View Full Version : Kinky Friedman for Texas Governor

12-10-2005, 10:18 PM
Kinky makes his case for governor at UTB (http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ts_comments.php?id=P68272_0_10_0)

“I don’t use the Internet. I think it’s the work of Satan,” he said in his speech. “(But) please visit www.kinkyfriedman.com (http://www.kinkyfriedman.com).”

The candidate’s Web site is full of more of the same tongue-in-cheek humor: Visitors can purchase a talking Kinky doll for $29.99. But, Friedman said his run for governor is no joke.

“The governor of Texas, as you know, does not have his finger on the nuclear button,” he said. “He’s more like the judge in a chili cook-off.”


Curious what the Texans think about this guy? I don’t know much about who he is running against. I must say I do like his humor and ideas on issues.

12-11-2005, 01:52 AM
You probably wouldn't like his music.

12-11-2005, 02:46 PM
No thanks.

Most normal people here in Texas want a Govenor with both feet on the ground. That's something that escapes Kinky.

All he is really doing is hand picking single issues from both Democrat and Republican platforms and adding a few that neither are willing to commit to and offering that as an alternative middle of the road hopeful opportunity.

That and I'd like a little more experience in public administration or business for my Govenor rather than when Kinky's only leadership experience being the founder and lead singer of his group The Texas Jewboys back in the 1970's.

Miss X
12-11-2005, 03:14 PM
Dude... I'd vote for him based purely on the fact that his name is Kinky... That rules!! ;)

12-12-2005, 11:29 AM
I don't know this guy but from his website it looks like he isn't even on the ballot. I don't think there is any fear of Kinky becoming the next Governor of Texas.

12-12-2005, 01:44 PM
He's not at all predictable- which makes me uncomfortable. Too flightly for governor. Right or left you should feel comfortable knowing how your governor would use his time behind the desk.

Originally posted by Miss X
Dude... I'd vote for him based purely on the fact that his name is Kinky... That rules!! ;)

And then theres this.

The Good of Texas vs. Robins momentary amusement...

Ahhh. I'm so confused.


12-12-2005, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
No thanks.

Most normal people here in Texas want a Govenor with both feet on the ground. That's something that escapes Kinky.

I had the honor of voting against Jesse "The Governing Body" Ventura in Minnesota... and watching him take the governor's seat.

Things happen.

At least he was a mayor before running for governor.


12-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Agreed Unique.

Any position for public office is no laughing matter, and one to be taken seriously if someone is attempting to become a candidate whether through party nomination or through a write in ballot.

While Kinky might represent some viewpoints here in Texas, and he does have a fan base due to his editorial section on the monthly publication "Texas Monthly"; I dont feel that Kinky represents the majority of the Texan voting population. He certainly does not represent my viewpoints.

12-13-2005, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
He's not at all predictable- which makes me uncomfortable. Too flightly for governor. Right or left you should feel comfortable knowing how your governor would use his time behind the desk.

Originally posted by Miss X
Dude... I'd vote for him based purely on the fact that his name is Kinky... That rules!! ;)

And then theres this.

The Good of Texas vs. Robins momentary amusement...

Ahhh. I'm so confused.


Like you take anything seriously :smilegrin:

12-13-2005, 12:53 AM
I, for one, am definitely in favor of more celebrity/quasi-celebrity folks taking political roles.


12-13-2005, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Unique

Originally posted by Ganalon
No thanks.

Most normal people here in Texas want a Govenor with both feet on the ground. That's something that escapes Kinky.

I had the honor of voting against Jesse "The Governing Body" Ventura in Minnesota... and watching him take the governor's seat.

Things happen.

At least he was a mayor before running for governor.


From what I heard he was the best governor they ever had.

12-13-2005, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
He's not at all predictable- which makes me uncomfortable. Too flightly for governor. Right or left you should feel comfortable knowing how your governor would use his time behind the desk.

Originally posted by Miss X
Dude... I'd vote for him based purely on the fact that his name is Kinky... That rules!! ;)

And then theres this.

The Good of Texas vs. Robins momentary amusement...

Ahhh. I'm so confused.


Like you take anything seriously :smilegrin:

Of course I take things seriously. (When I'm getting paid to.)

12-13-2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Backlash

Originally posted by Unique

Originally posted by Ganalon
No thanks.

Most normal people here in Texas want a Govenor with both feet on the ground. That's something that escapes Kinky.

I had the honor of voting against Jesse "The Governing Body" Ventura in Minnesota... and watching him take the governor's seat.

Things happen.

At least he was a mayor before running for governor.


From what I heard he was the best governor they ever had.

Honestly he wasn't that bad. Although he mostly hid and whined about how the media portrayed him badly.... My recollection is it was a neutral term. He did some good things, really, but his political mandate was inhibited by his behavior which made him appear unintelligent and impulsive.

Of course, Minnesota had a 4 billion dollar budget shortfall shortly after Ventura left office. I don't recall the details of that debacle but I recall the talking heads saying it wasn't really his fault.



12-13-2005, 09:45 AM
I'm just waiting for someone like Will Smith to throw his hat in the ring.