View Full Version : Don't make me get Katze!

11-22-2005, 02:47 PM
A little background to get this started. Kaseopea is a crazy ho cut from the same cloth as Teeoncy. She happens to be one of those scary ass skeletons in my buddy's GS closet so that's where I know her from. I think it was something about it being my fault they broke up bla bla crazy bla. Even though that was probably close to three years ago, it certainly didn't stop her from acting like this two nights ago.

Sparkla and Tiantha both are controlled by Kase but I'm not sure about any of the others.

So here I am just logging into the game. I said nothing to her, I didn't look at her, all I was doing was waiting for a friend.

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[Voln Forecourt]
Several cast iron park benches back against a swiftly moving stream that reflects the moonlight as it flows along one side of the courtyard. A cobbled walkway extends through the courtyard's center and continues over a small bridge which spans the moat, connecting the forecourt to the gated entryway of a large fortress. Opposite the flowing water lies a narrow knot garden with a meadow beyond. You also see a disheveled black fox, a robed guard and a polished granite block.
Also here: the body of Lady Kaseopea who is lying down, Katze
Obvious paths: south
* Lyonis joins the adventure.

Katze just went south.

The ghostly voice of Kaseopea warmly says, "Get lost."

You say, "No."
The ghostly voice of Kaseopea warmly says, "I should be seeing you in this state soon enough."
Kaseopea giggles eerily.
Lady Sparkla just arrived, skipping merrily.
Sparkla raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

>Sparkla gestures at Kaseopea.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Sparkla encompassing Kaseopea's corpse.
Sparkla raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Sparkla gestures at Kaseopea.
Sparkla suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Kaseopea in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Kaseopea, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Kaseopea awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Kaseopea's body suddenly grows darker.
The black fox pads off.
Kaseopea stands up.
Sparkla joins Kaseopea's group.

Speaking warmly to you, Kaseopea asks, "Scared to leave?"
Kaseopea snickers at you!

You say, "No."
Kaseopea warmly says, "I bet."

You roll your eyes.

You say, "Okay I'm going to go outside."

You say, "Do your worst."

[A Cobblestone Walkway]
Two lines of stately yew trees crowd in on a dark cobblestone road. The yews are ancient, covered in dense growth all the way from nearly ground level to the top of their soaring trunks. The growth is thick enough that it allows no outside light through the branches. To the north a large clearing is illuminated by the silvery starlight. You also see a steep path leading to the south.
Obvious paths: north
>go path
[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: Katze
Obvious paths: west
>remove longb
A dusk grey panther saunters in.
Katze traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
You sling an onyx-twined dark bloodwood longbow with a violet-eyed grey tree viper wrapped around it off from over your shoulder.
Katze gestures.
A wave of formless black ripples moves outward from Katze.
You are buffeted by the formless black waves, but remain standing.
You grin coldly, your eyes reflecting no emotion.

You are now targeting Katze.
>You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Katze.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!
Katze screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
... hits for 25 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! Katze blinks once and falls quite dead!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

The powerful look leaves Katze.
The deep blue glow leaves Katze.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Katze.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Katze.
The bright luminescence fades from around Katze.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Katze's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Katze.
The very powerful look leaves Katze.
The white light leaves Katze.
The light blue glow leaves Katze.
The air calms down around Katze.
Katze glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Oh leave the poor adventurer be!
* Katze just bit the dust!

You say, "That was dumb."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Next time."
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Older than I thought is all."

You say, "You're a twit."

You say, "I said nothing to you, I said nothing offensive to her."
>You ask, "Yet you want to attack me?"
A dusk grey panther snarls menacingly!

You snicker at Katze.
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Please I was unprepared peasant that is my property and I can kill you easy enough."

You say, "You should of asked around first."
[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a dusk grey panther, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: the body of Katze who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Just gives me another purpose to hang about Vaalor."

You roll your eyes.

You say, "You have fun ."

You wave.
>go path
[A Cobblestone Walkway]
Two lines of stately yew trees crowd in on a dark cobblestone road. The yews are ancient, covered in dense growth all the way from nearly ground level to the top of their soaring trunks. The growth is thick enough that it allows no outside light through the branches. To the north a large clearing is illuminated by the silvery starlight. You also see a steep path leading to the south.
Obvious paths: north
[Voln Forecourt]
Several cast iron park benches back against a swiftly moving stream that reflects the moonlight as it flows along one side of the courtyard. A cobbled walkway extends through the courtyard's center and continues over a small bridge which spans the moat, connecting the forecourt to the gated entryway of a large fortress. Opposite the flowing water lies a narrow knot garden with a meadow beyond. You also see a robed guard and a polished granite block.
Also here: Lady Sparkla, Lady Kaseopea
Obvious paths: south

You glance at Kaseopea and yawn.
You feel at full magical power again.
Kaseopea warmly says, "Hes still 1000 times better than the likes of you."
Kaseopea just left.
* Kaseopea returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Tiantha joins the adventure.
Lady Sparkla just skipped merrily south.

I go to town to do a good deed and spell up nublets but they won't stop locating me. So I go back to Voln where he was waiting.

The voice of Katze firmly says, "Well well here we are."
>rub mon amulYou rub your monir amulet.
Feels smooth!
1d100: 22 + Modifiers: 137 == 159

A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Katze suddenly appears as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You are now targeting Katze.
>You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
You gesture at Katze.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 17 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. Katze howls in pain and drops quite dead!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

Katze becomes solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Katze.
The white light leaves Katze.
The very powerful look leaves Katze.
The dim aura fades from around Katze.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Katze.
The powerful look leaves Katze.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Katze.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Katze's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The air calms down around Katze.
Katze glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The bright luminescence fades from around Katze.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>Oh leave the poor adventurer be!
> * Stonenkin joins the adventure.
The Katze disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
> * Katze just bit the dust!

>The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Interesting."

You say, "Not really."

You say, "I would say it was rather boring."

>The ghostly voice of Katze firmly asks, "Then why go first?"
>The ghostly voice of Katze firmly asks, "So confident?"
>Katze gives a ghostly chuckle.

You say, "Perhaps fighting isn't your strong point."
You say, "Maybe you should stick to being manipulated by wretched old women, you seem to do that well."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "I like to at least speak before I killed you this time."

You say, "Well, let's remember what happened last time."

You say, "You didn't say a word, you ewaved me, then you died."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Last time I was unprepared for your age."

You ask, "Your excuse this time?"

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Stay put let's see what happens this time."
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "We'll see who can just kill all the same boy."

>You say, "Do I have time to make a sandwich?

>Tiantha just came sashaying in gracefully, with her group following closely behind her.
>Tiantha traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Tiantha gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area

>l[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see some full plate, some full plate, some full plate, a dusk grey panther, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: Lady Sparkla, Tiantha, the body of Katze who is lying down
Obvious paths: west

>Tiantha meditates over Katze.
Tiantha takes Katze's abdomen damage.

Sparkla raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Sparkla gestures at Katze.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Katze, then fades into the body.

I know what's going on there so I leave. After more locates I decide to go back out the gate when I come across this gem

>sneak e

[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see some full plate, some full plate, some full plate, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: Katze
Obvious paths: west
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Lady Kaseopea just arrived.
Katze picks up some full plate.

Katze put some full plate in the Katze disk.
Katze picks up some full plate.

Katze put some full plate in the Katze disk.

Katze picks up some full plate.
>Katze put some full plate in the Katze disk.

>Katze firmly says, "The sanct will wear off soon."

Be at peace my child. You cannot attack here.

He has no clue I'm here

Lady Kaseopea's group just went down a steep path leading to the north.

>The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

>sym of sight katzeYou concentrate on establishing the link and suddenly you see...

Gasp, a disk full of platemail and an invisible amulet?

[Elantaran's Magic Supply]
An eclectic mix of glassware fills a pair of long tables. Beakers, tubes and dishes make up most of the glassware. Each table is supported by four legs carved to resemble rampant dragons. A stunningly carved rolltop desk made from beautiful mahogany rests in one corner. Quills, scrolls and one overly large bottle of black ink reside on the desktop. A beautifully crafted scroll case towers over the desk, its many slots for scrolls mostly occupied now by a number of tomes. You also see the Katze disk and the merchant Elantaran.
Also here: Katze, Lady Kaseopea
Obvious exits: out

Kaseopea spends some time haggling with Elantaran.
>Katze firmly says, "I am coming boy."
>Lady Kaseopea's group just went out.

>You sense Katze looking in on you.

[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a dusk grey panther, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Obvious paths: west

The Katze disk suddenly begins spinning end over end, dumping everything inside onto the ground.
>You hear someone incanting a dark invocation...
>Katze suddenly fades into view.
Katze gestures.
Katze casts into the air above his head and a rip appears in the sky! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
Some full plate is sucked into the void, striking you along the way and forcing you into view!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with your abdomen winding you.
Some full plate is sucked into the void, striking a dusk grey panther along the way!
Some full plate is sucked into the void, striking a dusk grey panther along the way!
A dusk grey panther firmly stands her ground!
You are knocked over by the wind!
You scramble to keep from being sucked into the void!
>look[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a black void, the Katze disk, a dusk grey panther, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: Katze
Obvious paths: west

>Katze traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>rub mon amul...wait 5 seconds.
>Katze gestures at you.
Katze traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Katze gestures at a black void.
Katze welds the rip in space together with a flow of essence.

You are now targeting Katze.
>You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Katze.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 20 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
Katze screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
He is stunned!
... hits for 14 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly!
... hits for 29 points of damage!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Oh leave the poor adventurer be!
>The Katze disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
> * Katze just bit the dust!

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You stand back up.

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Your pet saved you of course."

You roll your eyes.

You send a wave of energy toward Katze. It coalesces around his body and then seeps in leaving a glow that strengthens the bond between body and spirit.

You say, "You sit there and think about it for a while."

You say, "You're on time out."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Ditch the animal shield."
>Tiantha just arrived.
* Tiantha joins the adventure.

You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Tiantha.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Tiantha! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!
Tiantha screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
She is stunned!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!

* Tiantha drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant aura fades away from Tiantha.
The dim aura fades from around Tiantha.
The opalescent aura fades from around Tiantha.
Tiantha appears less confident.
Tiantha appears less secure.
Tiantha becomes solid again.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Oh leave the poor adventurer be!
> * Tiantha just bit the dust!

ou send a wave of energy toward Tiantha. It coalesces around her body and then seeps in leaving a glow that strengthens the bond between body and spirit.

You say, "You're on time out too."

Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a dusk grey panther, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Also here: the body of Tiantha who is lying down, the body of Katze who is lying down
Obvious paths: west

The ghostly voice of Tiantha warmly asks, "What did I do?"

>The ghostly voice of Tiantha warmly says, "Helped a friend."

Tiantha is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
* Noctavia joins the adventure.

Noctavia just arrived.
>Noctavia just went down a steep path leading to the north.
>Noctavia just arrived.
>Noctavia traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Noctavia gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

You quietly whisper to Tiantha, "You're supposed to leave but you're dead so this one is on me."

You take a gallant bow, tipping your hat slightly, before sweeping it behind your back. After a moment's pause you rise and place your hat firmly on your head, adjusting it to fit.

>Noctavia meditates over Tiantha.
Noctavia takes Tiantha's left arm damage.

[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Meadowlike fields awash with wildflowers stretch in all directions, a symphony of crickets and locusts filling the air with their song. Lakebed rocks occasionally line the trail, an ancient effort to keep the encroaching weeds from overtaking the pass.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, northwest

Name: Lady Kaseopea
Profession: Enchantress
Race: Elf Gender: Female
Age: immature (45)
Clan: Vaalor
She appears to be immature and shorter than average.
She has sultry violet eyes and smooth, pale ivory skin.
She has waist length, tousled pale golden hair loosely styled with some platinum moon and stars hairjewels scattered throughout.
She has a heart-shaped face, an upturned nose and small pointed ears.
She has a small crescent-shaped beauty mark above her full, naturally-tinged pale crimson lips.
She currently has full citizenship in Ta'Vaalor.
Master in the Order of Voln
Strongest foe vanquished: a black forest viper

Quote: "Don't make me get Katze!"

11-22-2005, 03:08 PM
Jesus.. her and Katze are 2 of the biggest idiots in the area.

11-22-2005, 03:11 PM
Katze used to be owned by someone much less fucking stupid.

11-22-2005, 03:14 PM
That was sad in many ways.

11-22-2005, 04:17 PM
Kaseopea is inarguably retarded for more than one reason.

11-22-2005, 04:22 PM
That was HILARIOUSLY bad.

11-22-2005, 04:23 PM
wee tawd edd

11-22-2005, 04:24 PM
You quietly whisper to Tiantha, "You're supposed to leave but you're dead so this one is on me."



11-22-2005, 04:32 PM
"Do I have time to make a sandwich?

You rule.

11-22-2005, 04:36 PM
All hail spikethorn.

11-22-2005, 04:52 PM
The sandwich comment was indeed my favorite comment.

11-22-2005, 05:10 PM
>>>You say, "You sit there and think about it for a while."

You say, "You're on time out." <<<

That was my favorite. :cool:

11-22-2005, 05:22 PM
I think the scariest part, is these people are out in the public, functioniong and doing things with us in the REAL world.

I fear for civilization.

11-22-2005, 05:29 PM
That's the best log I've seen in a while.

11-22-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
I think the scariest part, is these people are out in the public, functioniong and doing things with us in the REAL world.

I fear for civilization.

Republicans make me far more nervous than people like that. Also...this is supposed to be a roleplaying game there's nothing that says acting like an idiot in game dictates actual behavior. Except of course in my case. I'm an idiot in and out of game.

P.S. Go get 'im Katze.

11-22-2005, 05:39 PM
:lol: that was awesome.


11-22-2005, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
I'm an idiot in and out of game.

I'd be inclined to agree with you, now who the fuck are you again?

11-22-2005, 05:45 PM
I'm your son. Now quit cussing at me dad. Mom says you need to pick up milk on the way home too.

11-22-2005, 05:49 PM
Whatever you say you fat emo twat.

11-22-2005, 05:50 PM
Nah, Gan would have drowned you at birth. You'd be dead by now at least.


11-22-2005, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Whatever you say you fat emo twat.

You should stop looking in mirrors, you're going to hate yourself with that attitude.

11-22-2005, 05:54 PM
How incredibly original and important you are.

11-22-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
How incredibly original and important you are.

I suppose you do get that a lot. My bad.

11-22-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Alfster

Originally posted by Chaddy
How incredibly original and important you are.

I suppose you do get that a lot. My bad.

I'm sorry were you just going to continually pull retorts from a rolodex or were you going to say something original and personalized. As opposed to this oral dysentary.

11-22-2005, 06:01 PM
Well, you know, when you have to resort to picking on utter NOOBS in Ta'Vaalor to validate your in game existence, it doesn't reflect very well. I'm sorry your mirror is full of shit.


11-22-2005, 06:04 PM

11-22-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Well, you know, when you have to resort to picking on utter NOOBS in Ta'Vaalor to validate your in game existence, it doesn't reflect very well. I'm sorry your mirror is full of shit.


Listen you dead horse beating dizzy bitch. I haven't picked on a soul in ages. Matter of fact I've done nothing but help others in Vaalor out, though I may not talk the m'Lady m'Lord, I might goof off a bit more than anyone else, and act like a retard, but I'm generally well liked in Vaalor. I don't pick on anyone at all so...umm...nah nah.

11-22-2005, 06:07 PM
:lolwave: I think someone is a bit defensive. :blah:

11-22-2005, 06:09 PM
'' dead horse beating dizzy bitch ''

I had to laugh.

11-22-2005, 06:15 PM
I think it's the wanton idiocy that gets to people, Chaddy, whether you're harassing people or not. That and the OOC babble.

I can say that and I haven't had an open GS account for months.

11-22-2005, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
I'm your son. Now quit cussing at me dad. Mom says you need to pick up milk on the way home too.

If I had a dime for every time some bastard kid said that to me on the street. Again, I'm not your dad kid, quit following me around looking for money.

11-22-2005, 06:23 PM
You know what they say Chaddy, dear. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Would you like a pacifier to go with your milk? Be sure to ask your daddy reaaaaaaaaaaal nice.


11-22-2005, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Nah, Gan would have drowned you at birth. You'd be dead by now at least.


He definately would have been a SIDS statistic if he/she/it were my kid.


11-22-2005, 07:41 PM
Yea... I'd have to say that Katze and Kaseopea/Jazibelle/Noctavia/etc are some of the most ignorant people I've ever met... They take the moron cake... pwning Atreau for the title...

Its been over a year since my char dated one of Jazibelle's ex's who she still bothers years later... She had Katze kill me cause she couldn't. I don't even know her in char as anyone but Jazibelle she's so fucking retarded...

Apparently all she wants to do is cyber and hunt and if your char wants to have friends she'll kill you and them and everyone around you what fun!

11-22-2005, 07:50 PM
The scary part is that you just described a huge percentage of the Gemstone population.

And folks wonder why all my characters are single now, and always will be until they are no longer mine (ie. sold).

11-22-2005, 07:57 PM
:P Cause I thought my estranged best friend was safe to rp with once... eh I don't know... Hectomaner was safe to rp with :P... and all the normal people are taken or have that attitude too... That's why I keep my girls loveably flirts now, but no permanent fixtures aside from the harem... mmmm Ganalon wanna join my harem?

11-22-2005, 07:58 PM
Fuck Ganalon, I wanna join the damn harem.

11-22-2005, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Jolena

I don't know why, but this emoticon makes me happy. In a warm, fuzzy way.

11-22-2005, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Whatever you say you fat emo twat.

Emo like threatening to kill yourself over IM's? I don't think you can get more emo then that.

This thread didn't have anything to do with you specifically, but it did concern a couple of morons. You fit in well.

11-22-2005, 09:28 PM
[i]Originally posted by Lyonis
Emo like threatening to kill yourself over IM's? I don't think you can get more emo then that.
Ugh, trust me . . you can.

11-22-2005, 09:42 PM
Single? Fuck that Ganalon.

My character is about as close to Asexual as you can be.

11-22-2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by OreoElf
:P Cause I thought my estranged best friend was safe to rp with once... eh I don't know... Hectomaner was safe to rp with :P... and all the normal people are taken or have that attitude too... That's why I keep my girls loveably flirts now, but no permanent fixtures aside from the harem... mmmm Ganalon wanna join my harem?

Where were you 6 years ago, hell, 3 years ago. :?:

Alas, the only thing that interests me in Gemstone now is making coin, enchanting, and getting the rogue to end game. And the last is even forseeable in 2006 as long as we dont have another experience shift that sets me back again. :(

Then I've got my choice between a (41)sorcerer and a (59)wizard to go to end game. Perhaps both simultaneously!

[Edited on 11-23-2005 by Ganalon]

11-22-2005, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Whatever you say you fat emo twat.
you dead horse beating dizzy bitch

Control yourself.

Originally posted by Chaddy
Except of course in my case. I'm an idiot in and out of game.
Well you were right about one thing at least.

11-22-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Fuck Ganalon, I wanna join the damn harem.

Oh baby, don't you know you're so already welcome in my harem ;) I'll make you ummm first :heart: concumbine ;) :heart:

And Ganalon :( I play for rp not to cap... not that I won't enjoy leveling... but it means far less to me now than it once did.

Xandalf, you made me snort laugh.

[Edited on 11-23-2005 by OreoElf]

11-23-2005, 12:44 AM
All in question of Chaddy's retardedness, I direct you to the quote in my sig by Penidiamond.

11-23-2005, 12:45 AM
He just got me good a few times :(

I shall return victorious. :)

11-23-2005, 12:55 AM
First of all Lyonis came in and killed Kaseopea at a very young age for no reason whatsoever, perhaps I am just a rabid dog that enjoys killing for pleasure, however Lyonis deserved it all and I also enjoyed finding the way I needed to beat him getting around his meat shield animal companion and whatnot, I suppose I should post Lyonis getting beat around and vaporized a bit if anyone would like to see it please reply I do not generally flaunt my power unless it suits me but who doesn't want to see Lyonis get his arse handed to him.


11-23-2005, 01:26 AM
Lots of deaths for you two tonight.

Having fun yet?

Or have you yet realized that CvC in GS is only worthwhile if there is RP involved.

[Edited on 11-23-2005 by Xandalf]

11-23-2005, 01:35 AM
I am always up for a good fight. I tend to find that I can kill anyone capped or otherwise, one way or another, Lyonis has been fun to kill and he finally got me to figure out how to get my implosion to just override his Animal Companion and hit him with flying full plate. If I needed that to kill him, but simple focused implosion does the job well enough.


11-23-2005, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by KingKatze
I am always up for a good fight. I tend to find that I can kill anyone capped or otherwise, one way or another, Lyonis has been fun to kill and he finally got me to figure out how to get my implosion to just override his Animal Companion and hit him with flying full plate. If I needed that to kill him, but simple focused implosion does the job well enough.


No one cares.

11-23-2005, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by KingKatze
First of all Lyonis came in and killed Kaseopea at a very young age for no reason whatsoever, perhaps I am just a rabid dog that enjoys killing for pleasure, however Lyonis deserved it all and I also enjoyed finding the way I needed to beat him getting around his meat shield animal companion and whatnot, I suppose I should post Lyonis getting beat around and vaporized a bit if anyone would like to see it please reply I do not generally flaunt my power unless it suits me but who doesn't want to see Lyonis get his arse handed to him.


Katze please for the love of fucking christ learn to start and end a sentence in a normal fashion, you know with periods and capital letters at the beginning and stuff, I think the first time I learned to write that way was maybe in the second grade, I'm not sure though but anyway the point is that YOUR POST HURTS MY BRAIN KTHX.


PS That log reminded me of the old Roadrunner cartoons. Katze = the coyote, he kept coming back with new tricks and failing. Haha.

[Edited on 11-23-2005 by SpunGirl]

Sean of the Thread
11-23-2005, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher

Originally posted by KingKatze
I am always up for a good fight. I tend to find that I can kill anyone capped or otherwise, one way or another, Lyonis has been fun to kill and he finally got me to figure out how to get my implosion to just override his Animal Companion and hit him with flying full plate. If I needed that to kill him, but simple focused implosion does the job well enough.


No one cares.

No shit Miss. Obvious. :lol:

Did you mean to say nobody :pig: cares?

11-23-2005, 03:17 AM
The voice of Katze firmly says, "So."

The voice of Katze firmly asks, "Are you interfering?"

You stretch.

The voice of Katze firmly says, "You are or you are not."
>go path
An animated dhu goleras opens his mouth wide and screeches shrilly, his head bobbing wildly from side to side on his long, rubbery neck.
>open my pouch
You open a serpent clasped ritual pouch.
The voice of Katze firmly asks, "Are you?"

You remove a gold trimmed black silk satchel from in your scaled ritual robe.
You remove a plain steel key from in your scaled ritual robe.
>unlock my sat
You hear a click as it unlocks.
>put key in my robe
You put a plain steel key in your scaled ritual robe.
You open a gold trimmed black silk satchel.
>rummage sat spell 213
You rummage through your black silk satchel and remove a torn parchment with Minor Sanctuary scrawled upon it.
>put sat in my robe
You put a gold trimmed black silk satchel in your scaled ritual robe.
>go path
>invoke 213
1d100: 98 + Modifiers: 334 == 432

You raise the torn parchment and gesture to invoke the Minor Sanctuary spell.
Sparks begin to fly between the torn parchment and your fingers. With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into your hand and a charged feeling surrounds you.
You gesture.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You nod.
>get sat from my robe
You remove a gold trimmed black silk satchel from in your scaled ritual robe.
>put parch in my sat
You put a torn parchment in your black silk satchel.
>close my sat
You close a gold trimmed black silk satchel.
The voice of Katze firmly says, "A yes or no will suffice."
You softly ask, "Pardon?"
The voice of Katze firmly asks, "Are you interfering with us or not?"
You softly ask, "Us?"

You chortle.

The voice of Katze firmly says, "Me and Lyonis."
>incant 402
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become aware of everyone near you...
Katze (Invisible).
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>'Speaking of which, where IS that ranger?
You softly ask, "Speaking of which, where IS that ranger?"

The voice of Katze firmly says, "Should be close."
>prep 435
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Major Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
>tell mdemon break
You command your figure to break the sanctuary at its location.

You feel your figure tap into your mana in its attempt to break a sanctuary.

A robed figure raises its arms in supplication to its deity while hissing a harsh prayer.
The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.
You gesture.
A wave of formless black ripples moves outward from you.
Katze suddenly appears as he is knocked to the ground by the formless black waves.
... 30 points of damage!
Upper and lower arm shatter as they decompress!
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 719
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast kat
You gesture at Katze.
CS: +368 - TD: +303 + CvA: +15 + d100: +59 - -5 == +144
Warding failed!
Katze is suddenly engulfed in an explosion of pure essence and brilliant white fire!
... and hits for 25 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Katze's left leg to expand and snap. That must hurt!
... 45 points of damage!
Advanced case of frostbite and shield arm is history!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

The light blue glow leaves Katze.
The powerful look leaves Katze.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Katze.
Katze loses some awareness.
The air calms down around Katze.
The bright luminescence fades from around Katze.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Katze.
Katze glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Katze.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Katze's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The very powerful look leaves Katze.
The white light leaves Katze.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Katze.
You feel 2 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Katze just bit the dust!
You nod.
You softly say, "Please don't chase my friends."
You nod.
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Fair enough peasant."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "That one will cost ya."

You softly say, "I'm sure."

You nod.

Katze's body decays into compost.

(Okay, he was ambushed in that one. But he had ambushed Lyonis many times, so I gave him his own treatment. Was content to leave it at that, however, buuuuut)

>go path
[A Cobblestone Walkway]
Two lines of stately yew trees crowd in on a dark cobblestone road. The yews are ancient, covered in dense growth all the way from nearly ground level to the top of their soaring trunks. The growth is thick enough that it allows no outside light through the branches. To the north a large clearing is illuminated by the silvery starlight. You also see a steep path leading to the south.
Obvious paths: north

<insert a minute or two>

Katze firmly says, "Now you die."

You wave to Katze.

[A Cobblestone Walkway]
Two lines of stately yew trees crowd in on a dark cobblestone road. The yews are ancient, covered in dense growth all the way from nearly ground level to the top of their soaring trunks. The growth is thick enough that it allows no outside light through the branches. To the north a large clearing is illuminated by the silvery starlight. You also see a steep path leading to the south.
Also here: Katze
Obvious paths: north
>'Of course
You softly say, "Of course."

Katze firmly says, "Go path and take your beating like a man ya coward."

You softly say, "Now now."

You softly say, "Sticks and stones."

Katze firmly says, "Go peasant or I'll chase you for deaths."
Katze firmly says, "You will die for interference."

You chuckle.

You amusedly say, "You're hardly a threat."

Katze firmly says, "So go."

You frown.
Katze firmly asks, "I am no threat eh?"
Katze firmly says, "Go path boy."

You yawn.

Katze firmly says, "That's what I thought scared."

You nod.

You softly say, "Naturally."
Katze firmly says, "You barely even hit me with your wave." (please pay close attention to this comment, as it really is the icing on the cake)

You laugh out loud!

You softly say, "Oh child."
>get staff
You remove a dark emerald ritual staff with a sinuous golden-eyed viper wrapped around it from in your scaled ritual robe.
Katze firmly says, "Now I have donned armor on let's see it again." (notice his CvA was 15 before and 15 after, clearly he had armor on the entire time)

>look katze
You see Katze Darkshot the Deceiver.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He is tall. He has penetrating vibrant red-specked violet eyes and bronze skin. He has long, unruly jet black hair swept back from the temples. He has thin pointed ears. His face is shadowed by the deep hood of his robes.
His face is concealed by an exquisite ceremonial cat mask with long slanted eyes.
He has a tattooed symbol of Fash'lo'nae on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He has a wooden arrow stuck in his left arm.
He is holding an ash vultite-capped runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing some paw-shaped black fur shoes, a long curling black furry tail, a pair of tight black leather pants, a skull-stamped leather scroll tube, a sturdy dark leather gem pouch, a gold ring, a marquis-cut deathstone ring, some ivory-clawed leather gloves, some blackened veniom cufflinks, an onyx and dragonfire opal stickpin, a yellow Fash'lo'nae symbol, a vibrant orchid boutonniere, some grey robes with a yellow slit-pupiled eye clasp, a heavy black fur-lined greatcloak, a crystal amulet, a rune-etched veniom locket, and a clear glass amulet.
You gasp.

Katze pushes the hood of his grey robes back over his shoulders.
>prep 720
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
Your spell is ready.
Katze firmly says, "Or you can just be scared like you are."
>go path
[Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail]
Lakebed rocks become more prominent along this offshoot of the trail, as though more recently maintained. The dark rich stones sport a mottled hue speared with alabaster veins. The pass meanders east a short distance before a steep ledge cuts it off, descending into a deep gully and down to the edge of a morose-looking swamp. Forbidding scents waft outward, festooning its banks like a decorative collar. You also see a periwinkle feystone, a steep path leading to the north and a weathered sign.
Obvious paths: west
You gesture.
You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Katze just arrived.
A robed figure arrives.
Katze gestures.
A wave of icy blue ethereal ripples moves outward from Katze.
You are buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 3 sec. (But MY E-wave barely hit him)
>prep 719
...wait 2 seconds.
Lyonis just arrived.
>prep 719
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
Katze traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>cast kat
You gesture at Katze.
CS: +368 - TD: +190 + CvA: +15 + d100: +81 - -5 == +279
Warding failed!
Katze is suddenly engulfed in an explosion of pure essence and brilliant white fire!
... and hits for 49 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of Katze.

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

You feel 3 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
* Katze just bit the dust!

I mean, the guy basically begs you to kill him.

11-23-2005, 03:54 AM
Thanks for coming bro :) He continued to stay invisible in town after his ass whooping so thanks for the 109 with a high enough CS to work. Really saved me a lot of time. But you were killing him while I was in jail and that made me sad :(

Anyways, this is my favorite part of the evening...

Katze suddenly fades into view.
Katze gestures at you.

Someone exclaims, "Endangering public safety by Katze! Call the Guard Captain!"

A void rips open in the area, directly above you!
You scream in agony as your blood beings to boil!
+22 Hits.
Stunned for 5 rounds!

Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.

[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

Katze traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
[Script]>Katze gestures.

A nearby goodwife screams, "Endangering public safety!".

A void rips open in the area, directly above Katze!
Blood spurts out of every pore and orifice in Katze's body!
+68 Hits.
Katze is stunned!

Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.

Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

You laugh out loud!

>Katze just went north.

>Katze suddenly fades into view.
Katze gestures.

A nearby goodwife screams, "Endangering public safety!".

A void rips open in the area, directly above Katze!
Debris strikes Katze in the leg.
+20 Hits.
Katze is stunned!

Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
>sneak wIn YOUR condition? You must be joking.
The Guard Captain strides in, followed closely by his posse!
Katze is able to move again.

With great ease, the Guard Captain grabs Katze and shackles his wrists.

"I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the Guard Captain.
The Guard Captain then drags him off.

sym of sight katzeYou concentrate on establishing the link and suddenly you see...

[Hall of Justice, Pit of Doom]
Vaguely circular in structure, the pit is only approximately ten feet wide. What little light reaches the bottom of the fetid enclosure illuminates things better left unseen. Brackish water fills the bottom few inches of the room, and the constant sound of trickling can be heard as more seeps in through cracks in the pit's stony walls. The slick fungus on the walls makes them impossible to climb. You also see some ragged canvas trousers and a dirt-crusted tunic.
Also here: Katze who is lying down
Obvious exits: none

11-23-2005, 03:56 AM
Bah, I came because I hate people who ambush repeatedly and use multiple characters to keep themselves going. Gave him a taste of his own medicine. Besides, Querthose would never miss a chance to kill Lyonis. Even after killing his enemies ;)

11-23-2005, 03:59 AM
Katze was purchased, right? I mean, he's got the hunting tactics of a fifth train warrior. No sorcerer who's acquired more than 50 levels can possibly be that ignorant about their own profession....can they?

11-23-2005, 04:03 AM
You're a jerk and me walking into your open void was my hero move of the night. Did I mention you're a fucking jerk :(

11-23-2005, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
>>>You say, "You sit there and think about it for a while."

You say, "You're on time out." <<<

That was my favorite. :cool:

I second that! Great log.

11-23-2005, 04:24 AM
it's funny that Lyonis had to run and fetch his little Bitch Querthose whom will be handled in his own way, as far as the rants and raves or whatever anyone that wishes a fight with me I am always eager to fight. Lyonis and I were having a great fued I tought until he brought his wench in to stand and unsanct tis funny how parts of the posted log are left out intentinally I'm sure but no matter., Querthose wishes to come in and stick his arcanic nose where it does not belong than so be it I'll start slapping him down and read his complains right here.


P.S. all those that don't like the way I type run on sentences can kiss my ass.

11-23-2005, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
The scary part is that you just described a huge percentage of the Gemstone population.

And folks wonder why all my characters are single now, and always will be until they are no longer mine (ie. sold).

So true. I haven't played in so long, but when I do come back, I'll keep my girls single. Having friends is good enough for me. I already have to deal with my real life, no way would I want to put up with GS drama. But, if you choose to get all bent up over GS punani, go you!

11-23-2005, 05:46 AM
The old Katze new how to RP a good, proud sorcerer.
This is what happens when you purchase a character with absolutely no previous experience of hunting / playing the profession.
You need to retire Katze ( becouse you've basicly fucked any chance of him being a good character ) start a sorcerer from the beginning and once he's reached the level Katze is now, you'll have learned exactly how to play a sorcerer. How to RP one, hunt as one and defend yourself as one.
Not run around making yourself look like a total prick.

Oh and yeah, sort out your sentencing or everyone will just ignore your walls of text.

11-23-2005, 08:51 AM
Katze, you're about as smart as a powdered doughnut. I'm not going to lie, Anticor is a better sorcerer than you. You botched so many opportunites to own Lyonis it's not even funny. When you have a disk full of fullplate and you can't drop someone with implosion it's time to delete confirm.

Why not just get an altered sign to wear around your neck that says "I'm an ebay purchased fuckass"? It would save people the time of letting you speak to figure it out.

11-23-2005, 09:24 AM
Age != level.

Age != level.

Age != level.

Age != level.

Also, both magical robes and magical light leather have a CvA of 15, so he could technically "have donned armor on" if that wasn't a travesty against grammar.

Penultimately, Necromancer being Querthose makes a lot of sense to me.

his arcanic nose ...:wtf:

11-23-2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by ChaddyI'm an idiot in and out of game.

I can vouch for him outside the game. He was a dumbass in Playerscornerchat until Wezas and I made him cry and quit. Chaddy is a 'special' 15 year old with 'choice' issues.

11-23-2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by KingKatze
it's funny that Lyonis had to run and fetch his little Bitch Querthose whom will be handled in his own way, as far as the rants and raves or whatever anyone that wishes a fight with me I am always eager to fight. Lyonis and I were having a great fued I tought until he brought his wench in to stand and unsanct tis funny how parts of the posted log are left out intentinally I'm sure but no matter., Querthose wishes to come in and stick his arcanic nose where it does not belong than so be it I'll start slapping him down and read his complains right here.


P.S. all those that don't like the way I type run on sentences can kiss my ass.


You still here?

11-23-2005, 11:13 AM
Hahahaha! I knew that was Querthose right off the bat. First with the animate. Nobody uses their animate to their full potential as he. Everything else just sealed the deal, right down to his alters and speech. Oh hon, I know you so well <3

As for katze. Do you even read what has transpired? You have been pwned left and right. I think it's prudent to assume with the "Don't make me get Katze" quote, You bought this character for the sole purpose of engaging other players thinking a sorcerer can beat any other profession by power and trainings alone. It certainly can't be roleplaying, unless your point was to come off as an arrogantly stubborn and beaten down sorcerer who is glutton for punishment. At least have some dignity!

I wish I could say you have learned your lesson. Judging from your arrogance here, you obviously did not. Rising to the top of your profession with your character requires experience and knowledge in handling it from the very beginning as a player. That is something you cannot buy. My god, you chose Querthose of all people to pit your strength against, he knows the nooks and cranny of sorcerery. Whatever you believe katze, with uber sorcerers. You are not his equal.

Enough with the "I shall return to let you pwnify myself". Even if you win this time, you certainly can't ignore the many times your ass was handed to you.

[Edited on 11-23-2005 by Shalla]

11-23-2005, 11:34 AM
Ummmm, Lyonis is playing GS again?


You're supposed to help me kill demons in Drywhisper Gorge for my Benediction staff!

PS - Funny log.

11-23-2005, 12:04 PM
Lyonis had my favorite Nalea gown in his locker. He HAD to come back.

But seriously, he hasn't played in months. How long do people hold grudges for? What did she do, tell him to "Highlight these people and attack them if you ever see them w/o reason"?

Maybe I just have a hideously bad memory. I can't remember the names of people I like, or the people I hate. So I guess I can't really hold a grudge. I am incapable of it because I can't hold a thought.

11-23-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by KingKatze
it's funny that Lyonis had to run and fetch his little Bitch Querthose.....Lyonis and I were having a great fued I tought until he brought his wench in to stand and unsanct...Querthose wishes to come in and stick his arcanic nose where it does not belong

Wait, wait, WAIT...you mean bringing a wench in and sticking someone's nose where they don't belong in the way that you brought KATZE in for Lyonis killing Kaseopea however long ago when she was a younger character?

I find that if you just sit in a tub of warm water, it washes the sand out of your vagina rather quickly.

11-23-2005, 12:56 PM
Never got to use the animate except to pull a few people out of invisibility (they have GOT to stop targetting their own animator) Was about to kill him with the Goleras, but Lyonis beat me to it =(

11-23-2005, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by KingKatze
blah blah blah blah blah.... blah blah blah.... blah.... (end paraphrase) .... I do not generally flaunt my power unless it suits me but who doesn't want to see Lyonis get his arse handed to him.


From King Katze

I have bolded the parts of the original post that made me smirk. Judging from the replies here, it is not suiting you.


11-23-2005, 02:14 PM
Our little episode lasted for quite a while so I'm not going to post four pages worth of logs unless needed. There were some really great lines from our granular vaginaitis sufferer Katze.

I call this next segment "Katze Says"...

Katze on cursing

>The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Oh yer dead bitch and yer sorcerer too."

>The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "You fucker I'm after him."

Katze on message boards

Katze firmly says, "Ok I got the thread ready to post all we've done so far."

Katze firmly says, "We'll wait I wanna make sure what he sent me is posting up as we speak."

>Katze firmly says, "Ok I got the thread ready to post all we've done so far."

Katze on life keep

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "I do like the way you keep me each time."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "This buisness of keeping me is getting old Lyonis."

Katze on winning

Katze firmly says, "Do you wish another fight with me then tree hugger or do you lack the ability to speak after the beating you have already taken."

Katze firmly says, "Still wish my apology for leaning on you if you kept your body around or I didn't vaporize it Lyonis I might kick ya while I was at it."

Katze firmly says, "And I didn't even use the plate to kill him in the end he was younger than I thought."

Katze on losing

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "I could have killed you I watched you come in and just stand I almost felt sorry for you."
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Heck if I had been any lucker I wouldn't have even gotten hit by the thorn that time."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "I let you have that one I soulda killed you in the other room when you were just standing there my bad we'll even the scales a bit more."

Katze on fairness

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Now I will just kill you regardless."
The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "No more thinking we'll start on open field."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Please he strikes like a coward."

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "I'll kill him in town if we want to play that game."

Katze on friendship

The ghostly voice of Katze firmly says, "Perhaps it is time I asked my father for a little help and let Blackjack and Tsin see what can be done."

Katze on oh shit Lyonis is stubborn and I want out ASAP

Katze firmly says, "You know Lyonis if you apologized for coming and killing Kaseopea for no reason I might let this go..."

As fun as this all really is, at your expense of course, I do feel bad for you. Even if you settle the score(I'm up four by the way) you still lose. You're with Kase ::shudder:: Chop, chop, she's calling :)

I also promise to help Keller with his staff, get that girl her Naela gown, and clean up the milk I snorted from Jesae's comment.

11-23-2005, 02:31 PM
OMG, that is just awesome!! Thanks for the great laugh!

11-23-2005, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
I find that if you just sit in a tub of warm water, it washes the sand out of your vagina rather quickly.

The visual image of Jesae rinsing her vagina turned me on a little.

11-23-2005, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Jesae

Originally posted by KingKatze
it's funny that Lyonis had to run and fetch his little Bitch Querthose.....Lyonis and I were having a great fued I tought until he brought his wench in to stand and unsanct...Querthose wishes to come in and stick his arcanic nose where it does not belong

Wait, wait, WAIT...you mean bringing a wench in and sticking someone's nose where they don't belong in the way that you brought KATZE in for Lyonis killing Kaseopea however long ago when she was a younger character?

I find that if you just sit in a tub of warm water, it washes the sand out of your vagina rather quickly.

Now THAT is sigworthy.


11-23-2005, 09:18 PM


11-23-2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit


yeah, real manly to keep up with the talk, then repeatedly get beat down. Not to mention OOC banter he keeps on with.

One really shouldn't refer to other's as peasants, when you yourself speak like a backwoods hick, kthnx.

I've seen Katze and Kaseopea bully people in Ta'Vaalor. It's really sad that they can't seem to pick up the finer points of RP.

Anyway, was funny to read.

11-23-2005, 09:57 PM

:nono: Real men settle their arguments with words

11-24-2005, 06:11 AM
Lyonis says to Katze, ''Fuck you.''
Katze screams.
Katze says, ''OMG I r pwned, le crie."

Like that Artha?

And Jesae, that was random and excellent. I had to put my glasses on and read it again incase I'd misread.

11-24-2005, 06:35 AM
You're both retards (Katze and Lyonis)

11-24-2005, 08:09 AM
god I love being a sorcerer · on 11/23/2005 2:49:49 AM 8937

So a friend of mine is being repeatedly ambushed by a foolish little sorcerer (note: foolish little sorcerer is repeatedly dying from it), so I decided to stop by and help out. Friend says to me, "He's always invisible, he's hard to find". I say "Not a problem" and summon a demon. Friend says "You have to be careful, he's got slaves that sanct and heal and raise him" I say "No problem" and ensure I have an abyran'sa. Friend says, he's weaker, but he can always implode you if he sees you. So I say "No problem" and animate myself a Goleras to do my bidding while I hang out invisible. Because, really, why soil my own hands?

And that, my friends, is why I love playing a sorcerer. We can do anything.

Jesse, Querthose's player

You just explained the perfection that is being a sorcerer...
... who hasn't just been purchased.

[Edited on 11-24-2005 by Drayal]

11-24-2005, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Skeeter

Originally posted by Jesae
I find that if you just sit in a tub of warm water, it washes the sand out of your vagina rather quickly.

The visual image of Jesae rinsing her vagina turned me on a little.

A little?

11-24-2005, 10:35 AM
Episode 623 of "When sorcerers go bad (IRL)"

Jesse semi-possessed Drayal and made him down apple martinis, make cardboard activist signs and spout sorcerer mechanics for a whole 10 minutes this morning.

11-24-2005, 10:37 AM
Right right. .

More vagina!

11-24-2005, 04:17 PM
I swear, it's time for someone to write up a guide on being a sorcerer for all the imbeciles who have just purchased a sorcerer and are utterly clueless about how to use them. sure, it'll give them a leg up where they don't really deserve one, but it'll at least help keep them from making a mockery of sorcery

11-24-2005, 04:25 PM
I thought Alarm had made a guide?
Hadn't Gahread?
I'm sure there are lots.

We only really need guides for imbeciles to read, teaching them how to be less imbecilic.

11-24-2005, 04:29 PM
There's one minor problem with that idea. Most imbeciles can't, or won't, read them. :whistle:

11-24-2005, 07:30 PM
the only guides we have are outdated. We need a new one to explain sorcery. I'll get around to it eventually, but it'd be great if someone else got to it first <hint, hint>

11-24-2005, 07:39 PM
You, Aysia, Fallen and Rh can do it between you and it will be monstrously good.
Also I get to reap the benefits.

11-24-2005, 07:53 PM
I still have the "Statistical Sorcerer Guide" by Sylvendale Thriftfellow. Back in the day that was the shiznit.

Today its just a historical relic. :(

11-24-2005, 08:36 PM
I'd write a guide but... I don't really care that much. Not to mention I really actually have no idea how to train a sorcerer, but don't tell.

11-24-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
I still have the "Statistical Sorcerer Guide" by Sylvendale Thriftfellow. Back in the day that was the shiznit.

Today its just a historical relic. :(

It really was a great guide.

I used it for my sorceress and she made the transfer to GS4 relatively painlessly.

I need to use my fix skills, but even not having used it, she still hunts quite well.

Overly late Kudos to Sylendale's player for a wonderful guide.

11-24-2005, 09:29 PM
Ha, I don't know that I know how to train a sorcerer in any other way than the way I have. My major contribution is "Um, go lores!".

Actually, I'd like to see a few different sorcerers with vastly different ideas on how to train a sorcerer properly make guides so people have different things to choose from. I'd be afraid that if I wrote a guide, it wouldn't necessarily fairly represent a few training decisions that I've personally not really tried since the move to GSIV (for example, no lores or sword and board instead of runestaff)

But when I finish my next little project, maybe I'll give it a shot.

Liberi Fatali
11-25-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Lyonis
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 17 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. Katze howls in pain and drops quite dead!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

Katze becomes solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Katze.
The white light leaves Katze.
The very powerful look leaves Katze.
The dim aura fades from around Katze.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Katze.
The powerful look leaves Katze.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Katze.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Katze's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The air calms down around Katze.
Katze glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The bright luminescence fades from around Katze.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>Oh leave the poor adventurer be!
> * Stonenkin joins the adventure.
The Katze disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
> * Katze just bit the dust!

Curiously, what was that message that I have indicated in bold there? I don't ever recall seeing such a ninny phrase when I was causing severe pain and dismemberment to someone.


11-25-2005, 10:42 AM
Looks like it was a pull from the amunet or something else extraneous.

Liberi Fatali
11-25-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
Looks like it was a pull from the amunet or something else extraneous.

I had thought the same, but now reviewing the original log once more, it is quoted each time he spike thorns the lad! Is it something involving new players in Vaalor, perhaps?

11-25-2005, 11:09 AM
I wonder if its in the mechanics of being killed by spikethorn. Is that a flag for the GM's?

I know they flag deaths by implosion, and I know they look at any death that occurs from the hands of another player...

food for thought.

11-25-2005, 12:49 PM
eh..I think that he put that in there as his own commentary and it wasn't something that actually came into the messaging of Spike Thorn.

11-25-2005, 03:34 PM
I didn't add it in. I got no clue what it means and I've wondered that myself.

11-25-2005, 03:53 PM
I still have the "Statistical Sorcerer Guide" by Sylvendale Thriftfellow. Back in the day that was the shiznit.

Today its just a historical relic. >>

I used to carry that damned thing to school with me to read several years back. Awesome guide.

Liberi Fatali
11-25-2005, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I still have the "Statistical Sorcerer Guide" by Sylvendale Thriftfellow. Back in the day that was the shiznit.

Today its just a historical relic. >>

I used to carry that damned thing to school with me to read several years back. Awesome guide.

Hee, I'm glad I'm not the only one that did that once. When I was in seventh grade, I brought the Voln guide with me to school. People always thought I was a 'book-worm' to begin with, as I've always been an aspiring doctor, even in seventh grade. But when they noted I had 'outside sources that weren't handed out in class' they really thought I was a bit odd. I didn't bother explaining what it was, seeing as though they would have been turned off that the game itself didn't have graphics.


11-25-2005, 04:42 PM
Commandant's Ultimate Warrior Guide ftw. Fun tidbits:
At 38, im nothing without spells
My preferences are 1) damage weighting 2) crit
weighting 3) flare-type critting.
hiding and ambush are the only viable path for a one-handed warrior and strongly improves the two-handed warrior.
The best guide I've read to date is The Statistical Sorcerer Guide
by Lord Sylvendal Thriftfellow.

11-25-2005, 04:47 PM
Here's a copy of the Statistical Sorcerer Guide, I dont even know if its still available anywhere else.

11-26-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
I think the scariest part, is these people are out in the public, functioniong and doing things with us in the REAL world.

I fear for civilization.
