View Full Version : Secure AIM Chat Room

11-30-2005, 12:48 PM
So, the company that purchased my current company before I came on board is rumored to be taking over the internet traffic duties soon. And from what I hear they're a little more restrictive then the current people.

I have trillian and AIM. I've looked at AIMEncrypt, SecureIM, etc.

Problem with those is that both sides need to be encrypted, and other people just aren't going to be that way. I know I'm pretty much out of luck, but any suggestions?

11-30-2005, 12:54 PM
You worried about them viewing the chat while its going on or scanning for it and retrieving it in the after-hours?

11-30-2005, 01:03 PM
After hours research, for the most part. Not sure what kind of logging they would do.

11-30-2005, 01:24 PM
Not sure how anal they plan on being about it but my method is to run Trillian from my Pen Drive so it stores all its history and other such fun stuff on the drive itself leaving a few traces in the Registry on the actual work PC. Seems to be keeping me out of trouble.

11-30-2005, 01:28 PM
I can disable logging, I guess I'm more worried about some kind of packet sniffer they may randomly have running - so I guess it's more of a "viewing chat while it's going on" scenario.

11-30-2005, 02:07 PM
In that case even with secure chat program you still have the issue of their being able to remote into your pc and just record your screen. Id vote for a job at McDonalds if they are that crazy about it.

11-30-2005, 05:36 PM
SSH tunnel to your house then out. Everything encrypted.