View Full Version : Which prof / race is worth most?

11-12-2005, 07:07 PM
After reading the empath 100 trains thread, I was supprised at how little a capped empath was worth.
Which profession is worth the most? Wether it include race or whatever.

11-12-2005, 07:10 PM
I'd imagine either a CS-based Halfling Wizard for the wrack ability, or a Dark Elf, for highest CS.

11-12-2005, 07:23 PM
Wizards because they make money hand over fist.

Bards because they are very rare and have useful skills.

Empaths are worth the least because there are about a billion capped empaths.

11-12-2005, 07:26 PM
< Empaths are worth the least because there are about a billion capped empaths. >

Disagree. I'd much rather have a capped Empath than a Paladin, Cleric, or Warrior.

Sean of the Thread
11-12-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
After reading the empath 100 trains thread, I was supprised at how little a capped empath was worth.
Which profession is worth the most? Wether it include race or whatever.

You also misunderstood that the asking price does not signify the worth of a just a plain capped empath.

I'd agree with a halfing wizard then DE sorc.

Keep in mind ensorcell will someday/maybe be a usefull investment.

Sean of the Thread
11-12-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< Empaths are worth the least because there are about a billion capped empaths. >

Disagree. I'd much rather have a capped Empath than a Paladin, Cleric, or Warrior.

I agree with this as well.

11-12-2005, 07:34 PM
< I bet there are more capped empaths than any other profession >

I'm willing to take your bet. Capped Sorcs versus capped Empaths. 50k a fair wager?

11-12-2005, 07:38 PM
Oh, I deleted that post becouse it was such a mess due to my current state.
I meant to point out that Dark Elf Sorcerers are easily the most in game cliched profession + race. And ultimately worth less than any thing else.
I can't explain why I believe there are more capped empaths than anything else though. It's just I've seen friends and others go from below my character in level to cap, and they were all empaths.

Sean of the Thread
11-12-2005, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Oh, I deleted that post becouse it was such a mess due to my current state.
I meant to point out that Dark Elf Sorcerers are easily the most in game cliched profession + race. And ultimately worth less than any thing else.
I can't explain why I believe there are more capped empaths than anything else though. It's just I've seen friends and others go from below my character in level to cap, and they were all empaths.

They are one of the most popular ingame because of they work out to be great because of the mechanics. Not because everyone wanted to RP a DE sorc.. give me a break.

I play a halfling rogue for the RP .. obviously not the mechanics. I started DE Sorc because DE works out to be great for them.

11-12-2005, 07:46 PM
I never said they didn't work out best mechanically.
I didn't mention RP either. But I suppose there are far too many specifics to think about that could equal a characters ultimate worth.
You can have a break though, if you need it. I know I'm about to.

11-13-2005, 12:13 AM
Giantman wizard.

11-13-2005, 12:16 AM
I'm worth the most... human geek.

11-13-2005, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by radamanthys
I'm worth the most... human geek.

You'd have to be female to be worth the most. :P

[Edited on 11-13-2005 by GS3 Michiko]

11-13-2005, 12:24 AM
Soooo true. Very good point!

11-13-2005, 12:25 AM
From greatest ROI to least ROI. IMO

wizard - enchanting, spells, hunting
sorcerer - future ensorcell, spells, hunting
bard - gem purifying, hunting
rogue - boxpicking, hunting, (thieving optional)
ranger - elemental resist to armor, hunting, skinning
empath - healing, rescuing, skinning, hunting
cleric/paladin - raising, rescuing, hunting
warrior - hunting

11-13-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko

Originally posted by radamanthys
I'm worth the most... human geek.

You'd have to be female to be worth the most. :P

[Edited on 11-13-2005 by GS3 Michiko]

Breeding value does have its merits. Then again, so does stud value...


11-13-2005, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
From greatest ROI to least ROI. IMO

wizard - enchanting, spells, hunting
sorcerer - future ensorcell, spells, hunting
bard - gem purifying, hunting
rogue - boxpicking, hunting, (thieving optional)
ranger - elemental resist to armor, hunting, skinning
empath - healing, rescuing, skinning, hunting
cleric/paladin - raising, rescuing, hunting
warrior - hunting

This isn't the only consideration though. Like I said before, some capped professions are much rarer than others. You have to consider supply/demand.

11-13-2005, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
From greatest ROI to least ROI. IMO

wizard - enchanting, spells, hunting
sorcerer - future ensorcell, spells, hunting
bard - gem purifying, hunting
rogue - boxpicking, hunting, (thieving optional)
ranger - elemental resist to armor, hunting, skinning
empath - healing, rescuing, skinning, hunting
cleric/paladin - raising, rescuing, hunting
warrior - hunting

You forget that bards can make decent pickers and that a capped cleric is one of the best skinners in the game considering 312 does 0 damage to the pelt.

Also, a Paladin isn't much for rescuing since they don't have 225 and their raises are crappy.

11-13-2005, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
From greatest ROI to least ROI. IMO

wizard - enchanting, spells, hunting
sorcerer - future ensorcell, spells, hunting
bard - gem purifying, hunting
rogue - boxpicking, hunting, (thieving optional)
ranger - elemental resist to armor, hunting, skinning
empath - healing, rescuing, skinning, hunting
cleric/paladin - raising, rescuing, hunting
warrior - hunting

I am rather surprised. You all seem to have overlooked the capped ranger that can make a humungous amount of silver, that is WAY WAY over what a capped wizard could make.

Also for rangers there is no only 1 major enchant slot crap, and there is no, only one major enchant slot per account.

So stacking rangers for silvers would be a good idea.

For Silver, rangers win hands down, next are the wizards.

For playability (least possibilty of dying at cap) I would say sorcerer, bone-shatter empath, CS Wizard, so that you can hold that guarded defense if need be.

Just a couple thoughts to stir the pot.


11-13-2005, 05:48 AM
Since the changes to empath and cleric spells, inparticular with reference to spell 303, it is now feasible with adequate blessing lore to stack this on other folk at 2 mins per, yeah takes a bunch of mana to give any decent amount of time (through testing, my cleric can offer around 30 minutes worth if full of mana currently) of a nice +40 boost to targets DS. Considering it's a rank 3 spell, thats gotta be a nice spell to get for spell burst areas no? For capped clerics assuming they have 100 cleric spell ranks the DS boost will be +58 I believe. I believe this has just made higher level lore trained Clerics a more valued commodity to be associated with!

11-13-2005, 05:54 AM
Thats cool, I may have to have Belle's cleric look into lore for that, as a couple of my chars are in spellburst areas.


11-13-2005, 08:02 AM
Capped empaths make the most money.

11-13-2005, 08:17 AM
Regardless of what spells any character has, or what ways they can make money, Stunseed hit the nail on the head, Halfling Wizard or Dark Elf Wizard will sell for the most, 9 times out of 10.

11-13-2005, 08:19 AM
Finis, all pure professions can make silvers quicker and in greater quantities than rangers.

11-13-2005, 08:43 AM
All your base are belong to us.

11-13-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Capped empaths make the most money.

I do like the fact that I can walk around OTF, boneshatter at will, and load up with boxes, gems, coin, crystal weapons, and griffin talons until I can not pick up another thing, and yet still live. I especially like walking behind those who leave coins on the ground. Reminds me of the old sorcerer days before stance modifiers to 702. With a disk I can average 9 to 11 boxes total along with all the other stuff I can pick up. Hence why I tell folks I 'farm' OTF.

11-13-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Capped empaths make the most money.

I do like the fact that I can walk around OTF, boneshatter at will, and load up with boxes, gems, coin, crystal weapons, and griffin talons until I can not pick up another thing, and yet still live. I especially like walking behind those who leave coins on the ground. Reminds me of the old sorcerer days before stance modifiers to 702. With a disk I can average 9 to 11 boxes total along with all the other stuff I can pick up. Hence why I tell folks I 'farm' OTF.

All pures can do that. Bards and rangers can do that as well.

11-13-2005, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Finis, all pure professions can make silvers quicker and in greater quantities than rangers.

I was refering to the natures resistance. I would find it hard to believe that any hunter can get the millions they get a week. Reggy for example charges 750K times 5 = 3.75M a week. Thats no small chunk of change.


11-13-2005, 04:55 PM
Thats hardly a definate income. Skinners can make the likes of 100k a minimum without having to worry about whether or not a customer wants what I'm selling.

11-13-2005, 09:40 PM
Wait...rangers aren't capped by major projects? They can go nuts with offering resistance? Damn...I feel cheated.

11-13-2005, 09:41 PM
5 slots a week.

11-13-2005, 09:43 PM
Ask Reggy how long his waiting list is, and he is only one ranger.

I call that pretty dependable.


11-13-2005, 09:46 PM
Dont laugh, as soon as I have time to play I'm getting my set of FGB done by the next available ranger in Illistim.

11-13-2005, 09:51 PM
My training plan is way too expensive, otherwise I might give this a spin. I don't play Stun to make silvers, I play him to dominate an otherwise "archerized" profession.

11-14-2005, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
My training plan is way too expensive, otherwise I might give this a spin. I don't play Stun to make silvers, I play him to dominate an otherwise "archerized" profession.


11-14-2005, 02:22 AM
Oh I dunno..I don't think there are too many rangers out there who do what Stunseed does and as well as he does for his train bracket. It's actually pretty impressive to me how well he pulls it off and I would say that even if I weren't with him.

11-14-2005, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
Oh I dunno..I don't think there are too many rangers out there who do what Stunseed does and as well as he does for his train bracket. It's actually pretty impressive to me how well he pulls it off and I would say that even if I weren't with him.

Bah woman! I'm just dogging him, no need to bring logic and/or facts into the equation!

11-14-2005, 02:39 AM
Teehee. :D

11-14-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin

Originally posted by Drayal
After reading the empath 100 trains thread, I was supprised at how little a capped empath was worth.
Which profession is worth the most? Wether it include race or whatever.

You also misunderstood that the asking price does not signify the worth of a just a plain capped empath.

I'd agree with a halfing wizard then DE sorc.

Keep in mind ensorcell will someday/maybe be a usefull investment.

DE sorcs arent worth jack. he meant DE wiz

11-15-2005, 07:03 AM
I was refering to the natures resistance. I would find it hard to believe that any hunter can get the millions they get a week. Reggy for example charges 750K times 5 = 3.75M a week. Thats no small chunk of change.


If I only made 3.75 mil a week, I would consider it a very bad week. In GS3 I have made 4 mil a day (1 mil every 3-4 hours of playing time). In GS4 it is down to only 2 mil a day (about 1 mil every 4 -5 hours). However, after I complete my training I can probably increase my daily potential earnings to about 3 mil day.

11-15-2005, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Darcthundar

I was refering to the natures resistance. I would find it hard to believe that any hunter can get the millions they get a week. Reggy for example charges 750K times 5 = 3.75M a week. Thats no small chunk of change.


If I only made 3.75 mil a week, I would consider it a very bad week. In GS3 I have made 4 mil a day (1 mil every 3-4 hours of playing time). In GS4 it is down to only 2 mil a day (about 1 mil every 4 -5 hours). However, after I complete my training I can probably increase my daily potential earnings to about 3 mil day.

Doing what?
Adding resistance to armour? Hunting?

Assuming you have school or a job, do you still have time to shit and eat?

11-15-2005, 09:44 AM
Does Reggy do anything else, though? Besides the actual armor work, and whispering to EVERY SOUL HE PASSES that he can do it for them?

I can't tell you how many times I've told him to go the fuck away, and no, he can't "check my armor for me"

11-15-2005, 09:54 AM
I dunno, in the past price was based on spellup ablity, (ability to spell up others), so I think Wizards took a little hit (not much they still pwn), but empaths on the other hand should move up in the list, now they can hunt barrier better than most any other class, perfect for rescue/heal zombie/treasure hunt

but there are a million of them.

11-15-2005, 09:57 AM
There are tons of empaths, true, but it's amazing how many of them still can't hunt for shit. I can't tell you how many still bitch that "the only way they can learn is to heal" since they'll "never fry hunting" . This is generally when I walk out and go hunt, to avoid the stereotypical "Puff Whine Fest". I know there are others with empaths who post here that know what I'm talking about.