View Full Version : "i didnt do anything"

The Warrior Princess
12-05-2005, 07:30 PM
[PrivateTo] Sylverose: "why cant you leave jesc the hell alone?"

[Private]-Sylverose: "When she stays away from my friends and quits messing with me?"

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "funny cause im talking to her now and she hasnt messaged you not once in fact she has been staying clear of you on my advice"

[Private]-Sylverose: "She killed Sylvs master and yes she knows who he is"

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "your man enslaver whatever asked her to hit him she did and that was that not her fault he died"

[Private]-Sylverose: "I have been minding my own business for months and she liesand is believed"

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "leave her the hell alone and she will do the same dont and you will have shitload of angry people on your ass, she is now athas daughter has been for about a month stay away from her"

[Private]-Sylverose: "You people have been on my ass for months and she needs too stay away from my friends too"

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "i havent said not two fucking words to your retarded ass until now i stay clear of your psycho shit so you have nothing you can say to me i stay the fuck away cause i dont wanna be involved stay the fuck away from jescelia shes free to roam where the hell she wants"

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "this conversation is over warn interact me like you do everyone else but im done with this shit"

[Private]-Sylverose: "I am not a pyscho you people have been trying to get me out of this game for no reason and messing with all my chars for no reason.I can go where I want IG too

[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "watch who the fuck your calling YOU people i havent done shit to your ass ive kept my mouth shut until now jesc is free to do as she please she didnt know that fucktard was your master get over it leave her the hell alone and you wont have me hating on you anymore i dont care what you do it doesnt matter to me you are unimportant to me i wouldnt waste my godamned energy on you honetly thats not me"

12-05-2005, 07:31 PM
Now you just need an avatar that doesn't suck and I'll get right to reading this thread.

12-05-2005, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Now you just need an avatar that doesn't suck and I'll get right to reading this thread.

It makes me want to touch myself.

12-05-2005, 07:33 PM
A little background info never hurt either.

12-05-2005, 07:34 PM
<<It makes me want to touch myself.>>

Her avatar, according to Google, is
4.07750865 times larger than the maximum avatar size.

[Edited on 12-6-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

12-05-2005, 07:41 PM
AdBlock is your friend.

12-05-2005, 07:53 PM
What DeV said.

12-05-2005, 08:03 PM
Wait arent you azzreala? The same char that repeatedly tackled a aeletoi rogue that that just trying to walk away from the situation AND then didnt you kill her? If that is you, then STFU. And way to threaten her with other people.

[Edited on 12-6-2005 by Kainen]

12-05-2005, 08:03 PM
Not especially well played on either side.

Sylvan Dreams
12-05-2005, 08:06 PM
I don't get what the point of posting this was.


Sean of the Thread
12-05-2005, 08:09 PM
who the fuck your calling YOU people

LOLOL AT "you people!" of Dave Chapelle The Real Real World episode.

12-05-2005, 08:19 PM
Eh, as much as I understand the desire to defend or help your friend in this situation, the truth is that you stepping in is probably not going to do any good and might even make things worse, considering how the conversation we just saw went. I'd suggest telling your friend to Warn, Report, Assist and walk on about her own business. Ignore the woman, don't even speak to her or interact with her in any way. Every time she attacks your friend, have her report and assist. It won't stop it immediately, but it will get the GM's involved and hopefully put an end to it in the long run.

As a side note, cussing and screaming at each other over PsiNet or any other means won't get a damned thing done that is productive. I'd suggest you stop talking to this woman as well.

12-05-2005, 09:29 PM

12-05-2005, 09:34 PM
Oh Jesus Christ I didn't even read the first post until now.

I'd be more prone (but still not prone at all) to think that the poster had a point in making this thread if Sylverose posted it and not whoever this person is. Why do I want to read a thread about you sending PsiNet messages to someone and swearing while also butchering my native language? Get out of my country.

12-05-2005, 09:38 PM
Let's look at this as a composition of each person's lines.

[Private]-Sylverose: "When she stays away from my friends and quits messing with me?"
[Private]-Sylverose: "She killed Sylvs master and yes she knows who he is"
[Private]-Sylverose: "I have been minding my own business for months and she liesand is believed"
[Private]-Sylverose: "You people have been on my ass for months and she needs too stay away from my friends too" [Private]-Sylverose: "I am not a pyscho you people have been trying to get me out of this game for no reason and messing with all my chars for no reason.I can go where I want IG too

Author of Thread:
[PrivateTo] Sylverose: "why cant you leave jesc the hell alone?"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "funny cause im talking to her now and she hasnt messaged you not once in fact she has been staying clear of you on my advice"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "your man enslaver whatever asked her to hit him she did and that was that not her fault he died"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "leave her the hell alone and she will do the same dont and you will have shitload of angry people on your ass, she is now athas daughter has been for about a month stay away from her"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "i havent said not two fucking words to your retarded ass until now i stay clear of your psycho shit so you have nothing you can say to me i stay the fuck away cause i dont wanna be involved stay the fuck away from jescelia shes free to roam where the hell she wants"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "this conversation is over warn interact me like you do everyone else but im done with this shit"
[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "watch who the fuck your calling YOU people i havent done shit to your ass ive kept my mouth shut until now jesc is free to do as she please she didnt know that fucktard was your master get over it leave her the hell alone and you wont have me hating on you anymore i dont care what you do it doesnt matter to me you are unimportant to me i wouldnt waste my godamned energy on you honetly thats not me"

Why do you think you've won, Author of Thread?

"[PrivateTo]-Sylverose: "this conversation is over warn interact me like you do everyone else but im done with this shit""

You can use warn interaction on PsiNet?
If not, people on PsiNet have to obey the law of GemStone?
If not, why are you so dumb?

[Edited on 12-6-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

12-05-2005, 09:50 PM
I can't imagine why people actually pay money to put up with high school drama.

12-05-2005, 09:59 PM
The drama in my high school is so much funnier.

Nobody can figure out that I am the creator of an image that magically appeared on this girl's sister's desk today:

12-05-2005, 10:55 PM
ROFL Bob you are an evil bastard.

Also, reading that back-and-forth made my head hurt.


The Warrior Princess
12-06-2005, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by Kainen
Wait arent you azzreala? The same char that repeatedly tackled a aeletoi rogue that that just trying to walk away from the situation AND then didnt you kill her? If that is you, then STFU. And way to threaten her with other people.

[Edited on 12-6-2005 by Kainen]

and no, i am not that bitch.