View Full Version : Armor Accessory & Padding Changes - REVISIONS

06-03-2005, 05:00 AM
In response to player concerns, we have modified our previous changes to the padding system:

Padded partial armor has been restored to allow its padding to give full protection to partially covered areas by default. If an armor accessory with the same type of padding is worn over top of either full coverage or partial armor, then only the highest level of padding will apply. For example, lightly damage padded full plate in combination with a heavily damage padded helm would result in heavy damage padding on hits to the head and light damage padding on every other type of hit.

If padded armor is combined with specially enhanced armor accessories (or vice versa), then the previously announced system of averaging bonuses will continue to be used. Specially enhanced armor includes: differing types of padding (i.e. combining damage and critical padding on a hit location), armor that is resistant to specific damage types, blessed armor, TD enhancing armor, flaring armor, and spiked armor.

Returning to the original examples given, here is how they would be affected by this revision:

Player is wearing "decently" damage padded light leather and no helm. He gets hit in the head. He would have an effective damage padding level of "decent". [The base padding level is that of the partial armor]

Player is wearing "decently" damage padded light leather and a "very heavily" damage padded helm. He gets hit in the head. He would have an effective damage padding level of "very heavy". [Only the best level of damage padding is applied]

Player is wearing "decently" damage padded light leather and a "heavily" crit padded helm. He gets hit in the head. He would have an effective damage padding level of "fair" and an effective crit padding level of "somewhat" ([decent + 0] / 2 = fair, [very heavy + 0] / 2 = somewhat). [No change]

Player is wearing "somewhat" damage padded half plate and no leg greaves. He gets hit in the legs. He would have an effective damage padding level of "somewhat" (full protection), as half plate fully covers the legs. [No change]

Player is wearing "somewhat" damage padded half plate and is wearing "very heavily" damage padded leg greaves. He gets hit in the legs. He would have an effective damage padding level of "very heavy". [Again, only the best level of one particular padding type is applied]

Player is wearing "somewhat" damage padded half plate and puts on unpadded leg greaves. He gets hit in the legs. He would have an effective damage padding level of "somewhat". [Again, best level of padding.]

Some additional examples:

Player is wearing unpadded chain hauberk and puts on "very heavily" critical padded leg greaves. He gets hit in the legs. He would have an effective critial padding level of "very heavy". [Again, best level of padding]

Player is wearing "very heavily" damage padded chain hauberk and puts on a blessed helm. He gets hit in the head. He would would have an effective damage padding level of "somewhat" ([very heavy + 0] / 2 = somewhat). [Combining padded armor with a specially enhanced accessory results in the padding level being averaged]


This message was originally posted in Weapons, Armor and Items, All About Armor. To discuss the above follow the link below.

06-03-2005, 05:08 AM
notice now theres no change in your padding as long as you dont wear any accessories that conflicts with your current armor's padding

in laymans terms if you have very heavy crit padded armor it will say very crit padded all over

unless you add any accessories that conflict with you current padding or flares/spikes there is no change in your armor

if you add same type of padded accessories on it will only enhance you armor

light leather with heavy crit padding will have heavy crit padding all over,

add a helm with decently crit padding to that light leather and there will be no change in you padding

add a helm with incredible crit padding to that leather you will have incredible crit paddng on you head

add a helm with DAMAGE padding to that armor will result in conflicting paddings and you will get BOTH paddings at 1/2 on your head

add a helm with flares/blesses/spikes will result in you getting 1/2 crit padding on you head and flare/blesses/spikes

add a helm with no padding/flares/blesses/spikes will result in NO change