11-27-2005, 03:29 PM
I've edited out all the pulls I made during this log except one.
What a dumb fuck.
I guess I should drop my PP skill because when ever I steal from someone I'm flaunting my high level.
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see the Astrall disk, a tufted badger, some wolifrew lichen, a black cat, a maple walnut muffin, a strawberry muffin, a brown zircon, some wolifrew lichen, some woth flower and some basal moss.
Also here: Maginthree, Great Lord Kanderud, Herod, Syyre, Byyre, Ridic, Primavera, Meldikar, Akari, Apprentice Dooyip
Obvious paths: north, south, west
You see Syyre Nittlyon the Physician.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be mature and taller than average. He has gold-flecked pale grey eyes and bronze skin. He has shoulder length, flowing silver hair with a black streak running through it. He has a delicate face, an aquiline nose and deep laugh lines.
He has old battle scars on his right arm, old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his chest, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, a black-and-blue left eye, and a scar across his face.
He is wearing a thin silver crystal pendant, some exquisite dark brown trousers, a wristlet made from dried healing herbs, a leather and wolverine skin pack, an acantha leaf talisman, a gold ring, an ivory silk shirt, an enruned fire opal earcuff, a sea-blue wool beret, some midnight blue imflass gauntlets, an opal and red spinel stickpin, a torban leaf escutcheon, a stylish blue sash, a sky blue herb satchel, a small rose, a perfect blue daisy, a pair of darkened ceremonial boots with etched mithril plating, an ermine-lined pale white vest, a gold buttoned red linen vest, a simple pink ribbon, an elegant lavender ribbon, a stylish grey ribbon, a soft turquoise ribbon, a fancy beige ribbon, a butterfly charm, a fine dark suede coin pouch, a yellow rose-shaped pin, a skull-stamped silver coin pin, a filigreed ora pin, an opal-studded copper cloak pin, a small crystal Sovyn pin, a steel treasure chest pin, a rune-etched weapons harness, a silver etched scroll case, some darkly stained double leather, a forest green greatcloak, a white silk sack, a gold-bound pure white jade bracelet, a wild orchid, a sky blue glaesine orb, and a gold clasped-hands ring.
(I've edited out about 30 pulls here)
You reach into Syyre's wolverine skin pack and pull out a clear tourmaline.
You secretly place your clear tourmaline into your ale-stained satchel.
Syyre gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +294 - TD: +247 + CvA: -18 + d100: +11 == +40
Warded off!
You avoid the webbing.
You glance at Syyre.
Syyre calmly says, "Thin you owe me."
Syyre calmly says, "Thief."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "I advise you not to do that again."
Byyre thumps you!
You glance at Byyre.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Goes for you too."
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Keep your hand to yourself if you wanna keep'm."
Syyre calmly says, "You steal you deserve it."
Syyre traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Syyre gestures at you.
CS: +284 - TD: +247 + CvA: -18 + d100: +80 == +99
Warded off!
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You remove a slender crimson mithril stiletto from in your ale-stained satchel.
[Roll result: 140 (open d100: 55) Penalties: 9]
You spring from hiding and attempt to grasp Syyre by the chin while slitting his throat with your crimson mithril stiletto!
You slice deep into Syyre's vocal chords!
...8 point of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You say, "I warned you."
You put a slender crimson mithril stiletto in your suede longcoat.
[Roll result: -321 (open d100: 66)]
Byyre hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
[Roll result: 193 (open d100: 76) Penalties: 9]
You spring from hiding and deliver a blow to Byyre's head!
Byyre is paralyzed!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Jesae says, "He's not a thief, he's a merchant fanatic."
Byyre calmly says, "He is a thief."
Byyre stands up.
[Roll result: -241 (open d100: 54)]
Byyre hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.
You glance at Byyre.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Stop now, while you're behind."
You notice Byyre slip into a hiding place.
::Syyre heals up:::
Syyre calmly says, "Need to be old enough to take care of theifs who take advantage of their age."
You say, "Yeah, because I'm 24 years old."
You say, "You nitwit."
Syyre calmly says, "Check his fame."
You shake your head.
Jesae whispers, "I think my brain is bleeding."
Syyre calmly says, "Skill was so poor I saw him."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "So, I guess in the future, I should whisper to them to ask them what level they are before I steal from them? I mean, to make it fair and all."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "Because I don't want to "Throw my age around"."
Syyre whispers, "You get caught don't trey and strangle someone you might get ity back if I was old enough."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "You cast at me. I guess it's not fair that I stopped you."
Syyre whispers, "You steal I caught you all I did was web not injure you being put on em,path no heal list."
(The second cast was NOT web.)
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "Hahahah, OH NO!"
Syyre whispers, "Asshole yes you are taking advanagre of age and an empath wityh no fighting skills."
Syyre just went north.
:::she runs to TSC to tell everyone not to heal me:::
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "You're a moron, I steal from everybody regardless of how many trainings they have."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "But since I'm SO OLD, I should stop stealing, because that's not fair."
::she doesn't say anything so I go back to the small park:::
You notice Byyre sneak in around behind you.
You lean against a weatherworn grey marble statue.
Byyre comes out of hiding.
Byyre put a dwarven forged vultite broadsword in his mithglin weapon harness.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "That was subtle."
Byyre calmly says, "I have o skill in hiding."
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "I can tell."
[Byyre (subdued)]: "any of my friends around that can spell me up? Syyre is here for mana"
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "It's nice that you're so self sufficient."
Speaking calmly to you, Byyre says, "Nice to have well trained family to help even if I can't find most of them."
Myyre just arrived.
You see Myyre nitlyon the Mountaineer.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be young and taller than average. He has gold-flecked stormy grey eyes and golden brown skin. He has shoulder length, shiny silver hair with a black streak running through it. He has an angular face, an aquiline nose and deep laugh lines.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a soiled loot sack, a pair of exquisite dark panther pelt boots, a weathered leather bracer, a fur-lined rat fur coin pouch, a gold ring, a blue vaalin star-shaped pin, a shimmering glaesine orb, a veniom threaded harness, a feather plumed vultite heaume, a hip-length fringed doeskin vest, a camouflage Voln sash, a black ankle-strapped sheath, a butterfly charm, a forest green glaes spider charm, a small Silvergate pin, some blackened leather, a gold-edged sleek onyx amulet, and a complicated rope-laced backpack.
Myyre recites:
"Any interest in hues?"
You nod to Myyre.
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "I could use some."
You join Myyre.
Speaking calmly to you, Myyre says, "Sorry you are not inbvited."
Speaking to Myyre, you ask, "And why not?"
Myyre disbands his group.
Myyre calmly says, "For attacking my empath."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "The empath attacked ME, moron."
Myyre calmly says, "Ypou stole first."
Speaking to Myyre, you ask, "And what's it to you anyway?"
Myyre calmly says, "He was protecting himself."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "You seem to know alot about something you had no part in."
Syyre just arrived.
Speaking calmly to you, Syyre says, "My whole family knows about you."
Speaking to Syyre, you ask, "You're whole FAMILY?"
You laugh with delight!
Myyre calmly says, "No heus until vant anhd Grandsome leave."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "Guess we ain' havin' any."
Myyre gestures.
Myyre blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
You notice Spook who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
You notice Myyre who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
You notice Trebeeri who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You point at Myyre, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You say, "No hiding until you cast colors."
:::Awhile later in TSC:::
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "110k."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "Just you remember that."
Syyre calmly says, "Not surprising siunce I'm just an empath with no skills excpet to heal."
Syyre calmly says, "Just rememeber why you moight not get healing."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "It's ok, I never die."
Syyre calmly says, "No I guess cxoward never do."
You say, "Cowards because she's casting at us in a sanctuary.
You say, "That's rich."
Syyre calmly says, "Oly people that bever die are those that take no risks just stealk from younger people or folks that can't protectthem,selves."
What a dumb fuck.
I guess I should drop my PP skill because when ever I steal from someone I'm flaunting my high level.
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see the Astrall disk, a tufted badger, some wolifrew lichen, a black cat, a maple walnut muffin, a strawberry muffin, a brown zircon, some wolifrew lichen, some woth flower and some basal moss.
Also here: Maginthree, Great Lord Kanderud, Herod, Syyre, Byyre, Ridic, Primavera, Meldikar, Akari, Apprentice Dooyip
Obvious paths: north, south, west
You see Syyre Nittlyon the Physician.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be mature and taller than average. He has gold-flecked pale grey eyes and bronze skin. He has shoulder length, flowing silver hair with a black streak running through it. He has a delicate face, an aquiline nose and deep laugh lines.
He has old battle scars on his right arm, old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his chest, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, a black-and-blue left eye, and a scar across his face.
He is wearing a thin silver crystal pendant, some exquisite dark brown trousers, a wristlet made from dried healing herbs, a leather and wolverine skin pack, an acantha leaf talisman, a gold ring, an ivory silk shirt, an enruned fire opal earcuff, a sea-blue wool beret, some midnight blue imflass gauntlets, an opal and red spinel stickpin, a torban leaf escutcheon, a stylish blue sash, a sky blue herb satchel, a small rose, a perfect blue daisy, a pair of darkened ceremonial boots with etched mithril plating, an ermine-lined pale white vest, a gold buttoned red linen vest, a simple pink ribbon, an elegant lavender ribbon, a stylish grey ribbon, a soft turquoise ribbon, a fancy beige ribbon, a butterfly charm, a fine dark suede coin pouch, a yellow rose-shaped pin, a skull-stamped silver coin pin, a filigreed ora pin, an opal-studded copper cloak pin, a small crystal Sovyn pin, a steel treasure chest pin, a rune-etched weapons harness, a silver etched scroll case, some darkly stained double leather, a forest green greatcloak, a white silk sack, a gold-bound pure white jade bracelet, a wild orchid, a sky blue glaesine orb, and a gold clasped-hands ring.
(I've edited out about 30 pulls here)
You reach into Syyre's wolverine skin pack and pull out a clear tourmaline.
You secretly place your clear tourmaline into your ale-stained satchel.
Syyre gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +294 - TD: +247 + CvA: -18 + d100: +11 == +40
Warded off!
You avoid the webbing.
You glance at Syyre.
Syyre calmly says, "Thin you owe me."
Syyre calmly says, "Thief."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "I advise you not to do that again."
Byyre thumps you!
You glance at Byyre.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Goes for you too."
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Keep your hand to yourself if you wanna keep'm."
Syyre calmly says, "You steal you deserve it."
Syyre traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Syyre gestures at you.
CS: +284 - TD: +247 + CvA: -18 + d100: +80 == +99
Warded off!
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You remove a slender crimson mithril stiletto from in your ale-stained satchel.
[Roll result: 140 (open d100: 55) Penalties: 9]
You spring from hiding and attempt to grasp Syyre by the chin while slitting his throat with your crimson mithril stiletto!
You slice deep into Syyre's vocal chords!
...8 point of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You say, "I warned you."
You put a slender crimson mithril stiletto in your suede longcoat.
[Roll result: -321 (open d100: 66)]
Byyre hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
[Roll result: 193 (open d100: 76) Penalties: 9]
You spring from hiding and deliver a blow to Byyre's head!
Byyre is paralyzed!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Jesae says, "He's not a thief, he's a merchant fanatic."
Byyre calmly says, "He is a thief."
Byyre stands up.
[Roll result: -241 (open d100: 54)]
Byyre hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.
You glance at Byyre.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "Stop now, while you're behind."
You notice Byyre slip into a hiding place.
::Syyre heals up:::
Syyre calmly says, "Need to be old enough to take care of theifs who take advantage of their age."
You say, "Yeah, because I'm 24 years old."
You say, "You nitwit."
Syyre calmly says, "Check his fame."
You shake your head.
Jesae whispers, "I think my brain is bleeding."
Syyre calmly says, "Skill was so poor I saw him."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "So, I guess in the future, I should whisper to them to ask them what level they are before I steal from them? I mean, to make it fair and all."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "Because I don't want to "Throw my age around"."
Syyre whispers, "You get caught don't trey and strangle someone you might get ity back if I was old enough."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "You cast at me. I guess it's not fair that I stopped you."
Syyre whispers, "You steal I caught you all I did was web not injure you being put on em,path no heal list."
(The second cast was NOT web.)
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "Hahahah, OH NO!"
Syyre whispers, "Asshole yes you are taking advanagre of age and an empath wityh no fighting skills."
Syyre just went north.
:::she runs to TSC to tell everyone not to heal me:::
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "You're a moron, I steal from everybody regardless of how many trainings they have."
You quietly whisper to Syyre, "But since I'm SO OLD, I should stop stealing, because that's not fair."
::she doesn't say anything so I go back to the small park:::
You notice Byyre sneak in around behind you.
You lean against a weatherworn grey marble statue.
Byyre comes out of hiding.
Byyre put a dwarven forged vultite broadsword in his mithglin weapon harness.
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "That was subtle."
Byyre calmly says, "I have o skill in hiding."
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "I can tell."
[Byyre (subdued)]: "any of my friends around that can spell me up? Syyre is here for mana"
Speaking to Byyre, you say, "It's nice that you're so self sufficient."
Speaking calmly to you, Byyre says, "Nice to have well trained family to help even if I can't find most of them."
Myyre just arrived.
You see Myyre nitlyon the Mountaineer.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be young and taller than average. He has gold-flecked stormy grey eyes and golden brown skin. He has shoulder length, shiny silver hair with a black streak running through it. He has an angular face, an aquiline nose and deep laugh lines.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a soiled loot sack, a pair of exquisite dark panther pelt boots, a weathered leather bracer, a fur-lined rat fur coin pouch, a gold ring, a blue vaalin star-shaped pin, a shimmering glaesine orb, a veniom threaded harness, a feather plumed vultite heaume, a hip-length fringed doeskin vest, a camouflage Voln sash, a black ankle-strapped sheath, a butterfly charm, a forest green glaes spider charm, a small Silvergate pin, some blackened leather, a gold-edged sleek onyx amulet, and a complicated rope-laced backpack.
Myyre recites:
"Any interest in hues?"
You nod to Myyre.
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "I could use some."
You join Myyre.
Speaking calmly to you, Myyre says, "Sorry you are not inbvited."
Speaking to Myyre, you ask, "And why not?"
Myyre disbands his group.
Myyre calmly says, "For attacking my empath."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "The empath attacked ME, moron."
Myyre calmly says, "Ypou stole first."
Speaking to Myyre, you ask, "And what's it to you anyway?"
Myyre calmly says, "He was protecting himself."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "You seem to know alot about something you had no part in."
Syyre just arrived.
Speaking calmly to you, Syyre says, "My whole family knows about you."
Speaking to Syyre, you ask, "You're whole FAMILY?"
You laugh with delight!
Myyre calmly says, "No heus until vant anhd Grandsome leave."
Speaking to Myyre, you say, "Guess we ain' havin' any."
Myyre gestures.
Myyre blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
You notice Spook who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
You notice Myyre who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
You notice Trebeeri who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You point at Myyre, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You say, "No hiding until you cast colors."
:::Awhile later in TSC:::
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "110k."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "Just you remember that."
Syyre calmly says, "Not surprising siunce I'm just an empath with no skills excpet to heal."
Syyre calmly says, "Just rememeber why you moight not get healing."
Speaking to Syyre, you say, "It's ok, I never die."
Syyre calmly says, "No I guess cxoward never do."
You say, "Cowards because she's casting at us in a sanctuary.
You say, "That's rich."
Syyre calmly says, "Oly people that bever die are those that take no risks just stealk from younger people or folks that can't protectthem,selves."