View Full Version : Weird Dream

06-03-2005, 03:55 AM
I’m at Jesse James Mansion on his estate. Three pornstars are there, we’re inside one large room, nondescript furniture, white sheets handing around.

Some voice says “This is the kind of stimulation they like” and two pornstars start to go at it. One had bigger breasts and a better body than the other. I’m enjoying it trying to work my way into the situation. I’ve definitely trained my sights on the hottest who was servicing the other. Slapped her ass a few times but never got into it. (Hate dreams like this)

So then I get into a tug-of-war with the third pornstar. We are holding two ends of a sheet and I muscle her over to me. We go to kiss but she has this light stringy mustache. I was like oh well and closed my eyes but she was a horrible kisser so I said fuck it and went looking for the hot one.

Was wandering through the mansion and noticed security guards fighting zombies close by. The guards were outfitted in all black tech gear and killed a few zombies but they were on the move and I followed.

Wound up outside. Night time, floodlights in the distance on the lawn. As we round the house I hear the throngs of zombies that have surrounded us screaming in garbled human voices. We break for a large parking lot, but the guards are losing and I have to break off alone running full tilt. Its chaos with zombies running everywhere and I’m tearing through like a linebacker to the touchdown but one is after me, looking right at me, tall black dude wearing a blue cross. I start cutting right towards some parked cars.

A female zombie catches me but claims she cannot eat me because she is asleep. She offers sex then other zombies start going for her and I make the slip.

I run into a parking garage. There are police there busting a guy with a modified submersible mini-truck saying they followed him from when he emerged from the water. (The truck was trick. Low, back, large cylindrical piece on the side that helped it submerge)

I noticed Jesse James white BMW is half turned out of its parking space. I jump in, floor it, and follow other cars up a circular drive to the outside. The whole time I’m thinking I better not ding this baby.

I get to street level, its daytime. There is a helicopter I’m not sure if its following me. I come to a three way intersection thats blocked. A guy in a hard hat and orange vest sees me and yells for me to go the other way.

I wind up walking through some large indoor facility when Jesse calls me on my cell. He wanted to tell me the big news. I’m thinking, oh, his kid must have been born because his wife was expecting, but he tells me he got a new job. He says its not as much money and stuff, and I’m saying, well who wouldn’t hire you then ask after his kid. He says his son is fine so I tell him I meant the one on the way and he says oh not yet but he’ll extract it if he has to.

As this conversation is going on I’m in a large room with tons of people, men and women, in barber chairs getting their heads and pubes shaved off. Theres hair all over the floor. I was going to mention it to Jesse but decided it might sound weird. At the end of the conversation I can tell by his voice hes upset because I never once said his name. (I had forgotten it)

Some noise woke me up. Its been one of those unsettled sleep nights.

Thats what I get for eating tuna casserole followed by Ben and Jerrys and wathing Blade: Trinity and History of the World Part I before falling asleep.

06-03-2005, 04:00 AM

EVERYONE knows zombies appear when you dont kiss the ugly pornstar. Now you know. Next time ignore the mustache.

07-13-2009, 01:21 AM
Wow, four year bump... but I was just thinking about this dream the other night. Yes, I do remember parts of this dream and reading this now I remember it from start to finish.

The reason I bump this is because we don’t have a catch-all dream thread. I knew I started a dream thread but this is just my crazy dream.

07-13-2009, 01:28 AM
I’m tearing through like a linebacker to the touchdown
it's called an "end zone." and you have fucked up dreams.

07-13-2009, 01:36 AM
Only Backlash could make zombies uncool.

07-13-2009, 02:08 AM

07-13-2009, 02:22 AM
Whomever Backlash dreams of... will be a dead man in four years.

07-13-2009, 10:37 AM
I think this dream means you're a needy sonofabitch.

07-14-2009, 12:17 AM
I think this dream means you're a needy sonofabitch.

Thanks, law man. Aren’t we all?

07-14-2009, 01:04 AM
I’m at Jesse James Mansion on his estate. Three pornstars are there, we’re inside one large room, nondescript furniture, white sheets handing around.

Some voice says “This is the kind of stimulation they like”*and two pornstars start to go at it. One had bigger breasts and a better body than the other. I’m enjoying it trying to work my way into the situation. I’ve definitely trained my sights on the hottest who was servicing the other. Slapped her ass a few times but never got into it. (Hate dreams like this)

So then I get into a tug-of-war with the third pornstar. We are holding two ends of a sheet and I muscle her over to me. We go to kiss but she has this light stringy mustache. I was like oh well and closed my eyes but she was a horrible kisser so I said fuck it and went looking for the hot one.

Was wandering through the mansion and noticed security guards fighting zombies close by. The guards were outfitted in all black tech gear and killed a few zombies but they were on the move and I followed.

Wound up outside. Night time, floodlights in the distance on the lawn. As we round the house I hear the throngs of zombies that have surrounded us screaming in garbled human voices. We break for a large parking lot, but the guards are losing and I have to break off alone running full tilt. Its chaos with zombies running everywhere and I’m tearing through like a linebacker to the touchdown but one is after me, looking right at me, tall black dude wearing a blue cross. I start cutting right towards some parked cars.

A female zombie catches me but claims she cannot eat me because she is asleep. She offers sex then other zombies start going for her and I make the slip.

I run into a parking garage. There are police there busting a guy with a modified submersible mini-truck saying they followed him from when he emerged from the water. (The truck was trick. Low, back, large cylindrical piece on the side that helped it submerge)

I noticed Jesse James white BMW is half turned out of its parking space. I jump in, floor it, and follow other cars up a circular drive to the outside. The whole time I’m thinking I better not ding this baby.

I get to street level, its daytime. There is a helicopter I’m not sure if its following me. I come to a three way intersection thats blocked. A guy in a hard hat and orange vest sees me and yells for me to go the other way.

I wind up walking through some large indoor facility when Jesse calls me on my cell. He wanted to tell me the big news. I’m thinking, oh, his kid must have been born because his wife was expecting, but he tells me he got a new job. He says its not as much money and stuff, and I’m saying, well who wouldn’t hire you then ask after his kid. He says his son is fine so I tell him I meant the one on the way and he says oh not yet but he’ll extract it if he has to.

As this conversation is going on I’m in a large room with tons of people, men and women, in barber chairs getting their heads and pubes shaved off. Theres hair all over the floor. I was going to mention it to Jesse but decided it might sound weird. At the end of the conversation I can tell by his voice hes upset because I never once said his name. (I had forgotten it)

Some noise woke me up. Its been one of those unsettled sleep nights.

Thats what I get for eating tuna casserole followed by Ben and Jerrys and wathing Blade: Trinity and History of the World Part I before falling asleep.
