View Full Version : Jeddryn / Ceddryn / Keddryn

12-01-2005, 09:16 PM
I can't believe this fucking putz.

A really good friend of mine IG (and IM out) went over and above the call of duty to help this guy.

Jeddryn, screwed up on Teras and cast 1614 in town. Got snatched by the guards, and a 30K fine, which my friend said she would pay for him because he stated he didn't have. Then he failed to answer (click) and got a contempt charge that booted that little fine right up to 500K.

So my friend decides to help this guy out that she felt she knew. She took him hunting, rp'd with him, even talked with him in IM's, and basically got to know him. Enough to know that he has been through two strokes, and has him typing slow.

Anyway, she decided to try and help him, getting an assist for him, asking me questions about the justice system and stating how she wished she had 500K on Teras to help him out.

As I said, she is a great friend to me, so I said I would loan her the silver, then as he payed her back, she could pay me back. So I got Mythala to transfer the silver from IFW to Teras, giving it to my friend.

My friend passed the 500K in silver to Jeddryn. After he discovered his remaining time, this is what he IM'd her:


I guess he was also rude to the GH, but you sure as hell don't treat someone that just spent their afternoon saving your asss, and your items that the deputy has.

No thank you, no I appreciate all your effort. Only a screwed up apology:


I guess he has blown up on her before. So she replied:

XXXXX: aint gonna accept it am tired of apologies for yer blowups

I can't believe this fucking jerk. She went way out of her way to help him. Anyway, I told her not to sweat paying me back, as Belle and I decided to cover it. Hell, she has barely over 500K herself.

Anyway, this is a rant / warning. This guy has me bent. I am even considering some IC pushing of his buttons, just so I can kill him. If someone did that crap to me, whatever, but to do it to a lady trying to help you out ? ? ?


12-01-2005, 09:20 PM
<<but to do it to a lady trying to help you out>>

Sexism is alive and well.

What the fuck happened to women being equal?

12-01-2005, 09:23 PM
The guy had two strokes and is still trying to play GS. I comend him for doing something that he likely enjoys but probably finds very difficult to do.

He obviously isn't as quick as he used to be. So he made a mistake and yelled at your friend. He probably does it often. He doesnt have the attributes that he used to have, and that must be very very very hard and frustrating for him.

He realized his mistake and apologized for it.

Get over yourself.

12-01-2005, 09:26 PM
Having physical problems is no fucking excuse to be a complete fucking asshole.

Not to mention the punk ass bitch didn't even say fucking thank you, or show any sign of appreciation.

You want to deal with fucking morons like that, he is on Teras. Bet you don't last long.


12-01-2005, 09:29 PM
I'd say a stroke is as much a mental problem as it is a physical problem, if not more.

Though I'm not sure GemStone (or any online multiplayer game) is a medium he should be frequenting.

12-01-2005, 09:29 PM
You're missing the point.

Try taking away one of your faculties, whether it be mental or physical. See if you don't get frustrated with not being able to type, or walk, or move the right side of your body.

Have you ever seen the results of a stroke? I have. They oftentimes lose control over their bodies and it is very sad and upsetting for them.

Imagine how you would feel if you were unable to control a game which is supposed to bring you relief. Of course he is going to get upset. He made a mistake and he apologized for it.

Throwing a bunch of curse words around isn't going to change that, Fins.

12-01-2005, 09:43 PM
It's Finis.

And yes, I am 35, and have been around plenty of family, friends, and was even a CNA (Certified Nurses Aide). I am well aware of what happens, and how it affects people.

In NO way shape or form does that make it ok to act the way he did. And his apology left ALOT to be desired. It was rather like saying; "Fuck you! What you did for me means NOTHING. If you can't accept that, go fuck yourself."

No matter you ailment, it is not socially acceptable to be a complete ass. People give allowances, as did my friend. His temper tantrums have happened more then once.

Hell! I have a brother that is mentally retarded. And he has much more sense then this jerk. If you do something nice for him, he is msart enough to know that you should say thank you. That you should not be rude. On the other hand, he can not discern fantasy from reality. He doesn't understand why he can be in the WWF, and gets very mad about it when someone tries to explain it to him.

Jeddryn had many years before his stroke to know whats going on, a stroke does not mean he lost his mental facilities. If he can play GS, it actually suggests that he was able to maintain them. While his hand may be in a permanent fist, or whatever his physical problems may be, there is still NO excuse to be rude to someone (removed sexisim for Bob) that has spent the last several hours trying to help you out.

I used to also be a mentor, and as such I have helped many disabled individuals, both mentally and physically, be able to play GS from the begining, which is much harder then someone that hunts Greymist.

Make excuses for him all you want, his reaction is not ok.


12-01-2005, 09:47 PM
<<a stroke does not mean he lost his mental facilities.>>

A stroke means exactly that. A brain attack (for lack of a better comparison) very much hinders the mind. I never said it was okay, and I admit that GemStone is not the best place for him, but it's not like he's thinking coherently.

12-01-2005, 09:48 PM
As an aside, you are correct, all the vulgarity does nothing for the topic. Anyone that behaves in this manner really irks me. Respect may be something thats earned, but in order to get respect, you need to give it.

My Apologies,


12-01-2005, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<a stroke does not mean he lost his mental facilities.>>

A stroke means exactly that. A brain attack (for lack of a better comparison) very much hinders the mind. I never said it was okay, and I admit that GemStone is not the best place for him, but it's not like he's thinking coherently.

That is not always true Bob. Our grandmother had 7 strokes. Not one of them affected her mental abilities. Only her physical abilities. It's almost always paralysis on the left side (As stated to us by the doctors that cred for both her and our other granmother that also had a few strokes.).


12-01-2005, 09:59 PM
Strokes are tricky things. For the longest time it was my grandmother's EMOTIONAL capabilities that were effected by her strokes. That pretty much backs up both of Bob's points. A. Said person isn't operating unimpaired. B. GS might not be the best idea for them.

12-01-2005, 10:04 PM
Sorry to hear that Warriorbird. We had the opposite expreince with our two grandmothers, and yes, I wholeheartedly agree, if the man can not act within socially accepted behaviors, then he should not be playing GS.


12-01-2005, 10:36 PM
There are many people playing GS who do not know or act within socially acceptable boundaries. Do you plan to kick them all out?

Just a question.

That said, I feel for your friend, and I hope she chewed him a new one. Personal challenges aren't an excuse to lay into people.


12-01-2005, 11:16 PM
Naw, Like I said ES, I just wanted to vent. And the PC is a good place to be able to do that.


12-02-2005, 12:31 AM
Heh. I hate to be the board skeptic, but...well, this guy SAYS he had a couple of strokes. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It's perfectly possible he's just an asshole who can't type and the "stroke" story is to cover his sorry ass. :whistle:

12-02-2005, 12:41 AM
Surgeon General Warning:

Playing Gemstone IV can be seriously detrimental to ones mental health. Players, after long periods of exposure, will start to exhibit stroke like effects, eventually resulting in brain death.

That is all.

12-02-2005, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I'd say a stroke is as much a mental problem as it is a physical problem, if not more.

Though I'm not sure GemStone (or any online multiplayer game) is a medium he should be frequenting.

Strokes alter ones mental state and do bring on changes in personality. Granted he should have been a bit more thankful someone was willing to help out.

Your friend and you yourself should know you tried to do what is right, were trying to be kind, not everyone will appreciate it; but if someone tried to help me like that, you better believe I would be really nice.

Stroke or no stroke.

[Edited on 12-2-2005 by Viridian]

[Edited on 12-2-2005 by Viridian]

12-02-2005, 01:40 AM
Let's get this straight, eh? Strokes CAN alter behavior, but it is not something they usually do. Effects of a stroke depend on where in the brain the stroke occurred. If it occurs in the area that controls speech, the patient may have difficulties with speech, slurring of words, or be unable to express themselves. If it occurs in an area that controls movement, the patient may be unable to move one arm, or leg, or both (on the same side), of be unable to control the movement of these extremities.

12-02-2005, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Heh. I hate to be the board skeptic, but...well, this guy SAYS he had a couple of strokes. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It's perfectly possible he's just an asshole who can't type and the "stroke" story is to cover his sorry ass. :whistle:

I did have that thought HN, but decided to keep that to myself.


12-02-2005, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Let's get this straight, eh? Strokes CAN alter behavior, but it is not something they usually do. Effects of a stroke depend on where in the brain the stroke occurred. If it occurs in the area that controls speech, the patient may have difficulties with speech, slurring of words, or be unable to express themselves. If it occurs in an area that controls movement, the patient may be unable to move one arm, or leg, or both (on the same side), of be unable to control the movement of these extremities.

Very concise post HN. Also very true. Also no reason to act the way said individual did.


12-02-2005, 02:40 AM
Well as I said the guy had no reason to be a jerk.

Yeah you are right they CAN alter behavoir but even then it doesn't give one license to be a jerkwad.

Though people like this shouldn't make people not want to help others. I give you and your friend the respect you guys are due for helping the guy, you didn't have to.

Your friend didn't have to care, and you didn't have to put up the silver. I think it's really awesome you guys tried to help. No matter what a jerk the guy was.

12-02-2005, 07:26 AM
My stepdad had a stroke. He doesn't act like an asshole. He gets frustrated when he can't bring across what he's saying, yes. But asshole? No.

This guy acted like a jerk and didn't need to do so. And that half-assed apology didn't help at all.

12-02-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Respect may be something thats earned, but in order to get respect, you need to give it.

My Apologies,


Couple of things.

First - If you have to give respect to get respect who gives first? Someone has to give it without getting any?

I always believed that everyone deserves basic respect. Politeness to each other until someone shows why they do not deserve basic respect as a human being.

Second - My grandmother who passed away almost 7 years ago suffered from Alzheimers. From what I was told she attacked her roommate one day with a fork. Does that make her an asshole or jerk. Or does it make her someone whos mental faculties have slipped and is unable to comprehend what they are doing at that time?

Third - Alzheimers, Stroke even plain forgetfullnes.

Have you ever misplaced something, say your keys. You walk around looking for them and cannot find them but you KNOW where you put them and they are just not there. How frustrated you get trying to find them and keep saying to yourself I know I left them here. All the time getting more and more upset. To the point you snap at other people IE: "Dear did you check the kitchen counter" You reply "Dammit yes I did" or something equally or worse in response that is out of proportion to the situation.

Have you ever been doing something and sat there thinking you know the answer and been frustrated because you do not know the answer but you know the answer but you cannot bring it to mind and you sit there frustrated because you should know this and it is like reading this sentence. Frustrating because of this and you tend to get angry about it.

This is what it is like being afflicted with Alzheimers. The constant frustration of having the answer on the tip of your tongue and the frustration of knowing you know it but cannot bring it to mind.

Was this guy an ass? I do not know. Should you get bent out of shape. Not really. Should you feel upset and not want to interact with this person. Nothing wrong with that. Should you condem him because of this. Not really.

Hell this is only a game. People make mistakes and those you do not like stay away from.

Just consider someone with Turets or however it is spelled. Then again someone with that at least has an excuse for swearing at everyone.

12-02-2005, 11:37 AM
I guess I'm afflicted with "I'm in the ICU using my laptop" syndrome. I just don't believe every excuse I hear for people acting like jackasses. Sometimes, a jackass is simply a jackass. No excuse necessary.

12-02-2005, 11:40 AM
I'd say just count this as a learning lesson. You and Mythala tried to help someone, he was a jerk about it. You've posted here so people can see.

Now just don't help him again, and hope that some others do the same. Either way, I give ya kudos for trying to help. Just ignore him from now on.

12-02-2005, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Augie
I'd say just count this as a learning lesson. You and Mythala tried to help someone, he was a jerk about it. You've posted here so people can see.

Now just don't help him again, and hope that some others do the same. Either way, I give ya kudos for trying to help. Just ignore him from now on.

I am half and half on this.

I think me personally I would rather help someone again than not help. I would also continue to help someone else if it is within my RP.

Rather than become calous(sp) and uncaring towards others. I think that if you or your character is the type to help others you do so no matter what. Even if it is your worst enemy. To do less is beneath your RP.

12-02-2005, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Heshinar

I am half and half on this.

I think me personally I would rather help someone again than not help. I would also continue to help someone else if it is within my RP.

Rather than become calous(sp) and uncaring towards others. I think that if you or your character is the type to help others you do so no matter what. Even if it is your worst enemy. To do less is beneath your RP.

I totally agree that if it's within your RP to keep helping to go ahead and do so. In Finiswolf's case, I don't think he'd have any problems NOT helping again :lol:

I have an empath who will help people, even if it is someone that others may despise or even someone I don't like as Augie. It's just the way she is. In her nature she has to help. So I agree with you there.

12-02-2005, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Augie

Originally posted by Heshinar

I am half and half on this.

I think me personally I would rather help someone again than not help. I would also continue to help someone else if it is within my RP.

Rather than become calous(sp) and uncaring towards others. I think that if you or your character is the type to help others you do so no matter what. Even if it is your worst enemy. To do less is beneath your RP.

I totally agree that if it's within your RP to keep helping to go ahead and do so. In Finiswolf's case, I don't think he'd have any problems NOT helping again :lol:

I have an empath who will help people, even if it is someone that others may despise or even someone I don't like as Augie. It's just the way she is. In her nature she has to help. So I agree with you there.

I think that people who like to help will continue to help others, no matter how many times they get shit on. However, I don't think that Finis or his friend should ever help this person again. He doesn't deserve it. No one deserves to be treated that way.

And, Augie, you obviously don't know Finis very well.


12-02-2005, 12:22 PM
He (Jeddryn) goes utterly crazy on the official boards too. He'll type norMALLY AND SUDDENLY BIGIN TPYING WITH CAPS ADN BAD SPEELing, then just as suddenly snap back into nORMLA AGIN.

It's funny to see him suddenly explode on the paladin boards.

[Edited on 12-3-2005 by Enceladus]

12-02-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Anailea
And, Augie, you obviously don't know Finis very well.


Just judging by his extreme blow up here, it seems to me he'd have no problem ignoring this person or never helping him again. Practically every other word in his post was the F word. :shrug:

12-02-2005, 12:45 PM
Fin is a smart dude.
He helps anyone here whenever he can and seems to be a nice guy.
He also has tattoos, if that explains anything for you.

12-02-2005, 01:35 PM
He also has tattoos, if that explains anything for you.

Well you lost me there. I have no idea how tattoos explain anything. My father has them. People I know have them and there does not seem to be a defining explanation as to why some people do and some do not.

In real as well as in game I would much rather help someone no matter how much I am shit on than not. Though I have RPed a totally calous jerk in the past so... I could probably be that way if I tried.

12-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Really, this complaint is about Jeddryn (or rather the person behind the character), not about his other characters. So I don't know why you chose to include other character names.

You said in your post that this person is someone your friend got to know. This is really only about how he treated her. She had the relationship (used lightly, a friendship if you prefer) with him, got to know him.

Only she can determine if he always acted this way, or if it was out of "character" for the player to act as such in IMs. So he could have had a bad day regarding real life and let it fall into the game and through IM's with her. Or he could act that way all the time, so it wouldn't have been a shock to her.

I think things should be let to cool off between the two involved, and she can then lightly confront him later about how he was acting. If she appreciated the friendship. :shrug:

You're a bystander to the whole thing; you shouldn't let this upset you like it has.

Sean of the Thread
12-02-2005, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares

You're a bystander to the whole thing; you shouldn't let this upset you like it has.

But it has and who are you to tell him otherwise.

You shouldn't meet people online for sex either but who am I to tell you anything?

12-02-2005, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Having physical problems is no fucking excuse to be a complete fucking asshole.

Not to mention the punk ass bitch didn't even say fucking thank you, or show any sign of appreciation.

You want to deal with fucking morons like that, he is on Teras. Bet you don't last long.


I must say, in this scenario I see you as the "fucking moron".

I'm sure you and your friend are well aware of the fact that he could have chosen jailtime. You choose that after you get your sentancing, so he never would have lost anything had you reminded him that he could just take jail time and get it over with.

Now, I can't say I believe the whole strokes thing. However, if that was true, why would he spend so much time on the computer? Sitting in front of a computer is not healthy and can't be good for someone with a medical condition such as that.

12-02-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Enceladus
He goes utterly crazy on the official boards too. He'll type norMALLY AND SUDDENLY BIGIN TPYING WITH CAPS ADN BAD SPEELing, then just as suddenly snap back into nORMLA AGIN.

It's funny to see him suddenly explode on the paladin boards.

You are funny. I don't EVER recall being on the paladin boards. I watch four folders. The marketplace, quests/sagas/& events, Four Winds Hall, and announcements. I have been doing this for a very long time.

I won't say I havn't flipped on the boards, I have. During the change from GS3 to GS4. After that I decided that GS was for fun, and that I would not let crap get to me barring breakage, which would be what makes me leave GS.

I use caps on the officials to emphasize a word, to add tone inflections, are there other ways, sure, I just find it easier.

Do I mispell words? Sure, everyone does, most times its a typo, others I am too lazy to pull up dictionary.com.



12-02-2005, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Augie

Originally posted by Anailea
And, Augie, you obviously don't know Finis very well.


Just judging by his extreme blow up here, it seems to me he'd have no problem ignoring this person or never helping him again. Practically every other word in his post was the F word. :shrug:

Yea, I got pretty bent when I responded to Xandalf's post. Other then that, my initial post was just a vent. Later I gave a sincere apology.

I got my vent on, and am all happy inside again. :bleh: :grin:

Will I be doing anything for Jeddryn and Co. again, nawp, not going to happen. Will I still aide others that I can, of course, thats just a part of who I am.

By far, those that I have helped far exceed the ones that have left a bad taste in my mouth.


12-02-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Really, this complaint is about Jeddryn (or rather the person behind the character), not about his other characters. So I don't know why you chose to include other character names.

You said in your post that this person is someone your friend got to know. This is really only about how he treated her. She had the relationship (used lightly, a friendship if you prefer) with him, got to know him.

Only she can determine if he always acted this way, or if it was out of "character" for the player to act as such in IMs. So he could have had a bad day regarding real life and let it fall into the game and through IM's with her. Or he could act that way all the time, so it wouldn't have been a shock to her.

I think things should be let to cool off between the two involved, and she can then lightly confront him later about how he was acting. If she appreciated the friendship. :shrug:

You're a bystander to the whole thing; you shouldn't let this upset you like it has.

I am no where near, nor was I, as upset as folks seem to think. I did not care for how he treated my friend. Are you saying if a friend of yours was verbally accosted that you yourself would not feel something? I did. I felt bad that she was unujustly treated that way.

It does affect me though. She is my friend, she is the one that came to me to help him, she came to me for a caring ear. All of that affects me.

As I stated in my initial post, I was venting, and sharing. I find the PC a good place to do that. We are a community of sorts, and you get different ways that people look at things. You also get to talk about it, and get whatever has happened out of your system in a healthy way. This also aides in not taking crap into game where it does not belong anyway.



12-02-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
. This also aides in not taking crap into game where it does not belong anyway.



Mr. Dipshit,

You should not be one to talk of OOC problems in game. Let me refer you to this post in another folder. This is a quote from you.

"It's a cheat, but glancing at their profile/fame may help too. A rogue has many tools at their disposal, so make use of them."

then....more solid advise

"DO a test swing, if you have psinet, check their magic, while they are distracted with the "polite and friendly" conversation you are having, lighten their pockets. "

Seriously, leave that shit out of game to. Your advise is to keep OOC shit out of game, follow your own advise.

12-02-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Alfster

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Having physical problems is no fucking excuse to be a complete fucking asshole.

Not to mention the punk ass bitch didn't even say fucking thank you, or show any sign of appreciation.

You want to deal with fucking morons like that, he is on Teras. Bet you don't last long.


I must say, in this scenario I see you as the "fucking moron".

I'm sure you and your friend are well aware of the fact that he could have chosen jailtime. You choose that after you get your sentancing, so he never would have lost anything had you reminded him that he could just take jail time and get it over with.

Now, I can't say I believe the whole strokes thing. However, if that was true, why would he spend so much time on the computer? Sitting in front of a computer is not healthy and can't be good for someone with a medical condition such as that.

You are correct Alf, I came off stupid as all hell in that post. No doubt, and no arguement.

He knew he could of chosen jailtime by the way, he chose not to respond in the time alloted, which kicked his 30K fine right on up to 500K.

If he did have a stroke though, maybe he was unable to click the link for jailtime though. I really don't know. It's not the silvers, its his response, and as another pointed out, that fake apology.

I am over it now.

I do agree though. If he can not function within the limits of the game, perhaps this game is not one he should be playing. It is his choice, and should he make that choice, perhaps he should learn to deal better with his friends that are trying to help him, opposed to doing what he did.


12-02-2005, 05:50 PM
As I was the one who initially berated you, Finis, I take some of that criticism back.

I think it's very big of you to avoid taking personal feelings IG, like most people do. I can't tell you how many times I've had morons take information they learned OOG into the game.

It really bothers me and I'm glad to hear you're not one of those typical morons (which MOST GS players are. And I will stand by that statement).

I hope that venting here has been a good release for you, even if I don't necessarily agree with your premise.

12-02-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Alfster

Originally posted by FinisWolf
. This also aides in not taking crap into game where it does not belong anyway.



Mr. Dipshit,

You should not be one to talk of OOC problems in game. Let me refer you to this post in another folder. This is a quote from you.

"It's a cheat, but glancing at their profile/fame may help too. A rogue has many tools at their disposal, so make use of them."

then....more solid advise

"DO a test swing, if you have psinet, check their magic, while they are distracted with the "polite and friendly" conversation you are having, lighten their pockets. "

Seriously, leave that shit out of game to. Your advise is to keep OOC shit out of game, follow your own advise.

Rogues are cheaters from the gate. If any GAME mechanics allow it, then do it.

To me, what you are talking about Alf, and what I am talking about are two completely different things.


Mr. Finiswolf - The Dipshit

[Edited on 12-2-2005 by FinisWolf]

12-02-2005, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
As I was the one who initially berated you, Finis, I take some of that criticism back.

I think it's very big of you to avoid taking personal feelings IG, like most people do. I can't tell you how many times I've had morons take information they learned OOG into the game.

It really bothers me and I'm glad to hear you're not one of those typical morons (which MOST GS players are. And I will stand by that statement).

I hope that venting here has been a good release for you, even if I don't necessarily agree with your premise.

Thanks Xandalf. Sorry I was so hostile in response to your post. I havn't had language like that fly out of my fingertips in ... a bit. Anyway, sorry.


12-02-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf

Rogues are cheaters from the gate. If any GAME mechanics allow it, then do it.

To me, what you are talking about Alf, and what I am talking about are two completely different things.


Mr. Finiswolf - The Dipshit

[Edited on 12-2-2005 by FinisWolf]

So, since game mechanics allow me to do this....

Smile slightly while shoving his foot up Finis's ass.

Since game mechanics allow me to do this, then it's right?

12-02-2005, 06:09 PM

Good point Alf. LMAO


Mr. Dipshit
AKA: Finis

12-02-2005, 07:34 PM
Hey Finis, I probably should've elaborated: It wasn't you that posted like that, it was Jeddryn. I'll fix my above post to state that.

12-02-2005, 10:11 PM
Ahh ... I was like am I really that bad? :lol:
