to roleplay a shift of beliefs all of a sudden.
It would be very cool to start a PRO with the intent of rejoining all the elven houses, except for those undead loving dark elves.\.
01-09-2006, 09:28 PM
I'd like to know where the shift of beliefs starts, since you know so much about my character.
Originally posted by Axhinde
I'd like to know where the shift of beliefs starts, since you know so much about my character.
You and Alflue witnessed her kill a pure elf, so it surprises me you think your char will fit into this sort of PRO.
01-09-2006, 09:36 PM
What sort of PRO is it? I don't think I read the part where it said "You must take every player's side over your friends who plays an elf." Other than that, I don't have time to look at everybody in the room, if I did witness it which I may have then I probably wasn't looking at the time.
I really don't follow Simu's sloppily written culture histories to the T like most would expect from people. I believe the best part of Gemstone comes from playing a part outside the norm, which I have done with Axhinde for a while. He's Vaalor, but events in his life have made him a highly tolerant one. If that makes me a shitty Vaalor elf, I can live with that.
01-09-2006, 09:51 PM
Please. My Nalfien wouldn't hesitate to poison another elf if they pissed her off enough.
01-09-2006, 10:07 PM
My girl wouldn't have a problem killing someone if the situation called for it. She would be careful to plan it well, however. Some things have to be kept private, of course.
As for the purpose of the PRO, this is not just a Nalfein group, though it sounds like a lot of the people play them. In a word, stolen shamelessly from Dex, it would celebrate the awesomeness that is Elves.
01-09-2006, 10:55 PM
It would be very cool to start a PRO with the intent of rejoining all the elven houses, except for those undead loving dark elves.\.
Better yet, bring back House Chesylcha and reunite the whole empire. 'cause us darkies want to play too.
01-10-2006, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
Empaths are constantly going to be covered in blood and gore if they heal, which is a bit of a stretch for the profession? Cheapening themselves by taking the injuries of Dhe'nar and halflings? A Nalfein?
See here, I don't find this to be a problem, my Nalfein is a rebel in that respect, but she is always a lady, even when crippled. If someone comes off as Dhe'nar to her, she won't heal them. She is afraid of Dhe'nar.
01-10-2006, 07:52 AM
<< my Nalfein is a rebel in that respect, >>
My case in your point.
You should all just be rapier using, ambushing rogues. Every last one of you.
[Edited on 1-10-2006 by Fallen]
Horf. I do know a Nalfein elf, Lysistrata's handmaid/bodyguard, who is an ambushing rogue. But she uses two sais. Although I don't actually know too many other Nalfein rogues (half-elf Nalfein rogues, yes, but they don't count) I find it very tempting to roll one up for a single reason: Rogue Gambits. Mmm, invisible movements.
Originally posted by Viridian
If someone comes off as Dhe'nar to her, she won't heal them. She is afraid of Dhe'nar. That is more pratical than flat out refusing to heal someone because they identify with the Dhe'nar culture.
I like that line of thinking better simply because although Voldermort is Dhe'nar, you'd never know it just from initial interactions with him. He is much more than Dhe'nar and those other attributes allow him to function with others in the world of Elanthia, and the focus is not so much on his cultural label.
Went to a Golden Hawks meeting last night. I'm not completely familiar with the history of this PRO just yet. Apparently they formed from a GM run group (Golvern Wyverns?), went into absentia, and are now resuming. They are a militia based group and only pure elves can join. Dark elves are excluded.
They have a topic in the PRO folder on the Official boards and a Golden Hawks ( website.
02-09-2006, 03:07 PM
The Golden Hawks are a great group, if they can survive, but that is not something I'm looking for. Understand that there is more to the Elves than just fighting! Only the Vaalor are so focused on the military. What I am looking for is a group that explores all facets of Elven life, including the military, but not limited to that in the least.
I've put some work into drawing up a charter, but I keep getting sidetracked by the Wavedancer. Feh. Once it's over, I'll be able to jump into it headlong.
02-09-2006, 05:00 PM
Apparently they formed from a GM run group (Golvern Wyverns?), went into absentia, and are now resuming.
The Golden Hawks were formed by players, but because of their assistance with the GSS, and were officially recognized as part of the Vaalor militia by the King of Vaalor.
As for the Golvern Wyverns, they haven't been seen as of yet, but their purpose in the Vaalorian army is to be the Vaalorian King's guardsmen. They are the best of the best elves. The two groups aren't connected really, except for them both being part of the Vaalorian army.
02-09-2006, 10:42 PM
Actually, I believe you have it backwards on the Hawks. The GMs started the Hawks during the GSS, and the players took it from there. Same happened for the Crimson Ravens.
Ok, just found out someone is in the process of getting a pure elven social PRO together.
House of Ka'lethas (
Are you sure this House of Ka'lethas is a recent idea, or that it's still being followed through with? Because on the website it lists Jacina as secretary and her player left GS months ago. In fact, she didn't play Jacina much at all, prefering Uniana, heh.
Yeah, I was told its a bit dated. I know the player who is starting it plays fairly regularly.
02-10-2006, 05:54 PM
House Ka'Lethas, so Tsalim says on the boards, is in the process of being restarted. From reading over the charter and the site, however, I get the feeling it's mostly an "old boy's club" type thing. Nice, but gets boring fast.
Meantime, I've been thinking of setting up a meeting to discuss the PRO, such as structure, events, etc. All those who are interested, please contact me either through e-mail or IM to let me know that you're interested and which times work well for you.
Sounds cool. Maybe set up a chatroom meeting.
I haven't played in years, and when I did it was pretty off-the-cuff and not well roleplayed, so take my opinions for what they are for GS. I will say I learned what real roleplay is in other games since then and I love brainstorming so count me in with all that considered.
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