View Full Version : Pedro Martinez

10-12-2003, 11:29 AM
The game between the Yankees and Red Sox on saturday was pretty funny. The 72 year old bench coach Zimmer went after the 31 year old Pedro who is a profesional athlete. Pedro grabbed Zimmer by the neck and threw him to the ground. I was laughing so hard i was almost in tears. Then later i heard some reports blasting Pedro for treating an old man like that. Wtf? So since Pedro is younger he should have just let Zimmer beat him up? He should be thankful he didnt get punched in the face i would think. You should respect your elders and all that but if some old guy came after me i would defend myself as well. I cant see replays of this too many times as its pretty funny. It doesnt hurt that i really hate the Yankees either i suppose :)

10-12-2003, 11:40 AM
Interesting factoid.

Zimmer has a plate in his head, the result of a 1953 beaning.

From a baseball? Ouch.

10-12-2003, 11:43 AM
Yeah, Pedro was standing on the side, watching everyone fight, when Zimmer went after him, lunging at him. Pedro just grabbed him and tossed him on the ground.

That game was ugly.


10-12-2003, 11:44 AM
Go Sox!

10-12-2003, 11:49 AM
What Pedro did was completely self-defense. I don't care if it's a 17 year old girl coming at you, but if there is a brawl going on, and someone steps up to you, you aren't going to just stand there and say hey! Go ahead and take a swing at me. He did the NICEST possible thing in the situation and barely threw his face in the ground. The announcers were way out of line saying that was dispicable. Now, if he took a swing BACK at Zimmer yes, but he did the most humane thing I can imagine in that situation.

10-12-2003, 12:04 PM
Yah, yankee rooter here and although my first reaction was that it was horrible, I don't know what more he could have done.

I mean, I guess he could have tried to just grab him and hold him in a perfect world, but in a brawl? That is just asking too much.

I understand Zimmer being pissed at Pedro for being a punk and knocking two of the best yankees out a single game, but sometimes you have to think about the consequences of your action.

In summation, Pedro is still an asshole, just not for this.

10-12-2003, 12:15 PM
I love Pedro! Go Pedro!!

10-12-2003, 01:03 PM
I'm a non-violence preacher. Can't stand fights of any sort, don't watch wrestling or football because I consider them inane and ridiculous. I also run away, or let myself get beat up, when I'm put in the "fight or flight" situation. In short, I'm a coward.

Having said that:

I think Pedro sorta asked for it, looking at the overall picture. I mean he clocks Karim Garcia on the back...then when Garcia says something on his way back from being struck out on second base, Pedro says - RIGHT in front of the camera while pointing to his head: "Next time I'll get you right here." (Yes, I can read lips. I'm legally deaf - comes with the territory)

He was begging for a fight. He was also not just standing at the side of it when it started. The camera showed him approaching it - as if he was getting ready to start duking it out anyway.

When the coach came at him, Pedro was more aggressive than he needed to be - but I still think he showed self-control by not punching the coach, and just pushing him down instead.

On the other hand, when I saw the coach's face on his way down to the ground, I almost cried. Old people and violence - it's just too much for me to handle. I can't help thinking of someone doing that to my dad, who's the same age as the coach. Even though my dad's a wuss and would never get involved in violence, unlike the coach, who seemed ready and able to duke it out.

10-12-2003, 01:10 PM
The coach should be thankful that Martinez had enough restraint to refrain from whipping his ass. I think Pedro was in the right.

Pedro being TOO aggressive? PSHAW! on thee. It was a baseball brawl. Frolicing with hands intertwined across rolling meadows not allowed. That coach charged Martinez with obvious bad intentions.

14 or 140, I'd put a sucka on the ground, if they charged me like that.

Weedmage Princess
10-12-2003, 01:24 PM
While Pedro reacted in self defense (the announcers didn't see Zimmer's left hand raised, so that's why they were ripping Pedro at first..they saw it upon the replay) and I agree, Zimmer kinda put himself out there for it....Pedro is *still* a jerk and needs to be severly fined. He was looking over at the dugout (not sure if it was at Karim Garcia or Jorge Posada) and pointing at the temple of his head, telling them that he was gonna hit them in the head with the ball next time. WTF is that? I understand it's a playoff series and people get riled up...but that's not only threatening injury, that's threatening someone's life...those balls aren't little soft plush toys...and Pedro throws some serious heat...a baseball striking you in the temple at 90 plus miles per hour can take you out.

10-12-2003, 02:35 PM
well that to me wasn't a baseball game it was like I was watching the WWF or something. hey yanks and sox, just play some baseball, let your play speak for its self.

we'll see ya in the world series! GO CUBS YA BABY!

i remember halloween
10-12-2003, 04:01 PM
who cares what happened. the only thing that matters is the final score and that ape martinez was on the losing end of that one. let him gloat about that all he wants.

10-12-2003, 09:51 PM
Pedro has it coming for him, plain and simple.

It is one thing to be like a Nolan Ryan type who would throw inside on someone and defend his actions and stand up for himself. It is another to intentionally throw at people's heads (while a major leaguer may lose control over a 2 seamer or even a slider, they NEVER lose control of a 4 seamer. That pitch went exactly where it was intended), and then run away like a little faggot (then again, he's a in a red sox uniform, and they back his actions 100%.).

If I was karim garcia, if someone made an attempt on my career and life with a toss like that at my head, I would have taken it out on the catcher and swung my bat at his head with bad intentions. That being said, and as a Yankees fan, I also think Mike Piazza would have been well within his right to charge the mound on Roger with his bat in hand, bad intentions in mind.

The problem is, if a pitcher loses control and hits someone by accident, that shouldnt warrant a fight. For the type of headhunting that Pedro is quite famous for, it is a bit stupid that an organization that calls themselves professional would stand up for the actions of a little bitch who throws at people then runs away like a coward when the ensuing fight breaks out. Roger SHOULD have hit manny in the lower back on the next pitch to make a point.

Throwing a baseball at someone's head at 95 mph is never a joke. Unless you're a red sox fan. Or pedro martinez. Oh wait, jokes on them, because they still can't win.

10-12-2003, 10:03 PM
It wasnt at Garcia's head,did you see it? He ducked down and it still hit him in the back. If he hadnt ducked it would probably have hit him in the lower back.

If I was karim garcia, if someone made an attempt on my career

Kinda like when Garcia went in spikes up at Todd Walker? He could have broken both his knees and ended his career as well.

Ill end with a classic Pedro quote:

"Whether I'm getting the breaks or not, there's no crying in baseball. Whoever wants to cry, let them cry.-Pedro

10-12-2003, 10:04 PM
it is to bad the fight got rained out tonight

10-12-2003, 10:08 PM
Yeah i was pretty disapointed. Although somehow the sox getting to go to Wakefield tomorrow and missing Burkett seems like a gift from god. The Yanks should be happy too,how hard does Wakefield though anyway 68 mph? :)

10-12-2003, 10:08 PM
Pedro rocks, since he is an ex-expos. I remember seeing him pitching for some cheap salary, man he was good.

I hope we won't lose Vladimir Gerrerro too or the whole team:lol:

[Edited on 13-10-03 by Xcalibur]

Weedmage Princess
10-12-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
It wasnt at Garcia's head,did you see it? He ducked down and it still hit him in the back. If he hadnt ducked it would probably have hit him in the lower back.

I don't want to speak for Tamral, cause I'm not sure what he was referring to...but when I made mention of Pedro threatening careers and lives, I meant his threat AFTER that pitch...when he looked into the Yankee dugout, pointed at his temple and said to either Karim Garcia or Jorge Posada that next time he was going to hit them in the head with the ball. That is uncalled for, and they should fine him up the ass for that. That or suspend him for like..half a season or something...WITHOUT pay. May seem harsh but then again so is threatening to hit people in the temple with a 90+ MPH fastball.

Originally posted by Tendarian
Ill end with a classic Pedro quote:
"Whether I'm getting the breaks or not, there's no crying in baseball. Whoever wants to cry, let them cry.-Pedro

Bet you'd hear his ass crying pretty loud if he found himself suspended without pay though..heh.

That OR stop using DHs and let the pitchers hit. Get him and some of those other pitchers who seem to make the "slip up" of hitting hitters get tagged a couple of times. Bet we'll see a lot less of it.

10-12-2003, 10:44 PM
Haha if thats what he meant then im sorry. That was his real mistake in the game,getting carried away in true Pedro fashion and threatening the dugout. That was low class i admit.

10-12-2003, 10:49 PM
I forgive him. He needs understanding, it's hard to be Red Sox. Knowing at the beginning of every year, that no matter what they do, no matter how well they play, that they are cursed to come in behind the Yankess.

Noblesse oblige and all that. :D

Weedmage Princess
10-12-2003, 11:18 PM
LMAO Skirmisher!!

I can't wait til I go back to NYC next month. There's this shop that sells a shirt which reads "This is your brain" next to the Yankees logo, then "This is your brain on drugs" next to the Red Sox logo...can't WAIT to wear that up here in Boston <cackle> They also have a shirt of Babe Ruth peeing on the Red Sox emblem next to a sign that says "The Red Sox Suck" but...I would fear for my life if I wore that. These Boston baseball fans are a hostile lot...hee.

10-12-2003, 11:23 PM
Those silly red sox,all they need to do is spend 180 mil like the yankees every year :rolleyes:

Weedmage Princess
10-12-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
Those silly red sox,all they need to do is spend 180 mil like the yankees every year :rolleyes:

Now you're talking! :!: :thumbsup: :smug:

Weedmage Princess
10-13-2003, 09:48 AM
Hmm...just read at si.com that the fines were issued:

Pedro Martinez was fined $50,000.
Manny Ramirez was fined $25,000.
Karim Garcia was fined $10,000.
and Don Zimmer was fined $5,000.

I can see Martinez, Ramirez (though I don't think he deserved $25,000...maybe 5 or 10 thousand) and Zimmer....but I don't see why Karim Garcia got a fine....he didn't do anything really....am I missing something???

10-13-2003, 09:58 AM
Yeah, he attacked one of the groundskeepers.

According to a Boston police incident report, Boston police detectives tomorrow intend to appear in court to seek a complaint that could result in assault and battery charges against two Yankees players, relief pitcher Jeff Nelson and outfielder Karim Garcia, for what was described in the report as an "unprovoked attack" on a Sox grounds crew member who was stationed in the bullpen.


10-13-2003, 12:20 PM
As a side note... grow a backbone, Bestatte.


10-14-2003, 12:57 PM
Before last nights game i watched where Don Zimmer apologized and he looked ashamed and emberassed. It was a very sincere apology as well and it made me feel bad for the guy. That took a lot of guts and im ashamed Pedro didnt have the strength of character needed to do something like that.

Weedmage Princess
10-14-2003, 02:05 PM
I'm disappointed Pedro only got a $50,000 fine.

I would have liked to see him suspended for the rest of the season...without pay. Heh.

10-14-2003, 03:08 PM
Retarded. Someone comes at me, they're gonna get a lot more than being thrown to the ground. Mature or not.


10-14-2003, 03:21 PM
Yeah i dont think Pedro was wrong for that. The part he was wrong in was gesturing to his head at the yankee dugout and all that mess. I think his fine was appropriate and no suspensions needed for anyone cept Nelson maybe depending what the cops decide to do.

Weedmage Princess
10-14-2003, 03:39 PM
Makkah I didn't mean cause of the Zimmer thing. I meant because of threatening to hit Karim Garcia and/or Jorge Posada in the head with the ball next time they're at bat.

I'm all for doing away with DH's. I bet if he got pegged a few times with a fastball, he'd straighten right up.

Lord Deprav
10-14-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I'm disappointed Pedro only got a $50,000 fine.

I would have liked to see him suspended for the rest of the season...without pay. Heh.

Since when do we throw people in jail for self defense? Don Zimmer came out of the dugout and attacked him. Zimmer shouldn't even be allowed on the bench. There are no rules in baseball where it says you cannot hit a batter.


Lord Deprav
10-14-2003, 03:56 PM
Manny Ramirez was fined $25,000.

I can see Martinez, Ramirez (though I don't think he deserved $25,000...maybe 5 or 10 thousand) and Zimmer....but I don't see why Karim Garcia got a fine....he didn't do anything really....am I missing something???

Garcia is a jerk and if he would have just took his shot in the back and ran to firstball like he should have, then there would have never been a problem. Instead he has to curse at Pedro on his way back to the dugout which just spice this rivalry up.


Weedmage Princess
10-14-2003, 06:33 PM
Wow *laughs* for the what...third or fourth time now--


I'm talking about what Martinez did **AFTER** where he hit Garcia in the back, he looked at the dugout, pointed to the temple of his head, and said (to either Karim Garcia or Jorge Posada) that next time he's going to hit them there, in the head.

THAT is what sparked the whole fiasco, not Garcia complaining about a hit...and THAT is why I feel his penalty should have been more stiff than what it was. You can talk trash, etc. But you don't threaten someone's career and life by telling them you're gonna tag them in the head with a 90+ MPH fastball. There's no place in baseball for that.

But that seems to be the way Pedro plays the game....

10-14-2003, 06:46 PM
So Princess, what exactly is your problem with Pedro defending himself against the rampaging godzilla like form of the mighty Zimmer?

Weedmage Princess
10-14-2003, 06:50 PM
AHHHHH *smashes her head into the monitor*

Lord Deprav
10-14-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Wow *laughs* for the what...third or fourth time now--


I'm talking about what Martinez did **AFTER** where he hit Garcia in the back, he looked at the dugout, pointed to the temple of his head, and said (to either Karim Garcia or Jorge Posada) that next time he's going to hit them there, in the head.

THAT is what sparked the whole fiasco, not Garcia complaining about a hit...and THAT is why I feel his penalty should have been more stiff than what it was. You can talk trash, etc. But you don't threaten someone's career and life by telling them you're gonna tag them in the head with a 90+ MPH fastball. There's no place in baseball for that.

But that seems to be the way Pedro plays the game....

No need to get mad. I didn't understand where you were coming from. The reason I say this is because Posada was yelling at Pedro to throw at him as reported by ESPN (and as I thought I seen him yelling when it happened)

Who thinks that fining in baseball is stupid.

Lord Deprav
10-14-2003, 10:51 PM
One more funny thing...Babe Ruth when he would get in arguements, shoving matches, and fights...he would get fined between 5-20k. Babe Ruth was making just slightly over a 100k when he retired. Pedro makes million. Don Zimmer makes around 500k.


Weedmage Princess
10-14-2003, 11:36 PM
I wasn't mad...despite the bold and caps *gaze*

It's just that everyone seems to think I'm defending Zimmer and bashing Pedro for defending himself, when I'm not.

Lord Deprav
10-14-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I wasn't mad...despite the bold and caps *gaze*

It's just that everyone seems to think I'm defending Zimmer and bashing Pedro for defending himself, when I'm not.

Yah thats cool. I am just annoyed like the last two days everyone even truck drivers I have been talking to have said it wasn't right. I don't know. I am about to cry after that 8 run inning.


10-14-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
Before last nights game i watched where Don Zimmer apologized and he looked ashamed and emberassed. It was a very sincere apology as well and it made me feel bad for the guy. That took a lot of guts and im ashamed Pedro didnt have the strength of character needed to do something like that.

Pedro didn't need to apologize. I don't care how old the idiot is, if he came at me with a fist raised I'd put him in the dirt too. Pedro showed alot of restraint by backing off right after Zimmer sucked dust.

Don't hide behind your age. If you're going to come play with the big boys expect to get put down. If you want special treatment because you're old go play slow pitch.

10-15-2003, 01:53 AM
Since when is taunting and being an asshole to the other team a fineable offense? I played organized sports from the time I was 5 until I was 18 and we've always taunted and pissed off the other team. Best way to win a game is to get the other team nervous and make them lose their cool.

Who cares what Pedro said he was going to do, he didn't do it or didn't get a chance to. If he would have purposely hit someone in the BATTERS HELMET with the ball then I could understand people being pissed off.

PS Incase some of you forgot Batters Helmets are worn to help protect incidents like that.

10-15-2003, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by JustMe
Since when is taunting and being an asshole to the other team a fineable offense? I played organized sports from the time I was 5 until I was 18 and we've always taunted and pissed off the other team. Best way to win a game is to get the other team nervous and make them lose their cool.

I still play baseball. Taunting has never been allowed like what Pedro did. You'd get thrown out of a college baseball game in a minute if someone did that. The best way to win is by being better then the other team and playing well.

Who cares what Pedro said he was going to do, he didn't do it or didn't get a chance to. If he would have purposely hit someone in the BATTERS HELMET with the ball then I could understand people being pissed off.

So threatening to kill you is ok if you don't do it? Or threatening to commit terroist acts? This is baseball. You are playing it in front of millions of people, including kids. Act like an adult.

PS Incase some of you forgot Batters Helmets are worn to help protect incidents like that.

Kerby Puckett had a baseball thrown at his head, guess what, he can't play baseball anymore. It hit him in the face, which is a very possible outcome when a 95 MPH fastball is coming at your head.

10-15-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Originally posted by JustMe
Since when is taunting and being an asshole to the other team a fineable offense? I played organized sports from the time I was 5 until I was 18 and we've always taunted and pissed off the other team. Best way to win a game is to get the other team nervous and make them lose their cool.

I still play baseball. Taunting has never been allowed like what Pedro did. You'd get thrown out of a college baseball game in a minute if someone did that. The best way to win is by being better then the other team and playing well.

*Because he plays college ball....*

Who cares what Pedro said he was going to do, he didn't do it or didn't get a chance to. If he would have purposely hit someone in the BATTERS HELMET with the ball then I could understand people being pissed off.

So threatening to kill you is ok if you don't do it? Or threatening to commit terroist acts? This is baseball. You are playing it in front of millions of people, including kids. Act like an adult.

*1 you're using extremes as examples
2 Don't use "the kids are watching" as an excuse. It's a competition and they get fierce if mom and dad don't want Billy to learn about winning, losing, anger and emotion from a sports star(not role model just sports star) then turn off the TV*

PS Incase some of you forgot Batters Helmets are worn to help protect incidents like that.

Kerby Puckett had a baseball thrown at his head, guess what, he can't play baseball anymore. It hit him in the face, which is a very possible outcome when a 95 MPH fastball is coming at your head.

*Agreed, helmets are to keep you alive not from getting hurt and that helmet doesn't go all the way around, take a ball to the grill sometime and then tell me "But you had a helmet."*

* I didn't feel like doing all the q /q stuff so bear with the * * format :cool:

10-15-2003, 11:23 PM
The Sox kicked the Yankees' ass tonight! woooooohooooooo!! Go sox!!

Weedmage Princess
10-15-2003, 11:35 PM
What Pedro did..as far as threatening to hit them in the head...was out of line. That's BEYOND taunting. Pedro's a friggin jerk..and no I'm not just saying that cause I'm a Yankee's fan, I'm saying it because it's the truth. This isn't the first time he's displayed his rotten demeanor, although this is the worst I've seen from him in the past two years I've been watching the Sox . Hell, I live in Boston, with HUGE Red Sox fans, and you know what? MOST people I talk to *don't* like Pedro Martinez...don't get me wrong, they like his ability (he is talented, arguably one of the best pitchers in the league) but they think he's an ass, why? Because he is. Plain and simple.

Originally posted by Adhara
The Sox kicked the Yankees' ass tonight! woooooohooooooo!! Go sox!!

BAH! It's all good...keeps things interesting and what better way to send the Red Sox home for the season than with a game 7 loss for PEDRO MARTINEZ *cackle*

[Edited on 10-16-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

10-15-2003, 11:48 PM
I personally like Pedro a lot. He has funny quotes all the time and he says what he thinks. He is the extreme version of AJ Pierzynski of the Twins. I like players like these as they keep the game intresting.

Go Red Sox!! (Or any other team who plays the Yankees)

10-15-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
*Agreed, helmets are to keep you alive not from getting hurt and that helmet doesn't go all the way around, take a ball to the grill sometime and then tell me "But you had a helmet."*

I had a softball break my nose six days before team pictures.. Pictures with 2 black eyes and a taped up nose was great. Then I had a bat crack my catchers helmet and give me a major concussion. <sigh> Was dangerous but so much fun. :bouncy:

Weedmage Princess
10-15-2003, 11:51 PM
BAH to Tendarian!!! :thumbsdown:

I heard that Pedro did apologize during the pre-game show. I haven't seen it, I'm hoping to catch it during sportscenter or something when I get home...as I wonder if it was a sincere apology or if he did it just cause he's in New York and he's afraid he's gonna get tagged with a battery...heh.

10-16-2003, 12:10 AM
Wow ill be happy if Pedro apologized. No matter what his motives for doing so actions are more important.

PS How do you stay alive in red sox country and be a yankee fan?

10-16-2003, 12:31 AM

Weedmage Princess
10-16-2003, 02:23 AM
LOL Most people are willing to forgive me because I am a native of NYC, only been up here for like 2 years...and I liked the Yankees back when they sucked in the mid 80's. And they find my hatred of Mike Piazza and the Mets very amusing..heh. But don't worry, I get tortured. Yesterday at work when I walked in they were blasting this song they are playing on the radio stations up here, "Yankees Suck" (to the tune of Hanging Tough by New Kids on the Block...you're hurting when you're digging out NKOTB tunes, too.) and...to make matters even worse...my husband, the love of my life...is a Sox fan *shudders*

10-16-2003, 02:49 AM
Theres hope for you yet then. One day they will brainwash you and you will be wearing your Nomar jersey around town proudly! (listening to NKOTB tunes too)

Weedmage Princess
10-16-2003, 12:31 PM
*shrieks* NO NEVER!!!!!

You sound like my husband..the other day I was fumbling around to throw on a hat (bad hair day) and without looking I picked up his Red Sox hat and put it on. He was estatic and felt it was a "big step" in my progress. I threw it to the ground the minute I realized my grave mistake...my forehead still burns too..heh.

I have to say, I really LOVE seeing the whole rally effort. EVERYONE is behind the Red Sox, rooting and cheering. They have the B emblem flag flying on the Zakim bridge, a big "Cowboy UP" banner along the interstate...Lets Go Sox flashing on the digital highway signs....and everyone is so into it. It's really cool, and I love seeing it...even if I am a Yankees fan ;)

10-16-2003, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I threw it to the ground the minute I realized my grave mistake...my forehead still burns too..heh.

*cackle* Too funny! Holy water burns the skin of vampires...


Sox fans: Saints
Yankees fans: Spawns of Satan!

Weedmage Princess
10-16-2003, 04:16 PM
LOL You got that backwards, sister!