View Full Version : Skint Xmas.
So oct 03 - jan 05 , I worked 14 hours a day, 6 days a week.
I move county, work jan 05 - nov 05 8 hrs a day.
I lost my job a couple weeks ago and applied for benefits (jobseekers allowance) which would keep me going till I found a new job.
I get a call today, 2 weeks after applying, and it's the benefits agency saying I'm not elligible for anything.
I say I must have paid thousands of pounds during the last couple of years and I MUST be allowed some support.
They say no, that it was the period before I started earning (during college) that they base their figures for allowance.
The nice lady simply says no. I'm not entitled to anything whatsoever.
I hope I can find something before Christmas. Well before that since most jobs are a week in hand.
So yeah, it's action time. :yes:
OH . . forgot to add:
I'm going to burn down the house of every fucking chav I see, who do nothing BUT live off money they haven't earned, call their kids names like Sapphire and Beyonce and relax in their living rooms drinking Stella and smoking smack from Kit-Kat foil.
[Edited on 12-13-2005 by Nevermind]
12-13-2005, 07:15 AM
I know over here the system can be bullshit. Took my mom 4 years (including appeals with a lawyer) to get justifiable disability money from the government. Perhaps there's a higher-up you can appeal this to?
Regardless.. suck.
I haven't time or the inclination to fight for this.
Rules is rules and when it comes to these people, you have no chance.
All this leaves me with is the feeling that education just isn't worth the time.
There're no jobs in my field AND I'm not elligible for help becouse of it.
Anywhoo . . Gotta get out there and sell myself!! (and kill chavs)
12-13-2005, 11:04 AM
I keep forgetting the time difference, so I guess your opportunity to look today is nearly over as far as meeting prospectives in person.
Seasonal help is big this time of year around the states if someone is needing a quick, temporary fix. I've no idea how England is this time of year though, and what options are out there.
and :fu: for making me look up skint Adj. Having no money, poor.
Edited out some other words/phrases and meanings that creeped in there accidentally after the def. of skint.
[Edited on 12-13-2005 by Leetahkin]
Miss X
12-13-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Leetahkin
It's called step away from the PC and Gemstone, and find a job.
Whoa... Hold up there. No need to be a bitch about it. I'm sure when your top notch advice is wanted, it will be asked for.
Sean of the Thread
12-13-2005, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Leetahkin
It's called step away from the PC and Gemstone, and find a job.
[Edited on 12-13-2005 by Leetahkin]
Should take your own advice and step away from the PC and Gemstone and webcams and online dating sites and find a LIFE.
Drayal check out that xmas misery thread I posted if you need to feel better.
12-13-2005, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Leetahkin
It's called step away from the PC and Gemstone, and find a job. Then come back once you've found one. Though with the time difference, I think your opportunity to look today is nearly over.
Who the fuck are you again?
Why is it you think you have any clue what Drayal is doing to find a job?
It's not like it is difficult to post on the PC. Nor that there is any possibility that someone could be job hunting on the internet.
Way to be a sad fuck.
Give up on trying to be a bitch for coolness, because you are seriously lacking.
The Xmas misery thread scared the crap out of me, Xyelin!
looks like I may be working in a vetenary care role. Could be fun.
Cleaning dogs gums and asses. . Mmm mmm :(
There should be a lot of temporary positions going over the Christmas season. In high school and university I always use to pick up extra cash by doing seasonal work. I took down Christmas trees and decorations at a local mall. The Post Office always use to pick up extra staff around the holidays, I got put on the list through the Government employment office. For a kid it wasn't a bad wage either because the Post Office was/is unionised. There should be temp retail jobs on offer as well.
12-13-2005, 11:50 AM
I'm sure if NM didn't want constructive criticism, he wouldn't have started this thread.
Irregardless, if NM saw a harsh tone in it, I'm sure he'd say something to ME. No need for other people to read into things that aren't there. :yes:
Edited to add please keep the bashing of me out of his thread.
Also, Dave, I've been there before. Numerous times. You gotta take shit jobs every once in a while to get money you need to do things.
Even if you get a job, don't stop looking for something better. A lot of people do this, it's only natural I suppose. But it will catch you off guard, like now, and cause you to struggle to find something else that could have been lined up.
[Edited on 12-13-2005 by Leetahkin]
12-13-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Leetahkin
I'm sure if NM didn't want constructive criticism, he wouldn't have started this thread.
» Member Journals »
12-13-2005, 11:59 AM
You're a fucking dumbass.
It's called step away from the PC and Gemstone, and find a job.
If that's what you call constructive criticism, you must be a bundle of laughs when you are trying to be an idiot.
12-13-2005, 12:13 PM
:resists urge to talk (like Latrin):
12-13-2005, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Leetahkin
I'm sure if NM didn't want constructive criticism, he wouldn't have started this thread.
Irregardless, if NM saw a harsh tone in it, I'm sure he'd say something to ME. No need for other people to read into things that aren't there. :yes:
If more than a couple people read a negative vibe off of your post then perhaps the problem is in how it was worded.
You should be aware of the rules regarding this folder at this point, so play nice people.
Sean of the Thread
12-13-2005, 12:33 PM
TY MODS for keeping this poor mans journal clean and free of moldy residue.
[Edited on 12-13-2005 by Xyelin]
12-13-2005, 02:03 PM
Okay that's enough. Any other off-topic posts will be removed. Thanks.
Best place to find jobs fast during holidays....Distribution centers, retail warehouses, even retail stores. Or do like the mexicans here and hire out for day help building houses or landscaping etc. (If they have that there) Usually manual labor pays good cash minus the taxes. I know when I used them years ago I got 5, 4 workers and one translator heh at 10 bucks an hour + lunch. NOt bad money when you are broke
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