View Full Version : Great RP Tool Usage!
01-01-2006, 08:24 PM
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Lady Ishona who is sitting, the body of Stoniemeadow who is lying down, Rathain who is sitting, Mashmashu, Hipparrin, Hirimbo who is sitting, Jimmye who is sitting, Izden who is sitting, Voneise who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Thanks."
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Im good."
Speaking to Stoniemeadow, Ishona asks, "Ye been kept sis?"
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Yes."
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Rathain has taken good care of me."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "You are kidding me right? You character is dead? And merrily talking? Sure, my chars ALWAYS get happy when they die."
Stoniemeadow whispers, "What can I say I usually have a sunny disposition."
EDITED: I think that says it all. But:
1) Use tones correctly please.
2) Your character is not YOU.
3) Your char would not be happy because they just died.
... and I am sure some of you could find even more...
[Edited on 1-2-2006 by FinisWolf]
01-01-2006, 08:29 PM
I had a passing thought to add hers to the list of shitty names, though I wasn't able to summon up the effort.
[Edited on 1-2-2006 by Fallen]
01-01-2006, 08:30 PM
Eh, I've seen worse as far as tone abuse is concerned. But I think it's sad that TONE, which could have been awesome, was pwnd by stupid people instead.
01-01-2006, 08:31 PM
Aside from Culture additions, I think the TONE verb is my favorite roleplay tool to date. Certainly not a complete loss just because a few morons abuse it.
01-01-2006, 08:33 PM
So not to be a backstabber, I do the following:
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "Http://"
[passage of time here (acouple of minutes I guess)]
Stoniemeadow murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Stoniemeadow's head looks better.
Rathain stands up.
Rathain grabs Stoniemeadow and drags her east.
Rathain just arrived, dragging Stoniemeadow with him.
Stoniemeadow giggles.
[5 minutes later ... nothing ... o well, I did share the link with her.]
** I guess to me, if you are going to use tones, use them within context, don't get lazy about it, and if you need to be lazy about it, use the few tones available that you do not need to change (like deep, and others). **
01-01-2006, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Aside from Culture additions, I think the TONE verb is my favorite roleplay tool to date. Certainly not a complete loss just because a few morons abuse it.
You're right, it's not a complete loss. I enjoy using it as well - I guess my irritation comes from the fact that TONE has a yucky connotation for me due to morons.
01-01-2006, 08:37 PM
I admittedly don't use tones, except with my character Finiswolf, and that one tone is deep. To me, a deep vioce is a deep voice, regardless of situation.
I do like the tone addition to the game, I just don't like people that are like me, lazy, that use them. Be lazy with a tone that doesn't matter.
If I could stack tone on tone, I would probably get more into it.
EX: Finiswolf deeply says in a happy voice, "I love yas! Thank you for the present!."
P.S.~ No that's not completely offensive, but it is to me ... ooc I guess. For a lack of better wording.
01-01-2006, 08:38 PM
They should of never made it possible to switch to one tone, they should of just made it the whole <":jubilant I rock! > format, so that if you wanted to use tone, it would take some effort to do so, and you'd really want to have to feel that tone.
That being said, the tone list is far too not long enough.
Where's desultory?
Or sacriligeously?
Or triumphantly?
God, I run into at least 3 times a week where I wish there was a certain tone on the list which isn't, and I have to settle for something else.
01-01-2006, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I admittedly don't use tones, except with my character Finiswolf, and that one tone is deep. To me, a deep vioce is a deep voice, regardless of situation.
I do like the tone addition to the game, I just don't like people that are like me, lazy, that use them. Be lazy with a tone that doesn't matter.
If I could stack tone on tone, I would probably get more into it.
EX: Finiswolf deeply says in a happy voice, "I love yas! Thank you for the present!."
P.S.~ No that's not completely offensive, but it is to me ... ooc I guess. For a lack of better wording.
Originally posted by FinisWolf
As far as fame and profile go, they are mechanics built into the game, and if the game allows it, go for it.
But tones are built in too...
01-01-2006, 08:49 PM
EX: Finiswolf deeply says in a happy voice, "I love yas! Thank you for the present!." >>
Excellent suggestion.
<<Where's desultory?
Or sacriligeously?
Or triumphantly? >>
I am told a tone update is coming, though I imagine they are leery to add tones that are overly subjective in nature.
01-01-2006, 08:51 PM
As an added note, I believe the suggest to have tones reset to none was seriously considered for a time. I agree with that particular choice. Those that wish to use one constantly will only need to include a few more keystrokes to their routine, and be all the more original for their extra effort.
01-01-2006, 09:10 PM
Maybe its an emo character.... they'd be pretty merry if they were dead.
Moist Happenings
01-01-2006, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Maybe its an emo character.... they'd be pretty merry if they were dead.
Fricken emo kids with their too-tight shirts and their blogs. Nice sweater, poindexter.
01-01-2006, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Lady Ishona who is sitting, the body of Stoniemeadow who is lying down, Rathain who is sitting, Mashmashu, Hipparrin, Hirimbo who is sitting, Jimmye who is sitting, Izden who is sitting, Voneise who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Thanks."
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Im good."
Speaking to Stoniemeadow, Ishona asks, "Ye been kept sis?"
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Yes."
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow merrily says, "Rathain has taken good care of me."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "You are kidding me right? You character is dead? And merrily talking? Sure, my chars ALWAYS get happy when they die."
Stoniemeadow whispers, "What can I say I usually have a sunny disposition."
EDITED: I think that says it all. But:
1) Use tones correctly please.
2) Your character is not YOU.
3) Your char would not be happy because they just died.
... and I am sure some of you could find even more...
[Edited on 1-2-2006 by FinisWolf]
I would just like to point out that Stoni's reply was a whisper and therefore in character so #2 does not apply and she may not be happy about dying but she could be happy about being rescued and healed and raised safely back in town. Open your minds and you might have more fun.
01-01-2006, 09:15 PM
Commas are good too.
01-01-2006, 09:15 PM
If that were true she was in truly bad form by responding to an OOC statement in an IC manner.
01-01-2006, 09:37 PM
Tone is abused daily by more people then I care to count. For that reason I wish it was not an option. It gets tiring to watch people brutalize it.
01-01-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
If that were true she was in truly bad form by responding to an OOC statement in an IC manner.
wow you are really looking for arguments.
Go for a walk or something
01-01-2006, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "You are kidding me right? You character is dead? And merrily talking? Sure, my chars ALWAYS get happy when they die."
Instead of being a prick about it, why didn't you just talk to her nicely and advise her that it didn't look good?
Tones should default to nothing when you are dead.
01-01-2006, 10:47 PM
wow you are really looking for arguments.
Go for a walk or something >>
You should really try to use proper punctuation.
01-01-2006, 10:57 PM
Not to get into a grammer discussion here, but my God people! It's a forum not college thiesis! As long as its legible who cares about about commas? Lighten up! have a better day!
01-01-2006, 11:06 PM
Not to get into a grammer discussion here, but my God people! >>
Heh. I am just blowing smoke up Nein's ass because she has had it out for me ever since I broke the news to her that there is no legit RP in WoW. Truthfully, my grammar is nothing to brag about.
In all honesty, "tone abuse" is common enough even amongst those that actively seek to RP. There are so many facets of one's roleplay that can be focused upon that there is bound to be one inconsistency that will be overlooked.
1. People that wear nice dainty, delicate little outfits...and brig on top of them and go kill monsters and climb mountains.
2. People wearing next to nothing in the dead of winter.
3. People that walk around with daggers in their eyes and arrows in their heads.
What often works best, and what I find to be the most fun is to think of an IC way to point out the glaring absurdity one finds in a corpse speaking merrily. Or perhaps mocking someone who seductively asks where the manticore hunting grounds can be found, ect.
If enough people laugh at them, perhaps they will catch on. If you just yell at the Player, they will likely just write you off as a stuck-up RP nazi.
01-01-2006, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by jiwiri
As long as its legible who cares about about commas?The mind abhors a vacuum, and the post in question was a howling abyss.
Originally posted by Fallen
There are so many facets of one's roleplay that can be focused upon that there is bound to be one inconsistency that will be overlooked. This is why Evarin never hunts after sundown without a lantern, right?
01-01-2006, 11:17 PM
Hmmmm, I have a lantern in one of my lockers. Good idea, Latrin.
-TheE-, on the quest to make GS as real as humanly possible....for a world where giants can marry halflings and have Erithian offspring.
01-01-2006, 11:18 PM
This is why Evarin never hunts after sundown without a lantern, right? >>
1. Evarin wears enough spells to see for miles around. For further reading, see the "Deaths" thread where I managed to die of spellburst.
2. I RP Evarin as having extremely acute senses. He has always 1xed perception, and is a Dhe'nar bred to thrive in dark conditions.
3. PThthththththththh
01-01-2006, 11:21 PM
3. PThthththththththh
Ah, an excellent point.
01-01-2006, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Heh. I am just blowing smoke up Nein's ass because she has had it out for me ever since I broke the news to her that there is no legit RP in WoW.
I dont "Have it in for you" Fallen, I just think you are a pompous prick with a vastly over-inflated opinion of your own importance...and for the record, I have thought that long before WoW was released.
Truthfully, my grammar is nothing to brag about.
Then instead of making asinine comments about grammar, punctuation and spelling, make some comment worthy of people's effort to read. And you might find that you are a little more comfortable without the stick up your arse.
01-02-2006, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by Alfster
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I admittedly don't use tones, except with my character Finiswolf, and that one tone is deep. To me, a deep vioce is a deep voice, regardless of situation.
I do like the tone addition to the game, I just don't like people that are like me, lazy, that use them. Be lazy with a tone that doesn't matter.
If I could stack tone on tone, I would probably get more into it.
EX: Finiswolf deeply says in a happy voice, "I love yas! Thank you for the present!."
P.S.~ No that's not completely offensive, but it is to me ... ooc I guess. For a lack of better wording.
Originally posted by FinisWolf
As far as fame and profile go, they are mechanics built into the game, and if the game allows it, go for it.
But tones are built in too...
Nice to know I have given you a hobby. Good gads man, how many weeks you been following me around like a lost puppy dog, and me wishing I a can of leg off.
01-02-2006, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Maybe its an emo character.... they'd be pretty merry if they were dead.
01-02-2006, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
If that were true she was in truly bad form by responding to an OOC statement in an IC manner.
Exactly why I made point number 2.
01-02-2006, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Originally posted by FinisWolf
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "You are kidding me right? You character is dead? And merrily talking? Sure, my chars ALWAYS get happy when they die."
Instead of being a prick about it, why didn't you just talk to her nicely and advise her that it didn't look good?
Tones should default to nothing when you are dead.
I could of swore we agreed to not speak to one another???
On another note, tons of individuals bring crap like this here to discuss it, and I sure as hell don't see your ass calling them pricks.
Miss X
01-02-2006, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Originally posted by FinisWolf
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Stoniemeadow, "You are kidding me right? You character is dead? And merrily talking? Sure, my chars ALWAYS get happy when they die."
Instead of being a prick about it, why didn't you just talk to her nicely and advise her that it didn't look good?
Tones should default to nothing when you are dead.
I could of swore we agreed to not speak to one another???
On another note, tons of individuals bring crap like this here to discuss it, and I sure as hell don't see your ass calling them pricks.
Actually, I have to admit I thought you handled the situation extremely poorly. Had I been Stoniemeadow in that situation you can bet your life I would not have given you the polite response she did.
So she didn't type TONE NONE the second she died? Big fucking deal, she just died I'm sure she had other things to think about. You could have waited until she had been raised and then had a general chat with her about tone.
Here is how I see it; When our own roleplay is exemplary then we can by all means, be a prick about trying to 'educate' others. Until then, I would work on showing a little more respect.
01-02-2006, 08:21 AM
I really don't feel I was being a prick. Simply pointing out that her tone, which is always merry, does not fit every situation that she is in.
I was also pointing out, if one is lazy like I am (Yes, I already said this), then they should use one of the lazy tones.
I know that you are perfect at interactions with others, and I can not compare, thus the reason why you can ride my ass and call me a prick ...
EDITED: Cause I forgot an end tag.
[Edited on 1-2-2006 by FinisWolf]
01-02-2006, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I could of swore we agreed to not speak to one another???
On another note, tons of individuals bring crap like this here to discuss it, and I sure as hell don't see your ass calling them pricks.
I didn't agree to anything pertaining to you. I told you that I had you ignored in U2U form so that I didn't have to worry about receiving vitriol.
Here's a clue for you....if you post on a public board, expect that you'll get feedback. Positive or negative. That's the way that it is, you can take it or leave it.
I guess you don't know me very well if you think that you're the only one who has been told that their behavior approaches that of a prick or asshole.
Now, I fully expect you to overreact and try to claim that I am somehow stalking you or something equally as amusing, but I'll just cut to the chase:
Public posts are fair game - get used to positive and negative feedback.
01-02-2006, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I could of swore we agreed to not speak to one another???
On another note, tons of individuals bring crap like this here to discuss it, and I sure as hell don't see your ass calling them pricks.
01-02-2006, 10:16 AM
1. People that wear nice dainty, delicate little outfits...and brig on top of them and go kill monsters and climb mountains.
Stupid skirts! I knew there was a reason Merji should always be in leggings or trousers!:P
01-02-2006, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Nice to know I have given you a hobby. Good gads man, how many weeks you been following me around like a lost puppy dog, and me wishing I a can of leg off.
Just pointing out the retardness of your defense about stealing. I hate tards like you that give legit thieves a bad name.
01-02-2006, 12:45 PM
It bothers me to no end that people who are using text as a form of communication have he nerve to say "AS LONG AS U UNDERSTAND ME I DON'T HAVE TO SPEL ANYTHIN CORECKTLY THIS ISN'T ENGLISH CLAS".
Yes, you do have to spell correctly. Yes, you do have to use proper grammar. Not doing so not only makes you look like an idiot (assuming you're not one already), but tells everyone that you're like 13 years old.
And no one likes kids.
01-02-2006, 03:16 PM
At least it wasn't
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow seductively says, "Rathain has taken good care of me."
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I admittedly don't use tones, except with my character Finiswolf, and that one tone is deep. To me, a deep vioce is a deep voice, regardless of situation.
I'll buy that, but the next time Finis gets groin-kicked I want you to change it for at least 5 minutes!
01-02-2006, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
It bothers me to no end that people who are using text as a form of communication have he nerve to say "AS LONG AS U UNDERSTAND ME I DON'T HAVE TO SPEL ANYTHIN CORECKTLY THIS ISN'T ENGLISH CLAS".
Yes, you do have to spell correctly. Yes, you do have to use proper grammar. Not doing so not only makes you look like an idiot (assuming you're not one already), but tells everyone that you're like 13 years old.
And no one likes kids.
If you are going to go off on one about people's spelling and grammar, you might want to spellcheck your post to make sure you dont spell words like "the" wrong, and use proper sentence structure.
Excessive use of the word "like" in inappropriate places does not constitute good use of the English language, nor does beginning a sentence with the word "And".
This was a dickish thread to begin with, but when people start flaming other people because they miss out a comma or two, or spell something wrong, and in doing so display piss-poor understanding of what it is they are talking about, this thread ends up going right down the toilet.
Reroll not stupid.
01-02-2006, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by jiwiri
Not to get into a grammer discussion here, but my God people! It's a forum not college thiesis! As long as its legible who cares about about commas? Lighten up! have a better day!
I was responding to this.
Please take a midol, Nein.
90% of the time, I have very acceptable grammar and spelling. I wasn't saying everyone had to be completely perfect all the time, but the quoted post here is not acceptable ever.
[Edited on 1-2-2006 by Tayre]
01-02-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Shalla
At least it wasn't
The ghostly voice of Stoniemeadow seductively says, "Rathain has taken good care of me."
Too true. :lol:
01-02-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I admittedly don't use tones, except with my character Finiswolf, and that one tone is deep. To me, a deep vioce is a deep voice, regardless of situation.
I'll buy that, but the next time Finis gets groin-kicked I want you to change it for at least 5 minutes!
Ok, thats a deal, as I sit here breathing my hot cocoa ... bastard. :lol:
01-02-2006, 07:58 PM
The "seductive" tone pisses me off 99/100 times used. There was an Ivasian char that was following Naessi's crowd around for awhile, and she said EVERYTHING seductively. It was so creepy.
I think the first-ever tone misuse I witnessed was a rogue at the IMT well, yelling at a trap she couldn't disarm Seductively.
01-04-2006, 04:16 AM
Woah. This is the main reason I'll never sign up for Premium (besides the fact that I can't afford it), although I don't imagine those players being so anal.
For example, somebody brought up wearing little clothing in cold weather. I guess I'm to assume that you have a different outfit for every town you visit? I'd sure like to see your locker. While we're on the subject, why don't we bash everyone who doesn't change their clothes every day or two? When do they get clean? That's bad RPing! For shame!
Take my advice. If your eye starts to twitch when you see somebody wearing climately inappropriate clothes, using unlikely tones, or running with two broken legs, get to the fridge, help yourself to a Pepsi (for you, caffiene free), and chill the heck out. Unfortunately for you, the choices you have in such a situation are limited.
1) Take my advice.
2) Stop playing.
3) Cough up some dough and play Premium.
4) Complain and moan like an impotant jerk.
Option 2 is pretty extreme, although you strike me as extreme people, so that may appeal to you. Option 3, if you're like me, is out of the question. There are simply better things to spend money on. Option 4 takes time out of your life, accomplishes nothing, and impresses noone. That takes us back to Option 1. Still with me?
Keep in mind that Simu doesn't have a seperate engine for newbies and non-D&D players. Basic is it. A lot of players have never heard of Vampire. You'll find the same problems in every MMORPG invented. Ever.
[Edited on 1-4-2006 by HGastrax]
01-04-2006, 06:28 AM
< Woah. This is the main reason I'll never sign up for Premium (besides the fact that I can't afford it), although I don't imagine those players being so anal. >
You shouldn't sign up for a ROLE-PLAYING game, then. While I as a player really ( really ) don't give a damn what others wear, my character would notice.
< Take my advice. If your eye starts to twitch when you see somebody wearing climately inappropriate clothes, using unlikely tones, or running with two broken legs >
If I see someone is "not the normal" in the genre of the game, and my character's senses, I have the right to complain. Empaths in general are ugly, have a fat ass from sitting all day to heal, and are covered in scars. Why would my character want one speaking seductively to him? Or "I'm a High Lady/Princess" who wears clothes that in that genre make her look like a $12 whore? People like that who sing out songs from the present day should be shot.
My character is enough of a smartass, for the person running with two broken legs, he'd nod and tell em to jog it out :lol:
< 4) Complain and moan like an impotant jerk. >
If we didn't, PC would be nothing but a Politics forum, which makes me shudder just thinking about it. We make threads, and after the concensus or just for spite, someone will in an OOC manner whisper the addy here so they can see.
< Quitcherbitchin. >
If we didn't, you'd have nowhere to post your non-official forum quips.
Opinions are like assholes. We all have them. I just think yours stinks. Welcome to the PC, btw.
Miss X
01-04-2006, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by HGastrax
Woah. This is the main reason I'll never sign up for Premium (besides the fact that I can't afford it), although I don't imagine those players being so anal.
You probably mean platinum? Premium is that extra $$ that gives you a few more characters, more locker space, access to IFW etc. Platinum is a different game with different characters and even some different mechanics.
For example, somebody brought up wearing little clothing in cold weather. I guess I'm to assume that you have a different outfit for every town you visit? I'd sure like to see your locker. While we're on the subject, why don't we bash everyone who doesn't change their clothes every day or two? When do they get clean? That's bad RPing! For shame!
Actually, yes I do have several different outfits for different climates. For example, I may be seen on Teras wearing a sundress. However, you will never catch me in Icemule wearing one, I'll be wearing something warm.
I appreciate that this may not be the norm but I can promise you that several of us do the same. It's not because we are being anal or taking the game too seriously. We're roleplaying our characters in the way we wish to.
Take my advice. If your eye starts to twitch when you see somebody wearing climately inappropriate clothes, using unlikely tones, or running with two broken legs, get to the fridge, help yourself to a Pepsi (for you, caffiene free), and chill the heck out. Unfortunately for you, the choices you have in such a situation are limited.
You were doing fairly well up to this point.
You are neither the first nor will you be the last to come to these forums and claim that its posters need to 'chill out' or something similar.
Now, while I felt that the comment made to Stoniemeadow was rather stupid, I understood the sentiment behind it and I have noticed she is no longer using the merry tone permanently. This can only be considered an improvement.
We all have our gripes but I assure you dear, most of our posters are normal well adjusted human beings who simply vent their frustrations here. You are welcome to do the same. You are not welcome to come here and make blanket statements based on bullshit. Do this and someone will tear you a new asshole. Not at all pleasant.
1) Take my advice.
2) Stop playing.
3) Cough up some dough and play Premium.
4) Complain and moan like an impotant jerk.
1.) No thanks.
2.) I like playing so still, no thanks.
3.) I already pay for premium. If you mean platinum? Again... No thanks. I like the population in prime.
4.) Subjective comment. Also, you are currently complaining like an 'important jerk' are you not?
Option 2 is pretty extreme, although you strike me as extreme people, so that may appeal to you. Option 3, if you're like me, is out of the question. There are simply better things to spend money on. Option 4 takes time out of your life, accomplishes nothing, and impresses noone. That takes us back to Option 1. Still with me?
No, no I'm not still with you. Sorry.
Keep in mind that Simu doesn't have a seperate engine for newbies and non-D&D players. Basic is it. A lot of players have never heard of Vampire. You'll find the same problems in every MMORPG invented. Ever.
Again... No. The posters can bitch about anything they damn well like, providing our ToS is being stuck to. :)
You are of course free to ignore the bitchin' if it disturbs or upsets you. This is not a children's nursery.
Anyway, welcome to the PC. Enjoy your stay.
01-04-2006, 08:22 AM
So after a few days reflection, I decided, yea, I should of reverted to my mentoring days, and approached Stoniemeadow in a more positive manner.
As already noticed by MissX, Stoniemeadow is not merrily saying everything in every situation.
So whether it was me and this thread, or she simply did some reflecting of her own, it's a nice improvement.
As to Mr. n00b with 1 post, I believe that between Stun, and MissX, that all the bases were covered rather well, and yes, welcome to the PC.
01-04-2006, 08:42 AM
Take my advice. If your eye starts to twitch when you see somebody wearing climately inappropriate clothes, using unlikely tones, or running with two broken legs, get to the fridge, help yourself to a Pepsi (for you, caffiene free), and chill the heck out.
2 of my characters use the soft tone. My empath never shouts. Ever. She's more of a quiet rage type person.
My wizard may exclaim sometimes, but I try my best to remember to change the tone to none before doing so. Plus I try my hand at using other tones as well.
All of my characters find it annoying when they find someone that speaks sweetly, confusedly, seductively all the time. It's natural for tones to change when people have a conversation.
All of my characters hate Icemule too because.. well.. I don't really have clothes for cold climates. It's just a personal preference.
Yes there are some RP Nazis in the game, for the most part I ignore them. Or I look at what they tell me and see if I see any truth to their advice (be it unwanted or not). Some criticism can be constructive
01-04-2006, 08:58 AM
Yes there are some RP Nazis in the game, for the most part I ignore them. Or I look at what they tell me and see if I see any truth to their advice (be it unwanted or not). Some criticism can be constructive.>>
The poster's criticism you are refering to, however, was not. His was something along the lines of,
"When you point out the faults of others, it hurts their feelings. It is best to just be apathetic in any and all ways possible to ensure you do not infringe on anyone's right to suck at RP."
Playing in a game with more than one person means you will be judged from time to time. If this bothers you so much, take that oh, so tired bit of bullshit so many blitheringly refer to as advice and, "Take a break."
Evarin and his Mis'ri
01-04-2006, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
Yes there are some RP Nazis in the game, for the most part I ignore them. Or I look at what they tell me and see if I see any truth to their advice (be it unwanted or not). Some criticism can be constructive.>>
The poster's criticism you are refering to, however, was not. His was something along the lines of,
"When you point out the faults of others, it hurts their feelings. It is best to just be apathetic in any and all ways possible to ensure you do not infringe on anyone's right to suck at RP."
My point merely was if something someone said bothered him, he should either ignore it totally if the manner in which it came across offended him, or try to learn from it.
01-04-2006, 09:18 AM
My point merely was if something someone said bothered him, he should either ignore it totally if the manner in which it came across offended him, or try to learn from it. >>
I don't disagree, I just tire of those who believe that criticism should be outlawed so that Ms. CraptasticTone never has her feelings hurt. There is nothing wrong with attempting to hold yourself to a higher standard, and holding others to the standards that Simu has put out (See official posts on tone, ect).
I think the original poster had a valid point in correcting her, though certainly should have better phrased the way he did so.
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