View Full Version : Chronicles of Icemulian Stupidity
11-24-2005, 03:51 PM
Since my Empath has noticed a wave of stupidity in Icemule, I have took it upon myself to chronicle it. I present to you the Chronicles of Icemulian stupidity.
Episode 1: Policy Ignorant
Paole whispers, "You should be careful when you are script healing. Some people report that and accounts get suspended."
Paole just went east.
Oh noes! Does this man speak the truth? Is our hero doomed? To figure this out, he does some investigating.
>policy 18
GemStone IV player policy: Scripting Policy
=Any= experience gaining activity while being unresponsive to the gaming environment will be considered against policy. AFK scripting of =any= kind is entirely against policy and is an immediately warnable offense (If your attention is not in the game window, you should log out of the game or stop any experience, skill or money gaining activities to avoid being warned. The excuse that you looked away from the keyboard or left your desk only for a few minutes will not prevent you from gaining a warning since the staff will have no way of verifying that fact). In addition, =any= activity that allows you to gain =new= experience while using Rest Mode may result in a warning.
Warnings for scripting or any unresponsive activities are based on the staff's observation of the character, and the staff's judgment may vary from instance to instance. Therefore, each instance of long term scripting will be judged independently. Furthermore, GMs have the right to verify any and all characters are following this policy at any time.
Exceptions: In general, if you are running a script or are in Rest Mode and are not gaining any =new= experience, skills, money, or an in-game advantage, it does not fall under this policy. Being AFK or in Rest Mode while absorbing experience you have already gained is not a violation of this policy. However, =any= activity that's deemed by staff to be disruptive or not in the best interest of the game or its players can be warned when discovered. (E.g., if you script moving in and out of a room a warning may be issued because it causes undue screen scroll, if you are gaining skills passively a warning may be issued based on your being unresponsive to the gaming environment, if your "Rest Mode" message is determined to be inappropriate a warning may be issued based on the message being Out of Character or disruptive.)
For the purposes of this policy, all offenses by any character on an account can be treated as having occurred to the same character. As with other policy violations that lead to lockouts, accounts that are "linked" by any method including but not limited to name, address, or other billing information can be treated as the same account in regards to disciplinary action.
- First offense: Character receives a formal warning, is moved to a consultation room, loses =all= field experience (unabsorbed experience) in =all= skills, and must reread and agree to policy before being released.
- Second offense: All characters on the account, plus potentially all other related accounts, can be locked out of the game for 30 days. In addition, substantial penalties of experience points may be subtracted from any or all characters on the account(s).
- Third offense: The account, plus all of the other related accounts, can be locked out permanently.
Your next unread page is page #1.
Our hero finds no evidence of truth to what this Paole person is saying. So he investigates this would-be seer.
>fame paole
Paole has 9083597 fame.
Fame is not a mark of intelligence, apparently.
Name: Paole Dobro
Profession: Master Healer
Race: Dark Elf Gender: Male
He appears to be old and taller than average.
He has gold-flecked jade green eyes and golden brown skin.
He has shoulder length, thick dark brown hair worn in a single braid.
He has an angular face and broad shoulders.
He currently has full citizenship in Solhaven.
Member of SilverGate Inn
Master in the Order of Voln
Strongest foe vanquished: a vaespilon
Most difficult lock picked: -565
Most difficult trap disarmed: -224
Quote: "Freedom is not free"
My god, it is another healer! Does Icemule truly breed stupid healers? Is Mekthros right about Vornavians being stupid?!
Paole just arrived, dragging the body of Bannkio with him.
He's back, and he has a body!
>whisper ooc paole You realize that script haeling is not against policy, right?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "You realize that script healing is not against policy, right?"
Paole just went west.
The question our hero asks daunts the seer's intelligence in such a way that the seer must flee before his brain pops! More to come!
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Renian]
Frank White
11-24-2005, 03:54 PM
You're nobody's hero, also... this thread is pointless and just trolling. Who cares? STFU plz and stop wasting bandwith.
This thread is not trolling.
Besides, it's amusing and I think you Mr White . . should shut the fuck up.
11-24-2005, 03:56 PM
Oh, son of a bitch, I read Drayal's post wrong. Hang on.
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Renian]
Oh and could it not have been possible that Paole thought you were AFK, Renian?
11-24-2005, 04:00 PM
No way in hell.
11-24-2005, 04:08 PM
Why the fuck would someone whisper to an AFK healer informing them that AFK healing is against policy?
And how the fuck does someone successfully AFK heal ever?
11-24-2005, 04:11 PM
And how the fuck does someone successfully AFK heal ever?
By having a list of people you heal and making a script that activates when one of those people taps you or something. But it won't work for the general public, of course.
Why people do the dumb stuff I see in game everyday, I cannot explain.
But AFK script healing would explain the Chica (levelling atan absurd rate) phenomenon.
11-24-2005, 04:19 PM
Episode 2: He returns, wiser.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "In response to your previous whisper, you know that script healing is not against policy, right?"
Paole whispers, "I know, as long as you are actually awake. Just telling you of rumblings I've heard."
Rumblings? Is he listening to his stomach or something? And he never said anything about being afk before.
>whisper ooc paole Well, how do you heal afk?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "Well, how do you heal afk?"
Paole whispers, "With scripts."
Our hero realizes that he wasn't specific enough. He tries again.
>whisper ooc paole Well, yeah, but how are you going to heal the general public with scripts that cannot figure out names?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "Well, yeah, but how are you going to heal the general public with scripts that cannot figure out names?"
Paole whispers, "There are ways. i jst thought I'd mention to ya because of comments I have heard."
>whisper ooc paole Right...
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "Right..."
Paole's grapevine lacks, because i haven't heard of this being done successfully. Ever.
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Renian]
[Icemule Trace, North Road]
You notice a wizened halfling priestess.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
You notice a dusky wolfhound, the Dortren disk, a forest wolf (sitting), the translucent Crisanya disk and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ghatia (sitting), Isildre, Omah, Lady Elvira, Zult, Tiad, Mayzra, Zlukhaine, Kemanorell (sitting), Great Lord Voltmage, Witajee, Great Lord Dortren (sitting), Emberleah, Journeyman Suviyas (sitting), Crisanya (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Speaking quietly to Isildre, Zult asks, "Everything okay?"
Voltmage amusedly exclaims, "Here we go!"
Dortren smiles at Omah.
Zlukhaine joins Voltmage's group.
Adrenath comes out of hiding.
Adrenath stands up.
[Icemule Trace, East Road]
You notice a Silvermule courier, a forlorn abbess and an old beer barrel.
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Icemule Trace, East Road]
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Icemule Trace, East Road]
Obvious paths: east, west
[Icemule Trace, East Road]
You notice a snow-covered cottage with a sign reading "OPEN!".
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Icemule Trace, East Gate]
You notice an old beer barrel.
Obvious paths: west
You can't go there.
You feel less drained.
You can't go there.
>go gate
[East Barbican, Gate]
Obvious exits: east, west
>[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
You notice an East Gate guard and a tall gate.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
You sit down.
>drop chest
You drop an engraved wooden chest.
>incant 402
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become aware of everyone near you...
You do not detect any hidden or invisible people.
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 416
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Piercing Gaze spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my chest
You gesture at a simple tanik chest.
You gaze at the chest and see. . .
A simple tanik chest which contains:
A shard of oblivion quartz (in)
A crystal amulet (in)
Some silver coins (in)
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 416
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Piercing Gaze spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my chest
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
You gesture at a simple tanik chest.
You gaze at the chest and see. . .
A simple tanik chest which contains:
A shard of oblivion quartz (in)
A crystal amulet (in)
Some silver coins (in)
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>incant 403
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Lock Pick Enhancement spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A scintillating light surrounds your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Mayzra.
>prep 407
Mayzra nods to you.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Unlock spell...
Your spell is ready.
Mayzra meditates over you.
Mayzra takes your abdomen damage.
Mayzra meditates over you.
Mayzra takes all of your blood loss.
Mayzra murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayzra concentrates.
Mayzra looks a little better.
>cast my chest
You gesture at a simple tanik chest.
You hear a soft click from the chest and it suddenly flies open.
The scintillating light fades from your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>laugh soft
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Mayzra murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayzra's abdomen looks better.
You say, "Thanks."
Mayzra murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayzra's abdomen looks better.
You snicker.
Mayzra smiles.
Mayzra murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayzra's abdomen looks better.
You give Mayzra 3000 coins.
Mayzra smiles at you.
Mayzra sheepishly exclaims, "Fantastic, thanks!"
You nod.
Mayzra whispers, "BOBMUHTHOL RULEZ!"
Mayzra traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
You say, "Now get back inside . . it's cold."
Mayzra gestures into the air.
A silvery fog coalesces around Mayzra, obscuring her form. When the fog dissipates, Mayzra is gone.
Now THAT'S healing.
I didn't even have to ask.
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Drayal]
11-24-2005, 04:46 PM
It's nice to know that Paole is a moron.
11-24-2005, 04:57 PM
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I've never had bad experiences with Paole and I didn't take his comments as being abbrasive or trying to start shit. I thought he was just giving you a heads up politely so that you didn't get in trouble. He might not have been aware of a few things, I admit, but I still don't see him as being this idiot that others on this thread think he is. :shrug:
11-24-2005, 05:00 PM
Don't worry, Jolena. I'm not saying Paole is a complete idiot. I'm just putting down on this topic all the dumb things I see people say/do in the Icemule TSC.
11-24-2005, 05:01 PM
are you newer to Icemule or have you been around a while? Genuinely curious as I lived with my characters in Icemule for quite some time until hunting areas forced us to move and I've never seen you I don't think.
11-24-2005, 05:05 PM
I've been around. But Renian is not an empath. It's a different character that I play, so you probably wouldn't know.
11-24-2005, 05:07 PM character that lived in mule wasn't an empath either so I don't see why that matters. She knew quite a few folks that lived in Icemule because its generally a small town population. Anyhow, was just curious.
11-24-2005, 05:09 PM
No problem.
Miss X
11-24-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Why people do the dumb stuff I see in game everyday, I cannot explain.
But AFK script healing would explain the Chica (levelling atan absurd rate) phenomenon.
There is no phenomenon. I hunted my way to cap over the space of 2 years. In fact, I didn't even use a script to heal while AT the keyboard, let alone AFK. So no, it doesn't explain it at all.
11-24-2005, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Originally posted by Drayal
Why people do the dumb stuff I see in game everyday, I cannot explain.
But AFK script healing would explain the Chica (levelling atan absurd rate) phenomenon.
There is no phenomenon. I hunted my way to cap over the space of 2 years. In fact, I didn't even use a script to heal while AT the keyboard, let alone AFK. So no, it doesn't explain it at all.
Yes, I was going to say that.
Drayal, you should use caution when saying things that you really know little about.
11-24-2005, 05:32 PM
Paole's name makes me chuckle every time I see it. It's a town about 25 miles outside of King of Prussia.
11-24-2005, 05:36 PM
It's not really necessary to use a script to heal quickly...perhaps, not as quickly as a script will heal, but damned fast, nonetheless. I've watched my mother's character heal years ago, and just sat with my mouth open. How she kept up with all that screen scroll, healed all who asked or needed, and still managed to keep up the roleplay is still a mystery to me. I can truly admire a really good empath. :)
11-24-2005, 05:36 PM
What I think was particularly retarded is his dire "warning" of accounts getting shut down for uh, scripting. Even when Renian explained to him that afk script healing isn't doable, he continued to insist. This sounds to me like someone who doesn't like script healing, but instead of just saying that, he's playing the "omg it's against the rules" card. Considering he didn't know wtf he was talking about, that was dumb.
11-24-2005, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
What I think was particularly retarded is his dire "warning" of accounts getting shut down for uh, scripting. Even when Renian explained to him that afk script healing isn't doable, he continued to insist. This sounds to me like someone who doesn't like script healing, but instead of just saying that, he's playing the "omg it's against the rules" card. Considering he didn't know wtf he was talking about, that was dumb.
Absolutely. It reminds me of terror propaganda. OMG! They will locks ur accounts!!!! BE SCARED! Stop Scipting! Meanwhile, original poster marvels at the antics of those that don't know policy.
I didn't mean what I said about Chica to be an insult.
Infact it was more of a nod towards her since being capped is awesome and she was my friend.
Although I'm not supprised Miss X took it the total wrong way.
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Drayal]
11-24-2005, 06:33 PM
There is no phenomenon. I hunted my way to cap over the space of 2 years. In fact, I didn't even use a script to heal while AT the keyboard, let alone AFK. So no, it doesn't explain it at all >>
Coming from someone who hunts a ton, 1 - 100 in two years is just nuts. That is one hell of an achievement, Chica.
11-24-2005, 07:46 PM
Alright, in this one, I believe the person was suffering from a script problem...or something. But they did lack a RP response. Therefore, they themselves are not dumb...but the character has Turret's Syndrome or something.
Episode 3: Thankyouthankyouthankyou
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you'thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Who is this incredibly grateful person, our hero wonders?
>look ati
You see Atialn the Caretaker.
She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Mrae'ni Clan.
She appears to be very young and shorter than average. She has gold-flecked stormy green eyes and freckled skin. She has chin length, tousled chestnut hair. She has a delicate face, an upturned nose and a narrow waist. She has a pair of crystal green wings.
She has some minor cuts and bruises on her left hand, minor cuts and bruises on her abdominal area, and some minor cuts and bruises on her right leg.
She has a scar across her neck, old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, old battle scars on her left leg, old battle scars on her left hand, several painful-looking scars across her abdominal area, an old battle scar across her back, a black-and-blue right eye, a black-and-blue left eye, and a scar across her face.
She is holding a piece of brown jade in her right hand.
She is wearing a pair of soot black boots, a short dark leather skirt, an elegant black silk gem pouch, a gold-rimmed black steel flask inlaid with swirling mother-of-pearl, an enruned soot black sack, a gold ring, an engraved pewter bracelet, a set of hooded black leather armor, a silver-edged black leather satchel, a vultite wall shield emblazoned with the image of a fiery phoenix rising from smoldering ashes, a silver arced split-moon charm, some black ermine-trimmed gloves, a sparkling pink dreamstone pin, an engraved pewter barrette, a gold silk hair ribbon, a feathered multicolored ribbon, an onyx studded bronze barrette, a black eyepatch, a rugged soot black sash, some snug glossy black gauntlets, a pair of black silk fishnet stockings, a finely woven soot black bodice, an onyx-inlaid black leather thigh-sheath, a deep black back-slitted cloak, a crystal amulet, a coral and green garnet medallion, and a simple pink dreamstone earcuff.
Why, it's another empath...!
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Speaking melodically in broken common, Atialn says, "Thank you."
Has it stopped?
Hrobert blinks.
>blink ati
You blink at Atialn.
Atialn groans.
Apparently, it has. In order to save this person from embarassment, our hero quickly devises an excuse!
Great Lord Voltmage's group just arrived.
Hrobert begins chuckling at Atialn!
A disheveled arctic fox pads in.
A forlorn abbess wandered north.
Omah just came trudging in.
Airemet says, "Glad you alive hon."
Atialn's cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening her freckles even more.
Our hero is too late! But he can still save long-term embarassment!
>'She's um...really, really grateful.
You calmly say, "She's um...really, really grateful."
Kellerie grins.
Kellerie glances at you and begins to wail!
Yes, tremble and wail at the sight of me! ...Actually, I don't know what that was about.
Kellerie appears less confident.
Arellis just arrived.
>look kell
Hrobert says, "You're welcom."
While our hero can save others from embarrassment, he cannot save them from bad spelling.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
Although initially quite fun.
The 'adventures' of our 'hero' are proving to be quite. . shit.
11-24-2005, 07:56 PM
Yeah, that wasn't a good one, I apologize. I'll wait for something better to crop up before posting.
11-24-2005, 07:56 PM
Actually, I thought it was cute that he tried to prod her along in an IC response. I guess the wail was, "how darest you notice something happening that is clearly OOC an unintended!"
11-24-2005, 08:40 PM
This one is too short for a narrative, but worth posting:
Naughtur says, "Thank you, trying to tip but it's saying to pay off my debts first :{."
He used a goddamn smiley. I think he's a n00b though, so that's his saving grace.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
Probably first debts you get from being lent money when you startup.
11-24-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I've never had bad experiences with Paole and I didn't take his comments as being abbrasive or trying to start shit. I thought he was just giving you a heads up politely so that you didn't get in trouble. He might not have been aware of a few things, I admit, but I still don't see him as being this idiot that others on this thread think he is. :shrug:
I'm biased because I :heart: Paole.
He was just being nice and warning you. I really don't see the huge deal in that. :?:
11-24-2005, 10:15 PM
He's being nice and warning someone on a subject in which he has no merit to warn.
11-24-2005, 10:41 PM
My God, people complain about Icemule..I've been sitting in TSC in the Landing and it's beyond horrible for empaths.
I'm glad I'm old enough to hunt..stupid people that heal there, ugh.
11-24-2005, 10:44 PM
haha, I've been looking at TSC every few minutes for a while now. Terrible.
11-25-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Renian
>whisper ooc paole You realize that script haeling is not against policy, right?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Paole, "You realize that script healing is not against policy, right?"
[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Renian]
Evidently Mule does have a stuipid empath. YOU! Seeing as you can't even spell hEAling.
Nice attempt at covering it up by forging the log though ... NOT.
Then in one of your later posts, you pick on someone else missing a key stroke, and misspelling "welcome".
Interesting hypocrisy.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by FinisWolf]
11-25-2005, 11:58 AM
Doh, I forgot to fix the other one :)
Our hero has been humbled.
Anyway, yeah, in the original log, I did correct myself with another whisper saying, "Healing, rather." The guy who said "Welcom." did not attempt a correction.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
11-25-2005, 12:13 PM
<<Evidently Mule does have a stuipid empath. YOU! Seeing as you can't even spell hEAling.>>
You can't spell stupid.
11-25-2005, 12:25 PM
Okay folks, let me clear a couple things up since y'all think you know what was going on inside my head.
I had a few folks comment to me earlier that day that it appeared to them that he was using a script to heal folks. Since I know of a locksmith that recently had his account suspended for 30 days for script healing I thought I would mention it to him.
Yes folks. You can get your account suspended for violating player policy.
Yes folks, it is possible to write a script that will heal folks even if you are not at your keyboard.
I do not have anything against people that use scripts in game play. More power to them for taking advantage of every aspect of game mechanics.
I knew Tiad was awake when I whispered it to him as I saw him talking. Tiad is Renian's empath that Paole whispered to. Why woulkd someone whisper to another player if they thought he was afk? Also note that I politely whispered to you. I didn't openly accuse you of anything because I didn't really care what you were doing
Renian, you state here that you're not saying Paole's a complete idiot. But you do state that he is ignorant and stupid. It apprears to me that you are shallow, insecure and probably about 12 years old to take such offense when someone takes the time to make mention of things he has heard while sitting in Town Center.
I never said anything bad to you or about you. I was never rude or inconsiderate of you at any time and I never said anything about you to anyone else.
Perhaps you should take my comments as they were intended and not let your tiny little mind build this into anything more than what it was, a friendly mention of comments heard in open.
Grow the fuck up, dumb ass.
11-25-2005, 12:28 PM
<<Since I know of a locksmith that recently had his account suspended for 30 days for script healing I thought I would mention it to him.>>
<<Yes folks. You can get your account suspended for violating player policy.>>
Policy was not violated.
<<Yes folks, it is possible to write a script that will heal folks even if you are not at your keyboard.>>
It's not possible to write an *effective* one.
<<It apprears to me that you are shallow, insecure and probably about 12 years old to take such offense when someone takes the time to make mention of things he has heard while sitting in Town Center.>>
It appears to me that you're a fucking idiot who, when confronted on the internet, turns to the retort that whoever you don't like is shallow, insecure, and 12 years old. You say this because it seemingly works for every situation. You think that because you suck at having a brain.
<<Grow the fuck up, dumb ass.>>
This is a wonderfully arrogant way to end a post claiming that you're a super friendly and helpful guy.
11-25-2005, 12:33 PM
Thanks Bob. Your comments are duly noted and tossed in the trash.
Havea great day
11-25-2005, 12:35 PM
You've lost the battle before the war could start. :(
I wish you wasn't so dumb.
11-25-2005, 12:35 PM
I did not say Tiad was violating policy. I was saying that the locksmith I know was.
11-25-2005, 12:38 PM
By healing.
11-25-2005, 12:49 PM
I had a few folks comment to me earlier that day that it appeared to them that he was using a script to heal folks. Since I know of a locksmith that recently had his account suspended for 30 days for script healing I thought I would mention it to him.
How does a locksmith script heal?
Yes folks. You can get your account suspended for violating player policy.
Like hell you can.
Yes folks, it is possible to write a script that will heal folks even if you are not at your keyboard.
But not the general public unless you inform the general public how to activate it. There's too many variables.
I do not have anything against people that use scripts in game play. More power to them for taking advantage of every aspect of game mechanics.
I knew Tiad was awake when I whispered it to him as I saw him talking. Tiad is Renian's empath that Paole whispered to. Why woulkd someone whisper to another player if they thought he was afk?
Because the player can come back, scroll up, and read it, of course. I've done it before and waited a few minutes for them to respond.
Also note that I politely whispered to you. I didn't openly accuse you of anything because I didn't really care what you were doing
Granted, but your whisper did not make sense, which is the entire point.
Renian, you state here that you're not saying Paole's a complete idiot. But you do state that he is ignorant and stupid. It apprears to me that you are shallow, insecure and probably about 12 years old to take such offense when someone takes the time to make mention of things he has heard while sitting in Town Center.
I didn't take complete offense. I just was somewhat appalled that someone of your level did not know that general scripting is not against policy. Your "warning" suggested this.
I never said anything bad to you or about you. I was never rude or inconsiderate of you at any time and I never said anything about you to anyone else.
Perhaps you should take my comments as they were intended and not let your tiny little mind build this into anything more than what it was, a friendly mention of comments heard in open.
Grow the fuck up, dumb ass.
And now you were rude and inconsiderate.
In any case, Paole, here's the thing: This little post of mine is supposed to be exaggerated, and in good humor. Hence the reason why there's an old TV-show-like narrative. This is why I said you weren't a complete idiot. The "stupid and ignorant" part of it is still true, but not to the extent that you believe. You were ignorant of policy, but it can be removed by acquiring knowledge. You were stupid because you failed to check policy yourself to dismiss this empathic locksmith's claims.
While I apologize for causing you to flip out, I cannot apologize for your own faults. Though I can say this: I never said that, as a whole, you are ignorant and stupid. It was just in that scenario, and it made a funny, fairly enjoyable post.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
11-25-2005, 12:49 PM
No, Bob. By picking boxes.
You are actually quite amusing.
11-25-2005, 12:51 PM
Can't an empath learn lockpicking and disarming?
11-25-2005, 12:51 PM
Then why did you say the locksmith was locked out for script healing?
11-25-2005, 12:52 PM
<<Can't an empath learn lockpicking and disarming?>>
Yes. An empath can not be a locksmith, though -- that's reserved to rogues.
11-25-2005, 12:52 PM
Yeah, but they can't learn lores or pick boxes their level easily at all. It's pretty worthless, in my opinion. It may be better if you are a halfling empath.
11-25-2005, 01:00 PM
I must say that I have learned one thing here. Well, actually many things but only one I'll mentioning.
I'll never take the time to tell someone I don't know about the rumors that are circulating about them. It's just not worth the hassle.
Thank you for that.
11-25-2005, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Paole
I must say that I have learned one thing here. Well, actually many things but only one I'll mentioning.
I'll never take the time to tell someone I don't know about the rumors that are circulating about them. It's just not worth the hassle.
Thank you for that.
Well, more believable rumors would be ok. But in any case, you are welcome, and I am sorry for the tragic misunderstanding.
11-25-2005, 02:10 PM
Episode 4: Adulterer Shops
Dagor calmly asks, "Anyone wha' ken tell me where player shops are?"
The horrible part is he's trying to RP.
>look dag
You see Dagor T'sarith the Tracker.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be mature and tall. He has intense emerald green eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, curly deep red hair. He has slightly pointed ears.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg.
He is holding a simple brown leather bankbook in his right hand.
He is wearing a simple silk elven tunic, a supple oak brown belt, a gold ring, a chipped hematite amulet, an onyx and blue dreamstone clasp, an antique gold armband, a malachite-set gold pin, an imflass threaded war harness, an ash long bow, some well-oiled brigandine, a simple leather bracer, a wide pearly white wedding band with a large dragonsbreath sapphire etched with an eagle and a falcon soaring together wingtip-to-wingtip, a soft leather pouch, a handsome black sable sporran, a dark leather compass case, a heavy woolen kilt of dark green tartan, and a pair of soft brown stalking boots.
A dusky wolfhound's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Dagor calmly says, "I ken one place."
* Limoj just bit the dust!
A dusky wolfhound bares her teeth hungrily at Dagor!
Dagor glances at a dusky wolfhound.
Adrenath sighs.
* Relnok just bit the dust!
Adrenath gazes up into the heavens.
Dagor calmly says, "Wee thing are ye na."
>'Player shops? You mean, as in shops for players?
You calmly ask, "Player shops? You mean, as in shops for players?"
A dusky wolfhound's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Speaking to a dusky wolfhound, Adrenath says, "Stop that."
Speaking to Dagor, Strahetya asks, "Which one ya looking for?"
Hasrith just arrived.
Hasrith just went south.
Hasrith just arrived.
Hasrith just went east.
Dagor nods to you.
>'I didn't realize there were specialized shops for adulterers.
You calmly say, "I didn't realize there were specialized shops for adulterers."
I wasn't sure if the term "player" was used in Gemstone as I put it, but it made for a witty retort.
Adrenath chuckles.
Dagor calmly says, "Shonisons."
Strahetya ponders.
Strahetya asks, "You know what alley it is in?"
Adrenath stands up.
Dagor calmly says, "I looked in incatation alley."
Scrag just arrived.
Scrag just went south.
* Vyrriden just bit the dust!
Dagor calmly asks, "Hae many shop alleys are there?"
>whisper ooc dagor They are the green squares on Tsoran's maps.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Dagor, "They are the green squares on Tsoran's maps."
I still helped him, though. Adventurer shops, however, would have been the better term to use.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by Renian]
11-25-2005, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Evidently Mule does have a stuipid empath. YOU! Seeing as you can't even spell hEAling.>>
You can't spell stupid.
Doh! Yea, well, I never claimed to be the fucking spelling mistro of Mule, and I sure as hell didn't pick on someone IG that made a key stroke mistake.
Hell, I tell my friends IG to say screw keystroke mistakes, as that (to me) makes the game little less appealing. As long as its understandable, its cool. [obviously, this would not apply to something horrible] To come back with the typical:
XXXX coughs.
XXXX 'Blech.
XXXX coughs.
XXXX 'I mean blech.
The original typed word was blec, is just silly. In conversation, you don't see someone spelling a word wrong when they spoke it. [I realize the arguement is that it was mispronounced, but come on, wouldn't the game be more fun, and less anal, if we understood what someone meant to just let it go?].
In any event ...
Liberi Fatali
11-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Renian
Episode 4: Adulterer Shops
You sir, are quite brilliant. I am finding you more and more dashing with each log. It seems like you're having good craic while providing an entertaining read, to boot.
11-25-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Renian
Yeah, but they can't learn lores or pick boxes their level easily at all. It's pretty worthless, in my opinion. It may be better if you are a halfling empath.
Right. They can not learn lores.
Wrong, Myrefalcon picks nearly all his own boxes from plane five of the rift.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by FinisWolf]
11-25-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Renian
Episode 4: Adulterer Shops
You sir, are quite brilliant. I am finding you more and more dashing with each log. It seems like you're having good craic while providing an entertaining read, to boot.
Why, thank you.
11-25-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Originally posted by Renian
Yeah, but they can't learn lores or pick boxes their level easily at all. It's pretty worthless, in my opinion. It may be better if you are a halfling empath.
Wrong, Myrefalcon picks nearly all his own boxes.
Seriously? Can he pick OTF?
11-25-2005, 03:04 PM
Glance at my edited post.
As you were right about NOT learning lores, but he can use scrolls for the lore or MIU items.
And he does not hunt the rift, yet he does hunt plane five of the rift.
And, no, there is no way he can smith everything, and he will never be as good as a like level rogue thats trained to smith, though I would say his ability to smith the majority of his own boxes is a major plus, not too mention that he sits and smiths at the well all the time getting experience that way.
He has created himself a way to get experience not one, not two, but three ways. Thats pretty impressive.
[Edited on 11-25-2005 by FinisWolf]
11-25-2005, 03:05 PM
11-25-2005, 03:06 PM
I figure if they can get their hands on 403/404/407/408/416 scrolls/magic items, along with any other spells that help locksmithing, they can probably manage just about anything. Couple that with the new enhancive item system to add more ranks of lock picking and disarm, and you should be set.
But what the hell do I know?
11-25-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
My God, people complain about Icemule..I've been sitting in TSC in the Landing and it's beyond horrible for empaths.Conversely, I've always found TSC *much* better than TC with two exceptions (Ismurii and Urgoyle).
Originally posted by Finiswolf
In conversation, you don't see someone spelling a word wrong when they spoke it.Apparently you're unfamiliar with the time Tayvin misspoke "tawts" as... well I'm sure you can imagine where this is going.
As for the empath=locksmith thing, empaths can only single Disarm Traps, so I imagine they could never be real good at that even with imbeds.
Originally posted by Paole
I'll never take the time to tell someone I don't know about the rumors that are circulating about them. It's just not worth the hassle. How can I respond to that but with:
Grow the fuck up
I don't find Icemule overly stupid, otherwise I wouldn't live there. There are some superb roleplayers who may just not get recognized because they rarely leave Icemule or just aren't thought of as Icemulians. Just off the top of my head: Mitheirien, Chivalrous, Astari, Chivalrous, Evelith, Chivalrous, Omah, Chivalrous, Vimpyrre, Chivalrous, Krellin, Chivalrous, Jennaen, Chivalrous, Endole, Chivalrous, Kyirin, Chivalrous, and I'm sure a bunch I can't even recall off the top of my head!
11-26-2005, 04:59 AM
Like Chiv counts for anything ...
11-26-2005, 08:48 AM
Do I have to be a resident to live there? :(
It's been like . . 3 years.
11-26-2005, 07:52 PM
Morngaine softly says, "Wipe that dark tone from your voice and that would be thanks enough."
Speaking darkly to Morngaine, Lunacelest says, "Imma dark elf."
Lunacelest giggles.
Morngaine softly says, "So."
Lunacelest darkly says, "I talk dark."
Morngaine smiles softly
The bat-eared fox pants quietly.
You quietly say, "One that giggles no less, while talking darkly."
You nod.
You quietly say, "Unique."
Lunacelest darkly says, "Some guys..i mean people like it."
11-26-2005, 07:55 PM
Yes, moronic. Speaking darkly and giggling just do NOT go together.
Originally posted by Ilvane
Hah, if that's in response to me not listing you, I've seen Ilvane once ever and have no idea who your other characters are.
11-26-2005, 09:19 PM
<<Speaking darkly and giggling just do NOT go together.>>
It could easily be an evil giggle.
11-26-2005, 09:38 PM
I've seen just as many awesome types in Icemule, as I have the pains in the asses. Unfortunately the awesome types tend to not stand out as much as the ones this thread was created for. I'll always have Kasia call Icemule home. I enjoy the people I get to interact with there, as much as I want to murder the others.
11-26-2005, 09:39 PM
Welp, I just spent a few hours in Icemule tonight as my wizardess and ran into more asswipes then I can even begin to explain. Unfortunately, that kinda soured me a bit for the night so I logged her out.
11-27-2005, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Speaking darkly and giggling just do NOT go together.>>
It could easily be an evil giggle.
Yea ... right ... NOT!
11-27-2005, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
Welp, I just spent a few hours in Icemule tonight as my wizardess and ran into more asswipes then I can even begin to explain. Unfortunately, that kinda soured me a bit for the night so I logged her out.
Thats because I don't have my evil ones lurking there killing snerts Jolena. LOL Your wizardess has the POWER to really torment snerts ... teach by CORPORAL punishment and death throws.
11-27-2005, 02:51 AM
I love Icemule, but it makes me sad to see morons there. Myiera is still running around which also makes me sad.
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I love Icemule, but it makes me sad to see morons there. Myiera is still running around which also makes me sad.
Myiera isn't being controlled by her real player, just being used to heal some people. I never disliked Myiera, but I'm always friends with "the wrong crowd".
Anyway, I have noticed an increased stupidity level lately. These things are cyclical, just a few months ago I was telling people about a superb new crop of role-players Icemule had. Ten months ago we had three or four big idiots running around. The idiots will be out of here soon enough.
I tend to sit there minding my own buisness in TC until some snerts ( it's always more than one ) start digging at me.
Instead of pulling the evil sorcerer card on them ( it just wouldn't be fair ) I'll just tear them up by embarassing them through an argument they can't win..
Then I'll pull the evil sorcerer card on them.
[Edited on 11-27-2005 by Drayal]
11-27-2005, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by Drew
Myiera isn't being controlled by her real player, just being used to heal some people. I never disliked Myiera, but I'm always friends with "the wrong crowd".
Allow me to direct you to this gem of a log....
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Originally posted by Drew
Myiera isn't being controlled by her real player, just being used to heal some people. I never disliked Myiera, but I'm always friends with "the wrong crowd".
Allow me to direct you to this gem of a log....
You'll get no arguments from me. Some people I just hang out with to hunt with or chat with in whispers, others I enjoy roleplaying with.
11-27-2005, 04:13 AM
Allow me to direct you to this gem of a log....
Eh saying you heard something on the news, and saying a name similiar to a name used in a movie is hardly OOC.
I find that log laughable because instead of trying to engage in the roleplay you did what many do. Because they don't like it, insult the person.
The act of hearing news is not OCC, someone could have been reading it off to a crowd, and you would be hearing the news.
Rex manning is not OOC, just because it is mentioned. But you can never expect the idiots to roleplay, just flames those who they can attempt to act superior over...
11-27-2005, 04:18 AM
Riiight. Next time I want to post something that annoys me, I'll make a posting name called "Ihatemyiera" (or other random person's name inserted).
11-27-2005, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Riiight. Next time I want to post something that annoys me, I'll make a posting name called "Ihatemyiera" (or other random person's name inserted).
Ahh yes when presented with an actual sound response resort to childish retorts.
So you moved from insulting a person for being OOC when they were not, to insulting someones screen name.
I'd say thats a step up.
11-27-2005, 04:29 AM
Uh, I think she was being OOC, and I'm not the only one. I'm getting that you disagree, but in all honesty I really don't give a shit.
You want to talk about people acting retarded when you've made a posting name specifically to say you hate someone? Dude, wtf.
In other news, your opinions have been noted and discarded.
11-27-2005, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Uh, I think she was being OOC, and I'm not the only one. I'm getting that you disagree, but in all honesty I really don't give a shit.
Your sure are showing you don't give a shit by your continued postings about it.
Just because you have people following your viewpoint does not mean it is a correct one. Majority of the human race at once time thought the world was flat. Were the correct? Nope.
Are you correct in saying she was OOC, nope. Don't put such lofty requirements on roleplay. I can see however you aren't very good in roleplay. Doesn't matter we all can't be best at things.
Originally posted by SpunGirl
You want to talk about people acting retarded when you've made a posting name specifically to say you hate someone? Dude, wtf.
Once again insulting my screen name, instead of showing you have an ounce of intelligence.
And what is up with a screen name of spun girl? Nothing, just as there is nothing wrong with ihatehakwea as one. Yet idiots like you insult others, even if you do the same thing or act the same way.
Just as there was nothing actually OOC about the clip in the log you linked to. Was it perhaps bad taste? Maybe. OOC? No.
As nothing says a bard could not be named rex manning in elanthia. Its a big place.
And hearing news is not out of the question. Sure she said it odd, as "hearing it on the news", but bad speach is not OOC. It is just a lack of grasping common.
Originally posted by ihatehakwea
Eh saying you heard something on the news, and saying a name similiar to a name used in a movie is hardly OOC.
I find that log laughable because instead of trying to engage in the roleplay you did what many do. Because they don't like it, insult the person.
The act of hearing news is not OCC, someone could have been reading it off to a crowd, and you would be hearing the news.
Rex manning is not OOC, just because it is mentioned. But you can never expect the idiots to roleplay, just flames those who they can attempt to act superior over...
So if in the log she had said "Today is Tom Cruise day" and then said she knew a bard named Tom Cruise, that wouldn't be OOC either?
11-27-2005, 06:07 AM
Fuckin` morons ...
... yes, I am reiterating one of my previous thoughts.
11-27-2005, 11:37 AM
Eh saying you heard something on the news, and saying a name similiar to a name used in a movie is hardly OOC.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
By saying something you heard on the news on the amunet, or out loud in game, you are saying that your character has somehow come up with this information about this person. The problem is, however, this information can only come from reality, which Gemstone is not, and therefore your character cannot in any way, shape, or form, make it in character as there is no possible way for your character to know this.
In addition, there is no news you can hear in Gemstone. You can read it, but the phrase "heard on the news" is derived from one hearing what the anchorman said on a live, televised news broadcast.
11-27-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Drew
So if in the log she had said "Today is Tom Cruise day" and then said she knew a bard named Tom Cruise, that wouldn't be OOC either?
No. As just merely referencing things that exist in the real world, does not make it OOC. Boderline, yes, but not OOC.
Broadswords exist in the real world, yet no one calls them OOC. Yet when it comes to a possible name it is automatically OOC.
Wrong. There is nothing saying that of all the millions of people on elanthia, no one has been called Tom and has the last name Cruise. The possibility exists.
If they go on to say he is a scientologist and a movie star. Then yes t hey have started to breach the line.
But merely saying the know a bard named tom cruise is not OOC.
11-27-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Renian
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
By saying something you heard on the news on the amunet, or out loud in game, you are saying that your character has somehow come up with this information about this person. The problem is, however, this information can only come from reality, which Gemstone is not, and therefore your character cannot in any way, shape, or form, make it in character as there is no possible way for your character to know this.
Wrong. The name rex manning could very well be a elanthian name. So no it is not only possible from reality. Don't be so ignorant to elanthia being an actual world not bits and pieces of code. Your character can come up with the information. It is possible. Just like our characters come up with a multitude of other things. So you would be quite wrong in this case.
Originally posted by Renian
In addition, there is no news you can hear in Gemstone. You can read it, but the phrase "heard on the news" is derived from one hearing what the anchorman said on a live, televised news broadcast.
So you can not hear a person reading the news? So do you take objection with Angel being in gemstone? Not everything because it has a real world meaning holds the same meaning in gemstone.
Angels in gemstone are not some christian reference. They are a cold death madiens of gosaena.
If angels, something that has a real world meaning are IC, why could not saying I heard it on the news be, or Rex manning.
You the player knows it has an OOC reference, but that does not mean it is OOC. There are plenty of things in gemstone with OOC references, some even the same as their OOC counterpart, yet everyone accepts those.
11-27-2005, 01:37 PM
>>yet everyone accepts those.<<
Wrong, and I'll give an example. When someone BARKs at you, you see a message akin to, "Naessi barks at you. Hope she has her shots!"
This is an OOC reference put in place by some well-intentioned coder trying to be humourous. It, like Myiera, is retarded. I do not "accept" it, and I'm saying as much here (and have said so before in other places).
>>You the player knows it has an OOC reference, but that does not mean it is OOC.<<
This is perhaps the most retarded statement you've made yet. If it's an OOC reference, that's exactly what it is - OOC. Maybe I'm being overzealous, but everyone has a different standard of RP they like to see... and again, I'm not the only one. And since you've repeatedly insulted MY RP, go ahead and feel free to post your logs of me behaving in an OOC fashion. I'll be waiting with breathless anticipation!
11-27-2005, 01:57 PM
Broadswords exist in the real world, yet no one calls them OOC.
That may be because they also actually exist in Gemstone, smart one.
Wrong. The name rex manning could very well be a elanthian name.
Is it a well-known name rooted deep within Elanthian lore? No. Even it could be an Elanthian name, the person being spoken of is someone from EARTH, not Elanthia.
So you can not hear a person reading the news?
You can, but not once have I even heard of that being done in Gemstone to other players. They wouldn't say "heard ON the news" either, they would just say "I heard".[/i]
So do you take objection with Angel being in gemstone? Not everything because it has a real world meaning holds the same meaning in gemstone.
I have no objection when it's actually part of the world, because that is IC.
Angels in gemstone are not some christian reference. They are a cold death madiens of gosaena.
No, they are a Judeo-Christian reference technically. But in Gemstone, your character doesn't know that. Your character does know, however, that they exist as those death maidens, making them IC. Careful on the grammar, by the way.
If angels, something that has a real world meaning are IC, why could not saying I heard it on the news be, or Rex manning.
Because angels are actually IC. "Heard it on the news" refers to hearing it on a televised newcast, I've already told you this. Rex Manning is not a known adventurer to anyone, nor is he rooted in Elanthian Mythology. He can't be either, because of in-game policy:
Policy 6
The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.
... - Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
You the player knows it has an OOC reference, but that does not mean it is OOC. There are plenty of things in gemstone with OOC references, some even the same as their OOC counterpart, yet everyone accepts those.
Once again, this is because the actual items, persons, or beings being referred to actually exist IC. Rex Manning does not.
11-27-2005, 02:06 PM
Not to mention the fact that if you read carefully, she claimed that the statue in TC is of this mysterious "Rex Manning." Everyone, both ICly and OOCly, knows this is untrue. It was a pathetically lame attempt to justify the shit she was spewing, which she herself knew was OOC. If you have to pull some retarded defense out of your ass when people call you on your OOC, you know you've already crossed the line.
11-27-2005, 02:39 PM
ihatehakwea, you are fucking retarded. :'(
11-27-2005, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Originally posted by Jolena
Welp, I just spent a few hours in Icemule tonight as my wizardess and ran into more asswipes then I can even begin to explain. Unfortunately, that kinda soured me a bit for the night so I logged her out.
Thats because I don't have my evil ones lurking there killing snerts Jolena. LOL Your wizardess has the POWER to really torment snerts ... teach by CORPORAL punishment and death throws.
Well initially, I had fun RPing with the dark elf that was giving my wizardess hell. Both of us were being witty, tossing back and forth insults and some of it was rather humorous on both sides. Even when he nose-tweaked her and she sprayed him back with water, it was all good RP fun in conflict. What I didn't appreciate was his female friend, subduing my wizardess when she'd not spoken to the woman at all. I would not have minded quite so much if she hadn't done it while my girl was in the middle of getting boxes picked. It left her stunned, and on her knees for a bit, hence the inability to complete my transaction with the smith.
Not too much later, I get snippy comments from Lunacalest (which I'm told is Silversoft's alternate) who comes to my wizardess out of the blue and says "I hear you have quite the mouth on you. I suggest you control it" and then sashays her way out of the TC :lol:
That was not the end of the events in my night from other characters just being asswipes, speaking OOC to each other or saying things like "BRB" or "OMG" or even "OMW" on the amunet. It just left me with a sour taste in my mouth and I found myself really really wishing I knew the spell meteor swarm. :D
11-27-2005, 04:11 PM
Yes Luna is Silversofts other. Among one other I know of in Icemule.
I wouldnt let their BS bother you Jojo
11-27-2005, 07:15 PM
Silversoft is an MA abuser ... period, and I hate that fucking ^$^%$!
I used to think Silversoft was cool, until she pulled MA abuse on my wizard.
And, if you have an altercation with one of Silversoft's little ones, she has/will/ and does pull out Silversoft to get her point across. Not that she would kill that I have seen.
11-27-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Renian
That may be because they also actually exist in Gemstone, smart one.
And why can't rex manning? Nothing says something or someone with the name rex manning can not also exist in elanthia.
Is it a well-known name rooted deep within Elanthian lore? No. Even it could be an Elanthian name, the person being spoken of is someone from EARTH, not Elanthia.
No it was not idiot. Did you not hear the person in the log say it was a bard she knew? The stops it from being someone on earth dumbnuts. And brings into an elanthian person.
You can, but not once have I even heard of that being done in Gemstone to other players. They wouldn't say "heard ON the news" either, they would just say "I heard".[/i]
It doesn't matter if it hasn't been done before the possiblity exists. Elanthia is a living breathing world, we are not the only ones in it. An npc could be reading it off. And grammar does not make something OOC. Saying she heard it on the news, rather then I heard the news being read is not one OOC and one not. Perhaps she considers that person she hread it from to be the news, because its an old retired human blacksmith who spreads the daily news. So she heard it on the news. IC.
I have no objection when it's actually part of the world, because that is IC.
Yet, you exclude news and rex manning from being a part of the world, while including angel. Even though angel has just as much if not more OOC factor then rex manning. Yes thats real logical.
No, they are a Judeo-Christian reference technically. But in Gemstone, your character doesn't know that. Your character does know, however, that they exist as those death maidens, making them IC. Careful on the grammar, by the way.
God you are an idiot then. You say our character doesn't know the angel reference, yet they know the rex manning reference? Apply the same damn logic to each case. Our characters don't know about some rex manning reference to earth. So using rex manning by our characters is not inherently OOC.
Because angels are actually IC. "Heard it on the news" refers to hearing it on a televised newcast, I've already told you this. Rex Manning is not a known adventurer to anyone, nor is he rooted in Elanthian Mythology. He can't be either, because of in-game policy:
Heard it on the news can refer to any matter of things. I does not have to mean a televised newscast. It for one in the real world could mean the radio, an interent broadcast.
In elanthia it could be that. There could be a crier outside the newspaper office yelling off some of the news things. Refering to them as "news" and hearing it on the news is not OOC.
Just because you do not know someone, does not mean they are not part of the game. They could be some background npc that someone created in the history of their character.
The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.
... - Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
Current or past well-known poersonalities being the key. I'd hardly call rex maning well known. Or if your talking about the band well known.
Once again, this is because the actual items, persons, or beings being referred to actually exist IC. Rex Manning does not.
But he could. Don't be so ignorant to elanthia as an actual world. You wouldn't know anyone. There is nothing saying that some npc or something can not be nammed rex manning. Rex manning could eixst IC.
You applied it to angel, them being different then their real world meaning. Yet you can not and will not use that same logic towards Rex manning. You are an idiot.
11-27-2005, 07:28 PM
Oh God you're so dumb. I say this on general principle. I won't bother rebutting your retarded excuse of an argument.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Oh God you're so dumb. I say this on general principle. I won't bother rebutting your retarded excuse of an argument.
He'll just make out that you've lost now that you've done the right thing and decided to ignore his ass, Bob.
Ihatehakwhateverthefuck is just another poster who's sole purpose on these boards is roughly 50 posts of annoying bullshit.
11-27-2005, 07:31 PM
One word:
11-27-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
ihatehakwea, you are fucking retarded. :'(
Yes the classic response from one such as you showing your intelligence and maturity.
Continue to post your laughable attempts at showing others you are "cool" and how retarded you actually are.
11-27-2005, 07:33 PM
Refer to my previous post.
11-27-2005, 07:35 PM
I don't need to show anyone how cool I am. I need only to exist for that to occur.
The minimum threshold of my intelligence far exceeds your maximum. I apologize for this; though I am glad that you do realize the difference in our intelligences. My maturity is debatable, as is yours. It certainly can't be defined from one post. Refer back to the first sentence of this paragraph if you need clarification.
11-27-2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by ihatehakwea
And why can't rex manning? Nothing says something or someone with the name rex manning can not also exist in elanthia.
Actually mechanics dictate that no bard can possibly be named Rex. Taken from Caramia's post in the other thread on this same incident:
Wonder if Myiera realizes there was a GH or a GM wandering around with the name Rex, and it would be impossible for a bard here to then have the name Rex Manning.
11-27-2005, 07:38 PM
In response to the impossibility of "Rex Manning" existing as a name in GemStone:
lmao. absolutely f'ing pwn3d.
11-27-2005, 07:56 PM
11-27-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by ihatehakwea
And why can't rex manning? Nothing says something or someone with the name rex manning can not also exist in elanthia.
GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names
The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
Rex Manning is a character in Empire Records.
Liv Tyler's character in Empire Records says "Today is Rex Manning Day".
Not only is the name as OOC as a character named Bill Clinton or Wesley Snipes, The phrase she used was a direct quote from a movie.
She was in violation of policy.
You're sounding more and more like a fucking idiot.
I'm gonna make a character named Hermione Granger, walk around saying "Wingaurdium Leviosa!" and tell everyone I'm just speaking elven.
Because that's ok according to you.
11-27-2005, 08:15 PM
And why can't rex manning? Nothing says something or someone with the name rex manning can not also exist in elanthia.
You just ignored my point about in-game policy, didn't you? That says that he can't exist in Elanthia. It may be a living, breathing world, but it has its designers, or Gods, if you will, and they won't let him exist.
No it was not idiot. Did you not hear the person in the log say it was a bard she knew? The stops it from being someone on earth dumbnuts. And brings into an elanthian person.
Bards exist on Earth. 'Nuff said.
It doesn't matter if it hasn't been done before the possiblity exists. Elanthia is a living breathing world, we are not the only ones in it. An npc could be reading it off. And grammar does not make something OOC. Saying she heard it on the news, rather then I heard the news being read is not one OOC and one not. Perhaps she considers that person she hread it from to be the news, because its an old retired human blacksmith who spreads the daily news. So she heard it on the news. IC.
That's one hell of a stretch. Not to mention the fact that you are ignoring the origin of the phrase.
God you are an idiot then. You say our character doesn't know the angel reference, yet they know the rex manning reference? Apply the same damn logic to each case.
I did apply the same logic. I said they DIDN'T know the Rex Manning reference, but they DO know what the hell an angel IS to THEM. Not an OOC, God-created angel; an IC, Gosaena servant.
Our characters don't know about some rex manning reference to earth. So using rex manning by our characters is not inherently OOC.
It is, because the player knows the reference, and also knows due to policy that he can't possibly exist in game, and therefore it MUST be OOC. Therefore, the character will react in an IC manner, stating, "Who the hell are you talking about?"
Heard it on the news can refer to any matter of things. I does not have to mean a televised newscast. It for one in the real world could mean the radio, an interent broadcast.
In elanthia it could be that. There could be a crier outside the newspaper office yelling off some of the news things. Refering to them as "news" and hearing it on the news is not OOC.
It still is, because you would be grammarically incorrect to call it "on the news". You would've had to have "heard it from the crier". No adventurer would understand the derivation of the phrase "on the news" everyone "heard it from the crier". People derive phrases from things that make sense.
Just because you do not know someone, does not mean they are not part of the game. They could be some background npc that someone created in the history of their character.
Once again, in-game policy. Also, if that *was* a background npc that someone created in the history of their character, someone would eventually call them on it.
Current or past well-known poersonalities being the key. I'd hardly call rex maning well known. Or if your talking about the band well known.
Either works. The idea is that they are a celebrity figure.
There is nothing saying that some npc or something can not be nammed rex manning. Rex manning could eixst IC.
Holy ignorance, Batman! He totally disregarded policy ftl!
You applied it to angel, them being different then their real world meaning. Yet you can not and will not use that same logic towards Rex manning.
Simply because I don't need to while still being logical, thanks to policy.
You are an idiot.
Idiots are the people that use that phrase when they realized they have just entered an argument they cannot win, and need to attack the person(s) in the debate in order to make themselves feel better simply because they cannot humble themselves in realizing that they have lost, I.E., you.
And now I am done arguing, because the consensus among the general population of the PC is that you have suffered a humiliating defeat.
11-27-2005, 08:30 PM
Ihatehakwea, please refer to the portion of the log where she attempts to explain away her idiocy by saying the statue in TC is if this mysterious "Rex Manning." If this were to be true, and in-character, then logic would dictate that other Elanthians have heard of someone famous enough to have a statue in a big-ish city.
Based on your posts so far, your handle would be more appropriate as something like, "Iheartmyiera," "Moronzrule," or "ifyourefutemyargumentiwillcallyoudumbandimmature. " SpunGirl may not be full of meaning or even particularly orignal, but it certainly wasn't picked with the sole intent of telling someone I hate them.
Of course, this can all be summed up by simply telling you that you're a fucking moron. Only the truly stupid people (you!) insult the intelligence of others when they can't spell "speech" or do not know how to properly differentiate between "you're" and "your" and apply them to the written (or typed!) word.
11-27-2005, 09:00 PM
On a seperate note, Ihatehakwea's posting style looks alot like Hakwea's posting style on the official forums.
11-27-2005, 09:06 PM
LOL, that would be seriously funny and sadly appropriate for his flair for stupidity thus far.
11-28-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
On a seperate note, Ihatehakwea's posting style looks alot like Hakwea's posting style on the official forums.
I'd bet that it is indeed him, Izalude. Same tendency to misspells, grammatical errors and ad hominem arguments.
I was wondering when the troll would come around.
You be careful around here, Jeff! No TOA to hide behind and we can and WILL flame you if we don't like you! :flames:
G'ahead and try to explain how LEVEL is an IC term! :devilsmile:
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