View Full Version : Just pathetic.
10-11-2003, 11:48 PM
After being on the losing side of some of the standard Cul banter, this is how Inyk deals with it. It seems he was strutting rather proudly around the cul after doing it too. :rolleyes:
Doesnt anybody fight their own battles anymore?
Favorsham suddenly fades into view.
Favorsham gestures at you.
CS: +273 - TD: +129 + CvA: +12 + d100: +94 - +30 == +220
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward you and grasps you tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from your lungs.
You are stunned.
Favorsham shrugs.
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you north with him.
[Wehnimer's, Lyon Way]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you north with him.
[Wehnimer's, Lyon Way]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you west with him.
[Wehnimer's, Lyon Way]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you west with him.
[Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you south with him.
[Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you west with him.
[Wehnimer's, Penna St.]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you west with him.
[Town Square, East]
Obvious paths: north, south, east, west
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you west with him.
[Town Square Central]
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you northwest with him.
[Town Square, Northwest]
Also here: Inyk
Obvious paths: north, south, east, southeast
>Sign of dissipation
You are still stunned.
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you north with him.
[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
Also here: Inyk
Obvious paths: north, south
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you north with him.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
Obvious paths: south, east, southwest
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you east with him.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk grabs you and drags you north with him.
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
Inyk removes a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Bledzoe just went south.
Inyk is trying to drag you, if you want to prevent him from doing so type "GROUP CLOSE".
Inyk just went through the town gates, dragging you with him.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a battered steel strongbox, some light leather and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Inyk
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest
Inyk removes a gold-pommeled sharp-edged longsword from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Inyk swings a razor-sharp rolaren waraxe at you!
AS: +276 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +69 = +355
... and hits for 152 points of damage!
A mighty hit turns your insides to outsides!
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
You return to normal color.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
Favorsham came through the wooden gates.
I guess I could have closed my group, but I didnt figure the little knob was cowardly enough to actually kill me in that state.
Ahh well, such is life in the Cul that I dwell in and love.
10-11-2003, 11:50 PM
It still boggles my mind. Why the hell do people rest at the cul-de-sac?! You like hanging out with rat hunters? I mean, if some of you were actually trying to help out new people (however few there are) great. But it seems like every day I hear of stories of the morons who hang out at the crypt and cul-de-sac.
10-11-2003, 11:58 PM
I'm impressed by the fact that you could not figure out to CLOSE YOUR GROUP.
If he is going to kill you, at least let him get a friggin fine.
10-12-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
But it seems like every day I hear of stories of the morons who hang out at the crypt and cul-de-sac.
I'm not sure about the cul, but I've been in the crypt since I first created my account. It was a good place to learn and is where I met all my friends. And some of my friends, Shonison, Spri, Edine (much as it pains me), and Saberwolv (though he will deny it) are still there.
We have our share of drama, but it keeps things interesting.
-Crypt Dweller
10-12-2003, 12:10 AM
The cul-de-sac is fun. There's always something going on. I don't find sitting at a table with a bunch of people I can talk to anytime to be fun. Yeah, there are a lot of morons that come through, but there's always something going on. I don't see what's fun about sitting at a table and talking on an amulet, everyone enjoys different things.
Hamur's been at the cul-de-sac for like 8 years that I can remember, probably more. The little bastard never leaves which is why after 8 years he's still under 50 trains..... He just needs to learn to hunt so he doesn't get beat up. ;)
10-12-2003, 12:11 AM
Well... Inyk is an odd one sometimes :P
As for the Cul.. its just a long tradition. I used to hang out there many a year ago... and as some people stop haning out there, more come in.. Its just on-going. This is the third time ive gotten in with the "Cul Group", and none of the original members are there anymore. Just like the Crypt or the porch, or the tree-house (before people abandoned it completely), or just about any spot. They hang out there, because their friends are there.
10-12-2003, 12:15 AM
In my completely unbiased opinion. the group that hung out at the hovel were the best ever. Excluding post-title Teramarus. That guy was an ass.
10-12-2003, 12:20 AM
Hamur is probably the most friendly person at the cul de sac.. why would anyone intentionally kill him like that? Inyk is a little twit who needs to fall off a cliff already.. Just wait til I see him again...
10-12-2003, 12:21 AM
As I said in the initial post, I made a mistake in not closing my group. Lesson learned.
I am hardly expressing shock at Cul idiocy either. I am quite used to it and am often accused of it. It is the insanity and idiocy that generally draws me there (as well as some great people among the bunch).
When I see something as exceptionally sad as the posted event though, I do feel obligated to post it, and whine about it.
The tactic of getting older friends to do your work is hardly unique to the cul as well.
10-12-2003, 12:24 AM
I just think it is rather sad that this kind of behavior is what newcomers to the game (rat-hunters) see. It explains, as far as I am concerned, why roleplaying is a lost art in Elanthia. Why should anyone bother to roleplay when, as a new player, they are exposed to older players who do not even bother to try?
HarmNone, who knows it is useless to try but is, unfortunately, stubborn :D
10-12-2003, 12:56 AM
roken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see a field mouse that is sitting, a golden brown jaguar and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Inyk, Hulkein, Warclaidhm, Ruzku, Sintik, Gerbill, Jaenlolakk who is sitting, Hamur who is sitting, Camri, Homunkkulus who is lying down
Obvious paths: north
Two real winners there.
10-12-2003, 12:58 AM
I like Warclaidhm better than the other 9 that I see there
10-12-2003, 01:01 AM
[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist. You also see a field mouse.
Also here: Inyk, Gerbill who is sitting, Camri, Warclaidhm, Hamur
Obvious paths: down
You say, "5"
You say, "4"
You say, "3"
You say, "2"
You say, "1"
You say, "go"
Inyk hurls himself at Hamur and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +104 + MAvA: +4 + d100: +67 == +93
Inyk fails to bring Hamur down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Hamur gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Hamur gestures at Inyk.
A faint buzzing sound begins then grows louder as a small dark cloud forms and begins to move about wildly!
The swarm attacks Inyk savagely, inflicting venomous bites!
Hamur gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Warclaidhm cackles!
Inyk hurls himself at Hamur and connects!
MS: +126 - MD: +101 + MAvA: +4 + d100: +11 == +40
Inyk fails to bring Hamur down!
The swarm assaults Inyk from all sides, its droning creating a noisy distraction.
Hamur gestures at Inyk.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Inyk! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... hits for 14 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to abdomen penetrates several useful organs!
... hits for 12 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
Hamur gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
The swarm is unable to make an attack on Inyk.
Hamur gestures at Inyk.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Inyk! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 23 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in left arm!
... hits for 34 points of damage!
* Inyk drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Inyk.
Inyk seems a bit less imposing.
Inyk comes back into focus.
* Inyk just bit the dust!
[Edited on 10-12-2003 by Gemstone101]
10-12-2003, 01:05 AM
Heh. Sweet revenge! :D
HarmNone cackles
10-12-2003, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
roken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see a field mouse that is sitting, a golden brown jaguar and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Inyk, Hulkein, Warclaidhm, Ruzku, Sintik, Gerbill, Jaenlolakk who is sitting, Hamur who is sitting, Camri, Homunkkulus who is lying down
Obvious paths: north
Two real winners there.
1) I've never interacted with you.
2) I hardly consider myself a cul-de-sac regular, I sit there for more then 10 minutes probably once a month.
3) What is the point of slandering my name like that when we've never exchanged words? I hope you realize that shit like this (post put here, pretty much completely off topic since I'm not a cul-de-sac regular and played no part in Hamur's death) is exactly what causes me to do half the shit I do.
4) Find something better do you with your life than insult someone you don't even know, on a thread that has nothing to do with me.
10-12-2003, 02:20 AM
Hulkein is a putz, and a horrible RP'er to boot.
Poking at the fire :P
10-12-2003, 07:21 AM
Why the hell didn't you close your group?
10-12-2003, 08:05 AM
Chadj, are you sure none of the old ones are there, or are they there..but with new names?
And, Ohhh, is Inyk in for it now. Hamur-abuse! I hope someone's collecting for that "Keep a Dwarf Dressed" fund-looks like he'll need it.
Acolyte Kurili
We have our share of drama, but it keeps things interesting.
It's the same way with the cul. I love hanging out with the majority of the people there... just because there are a few "bad apples" doesn't mean that everyone there is an idiot.
The tactic of getting older friends to do your work is hardly unique to the cul as well.
Hey now... I have no control over how Whirlin reacts to Michiko's "troubles," nor do I ask him to help. More often it's me usually telling him NOT to kill people.
Hulkein is a putz, and a horrible RP'er to boot.
I must admit... I met Hulkein (briefly) the other day right before the Cul vs. Crypt War... and he was as nice as could be to me, and stayed IC etc... judging from that experience, I don't see anything that would make me think he's a horrible RPer.
I like Warclaidhm better than the other 9 that I see there
He's hardly ever in the cul. When he is there, it's usually because he just stopped by for a minute or two to talk to someone. If he was a cul regular, I'd move to Mule for good. :thumbsdown:
10-12-2003, 01:39 PM
Well, thats true enough, they could just be new names... heh, but oh well. I know Neff has been there before under another name, but not sure about the rest being there when i was... this is like, 3-5 years back now...
10-12-2003, 02:24 PM
Heh, appreciate the kind words Michiko, but I'm pretty sure Adredrin was kidding around with my previous post. =)
10-12-2003, 02:42 PM
You hear the ghostly voice of Hulkein say, "And you will die"
Axhinde says, "You swung at me too"
Axhinde shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
You hear the ghostly voice of Hulkein say, "And the rest of yourt party"
You hear the ghostly voice of Hulkein say, "Will die"
10-12-2003, 03:01 PM
Nice to see Hulkein has the "you beat me so I am gonna come kill you" mentality. It looks like we have another Haashek on our hands!
10-12-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Nice to see Hulkein has the "you beat me so I am gonna come kill you" mentality. It looks like we have another Haashek on our hands!
Well, I was hunting alone, and their hunting group came in and repeatedly swung at my critters after I asked them to stop repeatedly so I started defending my creature and loot.. I'm in the wrong there?
PS. I spoke with Axhinde and most of the hunting party and received apologies and agreeing that any and all hard feelings are behind us.
[Edited on 10-12-2003 by Hulkein]
10-12-2003, 04:17 PM
Is that why you attempted to kill me outside the gates, but forgot you didn't have your claidh out?
I think it was pretty much explained to you why we didn't notice, but if it wasn't, it's really, really hard to notice someone say something like 'hey' when there are people swinging one after another at a critter, one of whom is using 2 handed weapons and another of whom is mstriking.
That said, you swinging at someone who was like, 12 trains is quite simply uncalled for.
10-12-2003, 04:43 PM
I said MOST of the hunting party.. I don't care if it's hard to tell, it's your job to tell if anyone is there. Not to mention I said stop numerous times. You deserve whats coming to you if ya don't pay enough attention.
10-12-2003, 04:45 PM
Hulkien, learn to duel, not be a wuss. :) For our own benefit.
10-12-2003, 05:00 PM
You deserve whats coming to you if ya don't pay enough attention.
It's cool, I think you usually carry around enough to take care of whatever deeds you manage to cost me.
10-12-2003, 05:02 PM
I've dueled over 200 times in my life Maimara. Plus, why would I duel someone who robbed my corpse? I'd rather just slice his throat.
[Edited on 10-12-2003 by Hulkein]
10-12-2003, 05:06 PM
Actually, I didn't get a chance to...I got slapped with a 138 second RT for tending my arm, and was still in RT when we got fogged to voln.
Doesn't mean I won't rob you when you're alive, though.
10-12-2003, 07:14 PM
Hmm..Hulkein is attacking someone who's 12 trains? Odd..I thought he had a problem with dueling or fighting someone who is older than he.. guess I must be mistaken. *smirks* However, if that was the case.. then it would be kind of odd for him to be attacking someone who is much younger than he.. *shrugs*
Oh and this is by no means defending Hulkein but he has never gone out of character with me.. he just is a totally immature and disgusting character and his insults were out of line. I spose that is just Hulkein's character though. Dunno really.
[Edited on 10-12-2003 by Jolena]
10-12-2003, 07:39 PM
People still kill other characters for 'poaching'?
Get a grip.
10-12-2003, 07:43 PM
Dude.. I had no clue that Inyk was going to kill you. I tend to do what people tell me. I told ya that after.. but you didn't put that in the post. I also told you that anything you need to ask me.. and that's not in the post. Again, sorry for stunning you.
Lord Favorsham
10-12-2003, 07:46 PM
Sorry not to point that out. I put the post up before things had settled.
Yes, Favorsham did apologize after the incident.
Inyk and I seem to have pretty much settled since the incident too.
10-12-2003, 07:48 PM
Well done Hulkein, you've just gotten on each and everyone of my characters stealing black lists. Even the ones who can't steal are gonna poach from you. Well done. Even Tayre didn't win this distinction.
10-12-2003, 08:06 PM
I'm poor and always will be, have fun, I don't care. I don't even pick up gems while I'm hunting half the time because I don't care.. I don't buy many positions in gemstone, they don't mean much to me.
BTW Jolena, I figured the people poaching my kills were around my train seeing as they were hunting what I was. If you knew me at all, you would know that I am not afraid to fight those older than me. I already told you, come after me and I'll fight back, but I'm not going to duel you without telling me yer train.
[Edited on 10-13-2003 by Hulkein]
10-12-2003, 08:07 PM
I'm more interested in what you try to do when you catch me in your pockets.
10-12-2003, 08:10 PM
Stray, don't you find it OOC to steal from someone because of the way they post OOG?
10-12-2003, 08:11 PM
Nope. One hears things on the grapevine about idiots. Plus seeing it for myself...makes it all the more justifiable. Besides, I can simply call you "another mark".
[Edited on 13-10-03 by StrayRogue]
10-12-2003, 08:15 PM
I'm not trying to get an argument for you not to, but what exactly in this thread makes me a mark? Because I was defending something I was hunting?
10-12-2003, 08:17 PM
Generally for being a woman hating, 12 train killing, snert.
10-12-2003, 08:28 PM
I am not afraid to fight those older than me.
Oh, is that why you threatened everyone except the guy who killed you?
10-12-2003, 09:54 PM
Yeah I read what happened to my Hammy and pretty much bitched to Favorsham for stunning Hamur. Why the hell did Inyk kill you anyway?
10-12-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I'm not trying to get an argument for you not to, but what exactly in this thread makes me a mark? Because I was defending something I was hunting?
Nah, just poor genetics.
Come on people this one cant be anywhere near as Bad as Edine. I have killed people 3 trains before. Oh I steal from the dead too muhahaha. But really, give it a rest it’s all petty and its all a revolving circle… one gets bested then the other must best the one. It is so much easier to be a delusional ego maniac and think you’ve already bested everyone!
10-12-2003, 11:45 PM
Killing someone for poaching is just lame.
10-13-2003, 12:55 AM
'Women-hating' - I roleplay that, I'm a feminist in real life. Hehe, jk, but that really is just RP.
'12 train killing' - They were hunting what I was, no way for me to know.
'snert' - AKA You've heard bad things about me on the board, but have yet to really get to know me.
'Oh, is that the reason you threatened everyone but the guy who killed you?' - Actually, if you check the logs I threatened Axhinde's life. We then spoke while I was dead in whispers, he apoligized, I accepted it, we did some warrior guild work together. I also spoke to most of the other members of the party who were 12 trains and apolgized/accepted apologies. You're the only one that is going to die, and that's for repeatedly attacking the critter, even after I said stop several times, and than robbing my corpse.
'Killing for poaching is lame' - Why? Because you don't do it? STFU if you're not involved in the conversation, if it was one of your friends you would've said 'I'd kill for poaching' if it was me doing the poaching. Get off my nuts.
Red Devil
10-13-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by DaMaGe
People still kill other characters for 'poaching'?
Get a grip.
uhh, does shit like this ever go out of style? no, of course it still happens
[Edited for obvious reasons]
[Edited on 10-13-2003 by Tsa`ah]
10-13-2003, 01:47 AM
Oh yeah?!?! You think YOU'RE bad??
Well... um.. I.. I... I step on BUGS, ... and um, kick puppies, and I make faces at old ladies and pull the the little girls ponytail when shes not looking!
So THERE! NYAH :yes:
Originally posted by The Edine
Come on people this one cant be anywhere near as Bad as Edine. I have killed people 3 trains before. Oh I steal from the dead too muhahaha. But really, give it a rest it’s all petty and its all a revolving circle… one gets bested then the other must best the one. It is so much easier to be a delusional ego maniac and think you’ve already bested everyone!
10-13-2003, 02:07 AM
If you open a conversation here, anyone can comment on it, including me, so screw your telling me to STFU. ::laughs::
Poaching is still a lame excuse to kills someone. Unless you know without a doubt that the person is doing it on purpose to piss you off, then a one-time poach is not consent.
You'll just use any old excuse to kill someone, including what people say about you here.
10-13-2003, 06:15 AM
Needless to say Hulk, I'm going to be having some fun in the up coming weeks, jerk.
10-13-2003, 07:16 AM
I've noticed the 'killing for poaching' thing really stops after about 50 trains. People begin to realize it doesn't matter, or they learn not to do it.
10-13-2003, 08:01 AM
Tell that to the idiot in trali that was poaching me and when he got a falchion to the neck ran screaming to his "older brother" I laughed really hard when said brother couldn't bring me down.
You are an ass and you know who you are.
Side note: The garden niche used to own when I was hanging out there.
10-13-2003, 08:33 AM
I still own the Niche. I kick the little usurpers out when I show up.
10-13-2003, 08:35 AM
It all depends...
If I am hunting and someone mistakenly kills the critter I am expertly torturing.. then no.
If I am hunting and someone has repeatedly come around to kill the critter in my room... I'll expertly torture them instead.
At some point in time, idiots need to be trained.
PS - Thanks for the coins and the 3k note this weekend Hulkein... it was appreciated. :)
10-13-2003, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
I still own the Niche. I kick the little usurpers out when I show up.
Us land owners have to stick together. :smug:
10-13-2003, 08:40 AM
On the bright side, in GS4, I'll be (required) to hunt Illoke again. 11 trains wasn't enough apparently. So I will be reclaiming the territorry again. You should join me, Anticor. Parkbandit can be our enforcer... like t he dark assassin for the Council.
10-13-2003, 08:55 AM
and than robbing my corpse.
I really don't care about the rest of it. Chances are, even if you did see me, you wouldn't be able to kill me. However, I didn't fucking rob your corpse because I was still in tending RT when we got fogged to voln.
And no, the only one you killed was some 12 train warrior who used two weapons, then you took off my arm.
PS: Stray, leave some coins (or nice gems, atleast) for me.
10-13-2003, 09:17 AM
I'll have to post my fun with Grabbs when I get home tonight. He actually came to the park and started stealing from Falgrin.
Silly boy paid dearly for his ignorance.
10-13-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Poaching is still a lame excuse to kills someone. Unless you know without a doubt that the person is doing it on purpose to piss you off, then a one-time poach is not consent.
You'll just use any old excuse to kill someone, including what people say about you here.
The people poaching were doing it because they knew they were in a big group and didn't THINK I would do anything, that is why I attacked..
As for the second comment, how have I taken ANYTHING from in here to anyone in the game? I don't even keep track of who your PC's are. Jesus Christ dislike me if you want but why just make stuff up?
[Edited on 10-13-2003 by Hulkein]
10-13-2003, 01:30 PM
uhh, does shit like this ever go out of style? no, ya stupidfuck of course it still happens
I didn't know it was ever 'in style'.
Someone just killed that kobold you were combating? OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW SOMEONE KILL THAT LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER QUICK!
Like I said before, get a grip, and get the fuck over it.
10-13-2003, 01:40 PM
I got a good few k the other night too Bandit ;)
10-13-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I got a good few k the other night too Bandit ;)
It was quite fun.. he had no idea until Falgrin showed him his pin.
The dwarven pin says something like "Ignorance has a price and I have just collected your outstanding balance."
I've been thinking of starting up our little thief club again... wanna join?
10-13-2003, 01:49 PM
I started stealing in the Park for grins because I was bored. I fumbled on Warclodhm, and he pretended he didn't see. If you killed Augie for stealing from you, why didn't you try to kill me?
10-13-2003, 01:49 PM
Stay can't, but my little halfling archer would love to join ;) Lets bring Adredrin in on this too.
10-13-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I got a good few k the other night too Bandit ;)
Tap me when you see me I'll give you a 3k note like I did for Bandit.
10-13-2003, 02:45 PM
Ohh, a Halfling archer! Neat.
Acolyte Kurili
10-13-2003, 02:47 PM
He rocks, though the damn fletching script I got doesn't seem to work, so he's pretty much been relegated to the backburner now.
10-13-2003, 02:50 PM
I want to get in on this thief club action.
10-13-2003, 02:50 PM
He'll have to meet my Halfling Warrior. She's fun. She'll be in Guild soon, and I'll be ready to scream.
Acolyte Kurili
note to self .. start poaching from anticor in trali
10-13-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I started stealing in the Park for grins because I was bored. I fumbled on Warclodhm, and he pretended he didn't see. If you killed Augie for stealing from you, why didn't you try to kill me?
One word for you..
10-13-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I've noticed the 'killing for poaching' thing really stops after about 50 trains. People begin to realize it doesn't matter, or they learn not to do it.
It still happens. I probably have to kill one or two characters a month because they script hunt with crappy scripts.
You don't see it as much after 50 trainings for a couple of reasons.
1 - Sometimes it just takes too damned long to kill an older character. Highly reduxed characters take many casts of thorn to kill and if they are knighted in snertdom, they log before death.
2 - Most people, by that level, have learned some level of decorum.
When you hit the post 90 levels you tend to be more protective of your hunting fodder (if your goal is to train). It's hard enough to fry, idiots make it harder. My rational is that if you're going to poach from me, don't expect to absorb when you're done. If it's my rogue, not only are you not going to absorb what you stole, you're not going to be able to cash in what you stole either.
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I'll have to post my fun with Grabbs when I get home tonight. He actually came to the park and started stealing from Falgrin.
Silly boy paid dearly for his ignorance.
Oh post that. I have a morbid fascination with idiots getting taken to school.
10-13-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
[quote]Originally posted by Parkbandit
I'll have to post my fun with Grabbs when I get home tonight. He actually came to the park and started stealing from Falgrin.
Silly boy paid dearly for his ignorance.
Oh post that. I have a morbid fascination with idiots getting taken to school.
I sure will. Actually, I had a pretty good time (Hope he did as well).
10-13-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
He rocks, though the damn fletching script I got doesn't seem to work, so he's pretty much been relegated to the backburner now.
catch me on IM or email and I'll send you my fletching scripts. I've got the one I made to master and the one to make complete ammo(didn't make it but it rocks)
10-13-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
note to self .. start poaching from anticor in trali
ah .. anticor has developed edaarin syndrome?!
10-13-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Oh post that. I have a morbid fascination with idiots getting taken to school.
Under Rogues titled : Grabby Grabbs and his disappearing hands.
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