View Full Version : Final Ebon's Gate questions.

11-13-2005, 01:13 AM
1. The hidden sheaths, can they hold large weapons like bastard swords and battle axes?

2. Is there anything worthwhile in the premium area?

3. What are some the cooler items from EG this year?

11-13-2005, 01:45 AM
I don't know if there were any really cool guy-type things I can think of. I really do like the hiding sheathes. (Don't know if you can put large weapons in them, I assume not.)

I like all the long-description items. Thousand Cuts is definitely worth buying stuff in. The weapons are scripted for TWC users which is nice. So is the flare adder.

I'm so glad they took my witch-ball idea. I think I bought 4 different colors.

11-13-2005, 02:04 AM
I really like the folders for bards, at I think the Beneficient Busker or whatever that place is called. Nice scripts.

The Ponzzz
11-13-2005, 02:13 AM
There are alot of neat items. Grabbing a set of the armor resistance stuff would be a good idea...

11-13-2005, 02:48 AM
My favorite items thus far:

The dancing scarves
Tip jars
Instrument embellishments
My bow, of course

Lots more, but I'm too tired to think of them.

11-13-2005, 07:33 AM
Outrageous Caution finally opened in the Juggernaut part.

11-13-2005, 07:41 AM
I'm at work with no access, whats in there??!

11-13-2005, 09:26 AM
[Outrageous Caution] – room 153, a sparkling gold mithril ladder leading down through a hold in the floor (currently closed)

In the Common language, it reads:


For excessive, wanton, flagrant, downright gratuitous displays of being very safe.

Be outrageous!

White room - unenchanted

Blue room - 1x

Red room - 2x

Black room - 3x

Green room - 4x

Mannequins - robes

Hooks - light leather

Counters - heavy leather

Bench - chain

Table - plate

Inspect first, buy second!

Questions - sorry, we're all dead....

On the red mithril table you see a slim red ora corselet, a red ora augmented breastplate, a suit of ora half plate and some golden ora full plate.

2x, no glyph

a slim red ora corselet inlaid with an ivory phoenix (100k, metal breastplate)

a red ora augmented breastplate dipped in bright gold (120k, augmented breastplate)

a suit of smoke-hued ora half plate etched with red runes (150k, half plate, possibly scripted)

some golden ora full plate padded with soft white leather (170k, full plate)

On the long bench you see a viridian ora chain shirt, some pale lilac ora double chain, some grey ora augmented chain and a solid golden ora hauberk.

2x, no glyph

a lurid viridian ora chain shirt covered in black stains (54k, chain mail)

some pale lilac ora double chain fastened with tiny swans (50k, double chain)

some grey ora augmented chain dipped in bright platinum (80k, augmented chain)

a solid golden ora hauberk patterned with exploding stars (85k, chain hauberk)

On the low counter you see some black leather brigandine, some grey leather, some white cuirbouilli armor and a white crocodile hide breastplate.

2x, enchanter’s glyph

some smoke-patterned black leather brigandine (35k, brigandine armor)

a white crocodile hide breastplate tooled with swamp lilies (28k, leather breastplate)

some grey leather studded with matte black deathstones (31k, studded leather)

some bamboo-reinforced white leather cuirbouilli armor (29.5k, cuirbouilli leather)

On the mithril hooks you see some pearl-hued double leather, some thick blue leather, a dark brown leather jacket and some light white leather.

2x, enchanter’s glyph

some pearl-hued double leather with polished bone buckles (25k, double leather)

some thick blue leather reinforced with walrus hide (18.5k, reinforced leather)

some light white leather set with a red ora crescent (16k, light leather)

a dark brown leather jacket with polished pearl buttons (27k, full leather, possibly scripted)

On the red mithril mannequin you see a cloth-of-gold robe.

10k, 2x, robe armor, enchanter’s glyph

a cloth-of-gold robe blackened by various scorch marks

On the hide-covered bench you see a black steel chain shirt, some steel double chain, some steel augmented chain and an ancient steel hauberk.

0x, no glyph

a black steel chain shirt with gold-dipped links (625, chain mail)

some steel double chain with occasional veniom links (10750, double chain)

some steel augmented chain with blackworked raven guards (750, augmented chain)

an ancient steel hauberk scored with harsh black runes (15750, chain hauberk, possibly scripted)

On the hide-covered table you see some ornate black steel plate, some white steel half plate, a steel breastplate and an oiled black steel corselet.

0x, no glyph

some ornate black steel plate with curved golden guards (1.5k, full plate)

some rugged white steel half plate with vine-etched joints (1k, half plate)

a steel breastplate augmented with numerous iron bolts (1k, augmented breastplate)

an oiled black steel corselet embossed with golden scarabs (1k, metal breastplate)

On the mithril counter you see a black leather breastplate, some unassuming cuirbouilli armor, some turquoise leather and some black leather scale armor.

0x, no glyph

a black leather breastplate secured with blue veniom buckles (10.5k, leather breastplate)

some unassuming cuirbouilli armor threaded with raw silk (500, cuirbouilli leather)

some interwoven blue veniom and black leather scale armor (10.5k, brigandine armor)

some turquoise leather studded with tiny alum faeries (500, studded leather)

On the white mithril hooks you see a light leather vest, an oiled black leather jacket, some pale blue leather and some black double leather.

0x, no glyph

a light leather vest embossed with black swamp adders (500, light leather)

an oiled black leather jacket with silver teardrop buttons (500, full leather)

some pale blue leather reinforced with driftwood (500, reinforced leather)

some black double leather stitched with vibrant red roses (500, double leather)

On the white mithril mannequin you see a platinum robe.

30k, 0x, robe armor, possibly scripted

a cloth-of-platinum robe encrusted with water sapphires

On the mithril bench you see a stout mithril chain hauberk, some simple steel chainmail, some black mithril double chain and a thick mithril chain shirt.

1x, no glyph unless noted

a stout mithril chain hauberk inset with two amber eyes (32k, chain hauberk)

some simple steel chainmail augmented with mithril plates (18k, augmented chain, enchanter’s glyph)

some platinum-leaf black mithril double chain (29.5k, double chain)

a thick mithril chain shirt with polished ivory buckles (22.5k, chain mail)

On the low counter you see some white leather brigandine, some smoke grey leather, some black cuirbouilli leather and a white leather breastplate.

1k, enchanter’s glyph

some albatross-patterned white leather brigandine (11k, brigandine armor)

a sailcloth-wrapped white leather breastplate (7.5k, leather breastplate)

some smoke grey leather studded with tiny mithril dragons (10k, studded leather)

some monkeyflower-patterned black cuirbouilli leather (8.8k, cuirbouilli leather)

On the blue mithril hooks you see a leather vest, a slashed sable leather doublet, some thin red leather and some golden leather.

1x, enchanter’s glyph

a light leather vest embossed with a viridian pentagram (4.8k, light leather)

a slashed sable leather doublet backed in white cotton (5k, full leather)

some thin red leather reinforced with white polar bear hide (5.8k, reinforced leather)

some double-layered golden leather inset with pale opals (10.6k, double leather, possibly scripted)

On the broad table you see some grey mithril plate armor, some black mithril half plate, a red mithril breastplate and a black mithril corselet.

1x, no glyph

a suit of polished grey mithril field plate armor (85k, full plate)

some matte black mithril half plate inset with a pale scarab (57.5k, half plate)

a golden dragon-etched red mithril augmented breastplate (50k, augmented breastplate)

a black mithril corselet with silvery leather straps (32k, metal breastplate)

On the blue mithril mannequin you see a black velvet mesh robe.

2k, 1x, robe armor, enchanter’s glyph

a black velvet mesh robe backed with radiant yellow silk

On the low bench you see a sunrise-hued glaes hauberk, some deep grey glaes augmented chain, some blue glaes double chain and some black glaes chainmail.

3x, no glyph

a sunrise-hued glaes hauberk worked with a white dragon (120k, chain hauberk)

some deep grey glaes augmented chain dipped in silver (128k, augmented chain)

some pale blue glaes double chain with silvered guards (114k, double chain)

some white ribbon-entwined black glaes chainmail (110k, chain mail)

On the broad table you see a dusk-hued glaes breastplate, a smoky glaes augmented breastplate, some ink-hued glaes half plate and some ivory glaes field plate.

3x, no glyph

a dusk-hued glaes breastplate encrusted with diamonds (180k, metal breastplate, possibly scripted)

a wisp-patterned smoky glaes augmented breastplate (200k, augmented breastplate)

some ink-hued glaes half plate with inset sunstone chips (109k, half plate, possibly scripted)

some ivory glaes field plate with golden shoulder guards (155k, full plate)

On the long counter you see a golden leather breastplate, some purple cuirbouilli leather, some red leather and some brigandine armor.

3x, enchanter’s glyph

a golden leather breastplate set with an alum hawk (65k, leather breastplate)

some knife-patterned dark purple cuirbouilli leather (59k, cuirbouilli leather)

some red leather studded with tiny black glaes dwarves (60k, studded leather)

some crescent-patterned silver leather brigandine armor (76.8k, brigandine armor)

On the mithril hooks you see a light black leather vest, a golden leather uniform jacket, some coarse brown leather and some double leather.

3x, enchanter’s glyph

a light black leather vest fastened with sunstone buttons (35k, light leather, possibly scripted)

a golden leather uniform jacket with platinum buttons (42k, full leather)

some coarse brown leather reinforced with crocodile hide (37k, reinforced leather)

some shadow-hued double leather inset with an opal scarab (50k, double leather)

On the black mithril mannequin you see a black cashmere robe.

18k, 3x, robe armor, enchanter’s glyph

a black cashmere robe with interwoven platinum threads

On the green mithril bench you see a silvery vultite hauberk, some pale white steel chain, some golden vultite double chain and a white vultite chain shirt.

4x, no glyph unless noted

a silvery vultite hauberk inset with a moth in amber (350k, chain hauberk)

some pale white steel chain augmented with green vultite (175k, augmented chain, enchanter’s glyph)

some black veniom and golden vultite double chain (300k, double chain)

a wave-patterned cerulean and white vultite chain shirt (210k, chain mail)

On the green mithril table you see a segmented black vultite breastplate, a red vultite breastplate, some silver vultite half plate and some golden vultite plate.

4x, no glyph

a centipede-patterned segmented black vultite breastplate (325k, metal breastplate)

a red vultite breastplate augmented with curved steel blades (385k, augmented breastplate)

some blue veniom-washed gleaming silver vultite half plate (525k, half plate)

some golden vultite plate with two winged blue veniom guards (800k, full plate)

On the green mithril counter you see some sun-hued leather, some dusky grey leather cuirbouilli, a purple myklian scale breastplate and some black pyrothag hide brigandine.

4x, enchanter’s glyph

some sun-hued leather studded with a series of silver coins (120k, studded leather)

some dusky grey leather cuirbouilli set with a crystal star (100k, cuirbouilli leather)

a moon-patterned vibrant purple myklian scale breastplate (95k, leather breastplate)

some jackal-patterned coal black pyrothag hide brigandine (130k, brigandine armor)

On the green mithril hooks you see a deep green crocodile hide vest, a cerulean leather uniform jacket, some green reinforced leather and some fish-egg white double leather.

4x, enchanter’s glyph

a deep green crocodile hide vest with white opal buttons (70k, light leather)

a cloud-patterned cerulean leather uniform jacket (70k, full leather)

some trali-patterned forest green reinforced leather (70k, reinforced leather)

some fish-egg white double leather marred by red runes (82k, double leather, possibly scripted)

On the green mithril mannequin you see a honey-hued linen robe.

28k, 4x, robe armor, enchanter’s glyph

a honey-hued linen robe embroidered with a smiling mongoose

11-13-2005, 09:36 AM
I really like the ninja balls.

The spheres that you drop/toss and you go invisible for a short time (couple minutes, I think). No MIU required, plus they're ninja status!

11-13-2005, 09:42 AM
Anyone ever find the scoreboard for the ghost scaring contest?

11-13-2005, 11:50 AM
I've purchased fishing equipment and a few rings containing spell 202, that's it.

I may buy a few pies.
