View Full Version : What should I hunt at level 61?
12-20-2005, 06:22 PM
Hide and Ambush. Sword and Board. AS around 380 and DS around 280. I tried the Stronghold but had my ass handed to me again and again. Something that crits a little easier and it can't be undead. Thanks ahead of time for your suggestions and strategies.
12-20-2005, 06:24 PM
380 at 61? Is this without any sort of bonuses at all?
12-20-2005, 06:28 PM
No, that's probably with bonuses from a locksmithing ambusher. I only have 342 AS at level 51. That's with COL signs, surge of strength, and a 4x weapon.
Temple in Illistim (dogmatists, hierophants, supplicants)
Tsarks, sprites and a mage or two if you're lucky (eye of v'tull) in Teras.
Stronghold (Illoke)
380 sounds on track for a balanced rogue.
12-20-2005, 10:33 PM
Wyneb is ridiculously easy for rogues.
Or suck it up and do Stronghold until you can hunt Rift. I must have died 200 times there in the 10 GS III levels I spent there.
12-20-2005, 10:46 PM
< Wyneb is ridiculously easy for EVERYONE. >
Fixed that for you.
12-20-2005, 10:48 PM
Yah, at 60 Jo is doing very well there. She started hunting there at 57 and she could do it solo without too much difficulty except the occassional dogmatist.
What makes Wyneb so easy is that each of the 3 critters there have specific threat strategies that you can apply.
1. Dogmatists - kill before they cast. They love to bind. They have soft heads.
2. Hierophants - kill before they cast. They love to spikethorn. Soft heads, and can shake stuns/binds.
3. Supplicants - let them swing and get the multi-strike out of the way, then kill them. Rarely will you find one capable of back to back multi-strike (they have 3 swings to it). Soft heads and can shake stuns.
All of them are crittable, and fall easily enough to ambush.
12-20-2005, 11:02 PM
Ganalon's got it pretty much on the head. They can swarm, but for a rogue, I'd hide, move a room away and setup the ambush.
As a Ranger, I've finally found a good use for my mana. The Call Swarm is most excellent of usage there.
12-21-2005, 01:19 PM
Yes the AS is 384 with signs, surge, wspec and a 4x weapon. But those things can be kept up basically for the duration of a hunt. And I am a balanced picking/ambush rogue.
Here are my stats and training if interested.
Level 61 Sylvan Rogue
Str 90
Con 86
Dex 80
Agl 80
Dis 94
Aur 92
Log 88
Int 87
Wis 90
Inf 92
Armor 80 ranks
Shield 62 ranks
Edged 126 ranks
CM 105 ranks
MOC 5 ranks
Ambush 101 ranks
PF 62 ranks
Dodge 126 ranks
Climb 25 ranks
Swim 25 ranks
Disarm 130 ranks
Picking 130 ranks
Hiding 126 ranks
Perception 101 ranks
AS 20 ranks
HP 5 ranks
Minor Elemental 4 spells
Headed to the following by cap:
1x Shield
2x Edged
2x Dodge
2x CM
125 ranks ambush
1.5X PF
2.5X disarm
2.5X picking
2X stalking
2x Perception
all the secondary skills basically being left as is right now
Any thoughts and critiques on the training now?
[Edited on 12-21-2005 by Oniros]
[Edited on 12-21-2005 by Oniros]
[Edited on 12-21-2005 by Oniros]
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