View Full Version : Majors and College stuff!
01-14-2004, 04:50 PM
Okay I was sitting here and I know theres been a few threads about college stuff. So I was curious what is everyone majoring in, and what classes do you hate most or like most so far.
Most people know I am majoring in Parapsychology. I like most of my classes except Psychology the professor speaks in monotone and I have to beat my head against the table to stay awake.
01-14-2004, 04:53 PM
I'm Majoring in Electrical Engineering, although my college doesn't know that yet. I've liked most of my classes so far, except for Algebra for Math and Engineering Majors. My teacher had like Parkinson's or something and twitched all the time and had a thick Italian (or something) accent so it was like uber hard to pay attention. My Chem teacher last semester was the coolest EVAR. Very similar to my English teacher for this semester.
As for the rest of my classes this semester, I had a really really hard time staying awake during PreCal yesterday, but that could also have been because I had little sleep. He talks pretty quietly and pretty monotonously. Ah, well. We'll see.
01-14-2004, 04:54 PM
Well since I don't start college until next year I intend to major in Psychology and also, if able, English - Writing or English - Lit.
I'm going for my BArch .. 3.5 years down 1.5 to go. As far as classes i hate taking my general graudation requirements instead of my major based classes. Like my CIS, my econs, my mgmts, etc. they just iritate me.
01-14-2004, 05:02 PM
I start college in 5 years. I intend on Majoring in How to Conquer the World.
01-14-2004, 05:05 PM
I'm an Engrish major.
Heh, actually I declared in Economics this past semester, going for a distinguished major with a concentration in Financial Economics. And a minor in Classical Studies for grins.
I hate my virology class. Management accounting is all group work, so I'm happy. Haven't had any other classes yet.
[Edited on 1-14-2004 by Edaarin]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-14-2004, 05:07 PM
I got degree's in Zoology and BioChemistry.
01-14-2004, 05:09 PM
Zoology! How cool! I sooo wanted to be either a zoologist or a marine biologist but my parents told me not to because there were no job openings...
01-14-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I'm an Engrish major.
Damn you for making fun of yourself before I could.
Myself, two semesters at NOVA (Northern VA Comm College) and I said "screw school" and got a real job. I've taken a few Event-Driven Basic classes since then, may pick up a Java class or two in the spring. Need to find out what kind of certifications are available as well.
School didn't work for me. I hated the boring sitting around in class. I hated all the homework. I hated being lost because I took a year off between HS and NOVA. Part of the reason might have been because I was Work full time & School full time, but I'm pretty sure I'd still hate school if I wasn't working.
01-14-2004, 05:20 PM
Good luck with that, Wezas. It will be very hard for you to land better jobs down the road without a degree however. Especially since you're my generation and everyone is all "I'M GOINGZ 2 COLLEGE!!!1".
I'd suggest picking up at least some certifications, if not a Bachelor's.
01-14-2004, 05:20 PM
Social and Behavioral Science with a concentration in European History at CSU Monterey Bay.
01-14-2004, 05:21 PM
My major is accounting. But thats only cuz I picked the first one on the list. I'm not even taking any accounting classes.
01-14-2004, 05:23 PM
I hated college. I do agree with Wezas though. I couldn't bare the sitting down and all the boring jibberish. I did two years, got my associate's in Business Administration and said I was done. I hated Macro Economic's, hate it to death!
01-14-2004, 05:23 PM
I disagree. College isn't for some people. The Washington Post ran a great article following 3 (I think) people who went straight into work after high school. As long as you have enough motivation and drive, you can do fine with an entry level position and work your way up.
A bachelor's is no guarantee of a good job either, especially in this market. The only jobs with any kind of security are in the health profession and government jobs as well.
01-14-2004, 05:28 PM
In the field i'm going into (Network Administration/Engineering/etc.) a certification or degree is a MUST. I've looked around for jobs and see that most companies require a Bachelors in CS or EE or a MCSE Certification (with experience), if not both. College is kind of necessary for me.
I didn't say College is for everyone. I know many successful people personally that didn't finish college. I was saying, however, that with the increase in people attending college now-a-days, a standard is being set for people to have a degree of one form or another.
But, like you said, some people can do without.
I could continue my job in architecture and never get a degree if i wanted to. The only difference is down the road my degree allows me to be licensed which allows me to open up my own firm. however there are a lot of people in my field with no degrees who simply don't wish to be firm partners. personally i debate if i want that responsibility that comes with being a partner and having my name on drawings im just not sure enough of myself. the only reason im getting my BArch instead of my BScience is because i never know when that will change.
PS. some states however will let you get licensed with a BS instead of BA.
01-14-2004, 05:44 PM
We have a japanese factory down here. Nippendenso? Nipendenso not sure of the exact spelling. But to even clean the floors you have to have a high school diploma. College is a must even for the factory jobs. Though I've seen others go in with no college education and end up running the company.
I think it really does matter on how hard you are driven and NO one is ever to old to go back to college later on in life if they decide they want to further their education. In fact, at first I tried to do the go right into college after high school and I got burnt out big time. I waited a year or so, had a kid got settled with that and now I'm back in college at 25 and having a blast. Not only that I got all my partying and most of my wild days out (I'M NOT THAT OLD) :flamed: . So now I can concentrate on my work alot better and focus myself more on my schoolwork.
Miss X
01-14-2004, 06:01 PM
Wow, I feel old with everyone still in college! I have a BA in Sociology (yes, it is a worthwhile subject dammit) and I start my MA in september, in social work, that will take two years since I'm hoping to spend the second year focusing on child protection.
Finishing up my 4yr in marketing and it freakin sucks!
01-14-2004, 06:53 PM
Got a masters in Computer Information and Research Management.
I hated all my classes until I started working on my Cisco certifications. I just refer to all of them as death by powerpoint.
01-14-2004, 07:42 PM
I'm finishing up my Bachelors in Environmental Sciences. Then I'm going straight for the Masters. By then I should have a good 50k in student loans.
::Hugsatreeasshethrowshercigaretteoutthecarwindow: :
[Edited on 1-15-2004 by MaryJane]
Originally posted by MaryJane
I'm finishing up my Bachelors in Environmental Sciences. Then I'm going straight for the Masters. By then I should have a good 50k in student loans.
::Hugsatreeasshethrowshercigaretteoutthecarwindow: :
[Edited on 1-15-2004 by MaryJane]
lets also not forget that your cars leaking gasoline all over. what would you professors say if they knew.
on a more on topic note i think its kinda interesting to look at the age ranges of the people in school. pretty nice spread.
01-14-2004, 07:56 PM
I'm 23. I have a BA from Seton Hall...I studied anthropology and asian studies.
01-14-2004, 08:08 PM
24, halfway through the first year of a master's program in history.
01-14-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
lets also not forget that your cars leaking gasoline all over. what would you professors say if they knew.
on a more on topic note i think its kinda interesting to look at the age ranges of the people in school. pretty nice spread.
I think it's brake fluid. I haven't driven it in almost a week AND I'm taking it to the shop Friday!!
On topic.. I'm 21.
[Edited on 1-15-2004 by MaryJane]
01-14-2004, 08:59 PM
I major in Journalism at Penn State.. I hate Spanish, but will be done it after this semester. Everything else has been good.
When I graduate I'm gonna do sports writing, hopefully work my way up to writing columns for the Philadelphia Inquirer or Daily News, after about 10-15 years of that I'll go into sports talk radio (610 WIP, Philadelphia has the most popular/lucrative sports talk station).. That's if all goes well.
[Edited on 1-15-2004 by Hulkein]
01-14-2004, 09:03 PM
I spent my teens and most of my 20's partying my ass off so I could take school serious. I'm technically a junior but I have to take sophmore major classes and I have 5 semesters to go in order to get my BSN or bachelor's in nursing.
So, at 32, I'm close to the age of 3 of my instructors and a good 10 years older than most of my fellow classmates. The school I go to is pretty damn good. I love it there but it is expensive as hell. - is my school's website.
I've completed an A.A.S. in General Studies, and right now I'm working towards a business degree in either Accounting or Finance. I'll figure out which sometime next year.
Started the first semester this year working towards an IST because of pressure from my Dad, and I did fucking horrible. Hoping to do well enough in the coming years to jack my GPA back up, and take a shot at law school.
01-14-2004, 09:32 PM
Dah dah dunn....
I begin working on an Associate's Degree in Paramedic Sciences this summer.
01-14-2004, 10:25 PM
Im a CS major. Love all the classes for the major, hate the gen ed. With any luck ill be transferring to temple after this semester, if not ill wait till after fall semester. I am hoping to end up in some sort of programming or networking.
I started thinking I was gonna be an eduaction major went to ISU for a year and half decied it sucked. Now I'm back near chicago goin to school tryin to learn about eletrical engineering
I'm double-majoring in European History and East Asian Studies.
I'll be starting my second semester at the University of Delaware on Feb. 9th, but I actually have sophomore standing. AP classes and other high school classes that give college credits are godly. :smilegrin:
...I start Japanese next semester. I'm sooooo excited!!!
/end nerd.
01-14-2004, 11:08 PM
lol at /end nerd.
What about Japanese could you possibly look forward to?
Originally posted by Hulkein
lol at /end nerd.
What about Japanese could you possibly look forward to?
EVERYTHING. I love the culture, and now I'll be learning (more) of the language... how could I NOT be excited?!
P.S. I almost went to Penn State. I decided it was too far from home, though. I still have a bunch of their fencing shirts!
... /end nerd, again.
Like i mentioned elsewhere just got into American\Georgetown. Gonna study international affairs with an emphasis on Internaitonal economics (or int politics haven't really decided yet) while attending ROTC. Hopefully i'll be able to a good intelligence position when i get comissioned so i can translate that into work experience that can be used in the civilian intel sector.
01-15-2004, 01:38 AM
HOPEFULLY I will have my BFA in Photography in two more semesters. However, ASU keeps fucking me over and lack of funding to the art department keeps most seniors from getting into the classes they need to graduate.
I LOVE my studio courses, photo, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry...I've found myself more interested in 3 dimentional art lately...I think it's because they let me play with fire and hazardous chemicals. <twitch>
Art History SUCKS. Learning everything from the cave paintings in France to current is extremely difficult, and let us not forget our non-wester art I must learn!
Good luck on Asian studies, Michiko, I flat-ass failed my Art of Asia class. <sniff>
01-15-2004, 05:23 AM
Michiko, your situation sounds really similar to mine.
I had 19 credits coming in because of APs.
Calculus, Biology, and Euro-history.
My majors were Advertising and East Asian Studies.
I really don't have the love for Japanese culture that a lot of my classmates did... I picked it because it was hard, and I wanted a real "skill" when I graduated.
Just get ready to study your ass off. There were five sections of 30 students each for Japanese 101 at my college. My last class, 402, finished with a whopping 9 people. Those are not good odds for those of you scoring at home.
Hulkein, there were tons of dorks in my classes. The loved all the cultural stuff, but they couldn't hack it in class. Most of them dropped by the middle of the second year.
edited for spelling
[Edited on 1-15-2004 by longshot]
01-15-2004, 10:36 AM
I thought Jesae said BA in Pornography.
That was funny. For a second.
01-15-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Dah dah dunn....
I begin working on an Associate's Degree in Paramedic Sciences this summer.
Good luck to you. I did the medic thing for about 10 years.
01-15-2004, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Myself, two semesters at NOVA (Northern VA Comm College)
Heh. I don't blame you for quitting after two semesters. No one is ever pleased with NOVA.
I just finished school in May. I majored in psychology and history, and I'm hopefully going to be starting my MA in psych this fall, so I can be a therapist. Or run off and join the circus, whichever comes first.
01-15-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I thought Jesae said BA in Pornography.
That was funny. For a second.
01-15-2004, 09:41 PM
NOVA is the one of the best community colleges in the coun
01-15-2004, 09:46 PM
I'm a Computer Information Systems major at James Madison University.
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