View Full Version : WTF Psinet Chat Gone?

11-06-2005, 10:06 AM
Well I have seen Psinet up and down for the past few weeks. More down than Up.

I do realize the rest of the program is working more or less other than messing up my thought window and such.

I am upset more because about a month or so ago I donated $20 to it and it seems like the Chat function has been screwed up.

Would anyone like to enlighten me also as to why I go to the link that WAS the "Official Psinet Site" and it is now something else?

Unwritten Legends?

Well I personally feel ripped off. What am I going to do about it? Well I am complaining here and I sure as hell will not donate anything to anyone related to Gemstone again. If that means that I might get banned from a site because I publicly state that then so be it.

11-06-2005, 10:10 AM

11-06-2005, 10:13 AM
<<I do realize the rest of the program is working>>

Anything that doesn't communicate with the PsiNet server is working, yes. It's software. That's what it does.

<<I am upset more because about a month or so ago I donated $20 to it and it seems like the Chat function has been screwed up.>>

The ability to link has been screwed up. The server is down. It is run by 1 person: Jamus. Take it up with him. He has no employees to do this for him.

<<Would anyone like to enlighten me also as to why I go to the link that WAS the "Official Psinet Site" and it is now something else?>>

Because Jamus changed his website.

<<Unwritten Legends?>>

Jamus is a game developer for UL.

<<Well I personally feel ripped off.>>

It will happen more than once in your life.

<<Well I am complaining here and I sure as hell will not donate anything to anyone related to Gemstone again. If that means that I might get banned from a site because I publicly state that then so be it.>>

From where do you think you're going to be banned, exactly?

11-06-2005, 10:57 AM
<<It will happen more than once in your life. >>

And in Real Life other than game life related I am much more voiceferous about it. This is less than how mad I got when I went to McDonalds and asked for my Usual Quarter Pounder with Tomato and was told I had to have a McDLT. Back when they first came out.

I am one of those who when I hear on the Radio and add that says for a Song you can walk away with X. I go to the store if it is something I need or want and do my little song and if they do not give me said product I get a lawyer.

I used Psinet and found I liked the Chat and some of the other functions so I said.. hey I will donate.

Then I see problems with the server. Functions that require server contact not working. The server not coming back up in a timely manner.

I run a server that I host a FREE thing for people. It is up 24/7 and in 6 years has been down less than a total of a week. With 4 days due to the Blackout about 2 1/2 years ago and 2 days last june again due to circumstances beyond my control.

I am not paid nor do I take donations for what I do but I can keep a Server up with Linux on it for 6 years without any noticable downtime.

What is Psinet on? Windows? Unstable ultra low end DSL?

I understand a one person show. I am a one person show for my Hosting. If I am going to be away from my house for more than 2 days I arrange for someone to be able to get in my house and take care of things if necessary.

It doesn't take much effort. If I did not like Psinet I would not have donated to it. I just think that if someone is recieving money they should at least put a little more attention to the product.

The other issue is when I goto X.com website and find that there is no more website for the Product I donated to I feel ripped off.

It does not speak well for the person in question to make it look like the product is abandoned.

11-06-2005, 11:01 AM
You're absolutely right in saying that PsiNet is handled and hosted very poorly. Plenty of people have offered to run the server, myself included. It is, unfortunately, as abandoned as you think.

11-06-2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
The other issue is when I goto X.com website and find that there is no more website for the Product I donated to I feel ripped off.

You can pretty much just STFU right there.

No one asked you to donate. You weren't required to. It was your choice. Don't hold anyone else repsonsible for the results of your actions, dumbass.

Also, you sound like a whiny little bitch in real life. You don't get your way so you get lawyers involved and get all bent out of shape? Grow the fuck up please.

I also know that he does not ask for donations. Which makes you even more retarded, because you have absolutely no ground to stand on when demanding service.

[Edited on 11-6-2005 by Tayre]

11-06-2005, 01:44 PM
<<I also know that he does not ask for donations.>>

Having a "Donate to me!" button on your website is pretty much asking for donations.

How would you feel if the American Red Cross decided to start spending donation money on bitches and alcohol?

11-06-2005, 03:20 PM
It's not asking for donations. It's making the option available.

Also, I don't donate to the Red Cross, so I don't care what they do with the money.

[Edited on 11-6-2005 by Tayre]

11-06-2005, 03:21 PM
I believe he was asking for donations in order to spur him into creating those retarded psinet titles.

11-06-2005, 03:22 PM
He received "Donations" in order to create specific ones for specific people (ie. someone gave him money to receive the title GameMaster), but I don't think he did it based on the fact he was receiving donations or not.

11-06-2005, 03:23 PM
Simple solution, don't use Psinet.

11-06-2005, 04:13 PM
>>Also, you sound like a whiny little bitch in real life. You don't get your way so you get lawyers involved and get all bent out of shape? Grow the fuck up please. <<

Sounds like you are an internet punk who talks big but in real life you are probably a wimpy little shit that takes anything dished out to them.

One thing about me. I will say the same thing to your face that I will say over the internet... care to meet me face to face and see who doesn't follow through?

>>Also, I don't donate to the Red Cross, so I don't care what they do with the money. <<

Interesting... so do you care about Terrorist and what they do? You do not donate to them but they kill thousands and thousands of people. Since you do not donate you must not care about that either. Or do you donate to them?

Careful how you answer... Big Brother and the Patriot Act is watching.

11-06-2005, 04:16 PM
Bobmuhthol posted

>>It is, unfortunately, as abandoned as you think.<<

Soulpieced posted

>>Simple solution, don't use Psinet. <<

If what the first comment said is true then the odds are pretty good that by the end of the week the seconds will be done in the form of and uninstall.

11-06-2005, 04:40 PM
>>Sounds like you are an internet punk who talks big but in real life you are probably a wimpy little shit that takes anything dished out to them.<<<

I have every faith that Alex if he were to meet you would indeed tell you to fuck off.

11-06-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
>>Also, you sound like a whiny little bitch in real life. You don't get your way so you get lawyers involved and get all bent out of shape? Grow the fuck up please. <<

Sounds like you are an internet punk who talks big but in real life you are probably a wimpy little shit that takes anything dished out to them.

One thing about me. I will say the same thing to your face that I will say over the internet... care to meet me face to face and see who doesn't follow through?

>>Also, I don't donate to the Red Cross, so I don't care what they do with the money. <<

Interesting... so do you care about Terrorist and what they do? You do not donate to them but they kill thousands and thousands of people. Since you do not donate you must not care about that either. Or do you donate to them?

Careful how you answer... Big Brother and the Patriot Act is watching.

Lmao. You have to be one of the most retarded people I've ever seen.

I can see CLEARLY how you can parralel terrorist activity and donating to the Red Cross. Sure.

As for being an "internet punk blah blah", I have absolutely no problem saying anything to anyone's face. Ask anyone who knows me (some post on this board). I work in retail, so I know exactly the type of customer you are. The type that raises hell because they want to make a return outside the return policy. The type that throws a fit because the product you bought is broken 3 months after purchase and you want us to do something about it.

You may have not done those things, but I have no doubt you would if you had to. The world doesn't owe you anything, and neither does Jamus. So fuck off.

11-06-2005, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Having a "Donate to me!" button on your website is pretty much asking for donations.


While there may or may not be a valid reason for Psinet to be down, to say donations were not solicited would be incorrect.

11-06-2005, 04:48 PM
<<Interesting... so do you care about Terrorist and what they do? You do not donate to them but they kill thousands and thousands of people. Since you do not donate you must not care about that either. Or do you donate to them?>>

This is a terrible argument. Two totally different concepts. And I'm the king of making arguments like this work. This one doesn't.

<<I have every faith that Alex if he were to meet you would indeed tell you to fuck off.>>

I would, but he was directing his post to Tayre, actually.

11-06-2005, 04:58 PM
>>As for being an "internet punk blah blah", I have absolutely no problem saying anything to anyone's face. Ask anyone who knows me (some post on this board). I work in retail, so I know exactly the type of customer you are. The type that raises hell because they want to make a return outside the return policy. The type that throws a fit because the product you bought is broken 3 months after purchase and you want us to do something about it. <<

So you don't agree that a company should honor a warranty?

When I buy a product that says it has a 1 year warranty that the retailer is supposed to take care of. Not the manufacturer the retailer has no obligation?

As for the whole thing I own and run a computer business. In fact I deal with hundreds of people a month on warranty issues. I even help them get their laptops that are 2-3 weeks past warranty covered by the manufacturer even though it is past the 1 year period. I use the loopholes to help them out.

You think it is bad in retail to have someone complain that their product is broken. Try being a Authorized Service Provider for Dell, HP, Toshiba, Sony and IBM. Listen to them howl when you tell them you can replace their hard drive for free but it will cost them upto $2000 for data recovery on that same hard drive and if they want to do that they have to pay for the hard drive since the company wants it back in the condition it was in when it was bought not after data recovery gets done.

>>You may have not done those things, but I have no doubt you would if you had to. The world doesn't owe you anything, and neither does Jamus. So fuck off.<<

If I buy a product with warrantee that the retailer is obligated to support and it breaks in the warranty period damn right they owe me.

As for Jamus... I am more disappointed that someone would pull this shit. Suprised no... not at all. Thinking he owes me... well would have been nice to have a post here or somewhere saying sorry folks I cannot keep this up thanks for the support but it is over or something politely similar. Sneaking out the back door in the middle of the night with no message is pretty sad statement on someones character.

I admit my comment about terrorism was a bit of a strawman statement but the point is still valid. If you don't care about something you do not donate to then you probably don't care about anything you do not donate too.

If you are retail then you are really in need of a vacation. I am so proud you can swear at me over the internet. I bet Gas money capped at $100 that you would swear at me and run in real life at best like a chicken shit internet punk. You talk tough and feel so big swearing here. Hrmm well I am using the word shit. The point is still valid. I will give you $100 if you actually will meet me in a public place and not run like a little punk and are willing to say to my face what you are saying here. Assuming you are over 18.

Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning anyways. I feel ripped off and I am stating that in a public enviroment that was used to promote the product I feel ripped off about? I have every right to politely state my opinion in public in the United States.

I feel ripped off by Jamus IF and only IF he has abandoned Psinet with no notification. He might still come here and say he is sorry and got the server back up or such. I am still giving him the benefit of the doubt that this is not permanent.

Though as the days go on it feels more and more like it.

You come on here in your high and mightly Internet Punk attitude and think I will slink away because you can swear at me. Tough talk from an electron. I am putting my money where my mouth is.

Can you?

BTW Weekends are my only time for something like a meet. I work 60-70 hours a week at my job.

11-06-2005, 05:00 PM
Opps well I would bet the bank that Tayre would say f-off PLUS a whole lot more :grin:

11-06-2005, 05:07 PM
If I buy a product with warrantee that the retailer is obligated to support and it breaks in the warranty period damn right they owe me.

Too bad you donated to the product rather than purchased it.

11-06-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I would bet the bank that Tayre would say f-off PLUS a whole lot more But he would say it so fast you'd only catch every 4th word of it.
Originally posted by Heshinar
I will give you $100 if you actually will meet me in a public place and not run like a little punk and are willing to say to my face what you are saying here.For a measly $100 I'd let you think whatever you wanted to think about me. Opportunity costs alert.

And yeah, Jamus has gone absent from PsiNet for long periods of time before. For all your talk about INTERNET PUNKS and HOW TOUGH YOU ARE IRL, I would have thought you'd have realized that people do in fact have RL obligations that supercede an internet hobby.

11-06-2005, 05:26 PM
I'm still flabergasted that someone got pissed enough over a forum board post to offer to pay 100 dollars in order to meet another person to kick their ass. LAME. LAME LAME LAME. :barf::loser:

11-06-2005, 05:35 PM
latrinsorm22: I spelt supercede wrong though
latrinsorm22: so now I must commit honorable internet seppuku
drew cantu: is that like poo poo?
drew cantu: internet poopoo
latrinsorm22: no
latrinsorm22: I take a blunt short sword
latrinsorm22: thrust it into my abdomen
latrinsorm22: carve a foot long gash in my abdomen
latrinsorm22: and after a few hours of bleeding out
latrinsorm22: I have my best friend cut my head off
drew cantu: Wow, I have a hard on.
latrinsorm22: I know, and it sickens me
drew cantu: You just gave it to me.
latrinsorm22: I KNOW
latrinsorm22: AND IT SICKENS ME

11-06-2005, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Also, you sound like a whiny little bitch in real life. You don't get your way so you get lawyers involved and get all bent out of shape? Grow the fuck up please.

Anyone that brings up RL over the internet in that context loses automatically. Thanks for playing.

11-06-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
And in Real Life other than game life related I am much more voiceferous about it. This is less than how mad I got when I went to McDonalds and asked for my Usual Quarter Pounder with Tomato and was told I had to have a McDLT. Back when they first came out.

I am one of those who when I hear on the Radio and add that says for a Song you can walk away with X. I go to the store if it is something I need or want and do my little song and if they do not give me said product I get a lawyer.

He did it first. I guess he loses.

Edit: This is what I was responding to when I said that.

[Edited on 11-6-2005 by Tayre]

11-06-2005, 05:49 PM
No, he really didn't. The key words in my post were "in that context." Meaning, calling someone else a bitch, etc.

11-06-2005, 05:50 PM
I love it when folks threaten each other with physical harm or physical confrontation over the internet.

One thing about Tayre - he lives in Texas. Us Texans have lots of guns. Be careful with what you ask for when seeking a confrontation or wanting to find someone and pay them a 'visit'. Best case scenario is that you wind up with some cuts, bruises, and busted teeth. Worst case scenario is that you wind up in the hospital with gun shot wounds... or the morgue.

edited to add..

Reminds me of listening to folks say.. ."I'm going to drag you out of that car and beat your ass, only to find out the draggee has brought something with them in their once empty empty hands.

Remember, there is no honor in street fighting, only survivors.

[Edited on 11-6-2005 by Ganalon]

11-06-2005, 06:00 PM
The possibility that PsiNet would go belly-up has (or, should have) been a reality since Jamus quit GemStone, in my opinion. I know it works on the UL platform, as well; however, the fact that Jamus left GemStone would lead me to believe that GemStone isn't a priority with him. He's probably got too much on his plate and has to cut back somewhere.

If you donated, you donated. There was no requirement to do so. It was your decision and it turned out to be a bad decision. It's not the first bad decision you've made, I'm sure. It also won't be the last bad decision you make. Letting it get to you is just another bad decision. :shrug:

11-06-2005, 06:39 PM
Jamus also refused to release a scripting engine because of the sheer impact it would have on GS gameplay.

Except he wasn't playing so now it's public.

11-06-2005, 06:45 PM
>>I love it when folks threaten each other with physical harm or physical confrontation over the internet. <<

Excuse me where did I say anything about a physical confrontation other than face to face?

I want him to sit in front of me at a public place and argue to my face using the same language he is using here.

I never said one word about assault and battery or assault with a deadly weapon in any context.

Biggest crap on the internet is people who pull part of a sentence and not the whole paragraph and context in which something was said and assault that one part. Sound Bites are not arguement material.

And Tayre ---

>>You can pretty much just STFU right there. <<

Here is your opening statement coming into this thread. Case in point of argueing using only part of the whole and responding to it. Hence by definition you started this shit.

I only pointed out I was upset that Psinet Server functions were down and appeared to not be coming back up.

The funny thing is I can see Tayre either laughing his ass of thinking he got me all riled up over his words which is even more funny considering I am not angry at him. He is like a tailgater on the highway who is close enough to count the hairs on my butt thinking it will make me move. The funny part is it doesnt bother me because if I have to legitamately slam my breaks that tailgater is going to eat my trailer hitch and step bumper. If not and he is truly as angry and put off as he seems then he needs a vacation and realize that an Internet arguement is not something to get riled up over.

IF he is in Texas and I am in Michigan... Well last time I was in Texas it took a day (8 Hours) to go from the boarder to where I was heading. Though I was going East to West. If he is around Dallas that is about 1200 miles. An easy 16 hour drive. Leave Friday after work... say 7ish. Show up in Michigan say Noon Saturday have a long arguement at the local starbucks for an hour or two then he gets a $100 and a hotel room and back to Texas the next day.

Then again all Tayre has been doing is insulting me. He hasn't really had a shred of arguement or discussion that has been valid otherwise.

11-06-2005, 06:51 PM
>>If you donated, you donated. There was no requirement to do so. It was your decision and it turned out to be a bad decision. It's not the first bad decision you've made, I'm sure. It also won't be the last bad decision you make. Letting it get to you is just another bad decision. <<

Hell I am sure I am going to make bad decisions till I die. I am aware that donation is a tricky thing. If he is not going to change, improve or otherwise touch Psinet anymore I am quite sure there are a couple coders out there that would like to. If he has abandoned it officially maybe someone could get the code and work on it and me or someone else could host the thing.

Still there is a certain amount of responsibility someone accepts when they ask for donations for something. It is not a product but at the same time it is probably a "Gentlemans Agreement"

As I said I host MUDs for free and their webpages when they want. I have an obligation and responsibility to these people who are using what I created even if I have not recieved nor asked for a shred of cash for this.

Maybe it is a sad comment on most of the generations that have come after mine about how they see their responsibilities to others.

11-06-2005, 06:52 PM
No one asked you to donate. You weren't required to. It was your choice. Don't hold anyone else repsonsible for the results of your actions, dumbass.

I also know that he does not ask for donations. Which makes you even more retarded, because you have absolutely no ground to stand on when demanding service.

Those comments seem valid enough to me.

11-06-2005, 07:02 PM
Jamus has no obligation to us nor are we obliged to donate to him.

11-06-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
An easy 16 hour drive. Leave Friday after work... say 7ish. Show up in Michigan say Noon Saturday have a long arguement at the local starbucks for an hour or two then he gets a $100 and a hotel room and back to Texas the next day.
Yeah I would totally waste 32+ hours of my life for 100 crummy bucks. Are you from the 1950's or something? Aha:
Maybe it is a sad comment on most of the generations that have come after mine about how they see their responsibilities to others.I guess you are.

11-06-2005, 09:43 PM
Maybe it is a sad comment on most of the generations that have come after mine about how they see their responsibilities to others.


That makes about as much sense as a football bat. Seriously how do you walk with those giant chips on your shoulders? Feel free to retire to some senior community and lament about the good old days.

You aren't a snowflake and you won't be treated as such. You donated 20 dollars.....that buys you about an hour of work(and that's a very, very low billing charge). Considering the amount of time put into a project like this I'd say you've more than exceeded your bought time.

Does it suck that psinet chat doesn't work? Yes

Did you survive GS before it? Yes

Will you survive GS after it? I could give a fuck less.

11-06-2005, 11:47 PM
I'm sorry... I forgot Social Conscience and caring about others went out in the 70's. Ever since then it is fuck everyone else I want mine and don't care who I step on or hurt or otherwise shit on to get it.

I am by no means a snowflake and never asked to be treated as one but I was brought up to show respect to others and that they should show respect to me.

This lame crap of total abuse and belittlement is a sign of the lack of respect for others. I have yet to see anyone who was born in the last 30 years show that they have any concept of true respect for others. It was dying when I was growing up and it obviously is gone.

As far as donations go... I did not do it in hopes of getting anything special, I did it to say I like the program here is something to help the cost of hosting it and appreciation of the work done. As I have said also is that I have not given up the ghost on Psinet at this time. I am annoyed that it is not working or being maintaned.

I am saddened by the lack of character of people and their inability to post without acting like High School bullies.

Tayre and Anticor, I wonder if you two can even comment about anything you do not like without making it personal. Is there something you two need that putting someone else down makes you feel better about yourselves... well I shouldnt use that question. Too Pop Psych. Maybe it is just because your both are a couple of assholes who get your rocks off being jerks to others from behind some screen. Same type of jerks who walk down the street and throw rocks through windows just because they can. Or the assholes who make viruses with the intent to hurt others and cause problems with their computers.

Either way... I am glad I can do what I do with a TV show that I do not like. I can just not watch your shit. Then again it is fun to see how worked up you get yourselves trying to make me feel bad about myself.

Too bad it cannot happen.

BTW Tarye after Taxes 32 hours is about 3.30 an hour at minimum wage for a lame ass carreer retail employee who doesnt realize they are in a dead end job. (Though I only say that based on other people commenting that was your job)

Just a side note... I have never had a problem with the words "shit" and "ass" and don't really consider them much of a swear. Just my line in the sand on that one.

11-06-2005, 11:50 PM
Personally I don't attribute or equate the fact that Jamus, who has seemingly forgotten or not found the time to fix something that he worked on from a purely VOLUNTEER basis, has anything to do with the so-called rise in world wide apathy. To say that anyone not born within the last 30 years does not show the "proper" respect is probably the dumbest thing I've EVER heard. Where the hell is OUR respect? You don't get anything for nothing in this world and you never have. Why should we respect you? Because you've lived longer? God...

[Edited on 7-11-05 by StrayRogue]

11-07-2005, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Heshinar
I'm sorry... I forgot Social Conscience and caring about others went out in the 70's. Ever since then it is fuck everyone else I want mine and don't care who I step on or hurt or otherwise shit on to get it.

I am by no means a snowflake and never asked to be treated as one but I was brought up to show respect to others and that they should show respect to me.

This lame crap of total abuse and belittlement is a sign of the lack of respect for others. I have yet to see anyone who was born in the last 30 years show that they have any concept of true respect for others. It was dying when I was growing up and it obviously is gone.

As far as donations go... I did not do it in hopes of getting anything special, I did it to say I like the program here is something to help the cost of hosting it and appreciation of the work done. As I have said also is that I have not given up the ghost on Psinet at this time. I am annoyed that it is not working or being maintaned.

I am saddened by the lack of character of people and their inability to post without acting like High School bullies.

Tayre and Anticor, I wonder if you two can even comment about anything you do not like without making it personal. Is there something you two need that putting someone else down makes you feel better about yourselves... well I shouldnt use that question. Too Pop Psych. Maybe it is just because your both are a couple of assholes who get your rocks off being jerks to others from behind some screen. Same type of jerks who walk down the street and throw rocks through windows just because they can. Or the assholes who make viruses with the intent to hurt others and cause problems with their computers.

Either way... I am glad I can do what I do with a TV show that I do not like. I can just not watch your shit. Then again it is fun to see how worked up you get yourselves trying to make me feel bad about myself.

Too bad it cannot happen.

BTW Tarye after Taxes 32 hours is about 3.30 an hour at minimum wage for a lame ass carreer retail employee who doesnt realize they are in a dead end job. (Though I only say that based on other people commenting that was your job)

Just a side note... I have never had a problem with the words "shit" and "ass" and don't really consider them much of a swear. Just my line in the sand on that one.

You're going to die a lonely, grumpy, old man. And I, for one, am sorry that I wasted my blood, sweat, and tax dollars keeping jaded "when I was your age" relics alive.

If you're idea of showing respect for others is bitching about something that someone made on their own time with no real gain for themselves, something that was made for the benefit of others. Than you're right I don't know respect and I'm glad for it. You're so hypocritical in your posts that it makes me wonder if you even understand the words that you use.

Do us all a favor, give me your mailing address so I can send you the 20 bucks and then proceed to walk in front of a bus. That should keep all parties involved happy.

11-07-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<I also know that he does not ask for donations.>>

Having a "Donate to me!" button on your website is pretty much asking for donations.

How would you feel if the American Red Cross decided to start spending donation money on bitches and alcohol?

I know I'd volunteer.

11-07-2005, 06:50 AM

<<Why should we respect you? >>

Everyone, me, you and even Anticor and Tayre deserve basic human respect because they are alive initially. When first you meet someone you should show respect to them as a human being. Once they show more and prove that they either deserve or do not deserve respect it when you change how you deal with them. Until they show they do not deserve respect they by default deserve respect. Just because you do not like someones opinion does not mean you need to make a personal attack against them. All that shows is your side of the arguement is either losing or lacks true strength and you have to lower yourself to insults to try and degrade the person you are argueing with.

Coming in to a discussion and making personal insults towards someone who has not said anything to you or even made a personal attack against you is a lack of basic respect for someone else. It shows a distinct lack of character and poor judgement.

Anticor and Tayre came into this discussion out of the blue - Public and they have a right to state their opinions - with personal attacks on me. What did I do but state my complaints about Psinet Server side being down and the webpage making it appear that it has been abandoned with NO warning. Because I wanted to find out what the hell is going on makes me subject to ridicule and insults?

That is what I am referring to in regards to respect.

As for Jamus and Psinet... My main contention and still is that he could at least say something publicly one way or the other. If he just doesnt care and feels that he does not want to pursue a course of support for the program maybe he could let someone else have the code and host the damn thing. Or at least say "I am outta here. No more support".

Not because of the Donations but in general yes he does owe US something because he made the decision to write a program that people liked and enjoyed. He owes us at least a courtesy "goodbye and tough shit I am not supporting it anymore" He may not charge for it but he accepted the responsibility for it when he decided to offer it to others. He accepted the obligation when he allowed another person to access and want to use the program.

The same as the people who run this BB have an obligation to us or the same way I have an obligation to the MUDs I host on my server. We may not get paid to do this and probably recieve little to no financial support but we have taken on the obligation and if we are not just some jerks we owe to the people to use what we offer. We have a responsibility to those out there who use our "products" free or not.

If you cannot understand that I do pity you and others who don't. I also pity the world that spawn people who do not think that others deserve basic respect.

11-07-2005, 08:04 AM
You're insane. I suggest putting the game down, stop taking life too serious, and chilling the fuck out. I agree everyone deserves a certain degree of "respect", but thats not something you're showing ANYONE by saying people who weren't born more than 30 years ago are unable of reciprocating said respect.

Additionally, it's a public forum. People can be as defensive and rude as they like. How you can gauge a person from a msg board in regards to how they are in reality, is beyond my understanding atleast.

11-07-2005, 08:15 AM
I agree with Heshinar, people do deserve respect. I know I get none from any of you ::shrugs:: I really don't care.

However Jamus, taking our "donations" we made to him and running was rather cowardly of him. I personally donated hmm $50 or so, because I enjoy Psinet.

But I agree with Heshinar, everyone deserves some sort of respect. Wish I knew how to gain everyones in Gemstone. Ah well.

Terminator X
11-07-2005, 08:15 AM
I'm upset it's down but I feel like that collectively I've gotten way more out of PsiNet than just the ten bucks I donated.


Also, what Daniel said was funny.

- TX

11-07-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Heshinar

<<Why should we respect you? >>

Everyone, me, you and even Anticor and Tayre deserve basic human respect because they are alive initially. When first you meet someone you should show respect to them as a human being. Once they show more and prove that they either deserve or do not deserve respect it when you change how you deal with them. Until they show they do not deserve respect they by default deserve respect. Just because you do not like someones opinion does not mean you need to make a personal attack against them. All that shows is your side of the arguement is either losing or lacks true strength and you have to lower yourself to insults to try and degrade the person you are argueing with.

Coming in to a discussion and making personal insults towards someone who has not said anything to you or even made a personal attack against you is a lack of basic respect for someone else. It shows a distinct lack of character and poor judgement.

Anticor and Tayre came into this discussion out of the blue - Public and they have a right to state their opinions - with personal attacks on me. What did I do but state my complaints about Psinet Server side being down and the webpage making it appear that it has been abandoned with NO warning. Because I wanted to find out what the hell is going on makes me subject to ridicule and insults?

That is what I am referring to in regards to respect.

As for Jamus and Psinet... My main contention and still is that he could at least say something publicly one way or the other. If he just doesnt care and feels that he does not want to pursue a course of support for the program maybe he could let someone else have the code and host the damn thing. Or at least say "I am outta here. No more support".

Not because of the Donations but in general yes he does owe US something because he made the decision to write a program that people liked and enjoyed. He owes us at least a courtesy "goodbye and tough shit I am not supporting it anymore" He may not charge for it but he accepted the responsibility for it when he decided to offer it to others. He accepted the obligation when he allowed another person to access and want to use the program.

The same as the people who run this BB have an obligation to us or the same way I have an obligation to the MUDs I host on my server. We may not get paid to do this and probably recieve little to no financial support but we have taken on the obligation and if we are not just some jerks we owe to the people to use what we offer. We have a responsibility to those out there who use our "products" free or not.

If you cannot understand that I do pity you and others who don't. I also pity the world that spawn people who do not think that others deserve basic respect.

First by excluding myself and Tayre from the basic group by pointing us out by name you are failing at your basic respect as it is insulting. You're a hypocrit that has about as much vision as a horse wearing blinders. You don't see anything but the path you're heading down.

You're confusing respect with kissing your ass. Go back and look at your first post. You're demanding, bitching, and making baseless claims. And you expect praise for that?! Please. People that think they are owed something generally can't get it on their own. Maybe you were spoon fed too long, maybe you never worked for anything, I don't know. But I do know that no one, anywhere, owes you piss or a pot to put it in.

I also pity the world that spawn people who do not think that others deserve basic respect.

I'm glad you learned a new word (respect) from the "Increase your Word Power" section of the last reader's digest but I don't think you really understand what it means. Maybe you should trade in some of that pity for a clue.

11-07-2005, 11:20 AM
First off, learn to spell arguing. You've misspelled it like 14 times.

Secondly, I agree with everything Anticor and StrayRogue (for the most part) have said. It's too early for me to come up with anything original, so I'll leave it at that.

Good day.

11-07-2005, 04:02 PM
>>First by excluding myself and Tayre from the basic group by pointing us out by name you are failing at your basic respect as it is insulting. You're a hypocrit that has about as much vision as a horse wearing blinders. You don't see anything but the path you're heading down. <<

So you coming and to this discussion and directly insulting me out of the blue is okay and my insulting you in response it wrong? Who's the Hypocrit here.

Both you, Anticor and Tayre made personal attacks first post. Rather than keep your comments to the issue you instead attacked me directly. Since you show no respect walking into the conversation I see no reason to give you any in return.

Example, Have I attacked Strayrogue personally or have I kept my responses to the arguement. The latter I think.

Again you might want to look in the mirror when you are calling someone a hypocrit.

Tayre you have nothing to add but to attack my consistent mispelling of a word. Take your own advice then and STFU. This is not a spelling bee. I am quite sure there is a word or two you make a mistake with. At least I am not going back and forth with it. No E... arguing... doesnt look right for some reason though I checked and agree I have been mispelling it. Though arguement is correct so maybe that is why I constantly want to put an E in arguing. Feel better that you got one thing right here?

In reality I do realize I do not know either of you in real life. I have made comments about what my opinion is but I have met people over the years both on and offline and found that online impressions are not necessarily true offline.

Just because someone has old fashioned values and believes in treating others with respect and dignity does not make me out to be an old fart. Unless you consider 39 an old fart. I think you can see my birthdate in my profile. It is realy easy to see that Tayre is 20 and Anticor is 24. I have held the belief that someone deserves respect till they prove otherwise since I was a teenager. I have also met kids who are in their mid teens with more decency and respect for others than you two combined. Hell I have met people your age who are more respectful than me. I ahve also met people in their 80's who make you two sound like choir boys talking to the Deacon. Hell go watch the Movie Ty Cobb with Tommy Lee Jones, Ty Cobb had no respect for anyone or almost anyone.

If you note the responses to Bobmuhthol and Strayrogue you will see that I have not insulted them. They also have not insulted me either. I answered Strayrogues question about respect politely and I thought fairly clearly.

You think I have blinders... you might want to check yourselves first.

I doubt either of you will ever change... so I only have two things left to say to both of you...

This discussion with you is :deadhorse:

And you can kiss my :moon2:

11-07-2005, 04:09 PM
Rofl. You crack me up. In a "watch the special kid try to bite his ear" kind of way.

PS- 39 is extremely old, FYI.

11-07-2005, 04:20 PM
>>PS- 39 is extremely old, FYI. <<

Unfortunately I have been told it is middle aged. What the hell is 70+ then?

11-07-2005, 04:25 PM
Fuck you Drew. That is all. :grr:

11-07-2005, 04:34 PM
Psinet is a free service that you enjoyed I'm sure for several days or weeks. It was to your own accord that you donated this 20$ that you are fretting about. You don't honestly expect jamus to keep the maintenance of this free software on top priority list in his life. 20$? I'm sorry, if you want. I can send you my can of pennies to soothe your pain.

11-07-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Shalla
Psinet is a free service that you enjoyed I'm sure for several days or weeks. It was to your own accord that you donated this 20$ that you are fretting about. You don't honestly expect jamus to keep the maintenance of this free software on top priority list in his life. 20$? I'm sorry, if you want. I can send you my can of pennies to soothe your pain.


11-07-2005, 04:42 PM

Maybe it is a sad comment on most of the generations that have come after mine about how they see their responsibilities to others.


I am saddened by the lack of character of people and their inability to post without acting like High School bullies.

Tayre and Anticor, I wonder if you two can even comment about anything you do not like without making it personal. Is there something you two need that putting someone else down makes you feel better about yourselves...


Yup, you're retarded.

11-07-2005, 04:49 PM
I'm sorry... I forgot Social Conscience and caring about others went out in the 70's. Ever since then it is fuck everyone else I want mine and don't care who I step on or hurt or otherwise shit on to get it.

Just like you feel that your huge donation of $20 earns you the right to know where the product is and demand to know what the result is or you're just not going to bother donating to anything GS related ever again? Oh yeah. Not selfish. Nope. Not at all.

It's $20. If you used it for at least a month, you got your money's worth. You donated to something that was free to begin with and helped it last a little longer. Go you.

11-07-2005, 04:52 PM
Having visited Toronto, I can safely say that Shalla has a distorted view of $20. Though I will say this: Fuck Canada's tax system.

But those Canadian dollars are crazy inexpensive.

11-07-2005, 04:54 PM
I don't know how I missed this:

One thing about me. I will say the same thing to your face that I will say over the internet... care to meet me face to face and see who doesn't follow through?

But sure. Next time I'm up in MI I'll visit the old folk's home of jaded people that are always right and know what everyone else needs/lacks and I'll look you up.

11-07-2005, 05:14 PM
39 is not middle age, but close I always thought middle age is when your in your upper 40's early fifties :spaz:

11-07-2005, 05:33 PM
Middle age for me was like 15.

11-07-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
I have yet to see anyone who was born in the last 30 years show that they have any concept of true respect for others. It was dying when I was growing up and it obviously is gone.Don't start off every conversation you have with a 30 and under with "Kids these days..." and you'll probably get better results. Respect is a two-way street, chief.
in general yes he does owe US something because he made the decision to write a program that people liked and enjoyed. He owes us at least a courtesy "goodbye and tough shit I am not supporting it anymore" He may not charge for it but he accepted the responsibility for it when he decided to offer it to others. He accepted the obligation when he allowed another person to access and want to use the program. Jesus. He lets us use a really awesome program FOR FREE and HE OWES US??? It's not the coolest thing in the world to abandon a program, but c'mon man. His giving us something for nothing doesn't mean he's required to GIVE US MORE. You do realize how little sense that makes, don't you?
Though arguement is correct As an aside, no. Argument is the real spelling.

11-07-2005, 05:49 PM
Be honest. You haven't been missing much without chat.

And at age 39 you should know that if you're donating money to utilize a FREE program there is a strong possibility it won't always be available in the same capacity you've come to expect of it forever. Those are the breaks.

11-07-2005, 06:10 PM
>As an aside, no. Argument is the real spelling. <

Well hell... it still just doesnt look right. Yes I spelled it wrong. Just have to remember to spell it right from now on. Could be worse I could still be spelling only as olny... did that for awhile.

>>Jesus. He lets us use a really awesome program FOR FREE and HE OWES US??? It's not the coolest thing in the world to abandon a program, but c'mon man. His giving us something for nothing doesn't mean he's required to GIVE US MORE. You do realize how little sense that makes, don't you?<<

I have been hosting MUDs for free for over 6 years. If I pack up overnight and close down the server don't you think that those people who have availed themselves of my service of free hosting would have a legitamate right to complain about me shutting down with no warning.

AS for my original post... I said "WOULD", I did not demand I asked for information. Which Bobmuhthol politely responded.

Since when is asking a question a demand.

>>Don't start off every conversation you have with a 30 and under with "Kids these days..." and you'll probably get better results. Respect is a two-way street, chief.<<

Again so it is okay for someone to come in and start insulting me but it isn't okay for me to respond that way to them or consider their actions less than respectful? Seriously... I never said a word to Tayre or Anticor before and they laid into me with their first posts and I am the bad guy for responding to that. How is this getting switched around... I didn't start the shit with them they started it with me. As I asked earlier of Tayre... did someone piss in his cornflakes that morning?

Though I should not be suprised on the internet when someones first response is STFU. As I said it is easy to be a big man behind a computer screen.

11-07-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
don't you think that those people who have availed themselves of my service of free hosting would have a legitamate right to complain about me shutting down with no warning.You get what you pay for. How's that for an old-fashioned belief?
Again so it is okay for someone to come in and start insulting me but it isn't okay for me to respond that way to them or consider their actions less than respectful?Here's some more old-fashioned goodness: two wrongs don't make a right.

Tayre is an abrasive guy. Everybody knows that. Nobody's going to bother following every one of his posts with "Tayre you're an abrasive tool". As for Anticor, his first post was in response to your comment about how all the kids these days with their rap music and their baggy pants and their Nintendovision don't know their asses from their elbows, dad gummit! Anticor, as you noticed, is in fact in the age range to which you were applying your unbelievable blanket statement. The closest thing he said that could be construed as an insult was "You aren't a snowflake".

And as a general rule, yes you're a bad guy for responding to violence with violence. "For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same?"

11-07-2005, 07:06 PM
Though I should not be suprised on the internet when someones first response is STFU. As I said it is easy to be a big man behind a computer screen.


Hell yes it is and my computer screen is huge.

11-07-2005, 07:12 PM
>>You get what you pay for. How's that for an old-fashioned belief?<<

Don't know if anyone subscribes to this but I do. Try to help others selflessly when you can. Don't think it is a quote either but hey I believe in it.

I am also sure that despite what I may think of Anticor and Tayre if they needed help I would have no problem helping them.

To a post a bit back. The money is not the issue to me. It is the principle. $20 is nothing for the most part nor is the $100 I offered. That is less than I have spent on a saturday in a strip club years ago. It is less than I spend on St' Judes Hospital every year. It is less than I give the bums on the street that ask for moeny.

Hell money is worthless. It is not what matters in life. A good argument or discussion is better than a wad of money. A big chunk of what I have posted here is simple discussion. I really have no anger towards them. I have everything that is important to me in life, my wife and hopefully some kids on the way soon. Everything else is a bonus.

11-07-2005, 07:14 PM
You're 39 and no kids?

No one wants 50 year old parents when they're in High school. Way to ruin your kid's life already.

11-07-2005, 09:25 PM

Well, I'll be 50 when my son graduates high school. Meanie.

11-07-2005, 09:30 PM
I'll be 30, 36, and 38 and my kids will be graduated from HS. Huzzah for me!

11-07-2005, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
You're 39 and no kids?

No one wants 50 year old parents when they're in High school. Way to ruin your kid's life already.

Again, fuck you Drew. That is all. :grr:

11-07-2005, 09:35 PM
I will turn 49 when my daughter graduates from HS and 51 when my son does. In no way do I think I have ruined my childrens lives in fact waiting to have children has insured them a life of all of the extras I couldn't afford in my 20's.

As much as I would have loved to be a younger mom waiting has proven to benefit me and them in every way.

11-07-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
I'll be 30, 36, and 38 and my kids will be graduated from HS. Huzzah for me!

30 - 17 = 13. So either you were 13 when you sired your first kiddo, or you married an older woman whom already had kids. The other two can feasably be yours, the first while not impossible, would be a stretch.

11-07-2005, 09:42 PM
Second option. :wink:

Edited to add, we're in the process of trying to get their dad to release parental rights since he's not a part of their lives anyhow so James can adopt.

[Edited on 11-8-2005 by Jolena]

11-07-2005, 10:22 PM
Does anyone have the link to that forum that Doyle posted? It had the guy asking for a female companion to bike across country with him or something. Someone said it sounded weird and the guy flipped out and threatened to come over and fight him. It was really funny. Heshinar sounds like that.

So you donated 20 bucks? I was always under the impression that the money was to thank Jamus for spending time to create the program, not as incentive for him to provide you with a service. Psinet goes down relatively frequently and for long periods of time. You think that waving 20 bucks in front of Jamus was going to make that stop?

Here's the answer ... you gave Jamus 20 bucks and Psinet's still going to crash just as frequently. You might get a thanks from Jamus for thinking of him though.

11-07-2005, 10:34 PM
I will turn 49 when my daughter graduates from HS and 51 when my son does. In no way do I think I have ruined my childrens lives in fact waiting to have children has insured them a life of all of the extras I couldn't afford in my 20's.
That's about how old my parents are, and I've got no complaints that I'm graduating now instead of 1996.

Sean of the Thread
11-07-2005, 10:35 PM
I'm willing to bet that someone forgot to make it run as a service.. the last outage was caused because the box bounced and no one noticed that that the service didn't fire.

11-08-2005, 08:52 AM
Thats why I have suggested setting up a CRONTAB if it is Linux based.

11-08-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Heshinar
>>You get what you pay for. How's that for an old-fashioned belief?<<

Don't know if anyone subscribes to this but I do. Try to help others selflessly when you can. Don't think it is a quote either but hey I believe in it.

I'm better than you.

I am also sure that despite what I may think of Anticor and Tayre if they needed help I would have no problem helping them.

I'm better than you.

To a post a bit back. The money is not the issue to me. It is the principle. $20 is nothing for the most part nor is the $100 I offered. That is less than I have spent on a saturday in a strip club years ago. It is less than I spend on St' Judes Hospital every year. It is less than I give the bums on the street that ask for moeny.

No, really. I'm better than you.

Hell money is worthless. It is not what matters in life. A good argument or discussion is better than a wad of money. A big chunk of what I have posted here is simple discussion. I really have no anger towards them. I have everything that is important to me in life, my wife and hopefully some kids on the way soon. Everything else is a bonus.

My zen thinking makes me better than you, now snatch the pebble from my hand.


Seriously why wouldn't someone automatically agree with you and then offer to follow you to their death in support of your cause? I mean from what you're posting you're better than everyone and and and and you don't insult people!!!!1

11-08-2005, 09:31 AM
<<Seriously why wouldn't someone automatically agree with you and then offer to follow you to their death in support of your cause? I mean from what you're posting you're better than everyone and and and and you don't insult people!!!!1 >>

because he offered someone 100 bucks if he was man enough to show up and fight him.

11-08-2005, 10:26 AM
He didn't offer me the monies!!!!!!1

11-08-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
He didn't offer me the monies!!!!!!1

That's because he can be a big man behind a screen :lol:

11-08-2005, 01:39 PM
How long does $20 worth of goodwill buy you these days?

11-08-2005, 02:28 PM
I got all my clothes for my Mexico trip from goodwill and I think I spent about $20.00

11-08-2005, 03:26 PM
I'd expect that if I were to pay 20 bucks for a service that has an indefinite timeline before it expires, I would see it up and down (more often down than up).

11-08-2005, 05:13 PM
AnticorRifling raved again...

>>Seriously why wouldn't someone automatically agree with you and then offer to follow you to their death in support of your cause? I mean from what you're posting you're better than everyone and and and and you don't insult people!!!!1 <<

No I am not better than everyone else. Hell I am probably not better than half. I just do what I think it is right. You can do what you think is right and that is your choice and mine is my choice. It has nothing to do with who is better. I am sorry you feel you have to make this a "I am better than you" arguement it isnt. Just because I donate a lot and try to respect others doesnt mean you have to. It is my OPINION that you should. No where in all my comments have I said this is a fact. If you want to see it as someone is better than another then that is your choice not mine.

You never heard of being Altruistic

11-08-2005, 06:31 PM
Threatening over things that don't involve protecting someone else from harm is generally not considered altruistic.

11-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Warriorbird misreads again

>>Threatening over things that don't involve protecting someone else from harm is generally not considered altruistic. <<

Go back and read MY posts. I never once threatened violence. I never said anything about doing physical harm to another. I challenged someone to a face to face arguement. It is you folks assuming that someone responds with physical violence to everything cannot imagine the words I used meaning any other thing. GO back and read where I previously pointed out I had no intention of violence. Unless of course you think loud yelling during an arguement might be violence... if the arguement gets heated enough.

Why does everyone assume that what I said means I want to hit someone? Get a clue not everyone in the world thinks violence is the answer to everything.


1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

Just to be picky here. I see nothing in the definition of altruism that excludes threatening others. Nothing that says altruism has to be towards everyone. Though it is generally applied to all rather than specific individuals within a group.

[Edited on 11-9-2005 by Heshinar]

11-08-2005, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
Get a clue This sums up the thread pretty nicely, I reckon.

11-08-2005, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
I challenged someone to a face to face arguement.


Unless of course you think loud yelling during an arguement might be violence... if the arguement gets heated enough.

Once more, with feeling.


11-09-2005, 05:30 AM
Dunno... sticks in my head with an E and I do not think about when I type it out. Just have to watch my spelling on it.

11-09-2005, 06:26 AM
A the end of an argument, the guy with the axe in his head was wrong.

'nuff said