View Full Version : The fucktarded asshat is back and blazing

11-22-2005, 03:58 PM
Posted on Slashdot:

Jack Thompson Tossed Out Of Court

"According to a story at IGN, Jack Thompson has been removed from the lawsuit filed by the families of two murdered police officers vs. Rockstar, Sony and game retailers. While previously he stated that he had withdrawn, details have now come out that the judge actually pulled his temporary license to practice law in Alabama. The reason for all this? Thompson's behavior." From the article: "The removal of Thompson from the case does not necessarily represent the end of the trial as his long-time associate Ray Reiser will assume the role of lead counsel for the case's plaintiffs. Not one to take such things lying down, Thompson fired back at Judge Moore by claiming the the judge has 'has violated... The Alabama Canons of Judicial Ethics by his unfortunate, improper, and prejudicial acts in this case, at the expense of three bereaved Alabama families.'"

11-22-2005, 04:05 PM
TTIS's stock is up over a dollar compared to the rest of the week too, wierd.

11-22-2005, 05:42 PM
Not really. People buy stock based on rumor and sell it based on news. It will probably fall in the next few days after the news of his release circulates (if I read this correctly).


11-22-2005, 06:25 PM
Did Judge Roy Moore throw his ass out? If he did, that's hilarious.