View Full Version : War of Nations

01-15-2003, 06:14 PM
The War of Nations · on 12/19/2002 3:03:25 PM 249

In later times historians would call the year 5103 a dark year; a year fraught with chaos and strife. It began simply enough, with the arrival of a blue-tailed comet. For the Trolls, the comet was an augury that called forth half-remembered prophecies and legends. The Krolvin hailed the celestial event as a harbinger of victories to come. The Elves looked upon it with little more than mild intellectual curiosity. To the Empress of the Turamzzyrian Empire, beginning her tenth year on the throne, the comet was a sign of the blessing of the gods. But to her vassal, the Baron Hochstib... it meant war.

Coming in January 2003,
GemStone III presents: "The War of Nations"


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, War of Nations. TO discuss the above follow the LINK below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&CATEGORY=6&TOPIC=40&MESSAGE= 215

01-15-2003, 06:15 PM
Posted by Simu-Melissa:
The War of Nations is a new event which is currently in development. We should see it rolled out next month.

This is a bit early to get started talking about an event, however, I'm eager to begin promoting it. Aside from what the staff called "The Big Bug" event, I have never been close to being so excited about an event.

This will be the first project of the newly formed RP Event Team. Each member of the team was selected for their special talents in envisioning, developing and deploying detailed and thrilling storylines. So I know the event is in good hands.

While I clearly cannot get into the plot of the event, I am glad to say that the creators of the event have managed to include a number of elements which I have been hoping for for a very long time:

* a plotline relevant to the world, it's cultures and politics
* an event that will involve most areas of the world, most of the time, but in different ways
* increased involvement with various player run organizations (mechanical, social, unofficial, what-ever) yet does not REQUIRE membership in any of such.

This is the most ambitious event we have attempted to this date. I have great hopes for it, and I hope that you will all be highly entertained.


Create a unique character, choose your side, and then prepare for the fight of your life.


The War of Nations · on 12/19/2002 3:03:25 PM 5

In later times historians would call the year 5103 a dark year; a year fraught with chaos and strife. It began simply enough, with the arrival of a blue-tailed comet. For the Trolls, the comet was an augury that called forth half-remembered prophecies and legends. The Krolvin hailed the celestial event as a harbinger of victories to come. The Elves looked upon it with little more than mild intellectual curiosity. To the Empress of the Turamzzyrian Empire, beginning her tenth year on the throne, the comet was a sign of the blessing of the gods. But to her vassal, the Baron Hochstib... it meant war.

Coming in January 2003,
GemStone III presents: "The War of Nations"


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, War of Nations. TO discuss the above follow the LINK below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&CATEGORY=6&TOPIC=40&MESSAGE= 215

01-15-2003, 06:16 PM
Sharing Information about the "War of Nations" · on 1/6/2003 3:03:54 PM 255

One of the biggest obstacles in running a long-term event, is keeping the population at large informed about specific occurrences and plot developments as they happen. All too often players are unaware of events that transpire and as a result, they simply loose track of the storyline. This leads to their feeling uninvolved, and they quickly loose interest. This can be referred to as "A Bad Thing".
Generally, our goal when we provide a longterm event is to involve as many people as possible. We would be perfectly thrilled if every single player had a part in the event and actively followed the storyline. (Yes, I realize this is unrealistic, but hey, lofty goals can only help us to improve, right!) ;-)

In the past we've tried to aid information tracking by:

* creating in-game "message boards" (which were too small to serve as a review of an entire storyline)
* create and update webpages (which took so much staff time, that they were distracted from actually RUNNING the event)
* creating in-game newspapers (which don't receive enough submissions to keep proper track of storylines, although it has merits of it's own)
* creating special topics and/or categories in the message boards (which receive so much traffic discussing the merits of the event that the actual storyline gets lost)

For the War of Nations, we will be employing some of these methods, but we're also going to try something new. We've had a long partnership with Adam Brown (aka Spunn) who brought GemStone Radio to life. Now, we're going to renew that partnership in order to bring you more information about the War of Nations, via his new website http://www.gs3news.com (GemStone III News.)

His new website is currently tracking all GS3 information, however, in a week or so, he'll be releasing some additional tools to track events, and the War of Nations storylines specifically. As our GMs update our websites, create newspaper articles, and post on our forums, we'll send Spunn copies of all the information so that he can add them to his website. However, this project will only work if you, the players, help by reporting the news and information about the War of Nations that you come across to Spunn, as well. Spunn's team will then be able to collect the information and distribute it in such a way that the storyline updates are maintained, allowing the users to add comments on individual happenings, while our forums can be used for "general discussion" of the event itself.

Together, by cooperating and sharing resources, tools, and information, we can make this the most inclusive event GemStone III has ever seen.

Thank you for your help and may the War of Nations be as much fun for everyone as we envision. ;-)


PS Spunn has assured me that he can also provide tracking for the Platinum events, which will not be entirely the same as the Prime events.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, War of Nations. TO discuss the above follow the LINK below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&CATEGORY=6&TOPIC=40&MESSAGE= 539