View Full Version : I ask for a pat on the back, once again

10-13-2003, 10:43 PM
well...it all starts out with me going to the landing with Ellsbeth to get her to join voln...anyways while sh ewas doing the first task i go to the culd de sac lookin fer a pickers....and no one can pick but one says he can disarm...so i go there....and he does, and i start bashing and a guy names Gerbill or something starts yelling at me and dragging my boxes away....then this happened:

let, a slightly curving dark leather sheath tooled in silver with the silhouette of a coiled viper, a pair of delicate ruby slippers, a blood-red silk full skirt, and some soft scarlet body leathers with a leering demon tooled on the left breast.
>l at sint
You see Sintik Filmem the Mage.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young and average height. He has piercing dark eyes and fair skin. He has long, tied back jet black hair with a red streak running through it. He has an angular face, a small nose and sharp pointed ears.
He has a pipe clenched between his teeth, a black scorpion tattoo on his arm, and a Wizard Guild tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a sinister black vultite falchion in his right hand and a small enruned golvern shield embossed with a sinister silver viper in his left hand.
He is wearing a gold ring, some black elven boots traced with two green serpents intertwined around Faendryl runes, some black snakeskin trousers, some shadowy black casting leathers etched with the image of two dark green intertwining serpents, a black pearl stud, a silver mayoral race button, a small white mushroom amulet, a ruby-eye silver serpent flask, a twisted green skeleton key, a green serpent stitched pouch, a supple black suede bag, and a midnight black cloak embroidered with shimmering runes of the ancient Faendryl.
Comise swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +101 vs DS: +395 with AvD: +4 + d100 roll: +26 = -264
A clean miss.
Comise throws his head back and howls!
l in cloak
>There is nothing in there.
Inyk laughs!
Chadj smirks.
You chortle.
Chadj turns to Comise and cheers!
>glance com
You glance at Comise.
Comise exclaims, "fear me!"
>l at com
You see Comise.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Arctic Clan.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has piercing ale-brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, tangled jet black hair streaked with silver. He has a clean-shaven face, a broad nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing an ebon-hued winged ora warhelm, some double leather, a dented steel shield, some dark red skull-tooled boots, a heavy backpack, some heavy iron-studded gauntlets, a sturdy leather weapons harness, some elaborate sterling silver finger-armor, a sage green herb pouch, some ghastly raven-hued trousers, a small rose, and a smoky quartz studded steel torc.
Chadj says, "Now, try it with a weapon."
>fame com
Comise has his fame disabled.
Chadj nods to Comise.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
You are holding a jagged black vultite espadon in your right hand and a vultite wall shield in your left hand.
You are wearing a crystal amulet, a cerulean glaesine orb, a grinning skull pin, a long fake lizard tail, a dark glaes armband, a serpentine aquamarine clasp, a carved ivory skull mask, a large sack, an engraved mithril-plated belt, some baggy brown linen trousers, a small black leather kit, some diamond tooled leather boots, a chameleon agate ring, a soft black leather weapon harness, a sturdy grey canvas backpack, a small traveller's satchel, a veniom bound orc hide ankle sheath, an ice blue silk-lined cloak, a gold ring and some bronzed black leather brigandine.
Lalana just arrived.
Comise says, "its the same"
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Comise gives Chadj a little prod between the shoulder blades.
Chadj starts chortling.
Comise removes a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge from in his leather weapons harness.
Comise screams!
Lalana smacks her lips.
Lalana gives Gerbill a warm buss on the lips.
Alkiv just arrived.
Chadj tickles Comise into laughing.
Alkiv went through a narrow opening.
Comise cowers away from Lalana!
Lalana smooches Camri on the cheek.
Chadj exclaims, "Lalana!"
Comise gives Lalana a warm buss on the lips.
>l at lal
Chadj beams happily at Lalana!
You see Lalana the Sorceress.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She appears to be in the spring of life and average height. She has long-lashed jade green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, flowing chestnut hair with lighter streaks. She has a delicate face, a classical nose and dimpled cheeks.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a ruby-clasped white suede pack, a white silk-lined cloak, a pale ivory elven-crafted satchel, a sparkling diamond-dusted sack, a front-laced snow white silk bodice, a small wild rose, some eonake trimmed casting leathers with a malevolent sorcerer stitched on the chest, a scalloped hem white silk skirt, some emerald earrings, a sheer white silk blouse, a gold-edged white diamond anklet, a small rose, a leaf-shaped emerald pendant, a lacy white pouch, a delicate gold-link waistchain, some white lace gloves, a tiny golden dragon nose ring, a white tooled-leather harness, a set of ornate emerald hairjewels, an emerald encrusted armband, some white spidersilk stockings, a simple white starstone clasp, an elegant pair of fitted low-heeled boots with delicate white gold clasps, a small rose, and a diamond bangle bracelet.
Lalana chuckles.
Camri hugs Lalana, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lalana gives Chadj a warm buss on the lips.
Teyonas came through a narrow opening.
Comise licks Lalana's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
>l at ger
Lalana smooches Chadj on the cheek.
You see Gerbill Bonnii the Butcher.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be young and sprightly. He has sparkling violet eyes and ebon skin. He has shoulder length, flowing silver hair worn in elaborate braids. He has a delicate face and dimpled cheeks.
He has a sovyn clove tattoo on his ankle, and a dancing pixie tattoo on his forearm.
He has an old battle scar across his back.
He is holding a blackened vultite kite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a knotted rainbow headscarf, a rainbow glaes hairpin, a colorful rainbow-painted mask, a pair of rainbow glaes earrings, a vivid rainbow gossamer scarf, a string of rainbow glaes beads, a garish multi-colored scarf, an antique silver armband, a crimson-edged rainbow glaes wristlet, a rainbow glaes promise band, a whorled rainbow glaes bracelet, a silver mayoral race button, an exquisite rainbow charm, a rainbow-hued battle harness, a shimmering vruul skin jacket, a rainbow-hued toolkit, a deathstone adorned purse, a scaled rainbow-hued scrollcase, an empath crested double leather, a rainbow glaes beaded anklet, a set of rainbow colored toe rings, and a shimmering rainbow cloak.
Chadj hugs Lalana, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Teyonas just went north.
>Lalana bounces around happily.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Comise swings a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge at you!
AS: +106 vs DS: +395 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +34 = -213
A clean miss.
Gelwrain's group came through a narrow opening.
Lalana smooches Gerbill on the cheek.
Comise nods.
glance com
>Venra put a drake mace in her heavy backpack.
You glance at Comise.
Venra slings a reinforced shield over her shoulder.
Xypira came through a narrow opening.
Xypira just went north.
Comise says, "see"
Inyk licks Lalana's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Chadj says, "One big happy family."
Gelwrain's group just went north.
Comise nods to Chadj.
Lalana gives Inyk a quick little smooch.
Chadj nods to Comise.
Lalana giggles.
>'i suggest you stop swinging at me
You say, "i suggest you stop swinging at me"
>l at com
Lalana hugs Sintik.
You see Comise.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Arctic Clan.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has piercing ale-brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, tangled jet black hair streaked with silver. He has a clean-shaven face, a broad nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge in his right hand.
He is wearing an ebon-hued winged ora warhelm, some double leather, a dented steel shield, some dark red skull-tooled boots, a heavy backpack, some heavy iron-studded gauntlets, a sturdy leather weapons harness, some elaborate sterling silver finger-armor, a sage green herb pouch, some ghastly raven-hued trousers, a small rose, and a smoky quartz studded steel torc.
Lalana seems slightly different.
nod com
>You nod to Comise.
You notice Lalana botch an attempt to conceal herself.
Lalana cackles!
Chadj nods to Comise.
Comise asks, "or what?"
Teyonas just arrived.
Lalana says, "damn"
Chadj says, "I dont want a fine."
Camri grins.
Teyonas went through a narrow opening.
Chadj nods to Comise.
>glance com
You glance at Comise.
Chadj smirks.
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "kill em comise!"
Comise ponders.
Lalana yawns.
Chadj ponders.
Inyk cackles!
Chadj removes a corroded fork from in his spidersilk backpack.
Comise cackles!
l at com
>You see Comise.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Arctic Clan.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has piercing ale-brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, tangled jet black hair streaked with silver. He has a clean-shaven face, a broad nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge in his right hand.
He is wearing an ebon-hued winged ora warhelm, some double leather, a dented steel shield, some dark red skull-tooled boots, a heavy backpack, some heavy iron-studded gauntlets, a sturdy leather weapons harness, some elaborate sterling silver finger-armor, a sage green herb pouch, some ghastly raven-hued trousers, a small rose, and a smoky quartz studded steel torc.
You ponder.
Chadj put a corroded fork in his spidersilk backpack.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Sineus came through a narrow opening.
Comise says, "oof i forgot i dont got healme"
Comise cackles!
Sineus just went north.
Comise says, "oh well"
Comise says, "i got deeds"
Inyk acts puzzled.
Camri ponders.
>raise eyebrow com
Comise hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
Gerbill stares off into space.
You raise an eyebrow in Comise's direction.
Dantrek came through a narrow opening.
>glance com
Dantrek just went north.
You glance at Comise.
Arnglum just arrived.
Camri asks, "Sineus?"
Arnglum went through a narrow opening.
Chadj smirks at Comise.
Chadj nods to Comise.
* Whestra just bit the dust!
>hold com
Comise pulls his hand away from you.
You tap your foot impatiently.
Comise asks, "going to do something or no?"
>l at com
You see Comise.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Arctic Clan.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has piercing ale-brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, tangled jet black hair streaked with silver. He has a clean-shaven face, a broad nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge in his right hand.
He is wearing an ebon-hued winged ora warhelm, some double leather, a dented steel shield, some dark red skull-tooled boots, a heavy backpack, some heavy iron-studded gauntlets, a sturdy leather weapons harness, some elaborate sterling silver finger-armor, a sage green herb pouch, some ghastly raven-hued trousers, a small rose, and a smoky quartz studded steel torc.
Lalana makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Chadj asks, "What ya tappin fer?"
Lalana gestures.
Lalana makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Lalana gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Lalana.
Inyk menacingly says, "he tap dances"
Alkiv came through a narrow opening.
Alkiv just went north.
Lalana makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Inyk snickers.
Lalana gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Lalana.
>l at inyk
Chadj asks, "Really??"
You see Inyk Bloodlinee the Mercenary.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has bloodshot clear colored eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, unkempt black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield, some crossed black leather back-sheaths, a tattered dark grey battle-cloak, a griffin crested helm, and a double-linked dark vaalorn hauberk.
Camri grins.
You chortle.
Inyk shrugs.
Lalana makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Chadj exclaims, "I will play the music!"
Lalana gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Lalana.
Chadj beams!
Lalana begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Lalana gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Lalana, swiftly sinking into her skin.
Inyk menacingly says, "please dont"
Chadj says, "A giantkin tap dancing! Never seen it before"
Lalana nods to Comise.
Inyk just punched Chadj!
Chadj removes a rosewood mandolin from in his spidersilk backpack.
Chadj asks, "Ready?"
Lalana chuckles.
Lalana gently bites Comise.
Chadj peers quizzically at you.
Comise blinks.
Lalana begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Lalana gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Lalana, swiftly sinking into her skin.
Inyk snickers.
Comise exclaims, "ow!"
Comise gently bites Lalana.
Chadj says, "Bah, yas too old for me to lullabye now"
>punish ger
You beat Gerbill severely.
>punish com
Chadj begins a musical chant...
You beat Comise severely.
Chadj sings a melody, directing the sound of his voice at Inyk.
Inyk seems mesmerized by the tune.
>punish cam
Lalana tickles Comise into laughing.
You beat Camri severely.
You nod.
Chadj holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
>You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Chadj says, "Well, a bit"
Comise flails his arms about.
Inyk laughs!
>punish chad
You beat Chadj severely.
Gerbill appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Inyk shakes off the effects of the lullabye.
Chadj pokes Inyk in the ribs.
Gerbill gestures at you.
CS: +184 - TD: +63 + CvA: +2 + d100: +81 - +5 == +199
Warding failed!
You feel a sudden inexplicable fear!
You freeze, unable to control the wave of fear that swells within you!
Roundtime: 30 sec.
Comise groans at Lalana.
Camri stares off into space.
Without prelude, Chadj begins a fast-paced tune on his mandolin.
Comise rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Lalana chuckles.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Comise swings a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge at you!
AS: +106 vs DS: +138 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +35 = +45
A clean miss.
With a final rapid pattern across the strings of his mandolin, Chadj ceases his breathless playing.
Chadj put a rosewood mandolin in his spidersilk backpack.
Chadj cackles!
Comise wails!
Gerbill says, "Don't do that again"
Chadj lets out a cheer!
Gerbill traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Inyk cackles!
Gerbill gestures at Comise.
CS: +185 - TD: +6 + CvA: +17 + d100: +38 - +5 == +229
Warding failed!
A calm washes over Comise.
Camri squints at you.
Comise groans at Gerbill.
>'dont do it again...give me my box
You say, "dont do it again...give me my box"
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "gerbilL!"
Chadj exclaims, "Woah! He beat me!"
Chadj begins a musical chant...
>'simple as that
You say, "simple as that"
Chadj sings a melody, directing the sound of his voice at you.
The song soothes your spirit, making you feel drowsy.
Comise flails his arms about.
Gerbill says, "That's wrong, even for Garr"
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.
Comise is enraged by Inyk's attack.
Inyk swings a closed fist at Comise!
AS: +0 vs DS: +45 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +17 = -11
A clean miss.
Comise says, "im not use to this"
Your fear dissipates.
Camri says, "Back off Giant"
Chadj says, "No beating me"
You shake off the effects of the lullabye.
Chadj pokes you in the ribs.
You are already standing.
Lalana gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>'like i said
You say, "like i said"
Chadj says, "I dont have yer box, so no beating me."
A large spider skitters from one fold of Camri's spidersilk cloak to another, and disappears within.
>'your point being?
Comise flails his arms about.
You ask, "your point being?"
>l at chad
Chadj ponders.
You see Lord Chadj Veenhof' the Battlechanter.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has ale-brown eyes and tanned skin. He has short, silver hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, an onyx-inset brushed mithril blackbird, a onyx-inlaid black leather scabbard, some supple black leather gloves, an elegant black cavalier hat, some double bronze-edged leather, some reinforced black leather pants, a black spidersilk vest, a filigreed gold and ruby ring, some black cavalry boots, an ancient ebon tome case, a translucent spidersilk backpack, a golden treble clef pin, and a black-edged silver vultite shield.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Comise says, "cant be the hard he will screw up the music even more"
Comise's face turns slightly pale.
Chadj says, "My point being, if ya like having legs, dont touch me."
>snort chad
You snort at Chadj.
Camri grins at Chadj.
Mald came through a narrow opening.
Mald just went north.
Comise flirts with Lalana, tossing her an inviting smile.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
>befriend list
Searching through the lands for your friends..

1. Eoife could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
2. Kristalis could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
3. Raidyndark is somewhere in the lands. [Warm]
4. Celexei could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
5. Ellsbeth is somewhere in the lands. [Warm]
6. Wizip could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
7. Kourdeliah could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
8. Dazdilinger could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
9. Ralagar could not be found in the lands. [Warm]
10. Clear, time to make a new friend!
Chadj smirks.
Sintik says, "sleeping a second"
Lalana chuckles.
Lalana pokes Comise in the ribs.
>'so funny
Chadj says, "And i might go into offensive stance this time."
You say, "so funny"
Chadj nods.
Camri says, "Of course you are"
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "who needs legs!"
Camri stares off into space.
Chadj rubs a crystal amulet.
Chadj gets an odd look on his face.
As Chadj pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Lalana asks, "why ya picking on him?"
Comise licks Lalana's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Lalana points at you.
l at lal
>You see Lalana the Sorceress.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She appears to be in the spring of life and average height. She has long-lashed jade green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, flowing chestnut hair with lighter streaks. She has a delicate face, a classical nose and dimpled cheeks.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a ruby-clasped white suede pack, a white silk-lined cloak, a pale ivory elven-crafted satchel, a sparkling diamond-dusted sack, a front-laced snow white silk bodice, a small wild rose, some eonake trimmed casting leathers with a malevolent sorcerer stitched on the chest, a scalloped hem white silk skirt, some emerald earrings, a sheer white silk blouse, a gold-edged white diamond anklet, a small rose, a leaf-shaped emerald pendant, a lacy white pouch, a delicate gold-link waistchain, some white lace gloves, a tiny golden dragon nose ring, a white tooled-leather harness, a set of ornate emerald hairjewels, an emerald encrusted armband, some white spidersilk stockings, a simple white starstone clasp, an elegant pair of fitted low-heeled boots with delicate white gold clasps, a small rose, and a diamond bangle bracelet.
Chadj asks, "Fine. A head?"
Lalana grins.
>raise eye
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Chadj peers quizzically at Inyk.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "who needs a head!"
>'because they feel they are better than i
You say, "because they feel they are better than i"
>nod lal
You nod to Lalana.
Inyk snickers.
Comise nods.
Chadj says, "We are."
Comise cackles!
Lalana grins.
Camri nods.
glance chad
>You glance at Chadj.
Chadj nods to you.
Camri says, "We are"
Chadj begins a musical chant...
Lalana chuckles.
Chadj smirks.
You chortle.
Inyk menacingly says, "iam better than you"
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Inyk nods to you.
>l at inyk
You see Inyk Bloodlinee the Mercenary.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has bloodshot clear colored eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, unkempt black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield, some crossed black leather back-sheaths, a tattered dark grey battle-cloak, a griffin crested helm, and a double-linked dark vaalorn hauberk.
Lalana says, "oi"
Chadj pulls Lalana closer to himself.
Lalana giggles.
Lalana just licked Chadj!
Chadj clasps Lalana's hand tenderly.
Comise smacks his blue mithril flamberge against the side of his winged ora warhelm! ***Clang!***
Comise is stunned!
Chadj snuggles Lalana, who responds by cradling an arm around him.
>'you also have a much smaller brain capacity than i
You say, "you also have a much smaller brain capacity than i"
>nod inyk
You nod to Inyk.
Chadj ponders.
Inyk hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
Lalana chuckles.
You chortle.
Chadj says, "Ya both giants.."
Lalana licks Chadj's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
>l at inyk
You see Inyk Bloodlinee the Mercenary.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has bloodshot clear colored eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, unkempt black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield, some crossed black leather back-sheaths, a tattered dark grey battle-cloak, a griffin crested helm, and a double-linked dark vaalorn hauberk.
Inyk menacingly says, "wench you dont wanna start wit me"
Comise exclaims, "im not!"
Chadj says, "Neither of yas all that smart"
Chadj ducks his head.
>glance inyk
Comise exclaims, "im an elf!"
You glance at Inyk.
>'oh you sure about that?
You ask, "oh you sure about that?"
Comise says, "just drank alot of milk"
Comise nods.
>'i seen what you do
You say, "i seen what you do"
Chadj starts chortling.
>'you get a friend of yours to sleep a guy
You say, "you get a friend of yours to sleep a guy"
Inyk menacingly says, "what bang your momma"
Chadj licks Lalana's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
>'then you take him outa the gates
(Comise point at his pointy ears)
You say, "then you take him outa the gates"
Inyk peers quizzically at you.
Drakam just arrived.
>'and kill him then...yeah, your real strong
Comise kicks Drakam!
Chadj exclaims, "Drakam!"
You say, "and kill him then...yeah, your real strong"
>chort inyk
Chadj beams happily at Drakam!
Lalana begins chuckling at Camri!
You chortle at Inyk.
Comise swings a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge at Drakam!
AS: +106 vs DS: +559 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +56 = -355
A clean miss.
Lalana just licked Drakam!
Chadj gives Drakam a friendly hug.
Inyk removes a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Comise throws his head back and howls!
Chadj says, "Well"
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Drakam, Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
>l at drak
You see Drakam Blauckedeth the Woodsmaster.
He appears to be a Half-Elf Pariah from Ta'Nalfein.
He appears to be in the spring of life and tall. He has piercing steel grey eyes and tanned skin. He has short, straight sandy blonde hair swept back from the temples. He has a narrow face, a straight nose and a cleft chin. He has a lithe muscular frame and small slightly pointed ears.
He has a silver-banded black invar pipe clenched between his teeth, and a stalking panther tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a soldier's krodera shield inset with an imflass diving eagle clutching a warsword in its talons in his left hand.
He is wearing some forest green brigandine, a veniom bound panther hide sheath, a fur-lined dark leather jacket, a fitted black silk shirt, a slate grey leather satchel, a silver-chased black opal locket, a glimaerstone engagement band, some eog strip leg guards, some dark suede fingerless gloves, a cobweb-covered jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver silk trim, a small golden Paupers pin, a dreamstone spider pin, a masterfully carved diamond pin, an obsidian raven pin, a small four-pointed azure star insignia inset with a golden drake, a belt quiver, an elegant black silk gem pouch, a polished black leather belt, a silver-inlaid haon weapon case, an ebony spidersilk backpack, a crystal amulet, an enamelled ivy leaf earring, a raven-black wool tam o'shanter, a pair of black-tinted glasses, some knee-high roa'ter hide boots, and some reinforced black leather pants.
In one brisk move, Inyk slides a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield off his shoulder.
Drakam exclaims, "Chadj!"
Lalana smooches Drakam on the cheek.
Drakam licks Lalana's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Chadj says, "You just call Wizip in outta no where"
Lalana gives Drakam a warm buss on the lips.
Chadj nods to you.
Lalana throws her head back and howls!
Inyk menacingly says, "yea bish"
Inyk swings a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe at you!
AS: +0 vs DS: +395 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +78 = -285
A clean miss.
Lalana smacks her lips.
>'no, i call no one in
You say, "no, i call no one in"
>nod chad
You nod to Chadj.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Drakam, Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Arnglum came through a narrow opening.
Inyk menacingly says, "lets duel bish"
Arnglum just went north.
Drakam grins at Comise.
Inyk hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
>'i fight my own fights
You say, "i fight my own fights"
Alkiv just arrived.
Alkiv went through a narrow opening.
>glance inyk
You glance at Inyk.
>You chortle.
Chadj says, "I remember reading a... Story.. about that."
Lalana appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Chadj nods to you.
Inyk menacingly says, "lets duel den"
>chort inyk
You chortle at Inyk.
Lakaia came through a narrow opening.
Camri rolls her eyes.
>'oh no doubt you could kill me
nod inyk
You say, "oh no doubt you could kill me"
>You nod to Inyk.
Comise hums distractedly to himself.
Inyk hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +82 + MAvA: -6 + d100: +85 == +123
Inyk knocks you flat and quickly jumps to his feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Comise ducks his head.
Drakam grins at Comise.
Chadj smirks at Inyk.
Chadj says, "Try that on me."
>You stand back up.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Inyk hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
Chadj nods to Inyk.
Xypira just arrived.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Xypira, Lakaia, Drakam, Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Xypira went through a narrow opening.
Varmint just arrived.
Varmint went through a narrow opening.
Schildig just arrived.
>raise eye
...wait 1 seconds.
Schildig went through a narrow opening.
Inyk menacingly says, "shaddap den wench"
Drakam nods to Comise.
>glance inyk
You glance at Inyk.
Comise nods.
Stanor just arrived.
Chadj exclaims, "Sweep me, Inyk!"
Inyk menacingly says, "be in your place"
Chadj roars at Inyk!
You chortle.
Inyk hurls himself at Chadj and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +69 + MAvA: -1 + d100: +11 == +67
Inyk fails to bring Chadj down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Clypso just arrived.
Chadj grins.
Chadj nods.
Inyk gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Chadj says, "Yas kin do it"
Chadj nods to Inyk.
Drakam grins at Comise.
Inyk hurls himself at Chadj and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +69 + MAvA: -1 + d100: +40 == +96
Inyk fails to bring Chadj down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Dantrek just arrived.
Chadj says, "Close"
Dantrek went through a narrow opening.
>'if you wish to be deeded...by all means, continue harassing me
Inyk menacingly says, "stupid rolls"
Lalana nods to Camri.
Chadj begins a musical chant...
You say, "if you wish to be deeded...by all means, continue harassing me"
* Serochy just bit the dust!
Chadj sings a melody, directing the sound of his voice at Inyk.
CS: +98 - TD: +91 + CvA: -9 + d100: +87 - -5 == +90
Warded off!
Inyk is unaffected.
>smile inyk
You smile at Inyk.
Inyk hurls himself at Chadj and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +67 + MAvA: -1 + d100: +88 == +146
Inyk knocks Chadj flat and quickly jumps to his feet!
Chadj starts chortling.
Chadj gasps.
Drakam grins at Comise.
* Icerolose just bit the dust!
>l at inyk
You see Inyk Bloodlinee the Mercenary.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has bloodshot clear colored eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, unkempt black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe in his right hand and a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some crossed black leather back-sheaths, a tattered dark grey battle-cloak, a griffin crested helm, and a double-linked dark vaalorn hauberk.
Chadj stands up.
Lalana shrugs.
Comise pulls on Chadj, trying to get him closer.
Inyk menacingly says, "heh"
Camri grins at Lalana.
Inyk hurls himself at you and connects!
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Inyk fails to bring you down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Inyk menacingly says, "die wench"
You chortle.
Chadj says, "Watch your tongue with threats."
>l at inyk
You see Inyk Bloodlinee the Mercenary.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has bloodshot clear colored eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, unkempt black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe in his right hand and a mithril-edged vaalorn lozenge shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some crossed black leather back-sheaths, a tattered dark grey battle-cloak, a griffin crested helm, and a double-linked dark vaalorn hauberk.
Lalana starts chortling.
Inyk hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +82 + MAvA: -6 + d100: +30 == +68
Inyk fails to bring you down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "down wench!"
Chadj looks thoughtfully at Inyk.
Inyk cackles!
Chadj begins a musical chant...
Chadj sings a melody, directing the sound of his voice at you.
CS: +98 - TD: +40 + CvA: +2 + d100: +43 - -5 == +108
Warding failed!
Something is pulling at you.
Winowyll just arrived.
>'if you really want to kill me...get the fine for it ya fruit
You say, "if you really want to kill me...get the fine for it ya fruit"
Chadj says, "Try now"
Lalana nods to Camri.
Chadj nods to Inyk.
Comise starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
You chortle.
Favorsham just arrived.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Chadj disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Favorsham, Winowyll, Clypso, Stanor, Lakaia, Drakam, Lalana, Inyk, Sintik, Camri, Lord Chadj, Gerbill, Comise
Obvious paths: north
Favorsham just left.
Inyk hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +82 + MAvA: -6 + d100: +99 == +137
Inyk knocks you flat and quickly jumps to his feet!

Roundtime: 9 sec.
Favorsham just arrived.
Lalana wiggles her nose.
Inyk snickers.
Chadj nods to Inyk.
Stanor just went north.
Lalana pokes Favorsham in the ribs.
Inyk nods to Chadj.
Winowyll removes a rolaren hilted vultite broadsword from in her black leather thigh-sheath.
Lalana nods to Camri.
Winowyll slings an ora-bound thrak hide shield off from over her shoulder.
Comise stamps his feet.
Inyk seems to be waiting for something.
Chadj looks over at Comise and shakes his head.
Xypira came through a narrow opening.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Xypira just went north.
Winowyll leans against a narrow opening.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Comise scowls.
Inyk menacingly says, "iam waiting too be deeded"
Favorsham gives Lalana a warm buss on the lips.
Aegis just arrived.
Aegis went through a narrow opening.
Inyk peers quizzically at you.
Comise swings a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge at you!
AS: +106 vs DS: +386 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +29 = -209
A clean miss.
Gerbill asks, "Someone is a piece of fruit?"
Comise throws his head back and howls!
Chadj starts chortling.
Drakam exclaims, "Rodent!!"
Camri peers quizzically at Gerbill.
Drakam turns to Gerbill and cheers!
Camri asks, "Huh?"
Drakam smooches Gerbill on the cheek.
Gerbill smooches Drakam on the cheek.
Chadj nods to Comise.
Clypso removes a pale blue mithril backsword from in her black leather back-sheaths.
Clypso slings a silvery mithril shield off from over her shoulder.
Gerbill says, "I don't know, that's what Garr says."
Clypso went through a narrow opening.
Comise nods.
Inyk menacingly says, "garr is a wench"
Daiera just arrived.
Comise wails!
Inyk nods to Gerbill.
Daiera went through a narrow opening.
Inyk menacingly says, "my wench"
Chadj exclaims, "Is girl is really nice!"
Inyk applauds you.
Chadj nods.
Drakam begins chuckling at Comise!
Bladud just arrived.
Camri nods to Drakam.
Inyk menacingly exclaims, "amuse me wench!"
Inyk hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
Inyk applauds you.
Winowyll's jaw drops.
Alkiv came through a narrow opening.
Comise drools.
Chadj says, "I must admit, shes really nice"
Alkiv just went north.
Chadj reaches out and holds Inyk's hand.
Drakam grins at Comise.

now...this is total bullshit, and everyone here should realize that...i did not use warn/report/assist so once again...i am asking for another pat on the back.

10-13-2003, 10:47 PM
Fucking idiots, the lot of them. You were suprisingly behaved Garr. Nice one.

10-13-2003, 10:50 PM
You forgot to post the start of it. I didn't even see all of it and I saw more then that......

10-13-2003, 10:51 PM
i dont have the start of it...well its in a log but im too lazy to go look for it, and all you saw was gerbill stealing my boxes and taking them away...then Camri agreeing with him that he was doing the right god damned thing

10-13-2003, 10:51 PM
The moment she said "I forgot I don't have healme" was the moment I realised she was a tool.

10-13-2003, 10:52 PM
yeah...that made me laugh too.

10-13-2003, 10:53 PM
You were bashing boxes in a public area. I would have moved them too if I was there. I don't want to be blown up because you can't disarm a box.....

10-13-2003, 10:54 PM
like i said someone checked them for traps....pay attention.

10-13-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by GarrsSoul
like i said someone checked them for traps....pay attention.


10-13-2003, 10:57 PM

10-13-2003, 11:02 PM
You want a pat on the back for doing what normal people do?

Go above and beyond for a pat, don't just do the minimum. Ohh yeah you got some stupid follower in the landing too Garoli from the way he was talking about how cool Warscooterhm was it's gotta be him.

10-13-2003, 11:04 PM
Reguardless of who you say disarmed those boxes, bashing boxes in a public area is dangerous.. not to mention you were acting like a snert. Your boxes were drug to a different area, not stolen. That's all I have to say about that stupid incident.

-Gerbill's player

10-13-2003, 11:05 PM
yes well i'm not one to do what "normal" people do usually...so yes, i am asking for a pat on the back for doing what normal people do.

10-13-2003, 11:06 PM
You should have killed Comise, in retrospect Garr. I would have. And Inky.

10-13-2003, 11:07 PM
I was not acting like a snert, i simply came there...and you decided to be an asshole and push on me and yell at me...so fuck off.

10-13-2003, 11:07 PM
The only thing I will say here is: If you wish to find children playing, look in the sandbox. If you wish to find adults, avoid the sandbox.



10-13-2003, 11:07 PM
I had nothing to do with the conflict, I got there when the log starts (or very close too it.) You just failed to put in the part where the entire conflict started. You got your boxes checked by someone who had 22 ranks in perception and 0 ranks in disarm..... Yeah I would have felt safe about that :rolleyes:. I wasn't there for all of it, but next time you post a log, post it all......

[Edited on 10-14-2003 by Gemstone101]

10-13-2003, 11:08 PM
Agreed HN. Its why my script tries to get me through there as quick as possible when going to rats.

Red Devil
10-14-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Agreed HN. Its why my script tries to get me through there as quick as possible when going to rats.


10-14-2003, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
The only thing I will say here is: If you wish to find children playing, look in the sandbox. If you wish to find adults, avoid the sandbox.

I like to think of the Crypt as a jungle gym. Sort of cross between the sandbox and adulthood.

10-14-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
I like to think of the Crypt as a jungle gym. Sort of cross between the sandbox and adulthood.

Heh. From what I remember of the crypt, it might just qualify as such. ;)


10-14-2003, 12:50 AM
Red Devil is funny.

10-14-2003, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by GarrsSoul
i dont have the start of it...well its in a log but im too lazy to go look for it,

You're too lazy to edit the first log too.

10-14-2003, 07:55 AM
The cul people in this incident were being retarded.

They saw Garr's name and took it as a sign that they should start harassing him.

Gerbill dragged the boxes out of the area and told him why, and that was that and should of been left alone.

But, Chadj and Inyk and all, they were just being fucking stupid. You should of killed them both, Garr. Or at least tried to.


10-14-2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
The moment she said "I forgot I don't have healme" was the moment I realised she was a tool.

Comise is a guy, and yes, he is a moron. The same thing goes for Inyk. I've wanted to kill him multiple times for some of the stupid stuff that comes out of his mouth (some of it is honestly unbelievable).

Otherwise... why would you even go to the cul to have your boxes disarmed? Is there something wrong with going to the east tower, where the people who pick hang out? :?:

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-14-2003, 11:57 AM
The Cul De Sac people are always idiots. Why do people go there? So they can be with other idiots I assume. It is clear there are no redeeming qualities there...so Garr, my advice would be to go hang out somewhere else.

The entire dialog was peppered with OOC comments and innuendos.

Comise says, "oof i forgot i dont got healme"
Inyk menacingly says, "please dont"
Chadj says, "You just call Wizip in outta no where"
Inyk menacingly says, "stupid rolls"

I'd report Inyk for abuse of guild skills btw.

10-14-2003, 07:12 PM
the log wasnt edited...dont blame me for things alright...and Daina, i had done nothing wrong until they began to mess with me...so then i started to speak back.

10-14-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

I'd report Inyk for abuse of guild skills btw.

since stealth took over warriors there is no abuse of guild skills

10-14-2003, 07:20 PM
Meh. I got killed by random strangers 3 times in 15 minutes yesterday, and I didn't even start a post about it.

Boohoo, people don't like you. It comes with being a fucking moron. The best thing you could do, since your reputation has preceded you, is give away your stuff and reroll. Don't tell anyone who your new person is, and try not to be a damn retard.

edit: that came out a bit angrier than intended.

The people who were bugging you are also retards.

[Edited on 10-14-2003 by Artha]

10-14-2003, 07:23 PM
All he was doing here (at least I think) was show that he's at least trying not to be the asshole he used to be. He's trying to change at least, it's a slow process... granted, but at least he's trying. *pats garr on the back since no one else will*

10-14-2003, 07:24 PM
Thank you, Myrianna.

10-14-2003, 07:25 PM

I'm telling you confuzzled is mine! mine mine mine! give it back Myrianna!

10-14-2003, 07:31 PM
You can't have it! Even if it was yours, which it wasn't, it's mine now!

10-14-2003, 07:32 PM
damn...oh be afraid Myrianna, be very afraid...you'll get yours sooner or later! ::grins mischeviously:

10-14-2003, 07:36 PM
He's trying to change at least, it's a slow process... granted, but at least he's trying.

Garr will forever be retarded in my warn interacted eyes. It was honest advice...the best thing the warn whore could do would be reroll and not tell anyone.

10-14-2003, 07:38 PM
you won't be getting rid of Garr anytime soon so forget about it.

10-14-2003, 07:43 PM
I really don't care. I obey my warn interactions, however retardedly they're given, so you are less than nothing to me. However, if you enjoy demanding pats on the back for things you should normally do anyway, go for it.

10-14-2003, 07:59 PM
heh....now how did you get that im demanding pats on the back when the title of this post is I ASK FOR A PAT ON THE BACK, ONCE AGAIN

10-14-2003, 08:00 PM
Garr, do me a favor, go dive off a cliff, your starting to annoy me.



10-14-2003, 08:12 PM
yeah...if you say so adredrin...your the one who comes into TC and starts slapping me and treating me like a dog for no damned reasonl.

[Edited on 10-15-2003 by GarrsSoul]

10-14-2003, 08:24 PM
Just warn interaction him Garr, it's not like it'll stain your wonderful reputation.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-15-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Artha
Meh. I got killed by random strangers 3 times in 15 minutes yesterday, and I didn't even start a post about it.

Boohoo, people don't like you. It comes with being a fucking moron.
[Edited on 10-14-2003 by Artha]

Does anyone else see the irony in his "I got killed 3 times" and his last sentence above?

I thought it was oddly appropriate.

10-15-2003, 09:49 AM
I noticed it as well.

10-15-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by GarrsSoul
yeah...if you say so adredrin...your the one who comes into TC and starts slapping me and treating me like a dog for no damned reasonl.

[Edited on 10-15-2003 by GarrsSoul]

I seriously doubt he does it for no reason.

I entered your conflict to try to put a end to it.

I asked you if I got your boxes back for you, if you would leave. You refused.

My conflict with you did not begin until you announced that I thought I was better than you. I simply agreed. I am.

Next time you're going to post a log, and name me in it, post the WHOLE log. Not just the parts that make you look like some kind of victim.

And just a little FYI, Next time I see you trying to bash boxes in a crowded room, there will be no conflict. I'll just kill you.

10-15-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Ooo now comes the part where Garr threatens Camri with his mommy and her rifter buddies. ::rolls eyes::

He can threaten me all he wants. I'll kill him for that too.

10-15-2003, 02:16 PM
If he annoys so many people, why do you even bother? Just ignore him. But it just seems that now people will go out of their way to give him a hard time regardless of whether he deserved it or not.

I admit, I didn't read that massive log entirely because just skimming it made me want to lose my lunch, but no one was innocent in any of that.

The venom that comes out of you people sometimes just amazes me. He tries to be better after everyone gives him a hard time before and even him changing isn't good enough. Give him a small break.

[Edited on 10/15/2003 by CrystalTears]

10-15-2003, 02:23 PM
I don't hate Garr. I wasn't involved in this conflict either, I was just sitting there watching. The guy was trying to bash boxes in a public area. He said he got them disarmed (by a guy that couldn't even spot all traps on a kobold box). Someone asked him to leave when he did it, he didn't. So they picked up the box and moved it for him. Nobody wanted to die because he set off a trap in a crowded area. That was the problem. I think people would have been a little nicer if he wasn't being a stubborn prick about it. Bash the boxes in a private area..... that's what was asked. (He didn't post the part of coarse)

10-15-2003, 02:24 PM
Heh, should have dragged him instead of the box. :D

10-15-2003, 02:24 PM
Hey "says" he is trying to get better. Thats just his words. I've yet to see him improove yet. So he don't warn anyone, whoopie. He still acts like a little punk, and he still pushes people around. I've sat in the room invisible and watched him do it. He thinks he is gods gift to GS, and he can do what ever he wants, untill he learns to at least have "common respect" for other people (Ie bashing in quiet places, stop scrolling text, annoying people, and bossing/pushing people around) I will continue to slap him, annoy him, and what ever else I deem worthy.


10-15-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

Originally posted by Artha
Meh. I got killed by random strangers 3 times in 15 minutes yesterday, and I didn't even start a post about it.

Boohoo, people don't like you. It comes with being a fucking moron.
[Edited on 10-14-2003 by Artha]

Does anyone else see the irony in his "I got killed 3 times" and his last sentence above?

I thought it was oddly appropriate.

These are three characters I've never met, who used extremely cheap tactics. I'd bet an arm or a leg that it was one person. That isn't 'people'. I think there would be ample cause for me to complain, but I'm not going to bother, and I'm not going to ask for a pat on the back.

If you want to think I'm whining, feel free. I really don't care.

[Edited on 10-15-2003 by Artha]

10-15-2003, 07:15 PM
No one asked me to leave...I was told to leave by Gerbill before i even let anyone in the room know that i even HAD boxes...

10-15-2003, 07:16 PM
And I doubt anyone was worried about they're saftey...I told Neff what train zombies were, which is what i had, zombies boxes...and he said, oh thats easy, i can get those. Now from that...who is going to think that he cant see a trap on a kobold box...he was a titled rogue i beleive...rogue or ranger

10-15-2003, 07:41 PM
It's still lots and lots of unneccessary screen scroll. The polite, obvious thing to do would've been to then go visit a table and bash your boxes.

10-15-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by HalfsilverBut, Chadj and Inyk and all, they were just being fucking stupid. You should of killed them both, Garr. Or at least tried to.


What was i doing that was so retarted? When he stepped far out of line, i put him to sleep. I woulda killed him on the spot for something that happend previous to that concerning my IG in-laws, but he had my respect for some actions for that day. And he was being smart in not even trying to attack me or Inyk, cause either of us could have him dead. So im not exactly sure what log you were reading grays, but STFU
Woah, that felt good. Never said that on these boards before. Can i pretty please have a pat on the back for withholding any urges before now to say that?
Garr, everything that happend there, as far as i could see it (other than maybe Inyk and Comise with some of their comments and actions) was mostly just RP. And you DID conveniently leave out the part where we asked you politely to leave... multiple times. So before you ask for a pat on the back for something that doesnt even deserve one, make sure that you tell the whole story.


EDIT:fixed a typo or two.

[Edited on 10-16-2003 by Chadj]

10-15-2003, 08:20 PM
And damn, this got a lot of responses for something that happend so recently...

10-15-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by GarrsSoul
No one asked me to leave...I was told to leave by Gerbill before i even let anyone in the room know that i even HAD boxes...

Umm.... might i point out, thats incorrect? here is the FIRST time Gerbill told you to leave, and what happend just before.

>Garr bashes the brass box with his vultite espadon.
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Dorrvin echo in your mind:
"BUYING cigar making material TTM with price"
Neff says, "sixteen I tink"
>Stanor just arrived.
The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Reshil thinking, "Stop that, Primum"
>Gerbill says, "You are not welcome in the Cul De Sac Garr..please leave"

10-15-2003, 10:12 PM
My pet peeve is when people bash at the well in Icemule, I've always thought of it as rather rude.... that's where locksmiths try to get their business, IMHO.

Just my $0.02.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-15-2003, 10:32 PM
Who the hell is Gerbill, and who the hell says he owns the Cul De Sac?

I'd tell him to bugger off personally. Oh, BTW, if Gerbill (dumb name) reads this board, he's not welcome anywhere I am. I don't cotton to dumb names in my personal space.

BTW -- I'm kidding, but it makes just as much sense.

edit: Took out all my "fuck/fucks/fuckers" I'm a little vulgar.

[Edited on 10-16-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

10-15-2003, 11:05 PM
*pats garr on the back for not responding to at least most of the insults here*

10-15-2003, 11:05 PM
There's a difference between being asked nicely to leave an area due to box bashing, and telling someone to leave an area because they are not wanted. What the hell is that? No one is allowed to tell anyone who is not welcome anywhere unless it's a private home.

10-15-2003, 11:09 PM
*pats crystaltears on the back for picking up on that*

10-15-2003, 11:12 PM
If I was involved, I would have told him to leave with the box, and if he didn't, I would have killed him there or done it later when I could. Not everyone says "please leave the area, you are going to kill me." It's all in how you play your character.

10-15-2003, 11:15 PM
Right, and someone who had ordered me to leave an area because I wasn't "welcome" would have to put up with me there now just for spite, because that's the kind of character I have. Telling me to move because of the risk of killing is better than telling me where I am "allowed".

10-15-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
And you DID conveniently leave out the part where we asked you politely to leave... multiple times. So before you ask for a pat on the back for something that doesnt even deserve one, make sure that you tell the whole story.


Yeah, I read one of those "polite" requests a few posts back. Your mama must have taught you a funny form of polite, youngun.

As CT and others said, who the hell is Gerbill to tell someone where they are welcome to be and where they are not welcome to be in a game that all players pay for?

Hell, if I had a name like Gerbill, I would keep my mouth shut and hope nobody noticed me. :barf:

HarmNone sees sandbox written all over this mess

10-15-2003, 11:18 PM
Then stick around! If you want to get pushed around and picked on, go ahead. I really hope people stick around because it's a lot of fun getting into arguements with people. That often brings out the best RP in some. Gerbill acted like his normal self, and if he asked any other way, it would have been out of character for him. If Candor had said that, would you be saying the same thing?

10-15-2003, 11:19 PM
If Candor said that, would anyone listen?

10-15-2003, 11:20 PM
<chuckles> Who the hell is Candor?

10-15-2003, 11:21 PM
The Irksum from before Irksum existed.

10-15-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
<chuckles> Who the hell is Candor?

My god woman! You are a mod on a unofficial Gemstone website and you play gemstone and you don't know Candor! You scare me!

10-15-2003, 11:25 PM
Candor, if I remember correctly, had more class than Gerbill could muster up if he spent the rest of his life at it. While I might not always have liked Candor's RP style, I could appreciate his application. Such is not the case, by a loooong shot, with Gerbill and the rest of this bunch of playground bullies.


10-15-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Candor, if I remember correctly, had more class than Gerbill could muster up if he spent the rest of his life at it. While I might not always have liked Candor's RP style, I could appreciate his application. Such is not the case, by a loooong shot, with Gerbill and the rest of this bunch of playground bullies.


Why from 1 line can you say something like that? From one line Gerbill is a bully with no class? Come on now. I would have been a lot ruder..... So would a lot of people.

10-15-2003, 11:31 PM
Buh, I'm supposed to know every single character in Gemstone? Gimme a break. :P

10-15-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Buh, I'm supposed to know every single character in Gemstone? Gimme a break. :P

Just the ones that make headlines!

10-15-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Why from 1 line can you say something like that? From one line Gerbill is a bully with no class? Come on now. I would have been a lot ruder..... So would a lot of people.

Heh, Sintik, ol' buddy, I love ya like a bruddah, but I would not say you are an accomplished roleplayer, from what I have seen. I have seen other logs featuring the illustrious Gerbill, as well. He does not show me anything, either.

Now, I know you have said you do not care about roleplay anymore. That is well and good. GemStone staff does not truly support a roleplaying environment, nor do they wish to do so, apparently. GSIII is a game of "almost anything goes". That is fine, if that is what you want.

However, when something like what is featured in this thread happens to someone who is known here and is picked on here, please do not try to sell it to me as an effort at roleplaying. It is bullying, pure and simple. It is little boy, sandbox mentality on the rampage.

I am not Einstein (or Klaive), but give me a f*cking break, already!

HarmNone ain't stupid:P

10-15-2003, 11:44 PM
Bah, ain't no headlines if his topic can't get even one full page on these boards. Some of those posts even asked who he was. So.. :P

10-15-2003, 11:57 PM
<<<Heh, Sintik, ol' buddy, I love ya like a bruddah, but I would not say you are an accomplished roleplayer, from what I have seen. I have seen other logs featuring the illustrious Gerbill, as well. He does not show me anything, either. >>>

You are absolutely right, I'm not a great RP'er, I don't care much anymore about it. When I start with someone I don't know, I can really get involved, but when I'm sitting around with my friends, I don't care. I mean I don't sit there and talk about Cell phones and crap, and I continue to play Sintik as a arrogant rude person, but I'm not really into it. I don't play GS to RP and talk with an accent and crap, I play it to have fun. Considering I searched through to forums for Gerbill and found one other log with him actively in it..... That was a log where some guy was whispering calling him a faggot and butt buddy and he still stayed in character for the most part. Other logs?

<<<However, when something like what is featured in this thread happens to someone who is known here and is picked on here, please do not try to sell it to me as an effort at roleplaying. It is bullying, pure and simple. It is little boy, sandbox mentality on the rampage.>>>

It's not bullying. Gerbill isn't some uber character. He's an empath and it's not like he's sitting there where nobody can touch him or do anything about it. Gerbill treats TONS of people that way, it's not like Garr was a special case. Gerbill has a ton of dislikes and if you fall into a category, he's going to say something.

Comise swings a razor-sharp blue mithril flamberge at Garr!
AS: +106 vs DS: +138 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +35 = +45
A clean miss.
Gerbill gestures at Comise.
CS: +185 - TD: +6 + CvA: +17 + d100: +38 - +5 == +229
Warding failed!
A calm washes over Comise.
Gerbill says, "That's wrong, even for Garr"

1 line can't tell you about the character. The sandbox shit you talk about takes place yes, but you can't pull that from one line, and that's what you are doing. You really should look into things more then what you see. There is a still a lot that is left out and still you make the point that Gerbill is a bully that picks on Garr. Give someone the benifit of the doubt before you going jumping to things from one line.

10-16-2003, 12:05 AM
Gerbill does not need the benefit of the doubt from me. I do not believe he would claim to be the consummate roleplayer, do you? I have seen other logs, yes. Not all logs are posted here. :D

It seems silly to me to argue the merits of the Garr, Gerbill, Chadj, Inyk, Whoever Else contingent's cul-de-sac doin's here. They can do as they wish. They do not need my blessing on it. However, I have seen more than one log of the goings on in that area. I have seen them posted here, and I have seen them posted elsewhere. I have even received them in my email. I reserve the right to be singularly unimpressed, and I am.:P

HarmNone is stubborn, too

10-16-2003, 12:08 AM
Well I was going to get into it, but Sintik seems to have made all my points for me. My character dislikes most people that come into the cul de sac, its normal... It's not really fair to judge me based on a line or two from an interaction with an idiot like Garr.

<<I have seen other logs featuring the illustrious Gerbill, as well. He does not show me anything, either. >>

No you havent. :) As Sintik said, I haven't really BEEN in any other logs other then sitting in the background, or saying a line or two (like this one).

-Gerbill's player

10-16-2003, 12:11 AM
You can be, but that doesn't mean I won't say something. :) I will always comment on something if I believe strongly about it (and sometimes just to start something up when I'm bored.) Also, I'm not defending what Chadj and Inyk did, I'm a strong believer in 1 on 1, I don't like gang ups unless 1 person starts trouble with 5 people. I didn't get involved for this reason. However the one line that seemed harsh and rude was in character for Gerbill, and saying it was wrong to say that is bullshit. Don't make assumptions from one line, whether or not you are HarmNone, it applies for everyone else.

10-16-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Snapp
Well I was going to get into it, but Sintik seems to have made all my points for me. My character dislikes most people that come into the cul de sac, its normal... It's not really fair to judge me based on a line or two from an interaction with an idiot like Garr.

<<I have seen other logs featuring the illustrious Gerbill, as well. He does not show me anything, either. >>

No you havent. :) As Sintik said, I haven't really BEEN in any other logs other then sitting in the background, or saying a line or two (like this one).

-Gerbill's player

Hmmm. I am not one to believe I cannot be wrong. I would have sworn I have seen more than a few logs in which you were featured, but if I am mistaken you have my apology. I do not keep the stuff that comes to me in emails, so cannot check it, unfortunately. Therefore, I shall take your word that I have you confused with someone else and beg your pardon most humbly.:)

However, I still do not believe you have the right to tell someone where they are or are not welcome, unless you are in a private home. All players pay to play, and all are entitled to go to the public areas of their choice. To tell someone they are not welcome somewhere is beyond rude. It usurps a power you simply do not have.


10-16-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Yeah, I read one of those "polite" requests a few posts back. Your mama must have taught you a funny form of polite, youngun.

Well, considering the character that Gerbill tends to act as, and also taking into account Garr's reputation, that was as polite as Gerbill gets. As for the youngun comment, ive been in the lands (off and on i guess) for 6 years.. so im not exactly a youngun. Sorry.. felt the need to point that out :).

Next, what did i do that was so wrong? I lullabyed him twice for stepping out of line, once with death threats such as "Stop that, Inyk, unless you want to be deeded" and again for getting beaten severely by him. Chadj doesnt appreciate getting touched by people he doesnt like, let alone ones that murdered his sister.
I am in no way condoning Inyk's actions for that bullshit he was pulling.. he was being an ass. I didnt lullabye Garr in defense of Inyk, i did it because threats of sending people demonic dont click with Chadj... hell, he would tell his best friend to shut up if that threat was made without a VERY good reason... and getting tackled aint a reason to threaten getting deeded. Also, Garr did not need to remain there, so it was his own choice to get tackled and shit, but once again, i do not condone Inyk for all that bullshit pulled. Now, if something is wrong with what i did, tell me please.
Anyways, i gotta stop my rant... got a football meeting :(

By the way, despite gittin called a youngun, you still have my utmost respect, Harmnone.


10-16-2003, 04:03 PM
Heh. I was kidding with the youngun. Besides, to me, youngun is anything but an insult! If I decide to insult you, you will most assuredly know it. ;)

HarmNone the cranky

10-16-2003, 04:05 PM
Mmmmmm HN is young and virile. Excellent.

10-16-2003, 06:12 PM
::laugh:: Alright:)

10-16-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Next, what did i do that was so wrong? I lullabyed him twice for stepping out of line, once with death threats such as "Stop that, Inyk, unless you want to be deeded" and again for getting beaten severely by him. Chadj doesnt appreciate getting touched by people he doesnt like, let alone ones that murdered his sister.
I am in no way condoning Inyk's actions for that bullshit he was pulling.. he was being an ass. I didnt lullabye Garr in defense of Inyk, i did it because threats of sending people demonic dont click with Chadj... hell, he would tell his best friend to shut up if that threat was made without a VERY good reason... and getting tackled aint a reason to threaten getting deeded. Also, Garr did not need to remain there, so it was his own choice to get tackled and shit, but once again, i do not condone Inyk for all that bullshit pulled. Now, if something is wrong with what i did, tell me please.
Anyways, i gotta stop my rant... got a football meeting :(

By the way, despite gittin called a youngun, you still have my utmost respect, Harmnone.


Okay. I will not sit here and say that you did something "wrong". That is not up to me to judge, it is up to you. I may not approve of your way of handling an issue, but that does not mean you are wrong. It means we differ in how we would deal with something. Hope that makes sense.

I can understand reacting to being "beaten severely". Some of my characters would have reacted to that, as well. However, none of my characters would have cast at Garr for what he said to Inyk. Was what he said right? Nope. Was what Inyk was doing right? Hell, no. Therefore, my characters would have kept their noses in their own business. Inyk's behavior was reprehensible.

I really take issue with people who try to make other people feel unwelcome in an area within the game, for reasons I have expressed in previous posts. I believe we are all smart enough to realize that if we say to one another: "You ain't welcome here, so get lost!" the party being told to get lost is going to dig in their heels and refuse to leave. Anybody who says they do not know that will happen is lying like a rug! Now...what is going to happen next, eh? Yup. Fight. Casting, cursing, and other elements of the proverbial pissing contest will ensue. Does this make us proud? I guess that depends on who "us" is, eh?:grin:

I do not judge, but I may differ with anyone as to the best and most efficient way to handle a situation. I also choose not to denigrate others, as I myself am far from perfect and make plenty of mistakes that I would just as soon not have rubbed in my face.

HarmNone is still cranky, dammit :sniffle:

10-16-2003, 07:20 PM
Sorry you are cranky, HarmNone :(.
And aye, now i see why i should not have casted at Garr. The night this happend, i was not paying any attention to Inyk... Was busy telling a certain someone i would not put Garr to sleep so that they could kill him. Anyways, i was reviewing the log, and now i see how much of an ass Inyk was being. So i prolly shouldnt have lullabyed him for that, tis true. :(

Moist Happenings
10-24-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I had nothing to do with the conflict, I got there when the log starts (or very close too it.) You just failed to put in the part where the entire conflict started. You got your boxes checked by someone who had 22 ranks in perception and 0 ranks in disarm..... Yeah I would have felt safe about that :rolleyes:. I wasn't there for all of it, but next time you post a log, post it all......

[Edited on 10-14-2003 by Gemstone101]

Just a side note, I haven't read through all of this topic yet, and this is my first post on these forums. But he got his boxes checked by someone with 66 ranks in disarm, and 66 in perception. I reallocated later that day, and now yes, I have 23 ranks in perception and none in disarm.

10-24-2003, 12:13 PM
Neff... Why did you bring this back to life? :P :P

Moist Happenings
10-24-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Neff... Why did you bring this back to life? :P :P

Because I just joined the forums and it's new to me. Plus nobody told me my name was mentioned on the forums. The only solution is for me to kill you all, gather your body parts in a bag, and hurl them into the underground river in the sewers.