10-13-2003, 09:12 PM
Here's the log... it's long as hell.. even edited.
Grabbs's group just arrived.
You chuckle at Grabbs.
You ask, "ow was jail?"
Grabbs glances at you.
You smirk.
Grabbs shrugs.
Tamis grins at you.
Grabbs says, "Wouldn' know."
You say, "uh huh."
You say, "Saw a box on da desk wid yer name on it."
You say, "an I putcha der."
You strike a heroic pose.
Silver: 812
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' they all say."
You point at a small silver star.
Grabbs says, "But honistly, I saw a box wit yer name on it."
You say, "uh huh."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 73 silvers.
Grabbs says, "So don' try to make me look like the bad guy."
You reach into Grabbs's stalking cloak and pull out a violet sapphire.
rg vanish silent sapphire in my vest
You secretly place your violet sapphire into your dwarven vest.
Ok, it shut.
You say, "jes 'ope ya learned yer lesson."
You smile at Grabbs.
Grabbs says, "Hope you learned yers."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 136 silvers.
You say, "I did."
You say, "I learned ya a 'ack an a amateur."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 215 silvers.
You smirk.
You reach into Grabbs's stalking cloak and pull out a violet spinel.
Silver: 1148
You secretly place your violet spinel into your leather weapons harness.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 204 silvers.
You say, "Good place ta res an relax."
Grabbs coughs loudly into his fist several times, then opens it to reveal a smoky topaz!
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 232 silvers.
Grabbs coughs.
Grabbs says, "Whoa."
Grabbs shows you a smoky topaz, which he is holding in his right hand.. You see nothing unusual.
Grabbs asks, "Where'd this come from?"
You smile.
Grabbs coughs.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 161 silvers.
Ok, it shut.
You say, "No idea."
Grabbs put a smoky topaz in his stalking cloak.
Grabbs nods to you.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 46 silvers.
In the dwarven war girdle you see a green tourmaline, a green malachite stone, a gold ring, a severed hand, a shadowy rogue figurine, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a green toadstool pin, some blue lapis lazuli and a solid gold offering plate.
You see a shadowy black stalking cloak shut.
You chortle.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
You have 1747 coins with you.
You say, "yer clean now."
You nod to Grabbs.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha you think."
Grabbs shows you a green malachite stone, which he is holding in his left hand.. You see nothing unusual.
You say, "thanks fer da sapphire an spinel though."
You bow to Grabbs.
Grabbs shows you a green tourmaline, which he is holding in his right hand.. You see nothing unusual.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
You see Grabbs the Hoodlum.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He appears to be young and robust and taller than average. He has brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, unkempt dark brown hair. He has an unshaven face.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a green tourmaline in his right hand and a green malachite stone in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some supple black leather pants, a tooled black leather wristband, some black mithril shin guards, a shadowy black stalking cloak, a midnight-hued rolaren mesh coif, a midnight-hued rolaren torc, a vultite chain, some shadowy black leather boots, a deep black locksmith's kit, some old mildewed double chain, and a shadowy black weapons harness.
You ask, "lil stuck to ya?"
Grabbs just closed a deep black locksmith's kit.
You smile at Grabbs.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You say, "amateur."
You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
You notice Grabbs try to tiptoe silently away.
You say, "no.. i'sa fact."
You laugh out loud!
You belt out, "Be'er gitta cleric ta 'elp ya ou Grabbs."
You belt out, "yer a pathetic thief."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs says, "Everyone watch out, He's stealing."
Grabbs points at you.
Kainata raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kainata gestures at Grabbs.
The green tourmaline which Grabbs is holding suddenly glows with an intensely bright light!
You say, "Dem gems in yer 'ands seem ta like ya Grabbs."
You laugh out loud!
Grabbs says, "And I like them."
You say, "Explain the gems in yer 'ands."
Kainata smiles at Grabbs.
You say, "and 'ow ya can't quite drop em."
You laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs says, "Me an' Tamis were havin' a contest and he tricked me."
You belt out, "Grabbs needs a cleric cause 'e issa amateur thief an stupidly stole two cursed gems."
Grabbs just closed a shadowy black stalking cloak.
You say, "Ya needa mentor kid."
You snicker.
Grabbs whispers, "I got my coins back, it's funny."
Grabbs whispers, "Plus some."
You say, "not likely."
Silver: 1267
reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 251 silvers.
Grabbs whispers, "Isn't this fun?"
You smile.
You nod.
You say, "for me."
You say, "fun AN profitable."
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Silver: 1246
sneak n
You have 1246 coins with you.
You deposit 1246 silvers in your account. The teller carefully records the transaction and says, "Thank you, Falgrin. Have a nice day!"
sneak s
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. You also see the fiery red Krystala disk, a woodland tiger (sitting), the Larcenal disk, the Tobarth disk and the Gerusha disk.
Also here: Lady Krystala, Lord Banetekk, Mange, Mald (sitting), Lord Radeek, Lord Larcenal, Krylloc, Allaran, Dantrek (sitting), Adirania (sitting), Tobarth, Siendrel, Gerusha, Lord Paython (sitting), Tamis, Karrvik (sitting), Valoric, Kintrul (prone), Ralfein
Obvious paths: north, south, west
You examine your fingernails.
You notice Grabbs slip out of hiding.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 167 silvers.
Grabbs glances about suspciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
A look of panic crosses Grabbs's face, and he suddenly begins clawing desperately at his face and throat!
You laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 165 silvers.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 55 silvers.
A look of panic crosses Grabbs's face as he frantically gasps for air!
You grab Grabbs's hand.
You grab Grabbs and drag him north with you . . .
You grab Grabbs and drag him with you . . .
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see some light leather, a wooden shield and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Grabbs
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest
You grab Grabbs and drag him with you . . .
Grabbs stares fixedly at the oblivion quartz he holds. You gradually notice he has quit breathing, and stands frozen as though turned to stone! Suddenly, he exhales in an explosive rush, which leaves him pale and visibly shaken.
You grab Grabbs and drag him north with you . . .
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a woodland tiger, a wooden shield, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: a stunned Grabbs, Savagekitty, Fayeth, Kkian
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You remove a blackened invar-hafted cleaver from in your leather weapons harness.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a blackened invar-hafted cleaver at Grabbs!
AS: +391 vs DS: +25 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +62 = +465
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Left hand severed at the wrist!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Mange gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Mange gestures at Grabbs.
The glazed look leaves Grabbs.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Kkian says, "Hmm"
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Fayeth blinks.
Savagekitty gasps.
Mange chuckles.
Grabbs suddenly begins gasping for air! In moments, he keels over and falls to the ground unconscious.
Grabbs snores quietly.
You say, "No stealin from a thief."
Grabbs snores quietly.
Grabbs wakes up startled by your attack.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a blackened invar-hafted cleaver at Grabbs!
AS: +391 vs DS: -25 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +23 = +476
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Off-balanced slash!
Enough force to sever Grabbs's right hand!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Savagekitty says, "oh no."
Savagekitty cringes.
You say, "No hands."
You say, "No steal."
Kkian asks, "Falgrin you got a good reason for this?"
You say, "I have my reason fer it."
You say, "good or bad."
You say, "da thief will learn not ta steal from me."
You shrug.
Kkian says, "hmm"
You smile at Grabbs.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Left or righ..."
Kkian says, "ok"
Kkian put a blackened long-bladed khopesh in his tooled wrist sheath.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs stares fixedly at the oblivion quartz he holds. You gradually notice he has quit breathing, and stands frozen as though turned to stone! Suddenly, he exhales in an explosive rush, which leaves him pale and visibly shaken.
You chortle at Grabbs.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a leg of roasted rabbit, a woodland tiger, a wooden shield, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: Mange, a stunned Grabbs (prone), Savagekitty, Fayeth, Kkian
Obvious paths: south
Savagekitty exclaims, "we've been set upon by bandits!"
Kkian chuckles.
Fayeth gasps.
Savagekitty gasps.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Kkian says, "Oh wel"
You say, "Bandit."
You point at a small silver star.
You say, "Imma dep'ty."
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs suddenly falls silent as all the color drains from his face, and his eyes slowly roll back into his head. As Grabbs continues to stare straight ahead with blank, white eyes, he begins to shudder like a limp corpse hanging and blowing in the wind. Finally, he seems to overcome the appalling seizure, his eyes returning to normal although he remains pale as a ghost.
Kkian asks, "Grabbs.. what ye got to say bout this?"
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You remove a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger from in your leather weapons harness.
Mange says, "grabbs was stealin"
You sling an archaic dwarven tower shield off from over your shoulder.
Grabbs suddenly begins gasping for air! In moments, he keels over and falls to the ground unconscious.
Grabbs snores quietly.
You say, "Lemme put 'im outta 'is misery."
Grabbs snores quietly.
Grabbs wakes up startled by your attack.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger at Grabbs!
AS: +396 vs DS: -65 with AvD: +6 + d100 roll: +58 = +525
... and hit for 56 points of damage!
Incredible slash to Grabbs's neck!
Throat and vocal cords destroyed!
Zero chance of survival.
* Grabbs drops dead at your feet!
You nod.
You put a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger in your leather weapons harness.
Kkian says, "Hmm"
You smile at Grabbs.
You say, "but learn it ya did."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 42 silvers.
You turn towards the body of Grabbs and render a sharp hand salute.
Mange says, "grabbs was stealin"
Kkian grins at you.
You see Grabbs the Hoodlum.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He appears to be young and robust and taller than average. He has brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, unkempt dark brown hair. He has an unshaven face.
He appears to be DEAD!
He has a completely severed right hand, a completely severed left hand, and snapped bones and serious bleeding from the neck.
He is bleeding from the right hand, and slightly from the left hand.
He is holding a shard of oblivion quartz in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some supple black leather pants, a tooled black leather wristband, some black mithril shin guards, a shadowy black stalking cloak, a midnight-hued rolaren mesh coif, a midnight-hued rolaren torc, a vultite chain, some shadowy black leather boots, a deep black locksmith's kit, some old mildewed double chain, and a shadowy black weapons harness.
Kkian asks, "where were ye Falgrin?"
Kkian raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You say, "e 'assa gem o mine in 'is righ 'and."
You say, "in my park."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 183 silvers.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Savagekitty says, "the big city is harsh."
You say, "We're e'en now Grabbs."
You say, "It wassa tough lesson ta learn.. I thought mebbe jes jail time would elp ya ou."
You say, "but I suppose not."
You turn towards the body of Grabbs and render a sharp hand salute.
Grabbs's group just arrived.
You chuckle at Grabbs.
You ask, "ow was jail?"
Grabbs glances at you.
You smirk.
Grabbs shrugs.
Tamis grins at you.
Grabbs says, "Wouldn' know."
You say, "uh huh."
You say, "Saw a box on da desk wid yer name on it."
You say, "an I putcha der."
You strike a heroic pose.
Silver: 812
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' they all say."
You point at a small silver star.
Grabbs says, "But honistly, I saw a box wit yer name on it."
You say, "uh huh."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 73 silvers.
Grabbs says, "So don' try to make me look like the bad guy."
You reach into Grabbs's stalking cloak and pull out a violet sapphire.
rg vanish silent sapphire in my vest
You secretly place your violet sapphire into your dwarven vest.
Ok, it shut.
You say, "jes 'ope ya learned yer lesson."
You smile at Grabbs.
Grabbs says, "Hope you learned yers."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 136 silvers.
You say, "I did."
You say, "I learned ya a 'ack an a amateur."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 215 silvers.
You smirk.
You reach into Grabbs's stalking cloak and pull out a violet spinel.
Silver: 1148
You secretly place your violet spinel into your leather weapons harness.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 204 silvers.
You say, "Good place ta res an relax."
Grabbs coughs loudly into his fist several times, then opens it to reveal a smoky topaz!
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 232 silvers.
Grabbs coughs.
Grabbs says, "Whoa."
Grabbs shows you a smoky topaz, which he is holding in his right hand.. You see nothing unusual.
Grabbs asks, "Where'd this come from?"
You smile.
Grabbs coughs.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 161 silvers.
Ok, it shut.
You say, "No idea."
Grabbs put a smoky topaz in his stalking cloak.
Grabbs nods to you.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 46 silvers.
In the dwarven war girdle you see a green tourmaline, a green malachite stone, a gold ring, a severed hand, a shadowy rogue figurine, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a green toadstool pin, some blue lapis lazuli and a solid gold offering plate.
You see a shadowy black stalking cloak shut.
You chortle.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
You have 1747 coins with you.
You say, "yer clean now."
You nod to Grabbs.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha you think."
Grabbs shows you a green malachite stone, which he is holding in his left hand.. You see nothing unusual.
You say, "thanks fer da sapphire an spinel though."
You bow to Grabbs.
Grabbs shows you a green tourmaline, which he is holding in his right hand.. You see nothing unusual.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
You see Grabbs the Hoodlum.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He appears to be young and robust and taller than average. He has brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, unkempt dark brown hair. He has an unshaven face.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a green tourmaline in his right hand and a green malachite stone in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some supple black leather pants, a tooled black leather wristband, some black mithril shin guards, a shadowy black stalking cloak, a midnight-hued rolaren mesh coif, a midnight-hued rolaren torc, a vultite chain, some shadowy black leather boots, a deep black locksmith's kit, some old mildewed double chain, and a shadowy black weapons harness.
You ask, "lil stuck to ya?"
Grabbs just closed a deep black locksmith's kit.
You smile at Grabbs.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You say, "amateur."
You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
You notice Grabbs try to tiptoe silently away.
You say, "no.. i'sa fact."
You laugh out loud!
You belt out, "Be'er gitta cleric ta 'elp ya ou Grabbs."
You belt out, "yer a pathetic thief."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Grabbs says, "Tha's wha' you think."
laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs says, "Everyone watch out, He's stealing."
Grabbs points at you.
Kainata raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kainata gestures at Grabbs.
The green tourmaline which Grabbs is holding suddenly glows with an intensely bright light!
You say, "Dem gems in yer 'ands seem ta like ya Grabbs."
You laugh out loud!
Grabbs says, "And I like them."
You say, "Explain the gems in yer 'ands."
Kainata smiles at Grabbs.
You say, "and 'ow ya can't quite drop em."
You laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs says, "Me an' Tamis were havin' a contest and he tricked me."
You belt out, "Grabbs needs a cleric cause 'e issa amateur thief an stupidly stole two cursed gems."
Grabbs just closed a shadowy black stalking cloak.
You say, "Ya needa mentor kid."
You snicker.
Grabbs whispers, "I got my coins back, it's funny."
Grabbs whispers, "Plus some."
You say, "not likely."
Silver: 1267
reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 251 silvers.
Grabbs whispers, "Isn't this fun?"
You smile.
You nod.
You say, "for me."
You say, "fun AN profitable."
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Silver: 1246
sneak n
You have 1246 coins with you.
You deposit 1246 silvers in your account. The teller carefully records the transaction and says, "Thank you, Falgrin. Have a nice day!"
sneak s
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. You also see the fiery red Krystala disk, a woodland tiger (sitting), the Larcenal disk, the Tobarth disk and the Gerusha disk.
Also here: Lady Krystala, Lord Banetekk, Mange, Mald (sitting), Lord Radeek, Lord Larcenal, Krylloc, Allaran, Dantrek (sitting), Adirania (sitting), Tobarth, Siendrel, Gerusha, Lord Paython (sitting), Tamis, Karrvik (sitting), Valoric, Kintrul (prone), Ralfein
Obvious paths: north, south, west
You examine your fingernails.
You notice Grabbs slip out of hiding.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 167 silvers.
Grabbs glances about suspciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
A look of panic crosses Grabbs's face, and he suddenly begins clawing desperately at his face and throat!
You laugh at Grabbs!
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 165 silvers.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 55 silvers.
A look of panic crosses Grabbs's face as he frantically gasps for air!
You grab Grabbs's hand.
You grab Grabbs and drag him north with you . . .
You grab Grabbs and drag him with you . . .
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see some light leather, a wooden shield and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Grabbs
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest
You grab Grabbs and drag him with you . . .
Grabbs stares fixedly at the oblivion quartz he holds. You gradually notice he has quit breathing, and stands frozen as though turned to stone! Suddenly, he exhales in an explosive rush, which leaves him pale and visibly shaken.
You grab Grabbs and drag him north with you . . .
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a woodland tiger, a wooden shield, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: a stunned Grabbs, Savagekitty, Fayeth, Kkian
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You remove a blackened invar-hafted cleaver from in your leather weapons harness.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a blackened invar-hafted cleaver at Grabbs!
AS: +391 vs DS: +25 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +62 = +465
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Left hand severed at the wrist!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Mange gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Mange gestures at Grabbs.
The glazed look leaves Grabbs.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Kkian says, "Hmm"
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Fayeth blinks.
Savagekitty gasps.
Mange chuckles.
Grabbs suddenly begins gasping for air! In moments, he keels over and falls to the ground unconscious.
Grabbs snores quietly.
You say, "No stealin from a thief."
Grabbs snores quietly.
Grabbs wakes up startled by your attack.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a blackened invar-hafted cleaver at Grabbs!
AS: +391 vs DS: -25 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +23 = +476
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Off-balanced slash!
Enough force to sever Grabbs's right hand!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Savagekitty says, "oh no."
Savagekitty cringes.
You say, "No hands."
You say, "No steal."
Kkian asks, "Falgrin you got a good reason for this?"
You say, "I have my reason fer it."
You say, "good or bad."
You say, "da thief will learn not ta steal from me."
You shrug.
Kkian says, "hmm"
You smile at Grabbs.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Left or righ..."
Kkian says, "ok"
Kkian put a blackened long-bladed khopesh in his tooled wrist sheath.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs stares fixedly at the oblivion quartz he holds. You gradually notice he has quit breathing, and stands frozen as though turned to stone! Suddenly, he exhales in an explosive rush, which leaves him pale and visibly shaken.
You chortle at Grabbs.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a leg of roasted rabbit, a woodland tiger, a wooden shield, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: Mange, a stunned Grabbs (prone), Savagekitty, Fayeth, Kkian
Obvious paths: south
Savagekitty exclaims, "we've been set upon by bandits!"
Kkian chuckles.
Fayeth gasps.
Savagekitty gasps.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Kkian says, "Oh wel"
You say, "Bandit."
You point at a small silver star.
You say, "Imma dep'ty."
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
Grabbs suddenly falls silent as all the color drains from his face, and his eyes slowly roll back into his head. As Grabbs continues to stare straight ahead with blank, white eyes, he begins to shudder like a limp corpse hanging and blowing in the wind. Finally, he seems to overcome the appalling seizure, his eyes returning to normal although he remains pale as a ghost.
Kkian asks, "Grabbs.. what ye got to say bout this?"
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Grabbs glances about suspiciously for a moment, then stares back at his quartz.
You remove a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger from in your leather weapons harness.
Mange says, "grabbs was stealin"
You sling an archaic dwarven tower shield off from over your shoulder.
Grabbs suddenly begins gasping for air! In moments, he keels over and falls to the ground unconscious.
Grabbs snores quietly.
You say, "Lemme put 'im outta 'is misery."
Grabbs snores quietly.
Grabbs wakes up startled by your attack.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger at Grabbs!
AS: +396 vs DS: -65 with AvD: +6 + d100 roll: +58 = +525
... and hit for 56 points of damage!
Incredible slash to Grabbs's neck!
Throat and vocal cords destroyed!
Zero chance of survival.
* Grabbs drops dead at your feet!
You nod.
You put a thick bladed dwarven-crafted dagger in your leather weapons harness.
Kkian says, "Hmm"
You smile at Grabbs.
You say, "but learn it ya did."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 42 silvers.
You turn towards the body of Grabbs and render a sharp hand salute.
Mange says, "grabbs was stealin"
Kkian grins at you.
You see Grabbs the Hoodlum.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He appears to be young and robust and taller than average. He has brown eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, unkempt dark brown hair. He has an unshaven face.
He appears to be DEAD!
He has a completely severed right hand, a completely severed left hand, and snapped bones and serious bleeding from the neck.
He is bleeding from the right hand, and slightly from the left hand.
He is holding a shard of oblivion quartz in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, some supple black leather pants, a tooled black leather wristband, some black mithril shin guards, a shadowy black stalking cloak, a midnight-hued rolaren mesh coif, a midnight-hued rolaren torc, a vultite chain, some shadowy black leather boots, a deep black locksmith's kit, some old mildewed double chain, and a shadowy black weapons harness.
Kkian asks, "where were ye Falgrin?"
Kkian raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You say, "e 'assa gem o mine in 'is righ 'and."
You say, "in my park."
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out 183 silvers.
You reach into Grabbs's pockets and pull out nothing.
Savagekitty says, "the big city is harsh."
You say, "We're e'en now Grabbs."
You say, "It wassa tough lesson ta learn.. I thought mebbe jes jail time would elp ya ou."
You say, "but I suppose not."
You turn towards the body of Grabbs and render a sharp hand salute.