View Full Version : How many ranks do I need?!
11-28-2005, 11:12 PM
Am I missing something? How many ranks do I need before I can effectively steal? Am I fucking the command up or something? I'm full doubled in stealing and trippled in hiding but I can catch my rogue stealing with my characters that have no perception. What am I doing wrong?
11-28-2005, 11:30 PM
Doubled in pickpocketing, I've not real good success until my rogue was titled, in nice crowded areas.
11-29-2005, 12:03 AM
You're not doing it in a room with just you and your other character, are you?
11-29-2005, 12:10 AM
25 to 30 is better, and the larger the audiance, the better, so that the mark is more distracted.
11-29-2005, 11:57 AM
I have 54 ranks and yes I was a moron and did it with just a few other people. Thanks for the replies.
11-29-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
I have 54 ranks and yes I was a moron and did it with just a few other people. Thanks for the replies.
Somehow, this doesn't surprise me in the least bit.
11-29-2005, 01:10 PM
Sense before stealing. Don't do it unless the messaging tells you it's okay.
Yes, the sense verb is your friend when scoping out marks. Everyone knows the park is a good place for grifting. Any meeting place is a good place for working on that skill, Park, Dais, Statue, North Market, Town Center, Victory Court, and whatever the little secluded area is in RiversRest.
Just make sure you work on the RP for when you get caught so at least you're not made to look like an incompetent idiot who is giving real rogues a bad name.
11-29-2005, 01:36 PM
Thanks again
Don't forget to only do anything like this to characters you suspect of being very, very low in trains.
11-29-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Nevermind
Don't forget to only do anything like this to characters you suspect of being very, very low in trains.
You have no grasp as to what it takes to get caught. High level characters seem to think they're exempt from getting stolen from, but in truth, most of the best marks are high level characters that don't close anything.
11-29-2005, 01:54 PM
RR area is the commons, I believe.
11-29-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Alfster
Originally posted by Nevermind
Don't forget to only do anything like this to characters you suspect of being very, very low in trains.
You have no grasp as to what it takes to get caught. High level characters seem to think they're exempt from getting stolen from, but in truth, most of the best marks are high level characters that don't close anything.
And high leveled rogues for that matter. I swiped 5 scarabs off a capped rogue at EG, and he only noticed because I showed it to him.
I personally don't close any of my containers either.
Originally posted by Alfster
Originally posted by Nevermind
Don't forget to only do anything like this to characters you suspect of being very, very low in trains.
You have no grasp as to what it takes to get caught. High level characters seem to think they're exempt from getting stolen from, but in truth, most of the best marks are high level characters that don't close anything.
I wasn't referring in any way to the presumptions of high level characters thinking their gems are 'safe'.
But taking into account how to survive if he gets caught.
11-29-2005, 02:17 PM
Because everyone knows, the only reaction you'll find is them killing you, right?
Killing is an option, so is asking for your items back, or anything in between. Every action creates an opposite reaction. Some folks RP their character so evil that killing is the only response. Others have even offered up more coin as payment or retribution.
I remember killing a rogue on the dais once but only after he couldnt take me binding and unbalancing him as punishment for me seeing him in my empath's pockets and thus he tried to ambush me. He did not expect me to be prepared enough to defeat his ambush attempt even when using a blue crystal. I think after that he decided to cut down on the blatant grifting on the dais.
Originally posted by Alfster
Because everyone knows, the only reaction you'll find is them killing you, right?
Torture, public humility, paralization then probably yeah. . death.
11-29-2005, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Nevermind
Don't forget to only do anything like this to characters you suspect of being very, very low in trains.
It's a cheat, but glancing at their profile/fame may help too. A rogue has many tools at their disposal, so make use of them.
I rather like getting to know them (or they think I am), feeling them out. DO a test swing, if you have psinet, check their magic, while they are distracted with the "polite and friendly" conversation you are having, lighten their pockets.
11-29-2005, 05:05 PM
Thanks again. Had been faming and profiling. Just didn't realize the more people the better I thought it was based solely of skill vs. lack there of.:banghead:
Since the target can see if you are checking their magical status or skills level via psinet, I would highly discourage that as an initial tactic in measuring a mark for oppportunity. Not to mention many folks have that option turned off to rebuff others from seeing that info.
Stick to using the visual and game cues that will not altert your potential mark that you are appraising them as an opportunity.
Also look for lockpick cases...
11-29-2005, 08:55 PM
If you're worried about the mark being a rogue, just gld rank them. It tells you if they're not in your guild or not.
A lot of non-rogues wear lockpick cases to avoid getting stolen from, so gld rank works great.
11-29-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
Also look for lockpick cases...
You won't see my rogues toolkit, unfortunately, in order to access my picks, I do have a case, and the only reason I am keeping it is it used to hold a medium amount BEFORE I had it deepened twice.
As soon as we can get stuff out of a container inside another container ... o la la! :lol:
12-02-2005, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
It's a cheat, but glancing at their profile/fame may help too. A rogue has many tools at their disposal, so make use of them.
I rather like getting to know them (or they think I am), feeling them out. DO a test swing, if you have psinet, check their magic, while they are distracted with the "polite and friendly" conversation you are having, lighten their pockets.
Alright, do not listen to that first paragraph of what Finis said. He's obviously been smoking far to much pole to give any solid advice on picking pockets.
Profile and Fame are both OOC tools. As Finis stated, he likes to "cheat" when he steals. My advice is to not go that route because it is OOC. There was a thread awhile back on the officials under pickpocketing that the GM made a comment about how certain thieves check fame first and how OOC it is. I'd avoid that route at all costs.
Okay, so I got around to reading the second paragraph and that's even dumber than the first one. Seriously, finis, wtf is wrong with you? Do not use psinet to check their skills as that is even worse than his first advice. Not only will the target see you doing it, but that's not even borderline OOC, that's pure retardation.
It's obvious that Finis's thief is by far the biggest pussy of a rogue and gives the legitimate thieves a bad name.
In the end, Chaddy, do the opposite of what Finis said and test the waters with the skill, not with "cheats" (as dipshit himself put it)
Oh, and BTW Chaddy. Congrats on hooking up with Teenocy, what's she really look like?
12-02-2005, 06:07 PM
I only know what others tell me they do. The magic idea popped into my head, and agreed, that won't work as the mark would know. Nor would skillsfull under psinet work.
My rogue does just fine without stealing. :lol:
As far as fame and profile go, they are mechanics built into the game, and if the game allows it, go for it. Do I actually agree with it? No. To me its no different then profiling/faming someone you are about to fight. I just don't do it.
He asked what he could do. Well, are those coulds? Or not?
At one point I think I had my rogue at about his 65th training with 25 ranks of pick pocketing. So I could maybe see others steal. Since then, bleh, gone. For me stealing is boring.
I had one rogue at one point fully doubled at train 30ish. It was such a bore. That rogue stole from everyone (excluding clerics and empaths - I liked getting healed and raised).
Anyway, am I an expert at the stealing IG? Nope. I just knew a couple mechanics that could be used. They are mechanics, and they are built into the game. If the GM's didn't want them used, then they should not be there.
Mr. Dipshit signing off,
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