View Full Version : Nodeka

11-15-2005, 03:52 AM
Anyone heard of this new text-based RPG called Vodeka? http://nodeka.com/

Let me know what you think about it if you've played. . .


[Edited on 11-15-2005 by GOD]

11-15-2005, 03:59 AM
Fixed my fuck up, go ahead and peep game now.

11-15-2005, 04:07 AM
Why the fuck would I go play another text based RPG. Do I look like I want to waste another decade of my life on some dumb shit?

No I didn' t think so.

11-15-2005, 06:22 AM
Image (http://nodeka.com/screenshots/screen3.gif)


HINT: Read how they are talking.

11-15-2005, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by Daniel
Why the fuck would I go play another text based RPG. Do I look like I want to waste another decade of my life on some dumb shit?

No I didn' t think so.

I'm glad I've played GS for this long. It hasn't been a waste.
But if I thought I'd wasted my life at my computer I wouldn't be signing up to a message board to be pissy in every single post I made . . thus continuing wasting my life.

This Nodeka (?) game looks a bit crap though. :P

11-15-2005, 08:23 AM
I completed the begginers quests. Basically like our sprites (their guides). I was level 12 when I was done.

I was next instructed to go see someone else, starting more quests. The first quest I completed gave me 25K exp compared to the 1K exp I was getting withthe guides, the next quest gave me 500K exp. Now I am to go get bandages from some guy in another town.

I am not liking the java interface at all. It won't even fit on my monitor that is set to the 1240 setting. It does not save my previous commands so I can simply arrow up to redo a repetitive command. My num pad enter key is useless. The num pad does take care of the basic movements except up and down.

Command useage is rough at best. You must type say or tell for example. Opposed to ' ... to speak.

It does have a nice comprehensible graphic map. And it utilizes alias' for repetitive tasks like gather stuff.

Thats my take thus far.


11-15-2005, 08:29 AM
Shit, it told me to return to my corpse to get my items. Ok. So I do, before it decayed.


corpse of Finiswolf


Wonder how I get my items from my corpse?


11-15-2005, 08:57 AM
Figured it out, he decays in my hands. O yea, thats what I wanted to see. NOT!

[ Total Completed Quests ] : 43 / 299

Yup, quite the challenge.

Looks like there is a level 100 cap here as well.

Currently level 19.

176, 021 exp till next level.

I am still utilizing my fists as weapons.

Mejath is a good place to get exp.

100,000 gold = 5 platinum. For every $1.00 donation, you get 100 platinum (where one cent equals 1 platinum). A $2.00 donation lends to you being able to have use of the extended map for one month, and a $20.00 donation allows you to have use of the extended map for one year.


11-15-2005, 09:16 AM
So, within Nodeka's forums (yes, I had to sign up) it had a link to their current placement with the Top Mud's at 61 (at the time, they are now no longer listed), so I decided to browse through there, and there was Unwritten Legends at #15! Let's top that off iwth GS not being listed either.


11-15-2005, 04:31 PM
Hey all, this is a level 300 player from Nodeka. Yes, 300 is the max level. Not 100.

For starters, to get items from your corpse: get all, corpse. Which is covered in the quests at the Fields of Guidance. Also, it's fairly standard among MUD's I've played.

Nodeka is, however, a huge waist of time and there are many sad, lonely people who play it religiously. Literally, 24/7, sleeping by their computers.

These sad, lonely people are why you shouldn't play Nodeka. It's primarily every member of the clans Caller, Spartan, and Revik and Vivec from the clan Priory. I've seen many like them before, and all I can say is they're very similar to a raped 12 year old boy who's trying to take his anger out on the world to reaffirm himself.

Oh, and by the way, I had to register on your forum too. That also is very standard.

11-15-2005, 06:33 PM
Guess I made him happy. LOL

So my takes were not perfect, but the game is rediculously easy, and from my limited play about 100 steps down from GS.


- Bah! I did get all corpse ... I forgot the required comma. And I guess I could have figured that out, had it not been like 5 in the morn.

- I did a listing of levels, and it stopped at 100, thats why I guessed it was cap.

- reading through their forums, I read that they had recieved a large influx of snerts drop on them, which COULD be why his attitude is the way it is.

- I am not really sure what he is saying in his fourth paragraph. :shrug: Perhaps that he likes it and wants others to leave, or even not come. :shrug:

- And I stated that I needed to sign up for their forum because others here would likely like to have that info should they also investigate Nodeka.


The Ponzzz
11-16-2005, 02:27 AM

11-16-2005, 02:29 AM
I only checked it out cause it was asked, and I was bored.



11-16-2005, 02:36 AM
I tried it, it was moderately fun. Got bored like finis. Stopped playing.
Checked it out tho... could get into it if I did't have something better to do.


it already eats enough of my time...

11-16-2005, 02:42 AM
Oh yeah Lorn? Why don't you get Vivec from Clan Priory and meet me in GS for a rumble? What now, tough guy? Come register for me to schedule time in to kick you ass, that's pretty standard too.


11-16-2005, 02:51 AM
oh and in seriousness ... if someone sent me a screen shot of GS and I had never seen it before, I'd probably assume it blows. However, the things they're saying in the screen shot reaffirms that, but if the GS clip was of a hug and kiss fest at TSC, it'd be no better.

Like imagine if the shot looked like this. Here's a graf:

chick A kisses showal deeply.
chick B hugs showal
chick C kisses chick A deeply
Arkans enters the room.
Chick B hug Arkans.
Showal says, "Lolz!"
Arkans just went east.
Chick B kisses chick C.

Other than all the hot lesbian action, that screen shot would suck.

11-16-2005, 04:39 AM
All that lesbian action would have me sitting in TSC. :lol:

But, yes, you are right, from a screen shot of our game, I suppose they could say the same, except we actually RP. I am actually guiding a couple conversations over there, simply saying that without RP, you lose the immersion, and degrade your game.



11-16-2005, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
So my takes were not perfect, but the game is rediculously easy, and from my limited play about 100 steps down from GS.

Of course you prefer GS, you're the one playing it :-P People on Nodeka would say GS sucks balls, and people on GS would say the same about Nodeka.

I play Nodeka to kill people and piss them off, so I'm not too attached :-P

Oh, and Showal, you're a pussy, quit talking big.

11-17-2005, 12:41 AM

He has your card Showal. :lol:



11-17-2005, 03:31 AM
gs4life! he sounds like their version of our penidiamond

11-17-2005, 03:55 AM
Or Suave...


In Nodeka's defense, I am also getting some good positive posts from others players on their forums. There is even a GS3 player over there, that gave up GS for Nodeka, and he feels its better, not to mention alot cheaper. ;)


11-17-2005, 04:03 AM
Hey we don't need any of your ANTI GS propoganda finis! UL is fun i just can't handle the whole starting over thing soon... if simu was like..oh hey we might restart everyone to 0 sometime in the next month, or maybe not... i'd be like WTF and quit for a while too i think. Hmm I should be playing gs right now an not readin pc.

11-17-2005, 04:14 AM

Look who you are talking too. :lol: 2 Premie accounts, 5 standard accounts, I don't miss an event. :whistle:


11-17-2005, 08:41 AM
Instead of turning this into a slagging match between myself and Lorn, I'd like to address the topic at hand.

I've played nodeka for a number of years, on and off, on various characters. I'm not going to claim I'm an 'experienced mudder' because quite frankly, I'm not. Mud's in general interest me very little, except Nodeka.

I can appreciate why Finiswolf perhaps doesn't like Nodeka. He appears to be (and correct me if I'm wrong), the type of person for whom the atmosphere of the game must reflect the game itself, i.e. heavy roleplaying, etc.

If you're interested in roleplaying, I do agree, Nodeka is probably not the game for you. It has a few who roleplay, but the general majority don't. It's not that it wasn't tried. Scarcely a year ago, incentives were introduced to encourage it. But the playerbase itself proved that it was not wanted, or really, in Nodeka's case, needed.

What attracts me personally to Nodeka is the combat system.

It is fast paced, and strategic. Simple to pick up, yet incredibly difficult to master. Some players spend years and yet do not manage to understand it sufficiently.


On a footnote, Lorn is merely another example of a disgruntled Nodeka player blaming his shortcomings on others and venting on another mud. I'd just like to say that Nodeka does not encourage it's players to do so, yet sadly, it happens. I'm sure you guys have your very own versions of Lorn too.

11-17-2005, 12:44 PM
Great post Iblis. No I don't hate Nodeka, I was simply making observastions. I do however like my GS, and yes, I do need RP.


11-17-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Lorn
Oh, and Showal, you're a pussy, quit talking big.


11-17-2005, 01:38 PM
Nod, Finis, I wasn't intending to imply you 'hate' it - just that there may be aspects of Nodeka's style which are not entirely to your preference.

I fully understand that different people prefer different styles of playing. And I don't think I've ever found any one game that caters to everyone's personal preference. :)

So, to each their own.


[Edited on 11-17-2005 by iblis]

11-18-2005, 12:40 AM

No worries Iblis. I am not trying to convert you, but share when I say; "GS does seem to have almost all of what most folks are looking for. PvP (within policy), hunting, RP, power hunting, extremely advanced world and rooms. Great interface. Great people to get to know that will pull together to help you out. There are few complaints I have. And if I did complain, no one would listen." :whistle:

I can see where Nodeka is also good. It has a constant map system that GS lacks, though we do have player(s) that have been kind enough to map everywhere, and post teh map layouts. Instant exp, instead of the absorbtion rate. And thats about all I am comfertable to say seeing as I have very little actual play time within Nodeka.

As you pointed out, each game offers different things that folks like, and no one game does it ALL for any one person. GS, in my experience, seems to pull the most of it together to pull off the most, and make the most people happy.


11-27-2005, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Jayvn
gs4life! he sounds like their version of our penidiamond

Awww Shucks. Everytime you mention one of my characters names I feel so spekkal.

12-04-2005, 11:11 AM
"Look who you are talking too. 2 Premie accounts, 5 standard accounts, I don't miss an event. "


Damn. You win Finis

12-04-2005, 11:08 PM
Cool! What did I win?


12-04-2005, 11:24 PM
No other MUD can really compete with GS. Which, I guess, is why Simu can get away with charging $17/month for basic membership.

12-05-2005, 02:47 AM
$15.00, but yes.


12-05-2005, 05:15 PM
My bad, I was thinking $17 from having 2 characters on one account.

12-05-2005, 06:06 PM
I know that feeling, all of our standard accounts have 3 chars each.
