11-22-2005, 06:19 PM
Not a complaint, really. I happened to run across this log a few days ago, and got a chuckle out of it. After seeing Michaelous talk in OOC today...
[OOC]-Michaelous: "so someone wanna explain to me how this experience penalty thing is calculated after i died like 20 times" (4:26 PM)
* Michaelous just bit the dust! (4:27 PM)
... I kinda got the urge to share.
The following occurred back in February:
[Ta'Illistim, Shimmarglin Court]
The Shimmarglin Court, surrounded by shops, provides a home for the city's famed floating garden. Throngs of townspeople and travellers move through the court, shopping at the various merchants and socializing in small groups. Torches placed at regular intervals illuminate the walkways threading through the area. You also see the Ana disk, the Shartoose disk, a mountain wolf, a basket of rotting fruit, a city official, an ironwork signpost and a floating dais.
Also here: Ana, Iaz, Alarke, Tamarkk, Kaelowyn, Grand Lord Mistros, Blades, Shartoose, Terrangel, Azazol, Michaelous who is set in stocks
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest
Azazol says, "Happy to chip in mistros."
Shartoose asks, "How about tarred and hanged?"
You ponder.
Michaelous says, "Everyone vote me out."
Azazol nods to Mistros.
Alarke says, "No no, he owes me the 10k."
Alarke nods to Mistros.
Azazol pulls you closer.
Alarke points at Michaelous.
A chestnut ferret saunters in.
You smile at Azazol.
Ana says, "Alarke I will pay you."
A subtle light fades from Alarke's eyes.
Mistros smiles at Alarke.
Alarke looks over at Ana and shakes his head.
Ana says, "I want to see him hang."
Azazol cackles!
Alarke says, "The contract was from him."
A city official squints suspiciously at a passerby and clutches his coin purse tightly.
Ana clasps Twiggs's hand tenderly.
You give Azazol a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Alarke points at Michaelous.
Mistros says, "I shall return."
Kaelowyn says, "Its sad that we put a price on a life...."
You feel more refreshed.
Kaelowyn exclaims, "Hang!"
Azazol smiles at you.
Iluna just arrived.
Ana lets out a cheer!
Iluna just went southwest.
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Shartoose laughs at Kaelowyn!
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Azazol adopts an agreeable expression.
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Ana beams!
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Blades says, "Some life worth more then others."
Ana begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Blades smirks.
Grand Lord Mistros just went southwest.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Azazol whispers, "We hangin em."
A white glow rushes away from you.
Ana grins.
Shartoose begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Nice ta see ye where ye cannae lay yer filthy han's on me nor any other lass."
Azazol nods to you.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Twiggs seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Shartoose says, "He does not deserve life."
Alarke begins moving faster than you thought possible.
You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Twiggs begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Ana grins at you.
Alarke grins.
Ana exclaims, "Nor me!"
Alarke gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Alarke gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alarke.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Blades gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Blades gestures.
Blades suddenly looks more powerful.
Shartoose agrees with you.
Kaelowyn begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Kaelowyn asks, "Am I the only girl here he hasn't molested?"
You nod to Ana.
Azazol nods to Twiggs in greeting.
You wave a hand at Michaelous, dismissing him indifferently.
You nod to Kaelowyn.
Shartoose says, "Seems so."
Ana nods to Kaelowyn.
Michaelous says, "I havent touched anyone."
Twiggs grins at Azazol.
Blades asks, "Feel left out?"
Speaking to a city official, Alarke asks, "What's it cost for removal of arms and tongue?"
You softly say, "Ye verra well may be."
Blades peers quizzically at Kaelowyn.
Michaelous says, "Iam innocent."
Ana says, "Oh please."
Shartoose says, "Bull."
Kaelowyn grins at Blades.
Ana gags.
Twiggs grins at you.
The powerful look leaves Tamarkk.
Grand Lord Mistros just arrived.
The official moves out of Mistros's way and glances at him.
A city official mutters something underneath his breath.
Azazol snickers.
Kaelowyn says, "Never."
Kaelowyn gags.
Shartoose says, "You have touched me twice."
You hear someone chuckling.
Mistros says, "I got a little extra here for ya to."
You feel more refreshed.
Speaking to Blades, Alarke says, "Hope that wasnt an offer.."
Mistros nods to the city official.
Ana says, "Oh yeah I am bleeding."
Mistros taps a City-States promissory note.
Alarke begins chuckling at Blades!
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Mistros begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Ana grins.
Shartoose says, "Drooled on me twice."
Mualdur suddenly fades into view.
Michaelous says, "Thats becuase you slapped me."
Ana's group just went southwest.
A chestnut ferret scrambles out of sight.
A city official says, "Ok, seems hanging the prefered method. So we sentance you to be hanged by the neck, until dead."
Azazol snorts.
Michaelous says, "Noooooo."
Mualdur cackles!
Kaelowyn winces.
Mualdur lets out a cheer!
Blades asks, "Touch a Vaalor elf?"
Blades shudders.
Michaelous says, "Noooooo."
Terrangel laughs!
Shartoose says, "You touched me before I ever slapped you."
Blades says, "I'd get a disease."
Mistros says, "Please accept Offical."
Michaelous yells, "I'am innocnet!"
Mualdur traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Mualdur gestures.
Mualdur suddenly disappears.
Kaelowyn gawks at Blades.
Azazol waves to Michaelous.
Shartoose returns to normal speed.
Alarke grins at Blades.
Kaelowyn hurls herself at Blades!
Kaelowyn flies a bit wide and lands in a heap on the ground.
The voice of Mualdur gleefully exclaims, "Hang him hang him!"
Alarke returns to normal speed.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Innocent, m'lily white arse. Yer nae innocent o' anythin but possessin common sense."
Kaelowyn stands up.
Kaelowyn dusts herself off.
Kaelowyn returns to normal speed.
Azazol laughs at you!
Michaelous exclaims, "No one ven voted!!"
Azazol asks, "Lilly white?"
Michaelous exclaims, "I demand a fair trial!"
Azazol peers quizzically at you.
You nod to Azazol.
Michaelous exclaims, "I demand a fair trial!"
A mountain wolf pants heavily!
Blades says, "No such thing."
Azazol flashes a wide grin.
You feel more refreshed.
Michaelous exclaims, "No justice! no peace!"
You gently bite Azazol.
Mistros says, "You have already had your trial."
Kaelowyn says, "This was your trial... no one said anything bout fair."
Terrangel laughs at Michaelous!
Shartoose exclaims, "Mob rules!"
Azazol chuckles to himself.
Zynaferus just arrived.
Mistros grins at Shartoose.
Zynaferus just went southwest.
Shartoose raises her fist defiantly.
Azazol agrees with Shartoose.
Kaelowyn giggles at Shartoose!
The city official says, "Well, Michaelous, I hope you've learned your lesson now. You may go." With that, the official walks over to Michaelous and sets him free.
The city official mutters something under his breath as two burly assistants come in and drag the set of wooden stocks and the basket away.
Michaelous yells, "I demand a fair trial!"
Suddenly, a large group of cudgel-waving townsmen come barreling in. They grab Michaelous tightly, lest he might escape. They start to chant about hanging Michaelous!
A city official drags in a makeshift gallows that looks rather rickety. As the official makes sure everything is in order, the townsmen holding Michaelous throw him roughly to the ground. They quickly tie his arms and legs together with stout rope.
Mistros returns to normal speed.
A mountain wolf growls menacingly!
Azazol lets out a cheer!
Michaelous yells, "Help!"
Shartoose applauds.
Lord Maslow just arrived.
Shartoose lets out a cheer!
Michaelous says, "Alarke help me."
Lord Maslow just went northwest.
Two burly guards grab Michaelous's body and haul it atop the gallows. One of the guards gets a piece of rope and fashions a noose, which he then slips through an iron ring set into the top beam of the gallows. Slipping the noose around Michaelous's neck, he ties the other free end to a similar ring set into a brace beam.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Och, nae, this is a wee mite o' justice, ta all th' lasses ye've pestered."
Alarke says, "Gimmie 200k."
Shartoose rubs her silver-wrought choker, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Shartoose gets an odd look on her face.
Michaelous yells, "Someone do something!"
Alarke grins at Michaelous.
Blades stares off into space.
Azazol raises his hearty red lager in a toast!
Blades says, "They will in a moment."
Michaelous says, "I havent done nothing."
Terrangel laughs!
Kaelowyn covers her eyes with her hands.
Michaelous yells, "I'am innocnet!"
You lean softly against Azazol.
Mistros offers Alarke a City-States promissory note.
Blades asks, "Freedom?"
Blades snickers.
Mistros says, "Give that to the Offical."
Terrangel yells, "Die!"
Mistros grins.
Azazol winks at you.
Michaelous yells, "Freedom!"
A soft looking town official steps forward and says, "Michaelous, you have been found guilty of a number of crimes in our fine city. To demonstrate that your actions are intolerable, and your kind are not welcome here, you will hang for your crimes. Though no doubt a cleric will come to your service, know that you are no longer welcome here. If you've anything to say before sentence is carried out, say it now."
Alarke grins at Mistros.
You cover your eyes with your hands, peeking through your fingers.
Alarke declines Mistros's offer.
You feel more refreshed.
Blades chuckles.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Azazol suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Alarke says, "Not paying for his death.."
Alarke says, "Just enjoying it."
Mistros grins at Alarke.
You hear someone chuckling.
Azazol chuckles.
Speaking to Michaelous, Kaelowyn asks, "Last words?"
Michaelous yells, "You may have my body, but you will never have my soul!"
Xejar's group just arrived.
Xejar's group just went southwest.
Kaelowyn rolls her eyes.
Xejar's group just arrived.
Xejar's group just went northeast.
Kaelowyn stares off into space.
You hear someone cackle.
A soft looking town official says, "Very well. Let the sentence be carried out." The official nods to a burly guard, who reaches for a rope that is attached to the gallows' false floor.
Michaelous yells, "Freeedom!!!!!!!!!"
Shartoose says, "Who wants either."
Mistros says, "Thats fine by us."
You hear Mualdur yell, "Hang him already!"
Blades says, "That can be arranged."
Mistros nods to Michaelous.
Shartoose waves a hand at Michaelous, dismissing him indifferently.
You softly say, "Tis a filthy soul, naebody'd wan' it."
Azazol laughs at Michaelous!
Terrangel laughs at Michaelous!
A mountain wolf snorts the ground hungrily.
Kaelowyn grins.
Michaelous gazes about, unable to move much.
Kaelowyn covers her eyes with her hands.
Kaelowyn leans softly against Alarke.
Alarke grins at Kaelowyn.
A burly guard pulls hard on a rope that is attached to the gallows' false floor. The false floor drops away, and Michaelous falls quickly through it. Just before the fall comes to an end, you see Michaelous's neck snap like a twig!
Michaelous's body sways back and forth for a bit.
* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!
You feel more refreshed.
You hear someone cheering!
Shartoose lets out a cheer!
The town official looks at Michaelous's corpse, unties it from the gallows, and drags Michaelous off.
You turn around.
Mistros applauds.
A mountain wolf's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Mistros slings a golvern-bound black vultite shield over his shoulder.
Azazol throws his head back and howls, sounding something like a wolf!
You hear someone cheering!
You shake your head.
Shartoose applauds.
Tamarkk applauds.
Shartoose says, "Well done."
Alarke asks, "Now.. how will he pay me?"
Kaelowyn stares at Alarke.
Alarke looks over at Mistros and shakes his head.
Shartoose says, "He has to pay."
Terrangel rummages around in his pockets.
Maslow fades into visibility.
Kaelowyn asks, "Have you no satisfaction?"
Mistros says, "Ill cover it. It was worth the show."
Mistros grins.
Kaelowyn grins at Alarke.
Alarke says, "I only want his silver."
Speaking to a mountain wolf, Azazol says, "Well, they took yer fruir salad. your loss."
Shartoose says, "Or i guess he goes back in stocks."
Azazol nods to the mountain wolf.
Blades says, "The snap was nice, but no blood."
Maslow whispers, "You get a log of his hanging?"
You feel at full magical power again.
Iluna just arrived.
Blades says, "I give it a five."
Alarke grins at Blades.
Iluna just went over to a floating dais.
Mistros says, "Also I beleive the offical said he is no longer welcome here."
Blades nods.
Mistros asks, "If I am not mistaken?"
Girad just arrived.
Azazol chuckles.
Girad just went southwest.
Blades asks, "Do it over?"
>Blades snickers.
You quietly whisper to Maslow, "Can copy it *shrugs*."
Kaelowyn works her way out of some gleaming white priest's war armor etched with glowing runes of protection.
Azazol agrees with Mistros.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A pure white aura sparkles around Kaelowyn.
Azazol says, "He did."
You feel more refreshed.
Shartoose asks, "Really he is banished?"
Maslow grins.
Kaelowyn traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Kaelowyn.
Azazol raises his hearty red lager in a toast!
Maslow whispers, "Got it."
Maslow grins.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Kaelowyn suddenly looks more powerful.
Azazol takes a drink from his hearty red lager.
Mistros says, "So anyone that sees him in town should report to the guard captain."
Iaz just went northwest.
Azazol smacks his lips.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Kaelowyn and those nearby.
Azazol leans softly against you.
Mistros says, "They will drag him out fast."
Shartoose applauds.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Kaelowyn and those nearby.
Mistros smiles.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Kaelowyn suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Kaelowyn is surrounded by a white light.
Kaelowyn traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kaelowyn gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Kaelowyn.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Amber light glows in Kaelowyn's eyes.
A mountain wolf seems a bit less imposing.
Lord Maslow just went over to a floating dais.
Blades just went over to a floating dais.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Kaelowyn.
Shartoose says, "Now he will terrorize Sylvaraend."
You sigh softly.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Kaelowyn.
Shartoose shakes her head.
Kaelowyn grins.
Terrangel says, "Thats to funny."
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Kaelowyn.
Kaelowyn works her way into some gleaming white priest's war armor etched with glowing runes of protection.
Terrangel says, "Me next."
Terrangel laughs!
Shartoose says, "Was a fine hnaging."
You feel more refreshed.
Azazol agrees with Shartoose.
Shartoose pokes Terrangel in the ribs.
Girad just arrived.
Tamarkk agrees with Shartoose.
Girad just went northwest.
Girad just arrived.
Girad just went southwest.
Terrangel smiles at Shartoose.
Mistros says, "Very eventful day."
Shartoose says, "No hanging you."
Kaelowyn gives Alarke a lingering kiss.
Kaelowyn just went over to a floating dais.
Terrangel snaps his fingers.
Azazol asks, "Ok who's buyn drinks?"
Edit: To correct a typo in the title. *mutters*
[Edited on 11-22-2005 by Jennaen]
[OOC]-Michaelous: "so someone wanna explain to me how this experience penalty thing is calculated after i died like 20 times" (4:26 PM)
* Michaelous just bit the dust! (4:27 PM)
... I kinda got the urge to share.
The following occurred back in February:
[Ta'Illistim, Shimmarglin Court]
The Shimmarglin Court, surrounded by shops, provides a home for the city's famed floating garden. Throngs of townspeople and travellers move through the court, shopping at the various merchants and socializing in small groups. Torches placed at regular intervals illuminate the walkways threading through the area. You also see the Ana disk, the Shartoose disk, a mountain wolf, a basket of rotting fruit, a city official, an ironwork signpost and a floating dais.
Also here: Ana, Iaz, Alarke, Tamarkk, Kaelowyn, Grand Lord Mistros, Blades, Shartoose, Terrangel, Azazol, Michaelous who is set in stocks
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest
Azazol says, "Happy to chip in mistros."
Shartoose asks, "How about tarred and hanged?"
You ponder.
Michaelous says, "Everyone vote me out."
Azazol nods to Mistros.
Alarke says, "No no, he owes me the 10k."
Alarke nods to Mistros.
Azazol pulls you closer.
Alarke points at Michaelous.
A chestnut ferret saunters in.
You smile at Azazol.
Ana says, "Alarke I will pay you."
A subtle light fades from Alarke's eyes.
Mistros smiles at Alarke.
Alarke looks over at Ana and shakes his head.
Ana says, "I want to see him hang."
Azazol cackles!
Alarke says, "The contract was from him."
A city official squints suspiciously at a passerby and clutches his coin purse tightly.
Ana clasps Twiggs's hand tenderly.
You give Azazol a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Alarke points at Michaelous.
Mistros says, "I shall return."
Kaelowyn says, "Its sad that we put a price on a life...."
You feel more refreshed.
Kaelowyn exclaims, "Hang!"
Azazol smiles at you.
Iluna just arrived.
Ana lets out a cheer!
Iluna just went southwest.
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Shartoose laughs at Kaelowyn!
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Azazol adopts an agreeable expression.
Michaelous struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Ana beams!
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Blades says, "Some life worth more then others."
Ana begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Blades smirks.
Grand Lord Mistros just went southwest.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Azazol whispers, "We hangin em."
A white glow rushes away from you.
Ana grins.
Shartoose begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Nice ta see ye where ye cannae lay yer filthy han's on me nor any other lass."
Azazol nods to you.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Twiggs seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Shartoose says, "He does not deserve life."
Alarke begins moving faster than you thought possible.
You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Twiggs begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Ana grins at you.
Alarke grins.
Ana exclaims, "Nor me!"
Alarke gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Alarke gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alarke.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Blades gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Blades gestures.
Blades suddenly looks more powerful.
Shartoose agrees with you.
Kaelowyn begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Kaelowyn asks, "Am I the only girl here he hasn't molested?"
You nod to Ana.
Azazol nods to Twiggs in greeting.
You wave a hand at Michaelous, dismissing him indifferently.
You nod to Kaelowyn.
Shartoose says, "Seems so."
Ana nods to Kaelowyn.
Michaelous says, "I havent touched anyone."
Twiggs grins at Azazol.
Blades asks, "Feel left out?"
Speaking to a city official, Alarke asks, "What's it cost for removal of arms and tongue?"
You softly say, "Ye verra well may be."
Blades peers quizzically at Kaelowyn.
Michaelous says, "Iam innocent."
Ana says, "Oh please."
Shartoose says, "Bull."
Kaelowyn grins at Blades.
Ana gags.
Twiggs grins at you.
The powerful look leaves Tamarkk.
Grand Lord Mistros just arrived.
The official moves out of Mistros's way and glances at him.
A city official mutters something underneath his breath.
Azazol snickers.
Kaelowyn says, "Never."
Kaelowyn gags.
Shartoose says, "You have touched me twice."
You hear someone chuckling.
Mistros says, "I got a little extra here for ya to."
You feel more refreshed.
Speaking to Blades, Alarke says, "Hope that wasnt an offer.."
Mistros nods to the city official.
Ana says, "Oh yeah I am bleeding."
Mistros taps a City-States promissory note.
Alarke begins chuckling at Blades!
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Mistros begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Ana grins.
Shartoose says, "Drooled on me twice."
Mualdur suddenly fades into view.
Michaelous says, "Thats becuase you slapped me."
Ana's group just went southwest.
A chestnut ferret scrambles out of sight.
A city official says, "Ok, seems hanging the prefered method. So we sentance you to be hanged by the neck, until dead."
Azazol snorts.
Michaelous says, "Noooooo."
Mualdur cackles!
Kaelowyn winces.
Mualdur lets out a cheer!
Blades asks, "Touch a Vaalor elf?"
Blades shudders.
Michaelous says, "Noooooo."
Terrangel laughs!
Shartoose says, "You touched me before I ever slapped you."
Blades says, "I'd get a disease."
Mistros says, "Please accept Offical."
Michaelous yells, "I'am innocnet!"
Mualdur traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Mualdur gestures.
Mualdur suddenly disappears.
Kaelowyn gawks at Blades.
Azazol waves to Michaelous.
Shartoose returns to normal speed.
Alarke grins at Blades.
Kaelowyn hurls herself at Blades!
Kaelowyn flies a bit wide and lands in a heap on the ground.
The voice of Mualdur gleefully exclaims, "Hang him hang him!"
Alarke returns to normal speed.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Innocent, m'lily white arse. Yer nae innocent o' anythin but possessin common sense."
Kaelowyn stands up.
Kaelowyn dusts herself off.
Kaelowyn returns to normal speed.
Azazol laughs at you!
Michaelous exclaims, "No one ven voted!!"
Azazol asks, "Lilly white?"
Michaelous exclaims, "I demand a fair trial!"
Azazol peers quizzically at you.
You nod to Azazol.
Michaelous exclaims, "I demand a fair trial!"
A mountain wolf pants heavily!
Blades says, "No such thing."
Azazol flashes a wide grin.
You feel more refreshed.
Michaelous exclaims, "No justice! no peace!"
You gently bite Azazol.
Mistros says, "You have already had your trial."
Kaelowyn says, "This was your trial... no one said anything bout fair."
Terrangel laughs at Michaelous!
Shartoose exclaims, "Mob rules!"
Azazol chuckles to himself.
Zynaferus just arrived.
Mistros grins at Shartoose.
Zynaferus just went southwest.
Shartoose raises her fist defiantly.
Azazol agrees with Shartoose.
Kaelowyn giggles at Shartoose!
The city official says, "Well, Michaelous, I hope you've learned your lesson now. You may go." With that, the official walks over to Michaelous and sets him free.
The city official mutters something under his breath as two burly assistants come in and drag the set of wooden stocks and the basket away.
Michaelous yells, "I demand a fair trial!"
Suddenly, a large group of cudgel-waving townsmen come barreling in. They grab Michaelous tightly, lest he might escape. They start to chant about hanging Michaelous!
A city official drags in a makeshift gallows that looks rather rickety. As the official makes sure everything is in order, the townsmen holding Michaelous throw him roughly to the ground. They quickly tie his arms and legs together with stout rope.
Mistros returns to normal speed.
A mountain wolf growls menacingly!
Azazol lets out a cheer!
Michaelous yells, "Help!"
Shartoose applauds.
Lord Maslow just arrived.
Shartoose lets out a cheer!
Michaelous says, "Alarke help me."
Lord Maslow just went northwest.
Two burly guards grab Michaelous's body and haul it atop the gallows. One of the guards gets a piece of rope and fashions a noose, which he then slips through an iron ring set into the top beam of the gallows. Slipping the noose around Michaelous's neck, he ties the other free end to a similar ring set into a brace beam.
Speaking softly to Michaelous, you say, "Och, nae, this is a wee mite o' justice, ta all th' lasses ye've pestered."
Alarke says, "Gimmie 200k."
Shartoose rubs her silver-wrought choker, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Shartoose gets an odd look on her face.
Michaelous yells, "Someone do something!"
Alarke grins at Michaelous.
Blades stares off into space.
Azazol raises his hearty red lager in a toast!
Blades says, "They will in a moment."
Michaelous says, "I havent done nothing."
Terrangel laughs!
Kaelowyn covers her eyes with her hands.
Michaelous yells, "I'am innocnet!"
You lean softly against Azazol.
Mistros offers Alarke a City-States promissory note.
Blades asks, "Freedom?"
Blades snickers.
Mistros says, "Give that to the Offical."
Terrangel yells, "Die!"
Mistros grins.
Azazol winks at you.
Michaelous yells, "Freedom!"
A soft looking town official steps forward and says, "Michaelous, you have been found guilty of a number of crimes in our fine city. To demonstrate that your actions are intolerable, and your kind are not welcome here, you will hang for your crimes. Though no doubt a cleric will come to your service, know that you are no longer welcome here. If you've anything to say before sentence is carried out, say it now."
Alarke grins at Mistros.
You cover your eyes with your hands, peeking through your fingers.
Alarke declines Mistros's offer.
You feel more refreshed.
Blades chuckles.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Azazol suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Alarke says, "Not paying for his death.."
Alarke says, "Just enjoying it."
Mistros grins at Alarke.
You hear someone chuckling.
Azazol chuckles.
Speaking to Michaelous, Kaelowyn asks, "Last words?"
Michaelous yells, "You may have my body, but you will never have my soul!"
Xejar's group just arrived.
Xejar's group just went southwest.
Kaelowyn rolls her eyes.
Xejar's group just arrived.
Xejar's group just went northeast.
Kaelowyn stares off into space.
You hear someone cackle.
A soft looking town official says, "Very well. Let the sentence be carried out." The official nods to a burly guard, who reaches for a rope that is attached to the gallows' false floor.
Michaelous yells, "Freeedom!!!!!!!!!"
Shartoose says, "Who wants either."
Mistros says, "Thats fine by us."
You hear Mualdur yell, "Hang him already!"
Blades says, "That can be arranged."
Mistros nods to Michaelous.
Shartoose waves a hand at Michaelous, dismissing him indifferently.
You softly say, "Tis a filthy soul, naebody'd wan' it."
Azazol laughs at Michaelous!
Terrangel laughs at Michaelous!
A mountain wolf snorts the ground hungrily.
Kaelowyn grins.
Michaelous gazes about, unable to move much.
Kaelowyn covers her eyes with her hands.
Kaelowyn leans softly against Alarke.
Alarke grins at Kaelowyn.
A burly guard pulls hard on a rope that is attached to the gallows' false floor. The false floor drops away, and Michaelous falls quickly through it. Just before the fall comes to an end, you see Michaelous's neck snap like a twig!
Michaelous's body sways back and forth for a bit.
* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!
You feel more refreshed.
You hear someone cheering!
Shartoose lets out a cheer!
The town official looks at Michaelous's corpse, unties it from the gallows, and drags Michaelous off.
You turn around.
Mistros applauds.
A mountain wolf's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Mistros slings a golvern-bound black vultite shield over his shoulder.
Azazol throws his head back and howls, sounding something like a wolf!
You hear someone cheering!
You shake your head.
Shartoose applauds.
Tamarkk applauds.
Shartoose says, "Well done."
Alarke asks, "Now.. how will he pay me?"
Kaelowyn stares at Alarke.
Alarke looks over at Mistros and shakes his head.
Shartoose says, "He has to pay."
Terrangel rummages around in his pockets.
Maslow fades into visibility.
Kaelowyn asks, "Have you no satisfaction?"
Mistros says, "Ill cover it. It was worth the show."
Mistros grins.
Kaelowyn grins at Alarke.
Alarke says, "I only want his silver."
Speaking to a mountain wolf, Azazol says, "Well, they took yer fruir salad. your loss."
Shartoose says, "Or i guess he goes back in stocks."
Azazol nods to the mountain wolf.
Blades says, "The snap was nice, but no blood."
Maslow whispers, "You get a log of his hanging?"
You feel at full magical power again.
Iluna just arrived.
Blades says, "I give it a five."
Alarke grins at Blades.
Iluna just went over to a floating dais.
Mistros says, "Also I beleive the offical said he is no longer welcome here."
Blades nods.
Mistros asks, "If I am not mistaken?"
Girad just arrived.
Azazol chuckles.
Girad just went southwest.
Blades asks, "Do it over?"
>Blades snickers.
You quietly whisper to Maslow, "Can copy it *shrugs*."
Kaelowyn works her way out of some gleaming white priest's war armor etched with glowing runes of protection.
Azazol agrees with Mistros.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A pure white aura sparkles around Kaelowyn.
Azazol says, "He did."
You feel more refreshed.
Shartoose asks, "Really he is banished?"
Maslow grins.
Kaelowyn traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Kaelowyn.
Azazol raises his hearty red lager in a toast!
Maslow whispers, "Got it."
Maslow grins.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Kaelowyn suddenly looks more powerful.
Azazol takes a drink from his hearty red lager.
Mistros says, "So anyone that sees him in town should report to the guard captain."
Iaz just went northwest.
Azazol smacks his lips.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Kaelowyn and those nearby.
Azazol leans softly against you.
Mistros says, "They will drag him out fast."
Shartoose applauds.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Kaelowyn and those nearby.
Mistros smiles.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Kaelowyn suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Kaelowyn is surrounded by a white light.
Kaelowyn traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kaelowyn gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Kaelowyn.
Kaelowyn raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kaelowyn gestures.
Amber light glows in Kaelowyn's eyes.
A mountain wolf seems a bit less imposing.
Lord Maslow just went over to a floating dais.
Blades just went over to a floating dais.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Kaelowyn.
Shartoose says, "Now he will terrorize Sylvaraend."
You sigh softly.
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Kaelowyn.
Shartoose shakes her head.
Kaelowyn grins.
Terrangel says, "Thats to funny."
Kaelowyn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kaelowyn gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Kaelowyn.
Kaelowyn works her way into some gleaming white priest's war armor etched with glowing runes of protection.
Terrangel says, "Me next."
Terrangel laughs!
Shartoose says, "Was a fine hnaging."
You feel more refreshed.
Azazol agrees with Shartoose.
Shartoose pokes Terrangel in the ribs.
Girad just arrived.
Tamarkk agrees with Shartoose.
Girad just went northwest.
Girad just arrived.
Girad just went southwest.
Terrangel smiles at Shartoose.
Mistros says, "Very eventful day."
Shartoose says, "No hanging you."
Kaelowyn gives Alarke a lingering kiss.
Kaelowyn just went over to a floating dais.
Terrangel snaps his fingers.
Azazol asks, "Ok who's buyn drinks?"
Edit: To correct a typo in the title. *mutters*
[Edited on 11-22-2005 by Jennaen]