View Full Version : Viable cleric

12-16-2005, 09:14 PM
Not looking for the ultimate combat cleric, but will this guy be able to hunt like level? Plan to align him with Ivas:

Halfling cleric: level 0 stats

STR 75
CON 55
DEX 45
AGL 45
DIS 60
AUR 82
LOG 60
INT 85
WIS 85
INF 68

At level 18:

Armor Use 2
Shield Use 4 (1x for life from level 18 on)
Edged Weapons 19
Physical Fitness 11 (.6x on this(
Disarm Traps 19
Picking Locks 19
Perception 19
Trading 19
Pickpocketing 19
Arcane Symbols 19 (can probably drop this and MIU if I have to)
Magic Item Use 19
Harness Power 19 (do I need to 2x this?)
Spirit Mana Control 24
Spell Research 38
Major Spirit 19
Cleric 19
Spiritual Lore 19
Religion 19 (this is just a placeholder, I can pick any lore, I have no idea which lore to choose)

Any and all help would be very much appreciated.

12-16-2005, 09:22 PM
Actually never played a halfling but isn't halfling spirit regeneration kinda slow as I recall? (Its been a long time.)

EDIT: Also, were you planning on Voln?

[Edited on 12-17-2005 by Ebondale]

12-16-2005, 09:33 PM
Actually, for some reason I remember halflings had a fast spirit regen. I remember a halfling wizard back in the old enchanting system that was basically a damn mana battery. Infuse...wrack..wait a few...wash rinse repeat

12-16-2005, 09:38 PM
The most effective cleric is 1x brawl 1x shield and just wards using 302, 312 and 317. Lore isn't important until you have enough mana to really use 312 and 317 while hunting. Religion lore is the only lore you need for those attack spells, but I'd wait on that till you're around 40 or so then just catch up until you're 1x in it. You might want to go more than 2x spells and get your cleric ranks up to about 20 above you're level until you're older and can get them to 60 above your level.

12-16-2005, 10:00 PM
He'll be COL, and OHE is set in stone unfortunately.

12-16-2005, 10:07 PM
Okay, 1x OHE and 1x Shield.
You need 24 ranks SMC in order to raise (You can stop there if you don't care about the mana recovery benefits of the skill).
If you want to keep the aux skills (picking, disarm, pickpocketing, trading) instead of going for 2.5x spells, that will work.
If it were my cleric I'd drop MjS ranks down to 2 ranks - 202
Train MnS up to 107 and take cleric up to 29 ranks.
Drop the lore till you're older. You really won't be using 312 and 317 much until you're older.

12-16-2005, 10:10 PM
Fucking double posts.

[Edited on 12-17-2005 by Mistomeer]

12-16-2005, 10:12 PM
I believe halfling spirit regen is actually the fastest, or close to it.

12-16-2005, 10:41 PM
You are correct Syb. Plus, lose the picking/disarming. You won't ever be able to open your own boxes.

12-16-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Okay, 1x OHE and 1x Shield.
You need 24 ranks SMC in order to raise (You can stop there if you don't care about the mana recovery benefits of the skill).
If you want to keep the aux skills (picking, disarm, pickpocketing, trading) instead of going for 2.5x spells, that will work.
If it were my cleric I'd drop MjS ranks down to 2 ranks - 202
Train MnS up to 107 and take cleric up to 29 ranks.
Drop the lore till you're older. You really won't be using 312 and 317 much until you're older.

I can put the lore into other spells I suppose. And the major spirit/cleric was just to indicate 2x spells, I had no reason to do one or the other.

12-16-2005, 10:46 PM
I'm way off, then. I was thinking Giantmen had the fastest spirit regen.

12-16-2005, 10:46 PM
Thats a kickin build Drew! I love it. Come train 9,000,000,000,000,001 he will be able to smith rolton boxes. :lol:

Seriously though, thats a cool build. I would likely swap him into hardcore hunting till he is old enough to have the smithing ranks that would be viable. (At train 18 [I think you said] he equates to a train 5 rogue [who can almost safely do kob boxes]) Just my thought. I guess I would convert back at say 50 trains, that way he can use all the lockpicks, and even sit at the well [or wherever] and pick if he wanted to.

I agree with everyone else on lores too. --> Piss on lores!

Good luck, and great creativity!


12-16-2005, 10:51 PM
Ok without the lore I can get 14 extra harness power ranks by 18 or 4 extra spells. Which are worth it? I'm leaning towards the harness.

12-17-2005, 12:21 AM
I don't think you really need Harness POwer more than your level. HP gives you 3 mana per (your level + 1), every additional rank only gives you 1 mana/rank, so past your level, not worth the cost.

Halfling regen is the fastest, with I believe Giants second. Dark elves are slowest, next slowest are regular elves. At least, this was before these 5 new races came out (of which I've played a forest gnome to level 8 and therefore know nothing about).

I try and do 2.33x spells, 1x in Cleric, 2/3rds in my minor circles, which maxes your cleric CS (at least last I checked, that may be ancient history by now). I also do runestaves, myself, because it's easier, frees up more points for magical skills - and I can survive fine with a bit lower DS, though it can be hairy at times. You just need to be a smart hunter.

Pickpocketing is not viable as a cleric, neither is disarming/lockpicking.
Physical fitness might be important due to the fact that you're going halfling, and might want the quicker HP regen rate (although, in your case, if you're hit, you're probably gonna die, cause clerics tend to have thin skins). As a giant, I didn't bother with more than the ranks needed to max my blood.

I'd try and be pumping in some armor training (which is why I think it's important to drop those weapon ranks and use staves, so you can get armor training). A cleric in brig (around 40 ranks) is well worth the 7% failure, IMHO. If you DO drop the weapons, you can up MIU or AS to 2x, solely to up your magical ranks for your runestaves. By dropping the runestaves, I can also 2x lore (or 1.5x, and 1.5x HP) and 1x SMC, still have 20/20 in Climb Swim, and 1.5x in FA, 1x in perception.

By my plan, thus, you have 9.33 magical ranks per train, and that extra 1.33 per train count as a bonus to your runestave DS so it's not THAT bad.

I will note the following: I wear FGB, and I have lots of friends who can spell me up with elemental stuff.


12-17-2005, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton

Pickpocketing is not viable as a cleric, neither is disarming/lockpicking.

Part of the character. Anyhow, once you can pick a kobold box locksmithing is viable for any character to learn exp from. I know he won't be able to do like level.

12-17-2005, 01:04 AM
Just drop the rogue skills till he's older and use a fixskills to pick them up. As far as the CS goes, you're better off getting 1x + 20 Cleric ranks than going 1x Cleric ranks and 2/3 MnS and MjS for your Cleric CS. Also, don't do runestaff for two reasons. First, bolting as a cleric sucks. Second, clerics have the cheapest weapon/shield cost of any of the pures, take advantage of that. And yeah, you don't need HP. You'll be hunting with 302 (Not your sword since you have no CM) for most of your life and mana isn't much of an issue with that.