10-12-2003, 06:15 PM
Anyone know the formulas to find your MS for sweep, subdue, and cheapshot?
10-12-2003, 07:38 PM
The equation for sweep MS is this: [(Level x 3) + Race bonus + { int(Level/4) + round(Combat maneuver skill/10) + Sweep ranks + Aim Modifier } x Stance penalty ] x Gld Stance penalty. If you are in offensive stance, the stance penalty is 1 (100%), advancing stance is .8 (80%), forward stance is .6 (60%), neutral is .4 (40%), guarded is .2 (20%), and defensive is 0 (0%). Gld stance penalty is 1 for offensive (100%), .85 for advance (85%), .7 for forward (70%), .55 for neutral (55%), and .4 for guarded (40%). The "int" means that you round the number down to the nearest decimal (For example, 4.9 would round down to 4.). The "round", means that you round up or down to the nearest decimal (So 4.5 would round up to 5, for example.). The aim modifier does not always apply. During your first few ranks, your aim will be off sometimes, which subtracts 10 from your MS (In offensive stance). Eventually, as you gain more ranks, your aim will never be off. The equation for sweep MD is this: [(Level x 3) + [int(Level/4) + round(Combat maneuver skill/10) + Sweep ranks] x stance modifier + race bonus + web/paralyze/bind penalty + stun penalty] x Gld Stance penalty. The race modifiers, and gld stance penalties are the same as with sweep MS. The stance penalties are the reverse of sweep MS. So in offensive stance the penalty is 0 (0%), .2 in advancing (20%), .4 in forward (40%), .6 in neutral (60%), .8 in guarded (80%), and 1 in defensive (100%). If you are webbed, paralyzed, or bound, the penalty is -50 (No, they can't stack). If you are stunned, the penalty is -10.
The larger the race, the better sweepers they are. Giantmen get a +10 sweep bonus; humans and dwarves get +5; half elves, dark elves and sylvan elves get +0; elves get -5, and halflings get -20. Every time you train, you gain +3 to MS and MD, and every 10 CM skill you gain adds 1 to sweep MS.
MS for this is figured much like sweep except it is only modified by two things - Rank, and age. You gain +3 to MS and MD every level. No stats or skills add to this skill. The equation for subdue MS is this: [(Level x 3) + [int(Level/4) + Subdue ranks + Aim Modifier] x Stance penalty] x Gld Stance penalty. Having head protection adds 20 to subdue MD. If you have double head protection from armor and a helm or coif, only 10 is added. The stance and gld stance penalties are the same as with sweep. The equation for subdue MD is this: [(Level x 3) + [int(Level/4) + Subdue ranks] x Stance modifier + Head protection bonus + Web/paralyze/bind penalty + Stun penalty] x Gld Stance penalty. MS - MD + MAvA + d100>100 = success. If you get an end roll of over 200, then it paralyzes the target, reducing their MD by 60 (Minus 50 from the paralyze, and minus another 10 from the stun, when in gld stance offensive.).
This skill is similar to subdue because skills and race don't affect it. You get +3 MS and MD per training. Also, head protection adds 20 to MD like subdue, with ALL cheapshot skills. Why does a helm add 20 to footstomp MD? Heh, you tell me. But it does. If a cheapshot is aimed at a certain area that is covered by an armor accessory, such a helm or leg greaves, the cheapshot will not work and will give you 10 seconds of RT. The equation for cheapshot MS is this: [(Level x 3) + [int(Level/4) + Cheapshot ranks + Aim Modifier ] x Stance penalty] x Gld Stance penalty. The stance and gld stance penalties are the same as those for sweep and subdue. The MD equation for it is this: [(Level x 3) + [int(Level/4) + Cheapshot ranks] x Stance modifier + Head protection bonus + Web/paralyze/bind penalty + Stun penalty] x Gld Stance penalty.
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