View Full Version : wOw service issuezz
11-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Ok, now, I remember the days when GS used to crash, and be down for quite some time.
However, I have seen WoW go down/have issues more than twice in the week and a half that I have been playing.
Is it always like this?
Sean of the Thread
11-07-2005, 10:32 PM
No not usually. Pretty good track record in my past experience.
11-07-2005, 10:35 PM
Probably depends who you talk to. I'm sure some people get all finicky and say it's down all the time. I just look at downtime as a forced break since I'd play every waking hour if I wasn't literally blocked from doing so. :)
Sean of the Thread
11-07-2005, 10:36 PM
Pretty much the same... there were times in the past (I played from launch) that it went down for like 2 hours and I was all like JESUS WTF!!! but considering that I hadn't taken a break in the past 32 hours prior...
Also I played on one of the most populated PVP servers.. so considering that the downtime since launch wasn't bad at all.
[Edited on 11-8-2005 by Xyelin]
11-07-2005, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Odups
Probably depends who you talk to. I'm sure some people get all finicky and say it's down all the time. I just look at downtime as a forced break since I'd play every waking hour if I wasn't literally blocked from doing so. :)
and that's exactly how I feel about WoW right now. I get my homework done EXTRA fast, just so I can play wow..
OMG. This is bad bad bad bad. you should all kill my friend for giving me a free copy of this. I HAD NO INTENTION OF BUYING THIS/TRYING THIS and then my friend had to give me THE FREE MONTH TRIAL/DISC SET. (got it from one of his clients, who showered him with goodies in exchange for work)
To make it even worse, the MACINTOSH instal is on the same disc as the PC. H8 blizzard.
11-07-2005, 11:00 PM
The realms are all up, the log in server is taking a crap. You will experience this every now and again on Mondays.
All of the BG noobs are trying to get the last minute honor in hopes of gaining a rank. Not like they have a chance of doing that since AB and the recent changes .... but it's habbit for them by now.
Personally, with the exception of the last two days worth of lag, I've not had many problems.
11-07-2005, 11:05 PM
I see. well, still have to say this is a pretty nifty game.
Just when I thought it was going to get repetitive, the game's challenge was kicked up a notch. Lvl 18 - 22 the quests are getting mighty difficult to solo.
I can barely solo (if at all) the elite quests, and I sure as hell won't go into a dungeon solo, even with a pet.
Undead warlock is FUN. not sure how I do the PVP thing, but quests are taking me to the contested areas, and the alliance (although they're about 9 levels over me), keep ganking me. I just hope they don't get any honor kills for that.
11-07-2005, 11:08 PM
With the exception of Tuedsay mornings for maintenance, I've had no problems except for the past few days.
And the past few days has just been that occasionally it'll take a while to log in. But the actual game still moves fast.
11-07-2005, 11:14 PM
well, it just likes to take forever to authenticate/handshake/connect, and then it just won't let me in. which is actually for the better. but that's not my point.. :D
11-08-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Yswithe
well, it just likes to take forever to authenticate/handshake/connect, and then it just won't let me in. which is actually for the better. but that's not my point.. :D
I'm having the same problem too.
11-08-2005, 11:57 AM
Get used to the login servers having problems. Many a raid has been called off due to folks getting dc'd, and not being able to log back in. Other than that, and horrendous lag in some zones (Namely Blackrock Mountain, and Blackwing Lair)... service is pretty good, overall.
11-08-2005, 11:59 AM
At least it doesn't crash because one person sucks at hiding.
11-08-2005, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Jennaen
Get used to the login servers having problems. Many a raid has been called off due to folks getting dc'd, and not being able to log back in. Other than that, and horrendous lag in some zones (Namely Blackrock Mountain, and Blackwing Lair)... service is pretty good, overall.
never had lag in BWL, or any other instance, as they are on different servers from the world zones, which are usually the ones lagging
11-08-2005, 04:24 PM
Is starting a new account in WoW/learning the system, basically gaining your bearings, a difficult thing to do?
11-08-2005, 04:29 PM
Nope. Really easy. Just roll horde on Dunemaul and join Me So Hordy.
Depends... I've been on feathermoon for a while and haven't had too many compliants about service. But for the last 5 weeks or so feathermoon has been very shaky. I can log into other realms no big deal while feathermoon will get lost at connecting for hours on end. It's been really throwin a wrench in our raids too.. hopin they can sort it out soon.
11-08-2005, 06:30 PM
So it's a server issue?
I really dont know what the problem is. When feathermoon is actin up, normally the login server is pretty slow too. Like I said though, after a few minutes it will let me into other realms while FM stays out of reach.
11-09-2005, 08:08 AM
I don't know about other servers but Arthas has been having ridiculous queues lately. The other night we were all buffed and about to start the Nefarian fight when *poof* one of our main priests disconnect. Took him like 15 minutes to log back in.
11-09-2005, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Is starting a new account in WoW/learning the system, basically gaining your bearings, a difficult thing to do?
If Anticor can do it.. anyone can.
11-09-2005, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Is starting a new account in WoW/learning the system, basically gaining your bearings, a difficult thing to do?
yeah, but the only way to be a complete douche in the game is go on a pvp server, group up, gank one opposing faction member, and camp at the corpse.
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