View Full Version : Networking with Linksys

12-08-2005, 10:44 PM
I've got a Linksys Wireless-G router stacked on top of a standard 10/100 Linksys router.

Having bought the two of them a couple years apart I had forgotten what settings I had originally configured the standard Linksys router for and I have been using the Wireless-G router around the house. I use 128-bit encryption and MAC address filtering for security on my wireless network. Basically only my own laptop can access my wireless network.

Anyway, I wanted to daisy chain the Wireless-G router off of the standard router. Linksys told me that all I would need to do is run a straight-through ethernet cable from a port on the standard router to a port on the wireless router.

Having done this, the wireless network isn't showing up. (Shock!)

Anyone done this?

Also, since I had named both of my routers the same name I had to reset the standard router so that it carried the standard Linksys configuration settings and device name. Does anyone know the standard Linksys login and password so I can console into the standard router and toy around with the settings? Directing my web browser to and just clicking OK on the password prompt doesn't get me through the login window. :)

12-08-2005, 10:45 PM
The default is admin/admin acct/pass.

Edited to give credit to Renian for giving me this exact information like an hour ago.

[Edited on 12-9-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

12-08-2005, 10:46 PM
Thanks Bob! Shoulda tried that one. :)