View Full Version : Before I click 'create'...

01-04-2006, 04:04 PM
So I've been itching to play again (go figure), and came up with an idea for a warrior. I'd like to get some feedback from you all though.

This will be a half-elf.

Let's get stats out of the way first:

Str: 80
Con: 91
Dex: 31
Agl: 68
Dis: 70
Aur: 89
Log: 94
Int: 23
Wis: 89
Inf: 25

Obviously, these stats are TP maxxed. I decided to go this route rather than stat maxing because the ROI of stat maxing is quite significant. All but 4 stats will hit 100 (dex [89], dis [95], int [75], inf [79]). I figure I can live with it, either way.

Now, skills:

Armor Use: 3x till 80
Shield Use: 2x, upping to 3x as points allow for redux
Edged: 2x
Brawl: 2x
CM: 2x
MOC: 80 ranks (for focused 4x attack, correct me if I am incorrect about ranks)
PF: 3x
Dodge: Basically .5x till 20, then ramped up to 1.5x plus by cap
Climb: 40 ranks
Swim: 30 ranks

I figure this build to be rather bland at first, but at around 50+ this guy will be a demi-god. I figure to use CM ranks mostly for disabling techs as defense will most likely never be a problem, especially early on since this guy should be in brig just barely out of the gate.

Give me some quick feedback before I go ahead with this? Thanks.

01-04-2006, 04:19 PM
Well, I'm not so keen on your dodge being that low. Keep in mind that dodge will give you more DS per train than shield. I would drop your shield to whatever you have to to have dodge be at least 1x.

I'm all for max TP plans, but I would start INT and DEX at more around 40 at least, a little compromise in a plan like that goes a long way. Dex is your main stat for voln fu which I assume you'll be doing since you are brawling.

Good luck.

01-04-2006, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Gilgamesh
This will be a half-elf.

Str: 80
Con: 91
Dex: 31
Agl: 68
Dis: 70
Aur: 89
Log: 94
Int: 23
Wis: 89
Inf: 25

Now, skills:
Armor Use: 3x till 80
Shield Use: 2x, upping to 3x as points allow for redux
Edged: 2x
Brawl: 2x
CM: 2x
MOC: 80 ranks (for focused 4x attack, correct me if I am incorrect about ranks)
PF: 3x
Dodge: Basically .5x till 20, then ramped up to 1.5x plus by cap
Climb: 40 ranks
Swim: 30 ranks

First off, drop your LOG down a bit and bring your INT up. Level your INT and DEX out at about 40 each, at least. You can most likely drop your CON by 5 or so, AUR can go down to 80-85'ish, WIS can go down by 5-10...get the tanked DEX and INT up (INF isn't as much of a problem).

Second...drop PF down to 2x. 3x'ing in PF is damn expensive, and if you need the points for other things, it isn't worth it. You can always stick extra points here, after all your other skills are levelled. Shield use should be just fine at 2x, since it doesn't add as much DS as doging does....and speaking of dodging, get that up to at least 1x, if not more! Climbing and swimming aren't too much of a priority until your 30's or so...get up to 15-20 in them, and then let them be until you hit Rift/OTF age. If you have spare TP's, get some Arcane Symbols and/or First Aid (if you're going the Voln route). Symbols is good for getting into the Broken Lands, spellburst, and being able to read scrolls (the Broken Lands takes 15 or so ranks). First Aid is good for tending yourself if your bleeding out in the field.

01-04-2006, 06:14 PM
Okay, here's a different idea, aka version 1.1:

Tanked stats, with all 100 except Int (98) and Inf (84).


Armor Use: 80 ranks
Shield Use: 3x
Edged: 2x
Brawl: 2x
CM: 2x
MOC: 80 ranks
PF: 3x
Dodge: 1.3x
Climb: 40 ranks
Swim: 30 ranks
Arcane Symbols: 15 ranks

Okay, I crunched some numbers and it seems that I'll be able to do pretty much what I want with the TP's I have available by min/maxing, so now I'll have balanced stats. Also, I understand that dodge gives more DS per rank than shield use, but it also costs more than twice the amount of tp per rank. It's a judgement call, but I think I'll stick with shield, since with this plan I can use a tower equally as effective as a medium shield.

Taking some of your advice, I've also included 15 ranks of AS which I can get pretty early, so I can have those knocked out by level 22.

With this version I backed off MOC, just getting 5 ranks until I'm finished with armor use training, then I can beef it up and get focused mstrike right around 30. Spreading out climb/swim also helped conserve tp's for earlier use for more combat related abilities.

My decision to 3x PF stands for pure redux purposes. No other ability combination with 8/0 cost gives me more, and I don't see any other significant use for the tps, so they are stuck there for now. Of course, with the new balanced stats, I can't ramp that up over 2x until past 30, so a lot of things can change between now and then.

Also, I can find no use for first aid, as this character is likely to be a herbivore (yes, I understand I will have rt with herbs without FA). When the rubber meets the road, however, I doubt I'll have too many problems with wounds with a shield and high redux.

This should serve to be an interesting challenge, at least during the first 20 or so levels. a -5 str penalty on a warrior is pretty lolztastic early on, but I'm sure I can overcome that. Wish me luck, all!

01-04-2006, 06:23 PM
I think you may be overestimating the amount of redux you'll get from 3x PF as compared to 2x and putting those points into other combat skills.

01-04-2006, 07:06 PM
3x shield? You're much better off dropping down to 2x, bringing dodge up to 2x which is still excessive if you're 2xing shield. Drop Climbing and Swiming down to 25-30 ranks, you don't need more than that and they no longer count towards redux. Get 140 ranks at least to wear full plate, a warrior without it is no warrior at all.

You'll also want to Perception in there to help with DS pushdown and to search for paths and trails when traveling.

[Edited on 1-5-2006 by Axhinde]

01-04-2006, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Gilgamesh
My decision to 3x PF stands for pure redux purposes. No other ability combination with 8/0 cost gives me more, and I don't see any other significant use for the tps, so they are stuck there for now. Of course, with the new balanced stats, I can't ramp that up over 2x until past 30, so a lot of things can change between now and then.

Actually, if I remember right...3x'ing in PF will cost you 14 PTP's...2 TPs for the 1st rank, 4 for the 2nd, and 8 for the 3rd. Quite a bit more expensive for the very little added redux on the 3rd rank per level. I'm not saying it isn't viable, but for the TP cost and what you'll be getting out of it, I'd suggest sticking the TPs from it into MOC or Dodge (both very useful, and also add into redux).

01-04-2006, 08:09 PM
Maybe I'm just out of the loop having not played but a tiny little bit since GS3 but why the heck would you need 40 ranks of climbing and 30 of swimming? Seems like a lot to me.

01-04-2006, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Maybe I'm just out of the loop having not played but a tiny little bit since GS3 but why the heck would you need 40 ranks of climbing and 30 of swimming? Seems like a lot to me.

Climbing threads in the rift while encumbered and/or injured. Swimming while encumbered.

01-04-2006, 08:25 PM
Climbing threads in the rift while encumbered and/or injured. Swimming while encumbered.

While encumbered? Shouldn't a Warrior have like... tons of strength and armor training so that they aren't encumbered by wearing heavy armor and things like that?

I mean, I haven't played a Warrior seriously myself so I could be way off here. I just didn't think that encumberance was a big issue for them. :)

01-11-2006, 08:52 PM
Wearing armor of standard weight adds 0 encumbrance. Carrying boxes adds >0 encumbrance. Encumbrance is a bigger issue for warriors because while encumbrance pwnz everyone's maneuver defense, it has 0 deleterious effect on a pure pure's offense.

The third rank of PF is the most efficient use of TPs for Redux Points after the 1st and 2nd ranks of PF (obviously) and the 1st ranks of Armor and Shield Use.

My warrior does fine with 3x shield and .5x dodge.

MBP is necessary. Full Plate is not.

Don't get the 3rd rank of shield use for redux, there are better things to get for redux. That being said, tripling shield is great for blocking and the shield maneuvers. It's hard to knock people down by dodging them (in GS). Dodge isn't that great.

I don't have my laptop handy, but 80 ranks sounds right for 4 focused strikes.