View Full Version : GSIV Platinum Auction List

12-06-2005, 12:50 PM
For the sake of my own sanity, I'm posting the list here. This is just a repost from the official boards. This isn't my list.

an ancient silver-bladed vultite skinning knife (helps you skin better)Aoeki
a roughly carved ivory bow painted with poison ivy (highest that a mage can enchant)Arundul
a translucent alizarin crystal (will recharge some items not all) Gwalmachei
a Brutality ticket Valexi
some black checkered leathers (The leathers have been heavily blackened, as if exposed over time to a strong heat source. A white checked pattern has been embossed on the front of the leathers, resembling a chess board in its design. Each individual square has been inset with a fiery red rune. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.) (6x double, no apparent padding)Brynah
a silver-edged mithril scimitar (said to aid the intensity of combat, has different ability versus undead)Calor
a rune-engraved silver staff capped with a faceted crystal sphere ("Well, this is an interesting item. We're told it was made by an old wizard back in Ta'Loenthra. It's supposed to transport you somewhere, but we're not sure where.")Thenjhar
an ironwood-shafted silvery vultite jeddart-axe ("Impact Flares, holy, midlevel enchantment.")PASSED
a pair of silver-threaded midnight black suede gloves (adds a bonus to all teef skills)Harnen
a braided troll hair belt (Long strands of wiry, white troll hair have been woven together in an ornate knotted pattern to form a wide belt. A buckle has been crafted from a thin, oval slab of blue riverstone inset with gold filigree in the same knotted pattern. Behind the buckle is a small snake skin pocket.) Taken off the table by the auctioneer as boring
a fearsome black mithril mattock engraved with silvery sigils (high enchant, more damage)Sensati
a long black knife (The blade of the knife is coated with a sticky black film. Edged in deadliest of poisons. Works best for ambushers.)Leid
a light brown interwoven belt ( "It is believed this item holds the power of Phoen himself within its fibers. This particular belt is said to blend the owner into the surroundings. It is further believed that the spell recharges over time." The belt is constructed of interwoven plant fibers. Three large sunstones carved in the symbol of Phoen, the Sun God, are set into the fibers of the belt. Three of the sunstones glow faintly.)Sorak
a chipped piece of grey marble from the chest and places it on the table.(more than it seems, charges by itself, spirit strike)Emilan
a Cholen sheaf (The sheaf is finely crafted with an intricately carved scene of the light god Cholen. In the scene, you see a very special moment in one of Cholen's appearances. "This sheaf was found imbedded in stone near the site of a great battle. A band of dwarves recovered it, finding the magical powers to completely heal one that rubs it or one it is waved at. The powers seemed only to be forthcoming but once a day.")Raxelli
a smooth maoral staff wrapped with leather strips (has a place to insert gems, casts different air spells, one is implosion)Devros
a slender black kakore staff traced with glowing crimson runes (a runestaff and a defender. +10 to defend) Luallarr
engraved battle plate (low enchant, a ton of damage padding)Khajor
a set of triple linked invar hauberk (Lirion says, "About the same as the plate." Crafted from thousands of individual golden invar ringlets, the hauberk is at once both flexible and durable. An image of a hammer and anvil has been worked on the front of the hauberk in small black opals. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. Exceptionally padded)Eyric
a pale tanik shawm engraved with shimmering golden musical notes ("This unusual shawm is quite rare. Long ago, Loenthran minstrels and balladeers traveled throughout the elven kingdoms, their services as lorekeepers and performers in great demand at both lowly tavern and exalted House Court alike. The Council of Musicians wished a way to provide companionship to their travelling journeymen as they criss-crossed the eastern Elanith from the DragonSpine to the sea and back."

On commision by the Council, a Loenthran, whose name is lost to the mists of time, handcrafted instruments to his patrons' exacting specifications, instilling within each instrument the rare power of summoning. The instrument called for the singer a faithful and boon companion."

Lirion exclaims, "Who will bid on such an exquisite piece of artistry and history? Do not miss your opportunity!")Rodger
a fancy parchment ticket ("This ticket entitles the bearer to one completely unique custom-zested item. The zest will include three separate tricks, each designed by the ticket's bearer. The zest must be pure fluff, however, no vorpal swords of doom, etc. The prize will be redeemed by Jolai, and may only be claimed by [the winner]. As far as what is acceptable, Jolai's word is law.")Shyllia
a gem-encrusted mithglin sai ("Look at the gems on this weapon! You know I've heard a tale regarding this weapon. Seems that the gems are more than decoration and that they actually give it different powers." Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the sai, with an empty gem setting at the base of the pommel.)Saras
a glittering topaz runestone ("This runestone is an artifact of great power, and will bring stealth to the owner." "Seems it casts wall of force, several times a day.")PASSED
a tiny pink silk box ("This small box holds a sweet treasure, something sure to please everyone. Its slight magical ability guarantees to always satisfy at least once a day!" Thick and stiffened shiny pink silk forms the sides of this box, trimmed with thin white velvet braiding along the edges. The top flap sports two sides that tuck in, and a strand of golden spidersilk to wind around a diamond clasp at the front, closing the box to keep its contents fresh. Wedge-shaped cabochons of multicolored topaz and rubies stud the sides of the box in a whimsical design linked with gold chasing.)Dyan
a gilded mithril ribcage (The ribcage is from some undiscernable remains. Each bone has been gilded in pure mithril and additional strips of mithril are overlayed underneath to provided comprehensive coverage of the wearer's torso. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. self mana undisease low enchant)PASSED
A Brutality ticket Selizabeth
some silver finger cymbals studded with tiny multicolored gems ("This unusual cymbals is quite rare. Long ago, Loenthran minstrels and balladeers traveled throughout the elven kingdoms, their services as lorekeepers and performers in great demand at both lowly tavern and exalted House Court alike. The Council of Musicians wished a way to provide companionship to their travelling journeymen as they criss-crossed the eastern Elanith from the DragonSpine to the sea and back."

On commision by the Council, a Loenthran, whose name is lost to the mists of time, handcrafted instruments to his patrons' exacting specifications, instilling within each instrument the rare power of summoning. The instrument called for the singer a faithful and boon companion."

Lirion exclaims, "Who will bid on such an exquisite piece of artistry and history? Do not miss your opportunity!")Ero
a short black dirk ("This dirk has been edged in the deadliest of poisons." The blade of the dirk is coated in a black sticky film.)Neriel
a thick opal-inset armband (self charging strength several times a day) Kormis
a spellbook page (You see a spellbook page with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged. Self-charging Call Wind)PASSED
an invar-tipped thanot walking stick Withdrawn by Auctioneer as too boring
some rigid buckled brigandine (medium enchant, nice crit padding "Dyed a deep blood red with a shiny hard finish, this brigandine armor is notable for the set of steel-buckled straps that run down both sides, adding ornament as well as secure fastening. Each wide buckle is brightly polished and crafted to fit snug against the armor. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.)Valaraukar
a gleaming vultite flamberge (4x with cold flares. The wavy blade of the weapon is polished to a mirror finish and the golden pommel is embedded with a brilliant cut diamond. A wrought rolaren basket covers a leather wrapped hilt and provides excellent protection for the hand.)PASSED
a scorched rolaren falchion (At the base of the hilt of this weapon is a single large bloodstone. Badly flawed, the gem is quite sizeable, and bears irregular gold veins within the stone. The hilt is wrapped with a spiral of textured black leather from the base upward, and leads to the slightly curving blade. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. 6x fire flares and does something else neat)Windermere
A Brutality ticketYlaris
an ancient grey leather tome emblazoned with a tentacled black onyx star ("Lots of fun to own, but no real magic to 'em."- scripted)Athias (later RETURNED due to mistaken bid)
a slightly flawed crystal ("It appears that it will show you something far away." Scrying crystal)Zelenthinoth
an iron-banded modwir barrel (makes wine)PASSED
a slender diamond-bladed imflass short sword ("This sword appears to be very slightly higher in enchant that vultite, and to be damage weighted. Again, less than 'heavy' but not by much.")Rullyn
a golden-hilted battleworn falchion ("Tis enchanted six times, can be worn on your belt, and will flare with cold." A small, intricate leather strap runs from the handle of the battleworn falchion, designed for hanging from the belt.)PASSED
a basket-hilted broadsword (5x blessable "The likeness of a striking water moccasin has been etched onto the long blade of the basket-hilted broadsword. The basket hilt covers a grip of moccasin hide, molded to fit the hand. A pommel of blue tourmaline wrapped in fine golvern wire perfects the weapon's balance. You also see a small enchanter's mark." Scripted)PASSED
a large tailored cloak (Jolai displays the fine tailored cloak for all to see. Jolai says, "This cloak was crafted by the halfling tailor, Master Wheezer. Each of his special creations are tailor-made from the finest materials and handstitched with loving care."

Jolai cries out, "Just be sure this size fits you, Wheezer said some wizard played around with them so that each is special tailor-made to fit perfectly! This one is sized for giantmen! He also said the magic might have caused a few quirks, but there is nothing to worry about.)PASSED
a puma trap (traps pumas)PASSED
some gleaming vultite plate (The highly polished plate is forged with a sharply ridged midline from neck to waist, adding to its ability to deflect weapon strikes. The gleaming vultite is otherwise unembellished, beautiful in its simplicity, the only decorative touch being a series of notched engravings on the rivets, clearly the armorsmith's mark. 4x heavily damage padded) Oban
a battle-scarred rolaren shield emblazoned with a sinuous red and gold scaled dragon on a field of white ("This here shield appears to be twice the enchant you'd expect. It is as strong as the metal would imply." 8x)Eldawyn
some dark spidersilk robes embroidered at the hem with curling golden dragons (high enchant heavily crit padded)Rumor
a silver serpent-shafted trident (A splendid example of the fine handiwork of the eastern elven nations, this trident has several serpents curving lazily up to the head of the exquisite weapon, with their tongues ending in the sharp points of the highly polished tines. Each scale is detailed along the shaft, with each body rising and falling along the stretches. A single lightning bolt is carved into the flattened golden helve binding the end of the haft. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. 6X flaring)PASSED
some polished imflass chain hauberk (The polished chain hauberk is triple-linked for added protection. Each link of the armor looks as if it has been polished to a high sheen, reflecting light in a mirroring effect. Thick, soft cloth padding barely showing underneath adds to the comfort of the wearer. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph" Fairly enchanted, well crit padded)Vexana
a red-hued golvern twin flail (A thick heavy chain covered with nicks and scratches from an untold number of conflicts bind a pair of fat golvern foot long cylinders to an extended wooden handle. Imposing steel nails poke out from each cylinder from top to bottom, with some of them exhibiting heavy damage from extended use. A scarlet leather strap wraps tightly down the long handle, ending in a brass lion head, frozen in mid-roar. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Lots of enchants and damage weighted)Anthalse
a shadowy steel longsword (defender +12/+12)PASSED
a pair of thigh-high midnight black leather boots (pocketed boots "Also gives you some dodge and CM." "But they got 3.5 times the number of charges of the giftbox.")PASSED
a spellbook page (You see a spellbook page with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged. "This one is spirit defense, three times a day.")PASSED
an ancient elven vultite longsword (crit weighted 4x)Grimshok
a polished golden oak lute inlaid with deep golden topaz stones (Jolai says, "This unusual lute is quite rare. Long ago, Loenthran minstrels and balladeers traveled throughout the elven kingdoms, their services as lorekeepers and performers in great demand at both lowly tavern and exalted House Court alike. The Council of Musicians wished a way to provide companionship to their travelling journeymen as they criss-crossed the eastern Elanith from the DragonSpine to the sea and back."

On commision by the Council, a Loenthran, whose name is lost to the mists of time, handcrafted instruments to his patrons' exacting specifications, instilling within each instrument the rare power of summoning. The instrument called for the singer a faithful and boon companion."

Jolai exclaims, "Who will bid on such an exquisite piece of artistry and history? Do not miss your opportunity!")Darbyan
A Brutality ticketVoorst
a curved drakar skinning knife (helps skinning) Starfairy
some scarred leather brigandine (The leather of the armor has been nicked in a variety of places and has deep scars showing along the chest. Although the armor appears well-used, the fit allows for a surprising degree of comfort along with protection. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph."A bit better than six enchants, a bit of crit paddin' to boot.")Jarlan
an elegant gold-hilted defender dagger (+15/+15 defender)PASSED
some bright white patched leathers worked with golden threading from the chest (7x)PASSED
a small leather pouch (Here we have a small pouch. Look ye well, me friends for surely this pouch is the very thing all you clerics, wizards, bards and warriors are slavering to have in your greedy, little clutch...er, in your most estimable possession. I would include sorcerers in that group, however as we all know, that sort sports the entirety of what taste they possess solely in their mouth. And as for rogues, they'll probably just steal one anyway.

Now, where was I? Oh yes! Before you wizardly types start picturing this most desirable of pouches crammed full of 27,549 wands, 159 potions of one type or another, 783 orb-quality gems, various and sundry scrolls, parchments, tomes and twiddle sticks, as well as 48 varieties of tarts and a barrel of two of demon rum, I say "Stop and desist!"

This fine and delicate pouch was NAY made to put up with such a mess of needless detritus, no indeed! This pouch, I'm proud to say, holds LITTLE to NOTHING!

If on the other hand, my friends, you are the type of discerning individual that recognizes the superior qualities of a pouch that doesn't stoop to carrying stuff and nonsense, that looks so...so...that is to say, is obviously of novel construction if not exactly in the most pristine of exterior repair...well! This is unequivocally for you!) PASSED
a mithril short sword (The blade is finely crafted but bears no remarkable workmanship. A curious elven rune of ice is etched upon the base of the hilt. Icy IMMOLATOR)Myke
some lightly slashed full leather (Short curving slashes, placed with fastidious care across the upper chest and back of this armor, appear to be decorative rather than the result of battle. Close inspection reveals spots where densely packed woolen padding peeks through the sharp-edged cuts. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. Heavy padded)Ystar
a white swimming tunic (Several times a day resist elements)PASSED
a translucent cerulean crystal (2x a day recharging crystal)Marius
a tiny golden cleric figurine (Kneeling in quiet meditation, the tiny silver cleric has a look of soft piety upon his face. He holds a tiny silver medallion in one hand. Several times a day warding sphere)Baalimun

a mossbark runestaff, a seedy rat pelt cloak, a shimmering white glaes awl-pike and a sun-shaped steel box.SAVED FOR TOMORROW

a fel walking staff with a twisting vine of ivy wrapped around its length (mid level enchant two hander lightning flares)PASSED
a bejewelled golden crown (makes you more influential by a lot)Iskariot for 200000 silver
a long fang-hafted waraxe (+20, returns to hand when disarmed, sancted, weighted, The haft of this weapon is crafted to resemble a large ogre fang. Slightly yellowed, the hardened bone still allows a secure grip. The waraxe glows with a dim light.)PASSED
some shimmering myklian scale armor (Thousands of myklian scales have been individually joined by small silver imflass grommets to form this armor. Shimmering red scales have been fastened to vibrant blue scales, bright yellow scales to emerald green scales, giving the armor a brilliant patina of color. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. Padded and nice enchant) Paraethia for 1700000 silvers
a haon-framed tambourine decorated with brightly colored silken ribbons (summons a familiar for a bard "The tambourine is framed of smoothly sanded haon, the skin stretched tightly across it. Brightly hued ribbons are tied gaily to the haon frame, their colors blending together as if a rainbow.")Caithris for 605000 silvers
some veniom inlaid full leather (full leather, decently crit padded, mid level enchant. "An overall pattern of diamond shapes is formed by the fine-gauge veniom wire that criss-crosses this elegant leather armor, each intersection secured with a small golden rivet. Rolled leather trim in a contrasting color caps the shoulders and edges the neckline, held with stitches of veniom wire. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.")Fink for 2000000 silvers
a sharpened hooking vultite jeddart-axe (Nicely enchanted and weighted)Myrshaan for 400000 silvers
a diamond and ruby encrusted armband (Several times a day of stength)Somman for 2000000 silvers
a dented black golvern shield ("The golvern shield is very old and has many scratches and dents. A golden puma has been etched on the surface of the shield. The puma is standing on its hind legs with claws extended on its outstretched front legs. Its eyes are formed using two dark blue sapphires which seem to gleam from any light available. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." 7x)Cadsuane for 750000 silvers
a massive vaalorn sword (Sorrow) Nishima for 24200000 silvers
a gleaming vultite flamberge (The wavy blade of the weapon is polished to a mirror finish and the golden pommel is embedded with a brilliant cut diamond. A wrought rolaren basket covers a leather wrapped hilt and provides excellent protection for the hand. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Hmmm, strange flamberge, nice though, over vultite, flares, and some actions)Tanderick for 100000 silvers
a slender Krolvin pit slasher (midlevel enchant self mana spirit shield "A favorite in the Krolvin slave fighting pits, this slender weapon was designed for cramped hand-to-hand fighting. The leather-wrapped haon handle holds a two foot long blade on either side. Each blade is slightly serrated just past the handle to aid ripping flesh, while the front halves of the blades are smooth and come to a sharp, pointed end for slashing and thrusting. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.")Tiaysa for 2000000 silver
a rolaren serpentine longsword (decently enchanted and crit weighted "An engraved image of a striking cobra forms the center of this highly honed rolaren blade. Its head and neck coil back along the handguard where two small rubies form its eyes. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.") Tillisa for 400000 silvers
an eonake bastard sword ("The wire wrapped hilt of the bastard sword is inset with a miniature silver hammer striking a cracked iron anvil." Standard eonake and somewhat damage weighted)Sold to Jaalar for 100000 silvers
a double-spiked rolaren morning star (You see some greenish gas swirling about the rolaren morning star. Well enchanted and poison flares)Khepra for 2090000 silvers
a heart-shaped haon box ("The ornate box is small enough to hold in one hand. It is hinged on one side and has a heart-shaped image engraved on the lid. The image appears well worn as if it has been rubbed many times." makes imbeddables) Sold to Quilian for 330000 silvers
a serrated vultite gladius (well enchanted rare flare)Gunfer for 200000 silvers
some golvern-studded translucent crystal bracers (self mana invisibility)Kenstill for 5500000 silvers
an elven-carved sephwir longbow set with gleaming silver nocks (nicely enchanted and aimed)Rhett for 2490000 silvers
a fearsome black mithril war mattock with a tsark skin wrapped haft (well enchanted and causes more damage)Konn for 200000 silvers
an armored silvery vultite troll-claw (no fricking info) Ziv for 1000000 silvers
an enruned mithril main gauche (Not only is it 5 to DB, its plus 5, adds some to both two weapon and stalk and hide."The slender blade of this main gauche is wrought of sparkling mithril. The entire length is engraved with elegant runes.")Sold to Zablin for 125000 silvers
an ivy belt (Ivy vines are interwoven with lilacs, myrtle, primrose and peony to form a colorful belt clasped with a white rose buckle. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." DB item)Aanod for 250000 silvers
a murky blue buckler (The buckler's glossy surface seems to shift between a deep midnight blue and black color, depending on how the light strikes it. At first appearance the buckler appears to be newly forged, but closer inspection of a sigil imbedded in its center betrays its age. The upper left quadrant of the eahnor House Faendryl sigil displays a chip worn smooth by the passing of time. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Resistant to magic)Anmaeryl for 450000 silvers
a black opal holy charm (A large black opal is set in the center of this golden charm. Etched around the opal are complex runes of holiness." self-charging uncurse)Veragot for 200000 silvers
a serpent-shaped wand encrusted with opals Pulled for being BUGGY
a deep-hooded midnight black cloak (feature hiding cloak) Passel for 1000000 silvers
some black side-strapped brigandine (Dyed an inky black with a shiny hard finish, this brigandine armor is notable for the rows of silver-buckled straps that run down both sides, adding ornament as well as secure fastening. Each wide buckle is brightly polished and crafted to fit snug against the armor. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph" somewhat crit padded good enchant)Ceilyn for 350000 silvers
a mithril short sword (The blade is finely crafted but bears no remarkable workmanship. A curious elven rune of fire is etched upon the base of the hilt." Fire Immolator)Hubris for 6050000 silvers
a shimmering white glaes awl-pike with a blue tanik shaft (Cold flaring polearm, about midrange enchant on the 50 point system.)PASSED
a gleaming sapphire runestone (The runestone has been polished to a glassy shine, and glows with a cool inner light. The surface of the runestone has been carved with an odd square symbol that frames itself endlessly.)Pulled for being BROKEN
a Brutality ticket Zsi for 500000 silvers
a translucent viridian crystal (a recharging crystal)Malgaftan for 110000 silvers
a black steel longsword etched down the blade with a vine of thorns (Major Sanctuary use your own mana) Brynn for 4750000 silvers
a translucent glaes tiger-claw set with serrated white ora blades (+20, sanctified, crit weighted)PASSED
some tarnished brigandine armor ("The tarnished armor is well used with dents and deep scratches all over the surface. On the upper left corner, just above where the heart would be protected underneath, there is a small golden wolf engraved. The wolf is crouched in a menacing posture with jaws open and fangs exposed. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." )Treh for 100000 silvers
an ancient eahnor elven longsword (troll bane)Athias for 2500000 silvers
a massive ora claidhmore (2x claid, NOT sanctified)Dajamerak for 3500000 silvers
a thorn-twined witchwood runestaff shod in black ora (near 7x)Luther for 300000 silvers
some diagonally laced double leather (A row of veniom eyelets line each edge of the unusual diagonal opening on the front of this smooth-grained leather armor. Lacing through the eyelets, a braided silk cord tipped with shiny veniom aglets draws a zig-zag of bright color against the dark-tanned surface. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." fair enchant) Tanallee for 200000 silvers
a pearlized white ora Hammer of Kai (Looks as though it's got a middlin' enchant, an' a heckva swingin' head t'it. weighted and sanctfied)Loenelth for 100000 silvers
an oversized bulging satchel (possibly weightless contents, large capacity)Caden for 8250000 silvers
some patch-work double leather (Patches of leather and padding from all types of different hides have been cobbled together to make up this armor. Despite the hideous look, it appears that it should cover and protect the wearer well. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." "Nice paddin' on this - look at tha' backing. Take a blow from a maul, that could. Heavy damage padded) Borax for 100000 silvers
an argent and purpure kite shield (Constructed of almost pure mithglin, the field is quarterly argent and purpure, charged by a counter-changed gryphon guardante. The rim is a beveled scallop polished to a high shine that when struck with direct light gives off a halo echoing the beam's timbre. Solid steel arm straps on the reverse side complete this strong statement of defense and knightly bearing. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Above 7x)Kinslaiyer for 100000 silvers
a time-ravaged rolaren dagger (This ancient dagger shows the ravages of time. The long, straight blade, nicked and pitted with age, is pointed, indicating this is a weapon designed for stabbing rather than slashing. The handle is made of some sort of bone around which a single, thin strand of rough sisal has been repeatedly and tightly wound, providing a sure grip even for a sweaty hand. The sisal is stained brown with age and dirt. On the blade, just above the small crossbar, is the sigil of Ta'Nalfein. You also notice a small enchanter's mark." Not much information, quite a story)Tholl for 1000000 silver
a green modwir rod (The rod is from the ancient wood of a modwir tree. Etched delicately along its length are ancient elvish runes. Rechargeable Corrupt Essence) PASSED
some dark blue rolaren scale mail edged with cream-colored suede (Nice brig armor, five enchants er so. Nice platin' t'stop a dagger tip." Somewhat crit padded)Cede for 200000 silvers
an abrasive whetstone (The abrasive whetstone looks like a typical whetstone with an abrasive surface to file down nicks and other imperfections on items.' Looks like this'll sharp a blade a bit - not quite by a full enchant's worth.)PASSED
a golvern bound buckler from the chest (The buckler has been embossed with a crest of a bloody heart and polished to a fine finish. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. 5x)PASSED
a razor-sharp black mithril tiger-claw inset with an ivory skull (6x crit weighted) Kelveon for 100000 silvers
a polished golden oak lute inlaid with deep golden topaz stones (bard can summon a unique familiar)Carli for 100000 silvers
a rugged leather money pouch (Embossed on the side of the pouch is a merchant guild symbol. Stitched around the symbol are the words: "Property of Elanthia Merchant Guild. Weightless)Calidas for 2100000 silvers
a Brutality ticketErrolyn for 330000
some glistening black stalking leathers with an image of a golden tiger (Six enchants, good for those who like to hide. Magical bit. Possibly Camo)Vivana for 110000 silvers
a platinum domed ring (summons from a list of unique familiars "The ring is crafted from what appear to be strands of pure platinum, wrought into an exquisite domed shape. Tiny golden figures of various animals decorate the band, while three black pearl dragons grace the dome.")Donomyn for 4500000 silver
a carved monir theorbo inlaid with star sapphire cabochons (bards can summon a unique familiar)Seregon for 110000 silvers
a gleaming gold warhorn (Polished to a mirror shine, the warhorn is meticulously maintained and nearly free of fingerprints. A gold-washed chain attached to well-oiled leather loops near the bell and mouthpiece allow the horn to be easily attached to a belt." Shakes the ground.)Malaphari for 2200000 silvers
a small coiled serpent You peer closely at the coiled serpent, which is a snake-like carving about 2 feet long. If it isn't real, the carver was the greatest artisan who ever lived! You could almost swear the thing was watching you." Tha serpent can cast three spells. Two poison related, one not. Seems to have a hankering for diamonds.")Reauctioned after being originally passed to Faerik for 100000 silvers
a smooth maoral staff (Staff casts a variety of magic based on tha gem in it."Intricate runes intertwine, encircling the maoral staff from end to end. The staff seems awkwardly incomplete with an empty gem setting at its tip.)Vaporous for 1430000 silvers
some ebon plate mail inlaid with a thunderbolt of deep blue diamonds adorning the breast (somewhat crit padded plate)Juston for 5500000 silvers
a highly polished ivory bow handpainted with a twisting vine of ivy (7x bow)Varostin for 300000 silvers
an engraved platinum certificate ("The bearer of this certificate is entitled to the following service. "One item recreated from what was once lost, shall be found again. The item MUST be registered to the owner.".)Dajomaa for 500000 silvers
a large coiled asp (You peer closely at the coiled asp, which is a snake-like carving about 5 feet long. If it isn't real, the carver was the greatest artisan who ever lived! You could almost swear the thing was watching you.) Kittiara for 400000 silvers
a dark monir lysard inlaid with glittering dragonfire emeralds (a bard can summon a unique familiar)Torese for 100000 silvers
a heavy black pyrothag hide belt inset with plates of urglaes (DB belt)Khyrfel for 600000 silvers
a mithril tiger head pendant (Call Familiar several times a day)Vinzin for 100000 silvers
some rolaren studded black leather (The glossy black surface of this armor is patterned with faceted rolaren studs that glitter like gems. The studs are densely set to form the image of a bird of prey. Outspread wings cover the upper chest area to either side of the central head with its sharply hooked beak, the legs extended out below with talons wide. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Nicely padded double.)PASSED
a serrated mithril claidhmore (The claidhmore hilt is wrapped in alternating strands of black and blue leather and finished with a turk's head knot. The oversized basket hilt is engraved with image of an accending falcon, a shimmering silver fish hooked in its talons. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." +6)PASSED
a finely hammered silver tin (A sheet of finely hammered silver has been cut and folded to create a stunning tin fitted with small copper hinges and a clasp shaped like a small tart. Lightly dusted with crushed diamonds, it appears to glitter in even the slightest amount of light, refracting a myriad of miniature rainbows on nearby surfaces. Tiny nailhead-shaped holes pierce the silver sheeting to form a design on the lid, one of a plump tart with steam rising." makes tarts)PASSED
a fire-runed trident (Flame shaped runes adorn this weapon and each tine is shaped like a flame. The trident glows with a dim light." Returns when disarmed and fire flared)Mustang for 100000 silvers
a veniom-edged toy woodsman bankPain for 2200000 silvers
a nicked and battleworn falchion (A small, intricate leather strap runs from the handle of the battleworn falchion, designed for hanging from the belt. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. "Wearable, flares, midlevel enchant.")Jaired bids 100000 silver
an engraved white ora wand (The wand is made of pure white ora. Holy runes twist along its surface, and at the end is engraved the symbol of Lorminstra." Raise dead, once a day)Bjorgi for 100000 silvers
a prayerbook page (You see a prayerbook page with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged." Unpresence 3x a day)PASSED.

a fillet knife (You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph." makes jerky) Labrar
a monir-hilted razern espadon (Looks like it's imflass, got a tip that'll go right through a heart and out that back" exceptionally crit weaighted)Antrage
a translucent hooded spidersilk cape secured with an eight pointed silver star (3x a day invisibility)PASSED
a glyph-etched dwarven battle axe ("Looks like another exceptionally sharp edge on this - good fer removing heads, arms, eyes..." 2x)Maronna
a pitted iron ring (multiple setting t-port ring)Hedlyn
a silver-gilded frosted crystal wolf's head charm (casts strength, not wizard's strength)Lorgan
a crystal teardrop pendant suspended from a thin black cord (Once a day teleport.)Maryssa
a pulsating emerald runestone (3x a day "wizardly aura")Cisalle
a gem encrusted ora broadsword (Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the broadsword, with an empty gem setting at the base of the pommel." 2x gem-eater - has different effects depending what gem)Tyras
some sable leather hunts (6x crit padded)Aelfwyn
a deeply hooded shadowy black cloak ("This deeply hooded cloak is crafted of flowing shadowy black velvet, the dark hue of the material perfect to blend in among deep shadows." magic to assist in hiding in shadows)Arne
a golden rolaren shield emblazoned with a giant floating eye (5x)PASSED
a striking blood red ruby ring set in fine gold (rechargeable eye spy)PASSED
a platinum certificate (This certificate is good for THREE verbs to be added to any one existing item. The nature and scope will be discussed with the winner. ~Lirion)Cadance
a massive stone mattock (I can't believe that we actually got ahold of one of these. As you can see, this stone mattock is made of a stone that seems to almost glow with power!")Stencilus
a Brutality ticketHroeth
a golden eonake morning star with strips of leather wrapped tightly upon the haft (sanctified, damage weighted)Fraelum
an enruned gold and silver falchion (Trollslayer "There is a single word lightly etched upon the hilt. There appears to be something written on it.")Etainne
a hand-tooled braided leather belt (self control)Mithogras
a pulsating emerald bracelet (stores mana)Markoben
a flame-shaped fiery crimson ruby talisman (adds fire lore ranks)Jartan
a meaty bone (Bits of meat have been torn from the bone, leaving dangling pieces of gristle behind. It it sufficently aged to appeal more strongly to the four-footed diner than the two.) Ventent
an emerald-tipped cerulean blue vultite trident (You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.)PASSED
a glowing opal runestone ("This is one of a few items of mysterious magic created by a sylvan mage, each containing a spell within. The magic of these items replenishes itself, and the workmanship is truly lovely." Several times a day Colors)PASSED
a shining ruby-pommelled eonake whip-blade (7x sanctified)Azarae
some enruned wrought iron bracers (These dark bracers are forged from solid wrought iron. The heavy metal is deeply engraved with dozens of interwoven runes."They make you much stronger, at the expense of dexterity. "significantly")PASSED
a platinum certificate (This certificate is good for ONE custom spell prep phrase. ~Lirion)Firenzes
an oak-hafted notched vultite axe (high enchanted and steam flares)PASSED
a platinum certificate (This certificate is good for TWO signature verbs. ~Lirion)Croaker
a rune covered twisted rod banded at the ends in silvery vultite (rechargeable Cloak of Shadows)Dackit
a black wool cape (+5 DB)Caillet
a scorched red vultite falchion (fire wave falchion)Olo
a jagged barbed blued steel morning star(nicely enchanted steam flares)PASSED
a holy white mithril claidhmore Eglantine
an enruned whittling knife (carves ranger imbued wands and rods)Mugwort
a dark leather bracelet (rechargeable Heroism spell)Jerston
a dark maoral piccolo inlaid with flashing dragonfire rubies (summons a familiar for a bard)Crimsonlynx
a shimmering diamond bracelet (mana storing bracelet)Nilandia
a platinum viper-shaped ring (Lirion runs his hand over the viper-shaped ring. The viper-shaped ring comes to auction by way of an elderly Sylvan, who said he had found it useful during his many years of traveling the Lands. Accompanying the item, he left instructions to pass it along to someone who is more immune to sentimentality than he. For though the item is powerful and rare, it carries with it a quality of sorrow that its former owner could no longer endure." Mu)Prester
a silvery rolaren falchion (The edge of the falchion is capped in silver and sharper than you recall ever seeing before. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph." Aids the intensity of combat, permablessed)Salana
a wide black leather belt studded with wrought iron spikes (enchancive item""Adds to max health, health recovery, stamina, stamina recovery.") Saeroc
a back-swept golvern falchion inlaid with a gold key on its blackened pommel (Permablessed defender falchion)Endasa
some thick silver-framed spectacles (Set in thick silver frames, the lenses of these elegant spectacles are crafted of flawless crystal." Adds perception) PASSED
a silvery mithril axe (6x blessable)
a platinum certificate (This certificate is good for one complete custom-made bow. ~Lirion)Llynya
a platinum certificate (This certificate is redeemable for a small amount of cotton padding to be sewn into any one armor. ~Lirion)Rau
an elegant veniom-studded breastplate (nicely enchanted and heavily crit padded)Anathema
a mossbark runestaffBORING
a serrated mithril claidhmore (+6 "The claidhmore hilt is wrapped in alternating strands of black and blue leather and finished with a turk's head knot. The oversized basket hilt is engraved with image of an accending falcon, a shimmering silver fish hooked in its talons. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.")Hazeruth
some ancient eahnor plate (a lot of padding)Thurok
a Brutality ticketHepzibah
a Brutality ticketLlillith
a Brutality ticketBubun
a Brutality ticketArgaryis
a Brutality ticketInch
a silvery haon fife engraved with glimmering elven runes (summons a familiar for a bard)Tenderhand
a gem-encrusted mithglin war hammer (Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the hammer, with an empty gem setting at the base of the pommel.:" gem-eater) Skaldrick
a leather-wrapped oversized eonake maul from the chest (Weighted, sancted, well enchanted)Lysanio
a rolaren katana (highly enchanted for what it is)Marralis
an ivory-hafted morning star (You see a small crimson fist etched on the morning star." Kai star 5x)Sammis
a veniom-edged toy gnome smith bank (The bank is basically a small box topped by a three-dimensional scene, all crafted in metal. The jointed toy gnome smith figure seems poised to move. There's a narrow slot, just the right size for coins, on the side.)Brigit
a small coiled serpent (You peer closely at the coiled serpent, which is a snake-like carving about 2 feet long. If it isn't real, the carver was the greatest artisan who ever lived! You could almost swear the thing was watching you.)Jitoril
a green modwir rod (The rod is from the ancient wood of a modwir tree. Etched delicately along its length are ancient elvish runes. Casts 8 spells- rechargeable)Cloe
a tiny black sapphire rose earstud (Lirion runs his hand over a tiny black sapphire rose earstud. Smiling quietly, he says, "This is one of a few items of mysterious magic created by a sylvan mage, each containing a spell within. The magic of these items replenishes itself, and the workmanship is truly lovely." Resist elements )Sadus
a rune-etched silvery glaes targe (over 7x)Kammerie
a handpainted gossamer silk (The exquisite translucent silk is fancifully handpainted with a scene depicting the ancient Elven town of Ta'Illistim. Tiny diamond studs glitter at the top of each embedded felwood spine, creating a rainbow play of light when opened and waving. A fine golden silk braid is attached to the base of the handle, allowing it to be suspended from the wrist when not in use." 5x Call Wind)PASSED
a laje-hilted vultite main gauche (Its nicely enchanted, flaring, and adds to first aid to help skinning."Shards of green laje adorn the hilt of the blade. A closed steel basket lined with faded and tattered velvet protects the entire hand. A number of grooves have been carved into the cup, perhaps to note one's victories. The blade is chipped and marred from use, but still highly servicable. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.)Leonidis
a warped gold ring (The ring appears to be made of interleaved gold and brass. It is difficult to tell if the gold is real without damaging the ring itself. The pattern made by the two metals seems to have no purpose and almost appears to shift into new designs as you move it about in your hand.)Hithrand
a gleaming silver falchion (The sweeping blade is polished mirror bright marred only by the acidic burns along the edge. You see a small crimson fist etched on the silver falchion. Kai flares)Hunny
a diamond studded mace (The diamond studs on the mace sparkle with life. A slender haft leads you to believe it may be lighter than normal. The mace glows with a dim light. Returns when disarmed)PASSED
a gold-nocked recurved sephwir horseman's short bow (5x and has aiming)PASSED
a forked-hilt sprial rolaren sai (defensive based offhand weapon)PASSED
a mystic charm (casts prayer)Brunhilde
a polished crystalline lensBORING
a sparkling frost giant cloak (DB)Aronnor
a gnarled glowbark runestaff shod in brilliant white-ora (7x+)Krystic

VoorstBeen-done sack:a scorched black rolaren sudis
SelizabethUnchaste sack:a coin pouch
YlarisRed sack:a platinum certificate good for three verbs
HubrisTwisted sack: a small jewelry box
HroethChaste sack:some deep black elven leathers
HepzibahGreen sack:a double-linked rolaren chain hauberk
EmmiHairy sack:a sephwir heavy crossbow
BunBunWandering sack:a gleaming white ora kheten
LlillithDislocated sack:a gleaming sapphire runestone
ZsiHeavy sack:an eonake flail
InchTan sack:a braided silver and platinum circlet inset with a single icy blue diamond
KrysticBlue sack:pet squirrel

12-06-2005, 12:53 PM
Thanks for posting Kitsun!

12-06-2005, 12:56 PM
1. What is a Brutality ticket

2. Cymbals is plural

12-06-2005, 02:19 PM
Someone explained brutality in the regular Foehn's Promise thread. The game is supposedly Plat only. Here's what was said:

Basically a Brutality ticket wins you in a spot in a grab bag game with a total of 10 participants usually. The first person to go picks one of ten different colored bag worn on Khal's NPC. He gets the bag, looks inside and without saying a single word about what he's gotten or manipulating it in any way, he decides whether to keep the first bag or pass it to the next person in line. If he keeps it, thats his win for the present time and he keeps it in the bag until the game is finished. If he passes the bag, he picks another bag off the NPC and whatever is inside that second bag is his win. Play then passes to the next person.

So basically each person has a look at two items and winds up with one with the potential to screw your neighbor by passing them trash. After each player has a bag, then the can trade sight unseen, or pull their items out revealing their win and trade then.

12-07-2005, 12:00 AM
Brutality is not a Plat only game. I've played in games organized by other players in Prime for prizes they've collected. I don't know about official games, however.


12-07-2005, 12:02 AM
For the record, I've heard that the rolaren blade Salana won in the Plat auction is not permablessed, but changes depending on what you're fighting. I can't remember if it's flares or bonus that changes, though.


12-07-2005, 03:54 AM
Thanks Gretchen!


12-07-2005, 03:59 PM
the 7th item down is the staff that teleports the person to there locker in whatever town that may be in

12-07-2005, 04:17 PM
List of Consolation prizes

As posted by Kitrina

"Ticket holders who are unhappy with their prize may exchange their prize for one of 10 consolation prizes."


2. AGE reset

3. Mayhem Tattoo (custom scripted tattoo, very cool)

4. Three feature alterations

5. 2 custom ezscript commands for an item (must choose from a predefined list of commands, but the messaging can be unique).

6. 2500 Premium Points

None of these items are transferrable to another account/character, as applicable.

Originally it was stated that we would have 10 different consolation prizes for you to choose from. Because all of our ticket holders are Premium members, we decided to have Premium Points as one of the options. There are a number of options within the Premium Points system, which may make this option very appealing to you.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Foehn's Promise. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Link to play.net posting (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=12&topic=23&messag e=1147)

12-07-2005, 04:18 PM
Because all of our ticket holders are Premium members:hiss:

12-07-2005, 04:24 PM
Yeah...no love. :moon2:

12-09-2005, 04:39 PM
what is a defender item? I haven't ever heard of that before.


12-09-2005, 06:08 PM
Item gives a bonus to your ds as well as your as

12-09-2005, 06:21 PM