View Full Version : House of the Argent Aspis' Festival of Learning

01-06-2006, 07:01 AM
Time: 10:00 PM EST

Location: House Aspis is located on the east side of town over the bridge.

General Info: Come join House Aspis in this month's Festival of Learning. Will you race about town for knowledge or show off your moves in a game of "Dragon Says"? Perhaps this time they will play their famous "Spin the Tale of the Dragon"? Come and join in the fun!

Everyone is welcome on the first Day of the Huntress (Friday) of each month at 10:00 PM Elven (Eastern) time. The house is located on the east side of town over the bridge, just south of the shopping district. Come out and have fun with the dragon sibs of House of the Argent Aspis!

Lady Landrai Verethundi
Argent Bursar
House of the Argent Aspis