View Full Version : People grrr
What I think bothers me the most of everything in GS3, is when people feint at RP'in and it is obvious that they the player is emotionally involved. Be it either for revenge or because something the character said hurt them in some way…. I see it everywhere especially with Edine because well he isn't the nicest thing to walk in Elanthia. I mean people let it go its just a game.
10-10-2003, 09:21 AM
You know, it has been said many times, yet it seems often to need repeating:
If you play a character who is designed to get under other people's skin, you need to realize that there is a cost to be paid.
It is great fun to play the bad guy. Of that, there is no doubt. However, when you do so in an online game like GemStone (pick a number, any number), you are going to run into people who cannot separate the fantasy world from the real world. It is less of a problem in games that cater to an older crowd, but GemStone is not that kind of game. :)
HarmNone wishes GemStone WAS that kind of game
Weedmage Princess
10-10-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
It is less of a problem in games that cater to an older crowd, but GemStone is not that kind of game. :)
HarmNone wishes GemStone WAS that kind of game
So do I, so do I....
10-10-2003, 12:33 PM
I love playing a bastard *hums*
The thing is, most characters who are bastards are actually quite nice once you get to know them... so befriending bastards pays off in the end. :)
10-10-2003, 01:42 PM
I think RP'ing DOES affect me. My characters experiences of racism , love , friendship and loss are all felt and to be honest , that is why i love to play this game.
Shimm is my creation and therefore he is part of my personality. I get involved emotionaly becouse I want to and I like to.
(Problem is, I kill a park full of people in RL and dont get to walk out of jail fer a few thousand coins . . . shame :D )
Shimmerain K'aryeu
10-10-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Fraidycat
I think RP'ing DOES affect me. My characters experiences of racism , love , friendship and loss are all felt and to be honest , that is why i love to play this game.
Shimm is my creation and therefore he is part of my personality. I get involved emotionaly becouse I want to and I like to.
(Problem is, I kill a park full of people in RL and dont get to walk out of jail fer a few thousand coins . . . shame :D )
Shimmerain K'aryeu
That is as it should be, I think. Just because one feels one's character deeply does not mean that when one has turned off the computer and re-entered the real world, one cannot distinguish between the two worlds.
I, too, experienced the emotions of my characters. I have laughed, cried, screamed, and cursed until the air around me turned blue...all because of something that happened, not to me, but to my character. However, I did not take that emotion as my own. I recognized the difference, as I am sure you do.
Unfortunately, there are those who do not. What happens in the game is taken personally by the player, and translated into real-world hatreds and/or obsessions. It is a sticky wicket to try to deal with such people. :)
HarmNone has met more than a few
10-10-2003, 04:16 PM
As has Shimm . . .
Especially one particular Selanthian Cleric . . .
Some need to wake up and realise we are playing this game to escape and not to replace our real lives.
Although Blood Burst and Limb Disruption would be a wonderful tool fer my RL sexlife . . . ~Purrs~
Damn, I say what i mean to think and dont think of what I SHOULD say!!
Shimmerain K'aryeu
10-10-2003, 05:22 PM
I tend to agree.
Mekthros is a bastard in game. Revalos hates him. But Revalos' player has to aplaud him for his ingenuity in his character. Haxley also fits this.
The only problem arises when someone claims to be RPing a bastard...when all they do is WARN, call in other characters to kill you, badmouth you in private thoughts regarding your mother using OOC terminology, and log out if you search them out of hiding. I've seen a lot of people with the excuse that they are RPing a bastard.
So the door swings both ways. Some people need to step back and think about their emotional attachments and some people need to think about wether the player is the jerk as well as the character.
10-10-2003, 08:56 PM
I have yet to see someone play a bastard well. Most of the time they just shout out how evil they are, dress in black, power hunt so they can kill you.
I would for once like to see someone with more imagination than that. Someone I could really love to hate.
10-10-2003, 09:00 PM
*swishes his hair back over his shoulder* Challenge accepted.
My largest problem is this, people here for example, they dislike characters in the game and then come here and post about how bad they are at this or how much they hate them or how they can toss a cloak down the well to get back at this guy and so on… or how this one badmouthed me on the net and called me this. All that is what bothers me I am nothing at all like Edine. In real life I am extremely laid back, yeah like anyone else I can be uptight about things… but take here people insult me here who dislike me in the game I could care less that I am being insulted, it’s the fact that people can not separate themselves from that world that gets to me.
10-10-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
::insert boring rant part 1::
All that is what bothers me I am nothing at all like Edine.
::insert boring rant part 2::
You mean "The Edine", right?
yes yes see that proves my point The Edine would have never let that slip!
Weedmage Princess
10-11-2003, 10:01 AM
Something that needs to be said about IC/OOC hatred.
If you're playing a character that's a jackass, that's fine. Some people take their "villain" act a bit too far though, causing emotions to cross that fine line with little to no indifference. They'll do things like harass/torment another character to the point that when they log on, they're running around begging for unpresence, getting deeds on a daily basis out of fear of having their character killed, avoiding staying too long at any social gathering spot because said villain is just waiting there to humiliate them...just in general making life miserable for the character, and the game unenjoyable for the person. If the person kindly suggest to the villain they ease up a bit...then they're accused of being bad roleplayers, and they get their reputation trashed...or the villain kicks it up a notch and bugs them even MORE. Yeah, in that case...I could see ME the player..having an issue with another player.
It doesn't happen lots (thank God) but it does happen.
10-11-2003, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Something that needs to be said about IC/OOC hatred.
If you're playing a character that's a jackass, that's fine. Some people take their "villain" act a bit too far though, causing emotions to cross that fine line with little to no indifference.
<insert the rest of the Princess's post here>
It doesn't happen lots (thank God) but it does happen.
Edine the character p ushed me too far, but I'm now inclined to believe it's because he didn't know, and had he known he would have backed off. Maybe it would have been OOC... but whatever.
And yeah, it does happen quite often. It has happened to me before. And it sucks.
10-11-2003, 10:08 AM
I've always had a good time with Mr. Edine. Darn odd first name though...'The'. Who would name their child 'The'?
And I agree, Weedmage. But you're in would you know about such behaviour?
Acolyte Kurili, chuckling
Weedmage Princess
10-11-2003, 10:17 AM
I did play Prime for a good 5+ years prior to Plat...hee.
But that's not to say it doesn't happen in Plat, either. Some people don't know when enough is enough.
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by Weedmage Princess]
10-11-2003, 10:21 AM
Hehehe I think I know very well that sort of thing happens in Plat. Which is why I'm back in Prime.
Acolyte Kurili, getting darn good at auto-filtering junk and OOC
10-11-2003, 10:27 AM
The only thing that seriously bothers me, is Falgrin. (Parkbandit) He's the type that thinks he owns the park. I find this pretty funny, but he takes it to far.He roleplays a thief, an arrogant person. And I roleplay mean back to him. I would feel fine if he was nice to me in real life, even me. But he's the one who always (So at least he real izes I'm trying to roleplay with him)harasses me on these boards, (Out of game), taunts me, and insults me.
If you RP an ass, don't be an ass to that person in real life.
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]
10-11-2003, 10:31 AM
I may act like an idiot in game, but I'm definitly not an idiot out of game. I'm just trying to say I hate it when people mix the player with the character.I was much worse as Vorthais, but I know Warclaidhm is still a pain, but I'm working on it. Just because Warclaidhm is an ass DOES NOT make me an ass. People have no right to call me an idiot, out of game, when they don't even know me.
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]
10-11-2003, 10:35 AM
It's entirely possible that both Falgrin (who my girls have had fun with) and Parkbandit dislike you, LaVaca. That is life, cant be helped, just pay no attention to him and move on. NO one has to RP with someone they dont wish to RP with, and that includes Falgrin's player.
Since he doesnt RP well with you as Falgrin, and taunts you here as Parkbandit...I should think you'd take the hint.
Acolyte Kurili
10-11-2003, 10:35 AM
Sintik for example, he RP's a mean guy, but he's a pretty nice guy out of character. I love roleplaying with Sintik, he's fun.
I just wish more people were like this. .
10-11-2003, 10:38 AM
Falgrin Roleplays fine, in fact I think he's a wonderful roleplayer. Just ticked off his player is such an ass to me.
10-11-2003, 10:39 AM
Take the hint! Just leave Falgrin/Parkbandit be.
And I know Sintik will appreciate your sentiment.
Acolyte Kurili
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by Kurili]
10-11-2003, 10:47 AM
Does sintik (The player) post on these boards?
10-11-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by LaVaca
The only thing that seriously bothers me, is Falgrin. (Parkbandit) He's the type that thinks he owns the park. I find this pretty funny, but he takes it to far.He roleplays a thief, an arrogant person. And I roleplay mean back to him. I would feel fine if he was nice to me in real life, even me. But he's the one who always (So at least he real izes I'm trying to roleplay with him)harasses me on these boards, (Out of game), taunts me, and insults me.
If you RP an ass, don't be an ass to that person in real life.
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]
You've yet to prove to me you are capable of roleplaying anything... player of Warclaidhm. Sorry.
You and I both know that I have TRIED TRIED TRIED to deal with you in the past. I used to feel bad that people like Ardwen were mean to you and I would drag you to a table, sit down with you and try to explain things to you. I gotten the "You're right, I'm going to change" speech a thousand times from you and you haven't changed one iota.
And when you do 'try' to roleplay with Falgrin.. you end up getting the short end of the stick and throw a WARN INTERACTION his way. (By the way, you've done it 3 times now.. and you've yet to stop interacting with him). How again are you trying to roleplay?
There is the PvP between us. I (Mike) believe almost nothing you (Player of Warclaidhm) say as that has been your history.
Now.. CvC.
Falgrin believes he owns the park. And yes, he is an arrogant, womanizing scamp. He'll steal from anyone that he deems ignorant and Warclaidhm is his most favorite target. Warclaidhm has an ignorance debt he could never pay off.
And just so you know.. I have another character that you believe to be your friend. He simply is too kind to everyone to tell you to go elsewhere.
Weedmage Princess
10-11-2003, 12:11 PM
As far as people "mocking" you OOC on the boards (I don't know if anyone actually "hates" you, but people think you're an idiot) ...if you do idiot-like things OOC, then people will treat you like you're an idiot, OOC, ie, posts on the boards, IMs, etc. And Warclaidhm, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I can see why people would do that to you.
You abuse WARN...that's very OOC. You talk about people bashing you on the boards, yet you come here and complain about things people do to you....and it turns out to be something done in retaliation (IE, you saying Drizz is an ass because you were selling an item of HIS on the amulet without his permission) What do you expect? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...guess what??? ITS A DUCK!
10-11-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by LaVaca
The only thing that seriously bothers me, is Falgrin. (Parkbandit) He's the type that thinks he owns the park. I find this pretty funny, but he takes it to far.He roleplays a thief, an arrogant person. And I roleplay mean back to him. I would feel fine if he was nice to me in real life, even me. But he's the one who always (So at least he real izes I'm trying to roleplay with him)harasses me on these boards, (Out of game), taunts me, and insults me.
If you RP an ass, don't be an ass to that person in real life.
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]
You've yet to prove to me you are capable of roleplaying anything... player of Warclaidhm. Sorry.
I roleplayed before well, and I will occasionally roleplay agian as well. I'm not going to that extreme though. And I'm doing my best to become IC on most things.
You and I both know that I have TRIED TRIED TRIED to deal with you in the past. I used to feel bad that people like Ardwen were mean to you and I would drag you to a table, sit down with you and try to explain things to you. I gotten the "You're right, I'm going to change" speech a thousand times from you and you haven't changed one iota.
And when you do 'try' to roleplay with Falgrin.. you end up getting the short end of the stick and throw a WARN INTERACTION his way. (By the way, you've done it 3 times now.. and you've yet to stop interacting with him). How again are you trying to roleplay?
There is the PvP between us. I (Mike) believe almost nothing you (Player of Warclaidhm) say as that has been your history.
Now.. CvC.
Falgrin believes he owns the park. And yes, he is an arrogant, womanizing scamp. He'll steal from anyone that he deems ignorant and Warclaidhm is his most favorite target. Warclaidhm has an ignorance debt he could never pay off.
And just so you know.. I have another character that you believe to be your friend. He simply is too kind to everyone to tell you to go elsewhere.
You obviously didn't know Warclaidhm when he first started, he roleplayed well. And was always in character. I stopped because I got lazy of this extreme kind of roleplay and toned it down. I'm trying my best to keep with the IC, and roleplay occassionally, but not as intense as before.
Oh, and you have a character that likes me?
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]
10-11-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
The thing is, most characters who are bastards are actually quite nice once you get to know them... so befriending bastards pays off in the end. :)
Funny thing is ... this can go the opposite way too ... meeting someone who seems to be sweet then they go and turn on ye' ....
10-11-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
You obviously didn't know Warclaidhm when he first started, he roleplayed well. And was always in character. I stopped because I got lazy of this extreme kind of roleplay and toned it down. I'm trying my best to keep with the IC, and roleplay occassionally, but not as intense as before.
Oh, and you have a character that likes me?
Roleplaying to me doesn't mean that you have to talk with an old english accent or lead a team of adventurers on a quest. Roleplaying to me means that you are never out of character.
This shouldn't be a choice.. it should be a requirement. You shouldn't get to choose day to day whether you want to or not.. it should be expected that everytime you don the Warclaidhm suit.. you become a giant warrior. That it is believable to me the player of another character that Warclaidhm is a giant warrior and not a simple extention of an idiot playing a game.
And I have no characters that would consider Warclaidhm a friend. I have one character that is nice to everyone, wouldn't hurt a flea... and tolerates you.
10-11-2003, 01:46 PM
Wasn't Warclaidhm blind when he first started? He used to wander around with a staff??
10-11-2003, 01:50 PM
I think that was Warclaidh.
10-11-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
You obviously didn't know Warclaidhm when he first started, he roleplayed well. And was always in character.
Was this before or after I heard Warclaidhm on the open amulet telling everyone that he was Vorthais? All I know was that Warclaidhm at the time was still thumpable.
So your idea of 'roleplayed well' was within the first 5 trainings?
10-11-2003, 02:46 PM
No I was always IC when I did a blind man. And that was me, not warclaidh
10-11-2003, 03:00 PM
Why the hell did you stop?
Miss X
10-11-2003, 03:58 PM
It was Jesus...... He can heal the blind.
10-11-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
No I was always IC when I did a blind man. And that was me, not warclaidh
Um.. dumbass.
Do you really need someone to explain "IN CHARACTER" to you?
So what you are telling me is that you played a blind man.. then POOF.. one day you could see... so you decided to play the town tard?
You give people more reasons to dislike you everyday.
10-11-2003, 05:33 PM
So does Dubya. So does Greenpeace.
I think dude's a color or two short of a full box of crayons, if you know what I mean.
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