View Full Version : No longer allowed to find out if the janitor got something?

01-07-2006, 03:51 PM
So, as some of you may know, I lost a Siegery set in Ta'Vaalor yesterday. Dunno if I dropped the case it was in, put the case in a cloak on the bench instead of my cloak, or what. It was an extremely bad night for me, typing wise.

In any case, I assisted immediately, and got it answered today. I figured that they could at least tell me if it was picked by up by the janitor, so I knew whether to bug other people in Vaalor or not. (I believe I had forgotten to register the pieces, so I didn't really have any hope of reclaiming it if the janitor had picked it up.) However, I was told that I couldn't be given even this information, which doesn't jive with what I read on the boards. This seems like one extremely stupid policy change to me, or there's some bad information somewhere.

Here's the log: (I'm in the middle of doing step 25 for Voln, so hence on the ferry.)

*** Host Khana is here to answer your assist. ***

Khana smiles.
Khana says, "Hello Kembal."
Khana joins your group.
The elven captain gestures at the dock and says, "Up Sylvarraend Road, you'll find our brothers, the Illistim. A bit bookish, but generally hospitable."
You say, "Hi."
The boat slowly heads towards shore.
Khana smiles.
[script paused, Esc to continue]
Khana asks, "You had a problem with some minatures?"
You say, "Yes."
The boat carefully pulls up to the dock.
>"My ironwood case containing my set of kobold Siegery minatures was lost in Vaalor's VC last night
You say, "My ironwood case containing my set of kobold Siegery minatures was lost in Vaalor's VC last night."
An elven crewmember picks up an end of a rope and scrambles onto the dock. He quickly and securely ties the rope to one of the pillars on the dock.
>"I'm not certain if I dropped it, or put it in a cloak on the bench, or what happened
You say, "I'm not certain if I dropped it, or put it in a cloak on the bench, or what happened."
An elven crewmember scrambles back onto the boat and lowers the gangplank.
>"I only noticed it when I went to play a game later
You say, "I only noticed it when I went to play a game later."
[Lake of Fear, North Dock]
Finely-carved modwir posts support the weight of the fel boards that form the floor of the dock. The boards are fastened securely to the posts with a thick rope twined between each board. The gentle sway of the dock causes a light creaking sound as the waves brush against the posts. A cobblestone path leads away from the dock back towards the village. You also see a wooden sign, a gangplank and a ferry boat.
Also here: a few others
Obvious paths: none
Khana followed.
You quietly whisper to Khana, "So I wanted to check if the janitor picked it up or not."
Khana whispers, "Since others cannot touch your minatures, it would have had to have been the janitor that got it."
You quietly whisper to Khana, "But the problem is, they were in one of those repair cases, a sturdy ironwood case."
You quietly whisper to Khana, "I think other players could have picked that up."
Khana whispers, "Ah I see."
Khana whispers, "I apoligze, it is our policy that we cannot reveal to players whether the janitor picked up an item, or whether it was another player that did so."
You quietly whisper to Khana, "Really? I thought I read on the boards that other players have had something like this happen, and a GM was able to check for them."
Khana whispers, "I have been told straight out by a GM several times that we will not tell this to players. The point of confusion usually is that a LONG time ago, I believe we would tell this to players, but the policy has changed."
You quietly whisper to Khana, "Ah, dang. It'd have made my life easier if I knew had to track a player down or not, but ok."
Khana whispers, "I'm very sorry for the bad news, were these minatures registered?"
You quietly whisper to Khana, "I am not certain, but I have a bad feeling that I didn't register them, since I hadn't registered my other two sets."
Khana whispers, "It's especially important to register all your minatures in case you lose them through a game crash, I notice you have some others on you, so be SURE to register em."
Khana whispers, "If not, even it's a crash and our fault we won't be able to replace them."
You quietly whisper to Khana, "Ok, I'll be sure to do that."
Khana whispers, "I'm sorry again Kembal, did you have any other questions for me today?"
You quietly whisper to Khana, "Nope, that was it. Thank you."
Khana whispers, "Best of luck."
Khana smiles.
Khana waves.
You wave to Khana.
Khana vanishes in a puff of smoke!

01-07-2006, 03:59 PM
I guess the answer to your question is, "nope!"

I've lost two runestaves (one that was a really cool one off the shelf from EG '04) because I was retarded enough to put them somewhere I shouldn't have. I lost a really cool alteration that way, too. Oh well!


01-07-2006, 04:12 PM
I think his point is they used to tell us if player got the item or if the janitor got the item... and they have done such within the past months...

But all of a sudden no they won't tell us...

I know they have done it in the past 6 months because I asked and was told about an item I had dropped.

Shrug depends on who you assist with I guess.


01-07-2006, 04:34 PM
You can always reassist and ask to speak with a GameMaster. I've had situations in the past where a GameMaster will tell you if it was lost to the janitor. I am guessing it matters with who you get to answer.

01-07-2006, 04:50 PM
To loose a siegery set is quite a nuisance, feel for ya!

01-07-2006, 05:45 PM
My guess is she misunderstood what you were asking for. She may have thought you were looking for a player who picked them up, and if that's the case I'm pretty sure they won't tell you.

I can't imagine why they wouldn't tell you if the janitor got it though.

01-07-2006, 11:00 PM
In my experience, it's always good to ask for a referral. You've got nothing to lose but another 2 or 3 minutes.

01-07-2006, 11:03 PM
Most will tell you if a janitor did pick it up. If they won't, then 9/10 times a player snagged it.

01-08-2006, 12:02 AM
Reassisted, got Host Valcole. Wrote up a referral for me for a GM to check into it.

Hopefully I'll get an answer.

01-08-2006, 09:38 AM
Valcole for teh win

01-08-2006, 01:11 PM
I would have asked to speak with a GM. Hosts are useless most of the time.

01-11-2006, 12:00 AM
Update: GM Kaikala just answered my referral, doesn't appear that the janitor picked it up, though it has been a few days and it could've been cleared out. Probably some player has it.

I'm just hoping it's a friend of mine that hasn't been able to logon the past few days. Otherwise....crap.

GM Kaikala was very nice though about the whole thing.

01-11-2006, 01:26 AM
I've lost a really nice lance, and a pair of altered sandals that way. They were even registered and I still got a "no".


01-11-2006, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Kembal
Update: GM Kaikala just answered my referral, doesn't appear that the janitor picked it up, though it has been a few days and it could've been cleared out. Probably some player has it.

I'm just hoping it's a friend of mine that hasn't been able to logon the past few days. Otherwise....crap.

GM Kaikala was very nice though about the whole thing.

Did you post on the officials about it?
Sometimes you get stuff back that way

01-11-2006, 09:00 AM
I had an eyebrow ring about 7 years ago (back when they were very very rare) and logged on my character and found it missing and assisted and every then they wouldn't tell me what happend. I since found out by my own means, but even then they wouldn't tell me.

01-11-2006, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by Kembal
Update: GM Kaikala just answered my referral, doesn't appear that the janitor picked it up, though it has been a few days and it could've been cleared out. Probably some player has it.

I'm just hoping it's a friend of mine that hasn't been able to logon the past few days. Otherwise....crap.

GM Kaikala was very nice though about the whole thing.

Did you post on the officials about it?
Sometimes you get stuff back that way

Hmm...my reply didn't make it.

Anyway, yes, I did post on the officials in the Ta'Vaalor topic and the Lost and Found topic.

[Edited on 1-11-2006 by Kembal]

01-11-2006, 11:42 AM
Registering everything is important. Not using your one time replacement on something pointless is also important.

The Ponzzz
01-12-2006, 03:02 AM
Had this happen with a discus... Jharra replaced it... She told me it was lost to the jant... But it was SUPPOSE to be hurled!

02-07-2006, 11:36 PM
Heh Kyalia's told me that I missed putting something in my bin and janitor got it... She also gave it back to me... :D It all depends on who you talk to...

02-09-2006, 11:36 AM
Hmm, I'd forgotten about this thread...well, on a really cool note, Pridering went and got me another kobold set out of the player shops and gave it to me. Didn't even want to be paid for it. "Really nice of him" is an understatement. :)

02-09-2006, 11:46 AM
Registering everything is important. Not using your one time replacement on something pointless is also important.

wait, we get a one time replacement on lost items?

Also, agreed with what OreoElf said. It does depend on who answers your referral. With that said, GM Varulv and GM Kyalia are both really nice about things like that :D

02-09-2006, 11:57 AM
You get a replacement on registered lost items...any number...once....for one incident.

02-09-2006, 04:05 PM
Again, your mileage will vary here, depending on who you get. I lost an altered wickedly curved faenor waraxe through a time warp. While they did replace it, they refused to redo the alter. The waraxe also came back without an enchanter's glyph on it.