View Full Version : Post the abilities of yours and others FP items.

12-10-2005, 12:56 PM
Just thought it would be nice to keep it all in one place.

12-10-2005, 01:02 PM
Someone post the abilities of those duelling gauntlets.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-10-2005, 01:12 PM
6x, returns, webs/stuns or something similar when it ties around the ankles.

>hurl hakonne
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a waxen-corded heavy brass bola into flight.
You throw a waxen-corded heavy brass bola at Hakonne!
AS: +280 vs DS: +60 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +49 = +286
... and hit for 6 points of damage!
Love tap upside Hakonne's head!

Your bola entangles Hakonne. He stumbles around a moment desperate to keep his balance but in the end he fails miserably, and collapses to the ground in a heap looking dazed.
... 10 points of damage!
Pop! Kneecap wrenched.

You quickly close the distance between you and the bola and then break right and scoop it up.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-10-2005, 01:17 PM
Warhorn raises my AS by 17 hurling, so more than that I'd guess swinging.

With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a waxen-corded heavy brass bola into flight.
You throw a waxen-corded heavy brass bola at a plains orc scout!
AS: +280 vs DS: +82 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +100 = +322
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of the plains orc scout's left leg with that one.
The plains orc scout is stunned!

You quickly close the distance between you and the bola and then break left and scoop it up.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A plains orc scout's face pales and he labors to breathe.
A plains orc scout grunts in frustration and pain and drags himself northeastward.
>remove war
You remove the minotaur warhorn from your belt.

>wave war
You sound your minotaur warhorn, loosing a clear exultant blast, bolstering your courage!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a waxen-corded heavy brass bola into flight.
You throw a waxen-corded heavy brass bola at a plains orc scout!
AS: +297 vs DS: +67 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +39 = +293
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Torn muscle in the plains orc scout's left leg!

Your bola entangles around one foot of the scout causing it to reassess the situation a moment before shrugging it off.

You quickly close the distance between you and the bola and then break right and scoop it up.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

about ten minutes later...

Your intensity and fervor recedes.

[Edited on 12-10-2005 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

12-10-2005, 01:55 PM
Excuse the completely screwed up formatting. This should be all the items from set 1 of the Raffle(Silver) and Bronze(Auction) rooms.

a sapphire blue tome marked with an intricately worked peacock
Carefully stitched on the weathered cover of the tome are the words, "Herblore of Ta'Illistim"
Herblore tome
Lirion says, "If need to be able to read to bid on this tome. Therefore, Ardwen, Blueland, and Windi cannot bid."
Lirion asks, "Hakonne can bid on the tome, but only as a shield. What would a warrior do with a book?"
*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Krendeli!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

a long mithril-bound box

>l box
Crafted from sheets of some light, pale grey metal, this box is narrow yet very long as though designed to carry weapons or similarly shaped items. Fittings of burnished mithril reinforce the edges and corners. The clasp of the box is also forged of mithril and seems excessively complicated for a simple carrying case.

Lirion says, "Very strange, let me examine this box a moment."

Lirion says, "It alters things."

Lirion says, "Specifically weapons."

Lirion says, "I really don't know how it works."

Lirion says, "Several of things boxes exist."

Lirion says, "Can add things to weapons it seems by putting an item inside with the box to be added to it."

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Kithkannan!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

a coiled mithril ring set with a carved emerald frog

The top of the ring contains a well that brims with some strange, clear liquid. Just beneath the surface, you can barely discern the image of a sleek black wolf.

Lirion balances the mithril ring on his fingertip and smiles Softly he says, "his unusual item was crafted by a wizard of some regard many years ago, and is one of only two in existence.

Although the craftsmanship is exquisite, the true value of this piece of jewelry will be known only to those who truly value the companionship of lovely creatures. It has been said that he who wears this ring may bring to life (however briefly) the favored companions of the old gnome himself. Save one, that is."

Lirion says, "Ok, so this thing makes funky familiars."

Sister to Askip’s domed ring

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Sergey!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Lirion picks up a thin mithril band set with a sparkling faceted white diamond from the chest and places it on the table.

Lirion says, "Its firey."
Lirion says, "Literally."
Lirion says, "Creates fire."

Lirion says, "Strangly, you recharge it by casting fire spells at it."

Lirion says, "The creator called it a ring of fireballs."

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Mandy!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Lirion picks up a branching golden glowbark staff from the chest and places it on the table.

Two-thirds of the way up its slender length, the polished golden glowbark staff branches into three naturally spiraling limbs that wind closely about each other before splitting off into smaller branchings of their own. Dangling from the spiraling branches are tiny cerulean glimaerstones cut to mimic glowbark leaves, interspersed with a fine netting of delicate golden chain. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Lirion says, "A wizards staff."
Lirion says, "Isn't much to say about it."
Lirion says, "Except no enchanter currently can enchant as high as it ."

Lirion picks up an iridescent pale crystalline bracer edged with silver scallops from the chest and places it on the table.

Lirion says, "The bracer casts a wizard spell."

Lirion says, "Several times a day."

Lirion says, "Bias."

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Barlimoeur!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Lirion picks up a downy snow white goat garbed in a tiny crimson hat and scarf from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel picks up a feather-hilted golvern falchion etched with a fall of snowflakes from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel says, "It's obviously very high quality."

Sebandel says, "Golvern isn't so easy to come by."

Sebandel says, "I suppose you'd like to know that this falchion also offers a defensive bonus."

*BANG*! "Sold to Triphine for 300000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Lirion picks up a tarnished bronze-belled warhorn from the chest and places it on the table.

Lirion says, "This warhorn is of remarkable craftsmanship, as you can clearly see. Warriors have been using these devices for ages to signal their allies or inspire them. This particular warhorn is enchanted too, and will bolster the user's allies' morale, allowing them to defend more effectively!"

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Rainburn!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Lirion picks up a white ora lance from the chest and places it on the table.

Lirion says, "Nice weapon for a holy type using two handers."

Lirion says, "Has plasma flares."

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Roxana!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Sebandel picks up an official estate deed from the chest and places it on the table.

*BANG*! "Sold to Ardwen for 50000000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

>read dee
In the Common language, it reads:
The bearer of this deed hereby becomes the owner of the estate known as "Underground Workshop" in Wehnimer's Landing, and accepts all rights and property taxes that come with it. Failure for upkeep on rental charges will result in foreclosure of this deed, and repossession of the aforementioned estate.

This deed is NOT transferrable, and the owner must contact the estate registry's clerk (GM Khaladon).

Lirion picks up a veniom-edged toy woodsman bank from the chest and places it on the table.

Lirion turns the toy woodsman bank around in his hand, looking at it from all sides. He fiddles with something on the bottom, and lightly touches the small metal figures on the top.

Pointing to a narrow slot, Lirion says, "This looks to be some kind of mechanical bank to keep your silvers in. The metal figures on top can move, and it appears that the scene on top can change. Hmm, though it's mechanical for the most part, there's some magic in it too, that lightens the weight of the silvers, and if things are just right, can transport the silvers from it to your local bank account without you walking there!"

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Femereff!" exclaims Lirion. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

the display table with a black ora flail on it.

The black ora flail is shrouded in swirling shadows from top to bottom and no amount of light seems to be able to penetrate the gloom.
Sebandel says, "It offers a bonus to Wisdom and Mana Recovery."
Sebandel says, "It will, however, hinder spirit recovery."

Sebandel says, "A five time enchanted unholy weapon that offers bonuses to wisdom and mana recovery, but hinders spirit regeneration."

*BANG*! "Sold to Mikoguchi for 100000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Sebandel picks up a barbed ruby-tipped pitchfork from the chest and places it on the table.

The faintest of crimson sheens glistens on the surface of the pitchfork. Each slender tine ends in a serrated ruby barb, and several wavy sigils trace a sinuous line down the dark bloodwood shaft. A larger ruby, carved to resemble a leaping flame, caps the end of the shaft. The pitchfork glows with a dim light.
Sebandel says, "This item is enchanted slightly higher than vultite."

Sebandel says, "It RETURNS when disarmed."

Sebandel says, "It also has fire flares."

he display table with a spotted cream and tan goat with a tiny rack of antlers tied to its head on it

Sebandel picks up a black and blue quartered mithglin shield inlaid with a blooming silver rose from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel says, "The shield is medium in size and enchanted seven times."

*BANG*! "Sold to Kreean for 500000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Sebandel picks up a deep-hooded midnight black cloak trimmed with luxurious sable from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel says, "The cloak holds one-hundred and twenty pounds."

Sebandel says, "But more interesting is that it hides your features."

*BANG*! "Sold to Jolena for 3500000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Sebandel picks up a pair of Felcour duelling gauntlets studded with dragonfire emeralds from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel says, "These are CHALLENGE gauntlets that act as partial armor and have fire flares."

Sebandel says, "For example, you can use them to set challenge rules and reasons."

Sebandel says, "You can wave them to challenge on someone's behalf."

*BANG*! "Sold to Shraider for 2200000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!

Sebandel picks up a dappled grey and white tome with thick vellum pages from the chest and places it on the table.

Carefully stitched on the weathered cover of the tome are the words, "Herblore of Pinefar and Aenatumgana"

Sebandel says, "This tome contains information for the local flora of Pinefar."

Sebandel says, "This tome, of course, will be VERY useful with your alchemy."


Sebandel picks up a brilliant eonake whip-blade with a crimson blazestar-inset pommel from the chest and places it on the table.

Sebandel says, "A seven times enchanted holy whip-blade."

*BANG*! "Sold to Hapilot for 550000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!

Sebandel picks up a wide belt of chain-linked golden plates from the chest and places it on the table.

You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.

Sebandel says, "The item provides a defensive bonus similar to drakar's offensive bonus."

*BANG*! "Sold to Finiswolf for 5000000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Sebandel slides a large yellow diamond ring marked with miniature flames onto his finger.
As Sebandel rubs his yellow diamond ring, a ball of golden yellow fire builds in his right hand.

You see Auctioneer Sebandel.
He appears to be an Illistim Elf.
He appears to be young. He has pale blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, tied back dark blonde hair. He has a classical nose and thin-tipped pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a ball of yellow fire in his right hand.
He is wearing a large yellow diamond ring marked with miniature flames, a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, some shiny silver breastplate, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, and some cuffed black leather boots.

Sebandel tosses his ball of yellow fire from his right hand into the air along an arcing path before catching it again in his left hand.

Sebandel gingerly taps the surface of his goldenrod ball of flame and withdraws a small quantity of liquid yellow flame. It slowly dwindles away before disappearing.

Sebandel blows a soft breath at the saffron yellow fire in his hand and it shudders slightly before disappearing.

Sebandel says, "You'll need the most basic of magic item use skill to use it."

Sebandel says, "The fire cannot be hurled, no."

*BANG*! "Sold to Larenusia for 1700000 silvers," exclaims Sebandel the Auctioneer!
The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

12-10-2005, 01:58 PM
Damn thing took out the item breaks I put in with word.

Some crazy things to note:
a 5x/1x golvern defender falchion sold for 300k
Ardwen got the Underground workshop for 50 million

I think 2 items have been passed so far. One is a Gabhar goat, forgot the other.

12-10-2005, 02:02 PM
I picked up the +5 DB belt.


12-10-2005, 02:25 PM

Just... so you know.

Tayvin, mind if I steal your item info for the list?


12-10-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
I think 2 items have been passed so far. One is a Gabhar goat, forgot the other.

The Pinefar herblore tome. I really want that and the Icemule one. Hopefully whoever wins it will sell it to me.

And you got the AS boosting warhorn SHM? That's really nice, I was hoping to get that one. Good catch. Bola is cool too.

12-10-2005, 02:40 PM
What's the deal with those herblore tomes anyway?

12-10-2005, 02:41 PM
It tells you what herbs do what in that particular region.

12-10-2005, 02:42 PM
You're kidding, I can look that up on line for nothing..

12-10-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
You're kidding, I can look that up on line for nothing..

They're much more detailed. I still want the Icemule and Pinefar ones because they'll get lost to the ether otherwise.

12-10-2005, 02:53 PM
Tayvin, does your warhorn have the once an hour realm wide blow ability? I suppose you haven't got to test the dying ability yet :)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-10-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia

Just... so you know.

Tayvin, mind if I steal your item info for the list?


Not at all

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-10-2005, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Tayvin, does your warhorn have the once an hour realm wide blow ability? I suppose you haven't got to test the dying ability yet :)

Haven't tested it really other than the wave and the hurling AS help. Tsin tells me it's age based, maxes out at +25.

12-10-2005, 06:33 PM
Hmm, question about those warhorns. I have a friend who won one and can they only be used every so often. If so, how long it the time frame between uses?

12-10-2005, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
It tells you what herbs do what in that particular region.

Actually it says if a specific herb could be found in the place you are standing, According to the auctioneer.


[Edited on 12-11-2005 by FinisWolf]

12-10-2005, 10:20 PM
From the look of the list it would seem nothing massively Uber has been given out. Heh. Some COOL stuff, but nothing uber.

12-10-2005, 10:49 PM
Well the bracelet that holds 500 mana was pretty awesome.

12-10-2005, 10:57 PM
so, no one has yet to explain to me why you would pay 50m for a workshop, still, I thought they were obselete, at least for enchanting?


12-10-2005, 11:10 PM
I won the striated conch shell armor. Anyone wanting to buy it or trade send me a U2U.

12-10-2005, 11:28 PM
It's uber to me. :(

12-10-2005, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
so, no one has yet to explain to me why you would pay 50m for a workshop, still, I thought they were obselete, at least for enchanting?


Status symbol factor. Own a home long enough and you'll be remembered as one of the 'OMG ITS HIM THAT OWNS A HOMEZ'.

You're right, utility ain't there anymore. But its still a spiffy four room home.

12-11-2005, 01:45 AM
the green and black sash sucked.
It was only a +2 DB.

sang to it for the fella.


12-11-2005, 02:52 AM
I like that golvern falchion that got sold, can't believe it only went for 300k.

12-11-2005, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Gigantuous
I like that golvern falchion that got sold, can't believe it only went for 300k.

The thing is, it didn't go for only 300k. It went for $75, 300k and the only chance to get an item. This phenomenon resulted in some very interesting bidding all day long.

12-11-2005, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Hakonne

Originally posted by Gigantuous
I like that golvern falchion that got sold, can't believe it only went for 300k.

The thing is, it didn't go for only 300k. It went for $75, 300k and the only chance to get an item. This phenomenon resulted in some very interesting bidding all day long.

Yes, there were some retarded bids made this day :lol:

12-11-2005, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Hakonne

Originally posted by Gigantuous
I like that golvern falchion that got sold, can't believe it only went for 300k.

The thing is, it didn't go for only 300k. It went for $75, 300k and the only chance to get an item. This phenomenon resulted in some very interesting bidding all day long.

Ah...true. Didn't think of it like that.

12-11-2005, 07:58 AM
From what I heard, people passed on a ton of stuff worth 10-20 mil because they wanted the "BEST" stuff, and then didn't pass on a lot of stuff worth nowhere near that. Crazed.

12-11-2005, 08:52 AM
I saw somethings in the silvers room that were nice but I kept thinking I shouldn't have to pay RL and game silvers damnit!

The great door prizes though I think will lead people to take them instead of using the token in the rooms as quite honestly for the most part they are better then the items in the rooms IMHO.

12-11-2005, 08:56 AM
There were a LOT of freaking weapons released and honestly, I didn't come aboard to pick up what I would consider a boring 5x/1x defender falchion or a black ora flail.

It looks to me like people were gunning for keepers instead of the resale market.

12-11-2005, 09:00 AM
I imagine lots of stuff won't be sold by the end of this.

12-11-2005, 09:02 AM
If anyone is looking to sell or trade their Foehn's items, shoot me a U2U.


12-11-2005, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I imagine lots of stuff won't be sold by the end of this.

Actually, all the items will go out. Near the end though people are going to be gobbling up anything that isn't a goat or terrible Hammer of Kai. They're going to keep re-releasing until each of the 250 people has one of the 250 item.

12-11-2005, 09:12 AM
And if they swap the shit items for the consolation stuff?

12-11-2005, 09:20 AM
I suppose it is possible for someone to snag a consolation item before even trying their luck with the primary goods. That'd be an awfully silly move, IMO.

There's only a few items that won't earn you back more than ticket price.

12-11-2005, 09:23 AM
I didn't mean that. I can see from the logs that people are passing on the lesser nice stuff in hopes of getting something truly epic. Simu, the benevolent fools they are, are most likely not going to release something to satiate the bloated expectations of their customers. So if it is as you say and the passed items will be brought back, I imagine people will either continue to pass or just get something and swap it for the Consolation Prize.

12-11-2005, 09:25 AM
There's still a good number of items that will probably never leave the ship. Goats, fluff, 1x a day spell items, unpadded armor, 5x weapons - some of those consolation prizes will start looking pretty good in comparison.

12-11-2005, 09:44 AM
Even some of that will sell, Fission. There are toy collectors for the goats and even 1x a day spells don't do too terrible on the secondary market.

The +27 bow though is such a doofy item.

12-11-2005, 09:45 AM
1x per day, depending on the spell, go for around 10 mil, probably less, you realize.

12-11-2005, 09:53 AM
And 10 mil still is better than 5x - 7x unpadded armor, and way better than junk like a 5x flaring pole. Lot of consolation prizes will still go out, I'm betting.

12-11-2005, 09:56 AM
Getting an item that is valued at ten mil, is only just breaking over even, depending on how much you pay. Considering the tickets are valued at like 5-6 mil.

12-11-2005, 10:00 AM
The 2x a day strength armband could've been had for like 100k. Same with the wine making barrels and don't they go for around 10m in the open market?

12-11-2005, 10:01 AM
It depends on the spell. Even then you're still only making like 4 mil.

12-11-2005, 11:26 AM
Hrm, some of these items sound interesting.

If anyone is interested in trading their Promise item for one of the living music stands (the ones that attune to any bard that sings to them and that follow you around like a disk and have tons of idle actions and commands...they're alive, so to speak, and they're possessed by the spirit of a puppy), U2U me with info on your item, and I'll think it over

12-11-2005, 11:26 AM
I'll be happy to take those junk 5x flaring poles off your guys' collective hands.

The Ponzzz
12-11-2005, 12:55 PM
I just thought I'd post a list of items that I don't think should have even been in this auction/raffle. I mean they are nice items, the kinda stuff you hope for OFF THE SHELF at a merchant event. I consider none of these to be something proud of winning...

- a red-flecked pale vultite jeddart-axe – show: Small flecks of bright bloody crimson stand out starkly against the pale silvery-grey vultite of the jeddart-axe's broad curving blade. Darker inclusions mar the metal as well, clustering more densely where the blade joins the long black fel shaft. A meandering row of eahnor studs winds its way in a loose spiral down the shaft with increasingly distant spacing, ending in a squared-off cap at the lower end. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

5x, polearm, jeddart-axe base, sancted, vibe flares, possibly lightened, 75/225

- an ebonwood-hafted trident – show: The long shaft of ebonwood is polished to lustrous black and wrapped midway along its length in emerald leather binding. The spikes of the trident are pale seafoam green, and the edges in the valleys between are shaped like cresting waves. A pale green medallion, set with square emeralds on both sides, balances the end of the trident. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

5x, polearm, trident base, lightened, lightning flares, 85/230

- a silver-streaked vermilion vultite flamberge wrapped with black suede about the hilt

THW, flamberge base, 5x, ice flares, said to have other properties

- an eonake cresset sword – show: The long blade of the cresset sword is brilliantly gleaming eonake with nary an imperfection. Both the wide, straight crossguard and the hand-and-a-half grip are sheathed in matte black leather, and tiny eonake rosebuds peek out from the ends of the quillions. A thick eonake disc serves as a pommel, and set flush with its surface on both sides are small carved chips of red-orange carnelian forming a mosaic image of a blooming rose.

Edged and THW, bastard sword base, “sharpened,” damage weighted, 4x

- a pearlescent white eonake morning star spiked with faceted black onyx shards

4x, blunt, morning star base, sancted, damage weighted, 80/200

a crystal-topped witchwood runestaff coiled with strands of silver

Slightly more than 6x, THW, rune staff base, 25/280

a black and blue quartered mithglin shield inlaid with a blooming silver rose

7x, medium shield

a gold inked certificate – read: This certificate is good for the customized alteration of six (6) items in one session with the artisan, Pelagia, at a mutually agreeable time. This certificate is not transferrable, must be presented at time of redemption, and is void on Tilaok or where prohibited by law. Send your messenger to GS4-Ysbail@play.net to arrange your session.

Certificate for 6 alterations by Pelagia

The Ponzzz
12-11-2005, 12:55 PM
Stoopit double post...

[Edited on 12-11-2005 by The Ponzzz]

12-11-2005, 01:07 PM
Did anyone ... ENJOY their time on the Promise? People keep talking about buying back the entire price of their ticket in re-sales. No one had a couple dollars worth of entertainment?

If that is the case, I feel for you all.

The Ponzzz
12-11-2005, 01:10 PM
See, that's the problem. Some, if not MOST people believe in order to get your money's worth at an event, you need to cume enough item worth/alter worth to enjoy it.

I always compare GS to going to a bar. I spend 30-40 bucks, get either a real nice buzz or drunk, go home, and sleep 8-10 hours. But I had a good time, but NOTHING to show for it.

12-11-2005, 01:18 PM
I don't think a lot of people deserved tickets, frankly.


This is balanced by the fact that some of the items shouldn't have ever been offered to be sold. (And I'm not talking self chargers. People are idiots about those).

I doubt this event will happen again for a while.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-11-2005, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Did anyone ... ENJOY their time on the Promise? People keep talking about buying back the entire price of their ticket in re-sales. No one had a couple dollars worth of entertainment?

If that is the case, I feel for you all.

I've had a blast Fallen. I love watching all the items (even the "not auction quality items).

12-11-2005, 01:28 PM
This event made me wish I had an account open. It seemed really awesome.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-11-2005, 01:51 PM
The way people are bidding though, I'm not sure what they wanted. There will be a shitload of consolation prizes.

12-11-2005, 02:28 PM
I actually have enjoyed the event so far, but that said, Simu did kind of shoot themselves in the foot.

The way ticketing was set up, all (except 2, possibly) of the attendees are premium.

Most of them recently got a load of premium points for free, and a lot have burned them to make nice items.

In a lot of cases the items they got made for free, effectively are seriously outclassing the items offered up at a paid great auction - if you just had 7x HCP brig made, how impressed are you going to be with 5x SWCP or plain 6x leathers?

If premium points hadn't been released? A lot of this stuff would be going quickly , and would be far more appreciated I'll bet.

12-11-2005, 03:55 PM
7x HCP brig >>

The points to do this are equal to the value of 4+ years of playing premium. Likely more.

12-11-2005, 03:57 PM

A lot of folks will nab 2 years free.

[Edited on 12-11-2005 by Warriorbird]

12-11-2005, 04:10 PM
I've enjoyed the event. Always nice seeing people light up when they win something spiffy.

12-11-2005, 04:12 PM
This is the weapon altering item, a long mithril-bound box.

First of all, got the loresong for it:

Archales recites:

"A pale, pearly-grey fog mists your vision, slowly clearing to reveal a view of an unfamiliar city, seen from a great height. A sense of vertigo sweeps over you as you swoop down into the city at impossible speed, flying through the narrow streets and into a tiny window near the foundation of an simple cottage. Your dream-like flight comes to a sudden halt within a cluttered workshop filled with gears, springs, and other contraptions. Seated on a high stool at the workbench in the middle of this mechanical maelstrom is a wizened gnome, busily tinkering with a long mithril-bound box."

Archales recites:

"Even before the last notes of your song have finished, your vision clouds and clears again, returning you to the scene of the cluttered workshop. Some time seems to have passed since you last saw the wizened gnome, for now he is holding the mithril-bound box in his hands, turning it this way and that in clear pleasure with his handiwork. As he opens it, you hear a soft mechanical whirring, which increases in volume as the vision fades...."

Archales recites:

"The last notes of your song twist into mechanical whirr as your vision of the old gnome and his workshop return. The workbench is heaped with various weapons to the gnome's right, and a random collection of gems, pelts and buckles to his left. The wizened craftsman hums merrily as he selects one thing from each pile, pops them into the mithril-bound box perched on the workbench before him, and closes it. From deep within the box, a mechanical whirring starts up, pushing you back into your natural time and place...."

Archales recites:

"Almost before you can begin your song, your vision is swept away to the tiny workshop. A moment or two only seem to have passed, for the gnome has just reached into the mithril-bound box set before him. He dances about the room in a merry, disjointed little jig, holding up a spiked mithril mace with a star ruby set in its haft. You reach out towards the box and wake from your revelry with a jolt, as the reality of the cold surface of the box you are holding brings you out of your song."

Stick a weapon and a gem/skin/who knows what else in. Closing it sets the gem in the hilt or a skin around the hilt. Looks like no limit on number of uses per day.

Works with bows and runestaves as well. Doesn't work with magical gems or items with existing hilt descriptions.

Might be able to work with other stuff, but I haven't done tons of testing.

12-11-2005, 04:20 PM
Here's what I won:

a bright red crushed velvet pouch
The shine of satin banding contrasts against the crumpled folds of rich, red velvet and encases a braided red and gold drawstring. The satin band is quilted with gold embroidered squares, which contain satin-stitched hearts alternating with roses.

In the crushed velvet pouch you see a lover's knot and a lover's knot.
The knot is an intricately made heart seemingly woven from silver wire. Two silken cords of fine gold thread are inextricably woven together and threaded through the latticework of the heart. The two cords dangle limply from the heart, alone and separate.

They're cross-realms transporters. Wear them and turn them to attune them, kiss them to bring the other person to you. According to the merchants, there are 26 charges and "possible more," so it is possible they are rechargeable. Kilthal sang to one for me and this is what he got:

"A silver glow of magic emanates from the knot, leaving a warm feeling on your fingertips. While the magic seems to involve distance and motion, it is difficult to unravel the exact nature."

"The sounds of two heartbeats fill your mind. They begin to synchronize in rhythm, growing closer and closer together until finally, they beat as one. A tingling warmth spreads from your hands until it covers your entire body, as if you'd just caught sight of your one true love."

"As you sing, you find a melody and lyrics coming unbidden to your lips. With some surprise, you begin to sing it aloud...."

(from another person's point of view)
Looking surprised, Kilthal begins to sing a sweet melody....

"Song of my heart, my soul's melody,
How can I hold you, so far from me?
Too long, too fast, much too far away,
Only your love can my pain allay."

"Send you a kiss, and my heart takes flight,
Our bond will help keep you in my sight.
Too tight the hold and love slips away,
Too little trust and our bond will fray."

"Turn about your heart, turn about mine,
The knots of our love shall intertwine.
Once pledged, devotion stays ever true.
Your promise to me, my promise to you."

12-11-2005, 04:22 PM
I'm seeking someone to sing to my feature concealing cloak so I can see if it has a loresong.

That being said, it's a deep-hooded midnight black cloak trimmed with luxurious sable.

You run your hand over your midnight black cloak causing the color to shift through a range of shadowy grey to midnight black.

You pull the hood of your cloak down over your face, concealing your features.

You see Jolena.
She appears to be a Human.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her cloak is pulled down over her face.

You remove the hood of your cloak, revealing your features.

Edited to say it has no loresong, just had it checked.

[Edited on 12-11-2005 by Jolena]

The Ponzzz
12-11-2005, 04:24 PM
Nice item, but 26 charges?! Yuck!

12-11-2005, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by The Ponzzz
Nice item, but 26 charges?! Yuck!

with "possibly more" ... I'm hoping they're rechargeable. :D

12-11-2005, 04:33 PM
Thats an awesome cloak Jolena.

12-11-2005, 04:36 PM
Best I've seen yet.

12-11-2005, 04:37 PM
I've enjoyed my time on the Promise mostly....if it weren't for a quarter of the items being crap (aka, all the damn polearms, and people passing on passing on three quarters of the items up for bid), it'd be better.

I do very much enjoy the fact that I bid 100k on the River's Rest Herblore Tome and didn't have to snaggle with anyone for it. The tome is very much a worthy part of my character, so I'm glad she got it. Of course, if I hadn't gotten the tome, there were a couple other things I would have bid on (namely some 6x doubles or brig with padding..). But, I think overall, I'm happy with what I got. :)

12-11-2005, 04:46 PM
i had a good time as well, just watching bids and stuff since i won pretty much in the first hour ive been hanging out.

12-11-2005, 04:53 PM
I had a lot more fun after I got my item. Then it was relaxed and entertaining.


12-11-2005, 04:55 PM
Alot of the items are old auction items, so lesser items just got copied again, remember not every item is going to be earthshattering.
