View Full Version : Help the New Guy

12-28-2005, 02:19 PM
Hey everyone. I haven't played a warrior much is GSIV. I had one back in GS3 that I converted to Paladin only to find out I that don't like the new class much. So I'm starting over. Any advice, comments, critizicism on his stats and training would be much appreciated.

I tried to balance his stats for both immediate playability and growth.

Elf Warrior
At lvl 0:
Strength (STR): 80
Constitution (CON): 82
Dexterity (DEX): 52
Agility (AGI): 83
Discipline (DIS): 77
Aura (AUR): 67
Logic (LOG): 78
Intuition (INT): 50
Wisdom (WIS): 68
Influence (INF): 23

At lvl 100
Strength (STR): 100
Constitution (CON): 100
Dexterity (DEX): 100
Agility (AGI): 100
Discipline (DIS): 96
Aura (AUR): 96
Logic (LOG): 92
Intuition (INT): 86
Wisdom (WIS): 90
Influence (INF): 80


Armor: a little over 2.5x until I get into MBP at 30 and then 2x until full plate.
Shield: 1x
Poles: 2x
CM: 2x
MOC: 1x until 30-35 ranks, eventually 55 ranks total
Ambush: 1x after I get MOC to 35 ranks
PT: 2x to start but 2.5x by 100
Dodge: 2x
Climb: 30 ranks
Swim: 30 ranks
Perc: .5x
FA: 1x
Surv: .75x
AS: 30-40 ranks
MIU: 30-40 ranks

I also have a few specific questions:

1) I've heard a lot of good things about berserk but I have also heard that it's heavily dependent on discipline. As an Elf is it worthwhile for me to try to learn this at all? My disc bonus will be 0 when I hit guild age and maxes out at a meager +8.

2) I remember back in GS3 that trip was very unreliable. Is this still the case or is it better now that it's part of the CML system? Anyone have suggestions for a good knockdown manuever given my training?

3) I plan on getting Wspec 3, Bonding 5, Surge 5, Precision 2, Mobility 1-2, and Parry Mastery 1-2. I will pickup feint, stunman (or berserk), and warcry through the guild. Any other suggestions?

4) Is another weapon skill really essential? I considered picking up ranged, thrown, or brawling but doing so would mean that I would have to drop all my tertiary skills for a long time and likely have to drop dodge down to 1.5x for a while. It also means more crap to carry. I figure that I'll already be lugging about 2-3 poles and elves don't have the best encumberance thresholds.

Thanks for your help.

12-28-2005, 03:30 PM
<<2) I remember back in GS3 that trip was very unreliable. Is this still the case or is it better now that it's part of the CML system? Anyone have suggestions for a good knockdown manuever given my training? >>

Trip is a good manuever as long as you train in it, which you didn't seem to specify. Also, I'm not the expert in this but I hear most people think getting five ranks of surge is a waste and they get more like 3 or 4. Also, if you are using polearms and want a good knockdown manuever, pick up charge, it's really a great manuever, very powerful but a bit dangerous when it misses.

If you only want to train in one weapon skill, polearms is a good one to pick because you can do one handed and two handed but my guess is you'll mostly only use two handed polearms.

The Ponzzz
12-28-2005, 03:40 PM
Aiming a pole is pointless. Drop ambush. Same goes for shield, unless you find a nead to use a one handed spear/trident/javelin over an awl-pike or a lance...

I would get into full plate faster(3x) and pick up more MoC.

12-28-2005, 04:24 PM
The shield use was in case I wanted to use 1 handed poles, for scouting new areas, and because it's a cheap redux skill. I may drop it later if I don't use it very much.

The ambush was to aim the lighter poles like spears, tridents, halberds, HOK. I will be primarily using an awl-pike but figured that there might be some hunting areas that aiming a lighter pole might be more efficient. I am just quessing since I've never hunted above lvl 30 in GS so I defer to your judgement.

On MOC, are you saying get more ranks for FOF? 55 ranks is enough for 3 focused strikes right (or 11 open)? I can't see needing more than that.

Anyway thanks for the comments so far.

The Ponzzz
12-28-2005, 05:25 PM
it's 5 open, 3 focused...

Training for redux doesn't work like that anymore...

If you want redux, 3x PT...

12-28-2005, 08:32 PM
Not only will shield use still help redux, it's more TP efficient to get one rank of Shield than the third rank of PF. You have a quality training plan. One of the best parts of polearms is having the one handed style available to you. Shield use is very cheap, I don't see any reason not to leave that path open. Stats look fine.

1) You can't get stunman through the guild, it's a rogue skill. Berserk is awesome and very much superior to stunman. It's most reliant on berserk ranks. Get plenty of those and you'll do fine. Berserk is probably the easiest combat guild skill to master unless you live in Landing.

2) I dunno about trip. From what I hear it works alright.

3) Besides charge, there's nothing I would recommend for you to get.

4) It is absolutely not essential to have more than one weapon style. Polearms basically offers you two anyway, so don't worry about it. If you happen to be in Voln, it'd be a good idea to pick up some brawling and Voln-Fu things to pieces. If you're not, don't worry about it.

The Ponzzz
12-28-2005, 08:44 PM
It has been told countless times. The formula for redux doesn't go the same way as GS3. PT is your MAIN redux skill. Where before it was armor, shield, MoC, PT, etc... Everything else is the secondary...

12-28-2005, 08:47 PM
<<It has been told countless times. The formula for redux doesn't go the same way as GS3. PT is your MAIN redux skill. Where before it was armor, shield, MoC, PT, etc... Everything else is the secondary...>>

Latrinsorm is fully aware of this.

What he said is still 100% valid: shield use will get you redux and 1x shield use costs less than getting a consistent 3rd rank of PT per level.

12-28-2005, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by The Ponzzz
The formula for redux doesn't go the same way as GS3. PT is your MAIN redux skill. Where before it was armor, shield, MoC, PT, etc... Everything else is the secondary...PT gets 1 redux point. The third rank of PT costs 16 MTP.

Shield Use gets 0.4 redux points. The first rank of Shield use costs 4 MTP.

0.4 / 4 > 1 / 16


The Ponzzz
12-28-2005, 09:23 PM
Well color me PWND

12-28-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by The Ponzzz
Well color me PWND

Latrinsorm sent me this a little over a year agree, the ultimate redux warrior.

3x PF, 2x Armor, Shield, Edged, 1x TWC, Dodge, CM, Blunt, THW, Ranged, Thrown, Polearm, Brawling, MOC, Ambush.

9 redux points a train, 109/9 = little more than 12, factor in the 0 train, and voila!

Haha, not the most practical plan but I've always wanted to see what kind of redux percentage could be achieved in GSIV.