View Full Version : Prayer beads, knitting satchel and a Faendryl longsword

Shabar Shabaz
11-27-2005, 11:56 PM
Need to get this stuff off my hands. Send bids to RunRudyRun@comcast.net or contact me on AIM at Nomarowv

some lapis lazuli prayer beads etched with tiny gilded sunbursts.

Phoen attuned prayer beads with a strange 'loresong' which says it should aide with meditation. Also has a few scripts, possibly more than this.

s>rub bea
You absentmindedly rub your fingers across your prayer beads.
s>pull bea
You pull a single bead through your fingers, marking off another prayer.
s>raise bea
Your raise your prayer beads above your head.
gaze beads
You gaze intently at your prayer beads, opening your soul to your deity.
shake beads
You rattle the prayer beads in your hand, keeping time with a softly chanted prayer.
turn beads
You wrap your prayer beads around your hand, but your heart is not in your prayer.
pull beads
You pull a single bead through your fingers, marking off another prayer.
touch beads
You thumb the prayer beads in your hand.
kiss beads
You raise your prayer beads to your lips.

MB: 1mil

some burnished bronze prayer beads inlaid with tiny jade serpents

Same as above but attuned to Luukos.

MB: 1mil

a black cotton knitting satchel embroidered with a silver cresent moon.
Comes with four skeins of opalescent yarn which were found in the satchel while digging.

MB: 1 mil

a diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Faendryl runes

>l longsw
This slender sword is wrought of the finest eahnor and is the silvery hue of moonlight reflected off tranquil water. Well-balanced and beautifully crafted, the slender blade is inlaid with faceted diamond and honed to a razor-sharp edge. The hilt and pommel are wrought of fine silver and the handle is wrapped with soft leather to ensure a sturdy grip. The ancient runes etched upon the longsword's blade are impossible to decipher.

Has a long loresong and special scripts for Faendryl. A Faendryl character can also read the runes on the blade which say something along the lines of "Long life the house of Ta'Faendryl"

MB: 1 mil

[Edited on 11-30-2005 by Shabar Shabaz]

11-28-2005, 04:08 AM
Any idea if the prayer beads can be altered? I'd love to have them for the scripts but I would need to change the base description.

Shabar Shabaz
11-28-2005, 04:56 AM
>analyze bea
You analyze your prayer beads and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

I'm guessing that you'll be able to alter the description, but not the diety they're attuned to (which you probably weren't asking about anyway)

11-28-2005, 02:32 PM
I had a set of attuned prayer beads that I tried to have altered, but the merchant refused to touch them because of the loresong. Had to get a new set from the merchant at EG and sold the others to another Lumnisian.


[Edited for grammar and clarity]

[Edited on 11/28/2005 by Nilandia]

11-28-2005, 02:34 PM
For the record, those scripted prayer beads can be attuned to a deity by having a cleric of that deity COVER them. I believe the attunement is permanent, however. By the alter, I'd say the unattuned ones are meant either for Phoen or Tonis.


11-28-2005, 03:46 PM
Sounds like the unattuned ones might end up worth something, then.

I was lucky enough to get two sets. A Huntress set that's got a nice alter for that cause, and a nice looking neutral set.

Good to know that they're worth something :-)

Shabar Shabaz
11-28-2005, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia
For the record, those scripted prayer beads can be attuned to a deity by having a cleric of that deity COVER them. I believe the attunement is permanent, however. By the alter, I'd say the unattuned ones are meant either for Phoen or Tonis.


They're both attuned.

Also, I have a bid of 1 mil on the Luukos attuned prayer beads.

[Edited on 11-28-2005 by Shabar Shabaz]

11-28-2005, 04:17 PM
They don't LOOK like they are. Find someone converted to Phoen to use them, since they scripts are different once they're attuned.

Scripts I've found using my Lumnis-attuned beads.

Not worn:
>gaze my prayerbeads
You gaze intently at your ivory and gold prayerbeads, opening your soul to Lumnis.
>kiss my prayerbeads
You raise your ivory and gold prayerbeads adoringly to your lips.
>pinch my prayerbeads
You grasp a single bead between your forefinger and thumb, focusing your entire mind and spirit on the words of a prayer to Lumnis.
>pull my prayerbeads
You pull a single bead through your fingers, marking off another prayer to Lumnis.
>raise my prayerbeads
Your raise your ivory and gold prayerbeads above your head, appealing for a moment of Lumnis's attention.
>rub my prayerbeads
You prayerfully rub your fingers across your ivory and gold prayerbeads.
>shake my prayerbeads
You rattle the ivory and gold prayerbeads in your hand, keeping time with a softly chanted prayer to Lumnis.
>turn my prayerbeads
You wrap your ivory and gold prayerbeads around your hand, binding yourself, body and soul, in service to Lumnis.
>wave my prayerbeads at nilandia
You wave your ivory and gold prayerbeads over your head.
>wave my prayerbeads at (person)
You extend your ivory and gold prayerbeads toward (person) and trace a symbol in the air, invoking Lumnis's blessing on her.

While worn:
>gaze my prayerbeads
You gaze intently at your ivory and gold prayerbeads, opening your soul to Lumnis.
>kiss my prayerbeads
You raise your ivory and gold prayerbeads adoringly to your lips.
>pinch my prayerbeads
You grasp a single bead between your forefinger and thumb, focusing your entire mind and spirit on the words of a prayer to Lumnis.
>pull my prayerbeads
You pull a single bead through your fingers, marking off another prayer to Lumnis.
>rub my prayerbeads
You prayerfully rub your fingers across your ivory and gold prayerbeads.


Shabar Shabaz
11-29-2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia
They don't LOOK like they are. Find someone converted to Phoen to use them, since they scripts are different once they're attuned.

They were sung to and they are attuned to Luukos and Phoen. Thanks for the list of scripts.

Shabar Shabaz
11-29-2005, 01:30 PM
Luukos beads are at 1.5 mil to Licel

Phoen beads are at 1 mil.

[Edited on 11-29-2005 by Shabar Shabaz]

[Edited on 11-29-2005 by Shabar Shabaz]

11-29-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Shabar Shabaz
They were sung to and they are attuned to Luukos and Phoen. Thanks for the list of scripts.
Ah ha. I gotcha. Looks like a person using them who isn't properly attuned gets the scripts you showed earlier.


11-29-2005, 08:52 PM
I'll put a bid on that longsword.

Shabar Shabaz
11-29-2005, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I'll put a bid on that longsword.

Alright, I got you down for one mil on it. I also updated the original post because I forgot there was a show description for it.

11-29-2005, 11:45 PM
Have a Faendryl have a look at the sword, by the way. The runes can be read by them.


Shabar Shabaz
11-30-2005, 01:12 AM
Yeah, I edited that earlier to say what it was. I'm too lazy to find a Faendryl to have them read it though, so they're just gonna have to live with about what it is. Heh.

Shabar Shabaz
11-30-2005, 08:29 PM
Bids are as such:

1.5mil on the Luukos prayer beads going once

1 mil on the Phoen prayer beads going once

1 mil on the longsword going once.

11-30-2005, 08:31 PM
Any chance you'll be coming down on the price for that knitting satchel?

Shabar Shabaz
11-30-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Any chance you'll be coming down on the price for that knitting satchel?

I'll drop it down to 750k.

Shabar Shabaz
12-01-2005, 07:46 PM
Another update:

Luukos prayer beads: 1.5mil going twice

Phoen prayer beads: 1 mil going twice

Longsword: 1 mil going twice

This is the last chance to bid on these items, so if you want them, bid now.

Shabar Shabaz
12-03-2005, 12:04 AM
Prayer beads and longsword are sold.