View Full Version : Ever get work done?
11-05-2005, 02:20 PM
I have. But only a couple times in my 10 year Gemstone career. Waiting for Infinity last night reminded me why:
Extended observation of morons is detrimental to my sanity.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
11-05-2005, 02:20 PM
Getting work done is retardly easy in GS. I've gotten three alters today without trying too hard.
11-05-2005, 02:34 PM
Well... share the love! I've never gotten anything :cry:
11-05-2005, 03:09 PM
I've gotten....probably 30 since February.
I got one done by Infinity and turned it down, then was arguing with Shalla in whispers about asking him to do one for me anyway, and he said "Just give it to me, I'll do it real quick"
All ya gotta do is wait and be polite...unless it's Sproink. Then you just fuck with that little gnome bastard!
11-05-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Gigantuous
All ya gotta do is wait and be polite...
That's what I'm talking about. Prolonged exposure to morons who feel the need talk and poke at the merchant repeatedly just makes something in me snap.
11-05-2005, 03:39 PM
I never know when there are merchants; that's the rub for me.
11-05-2005, 03:59 PM
Your last merchant alteration was 1045 days ago. :O
11-05-2005, 04:09 PM
> merchant soulpieced
Your last merchant alteration was 1314 days ago.
I win.
11-05-2005, 04:10 PM
I can't use that command because I don't even have an active account.
I win.
11-05-2005, 04:10 PM
I feel your pain, Unique. I find the easiet thing for me to do, is plant my ass in the room, highlight my character's name...pull the chat window up, and just wait to see my name flash up in bright aquamarine letters before I even bother reading what is going on.s
11-05-2005, 04:11 PM
I have a char that reads:
Your last merchant alteration was 1147 days ago.
So I know what you mean.
On the other hand, Finis, in his first three months of life had recieved very near 50 alters. In the year and a half that followed that he had accumalated over 400 (easy, becuase I am not going to look at my spreadsheet, its actually really close to, or over 500) alters, and since then I don't bother trying, and still have recieved an easy 25 to 75 more alters.
To the one that started this thread, yes, people CAN get annoying, but I set sounds to save me watching the stuipidity fly, then when I win, I get a sound, and pay attention. :shrug:
Bottom line, if you want it, you will deal with it, if you don't, you won't. Though I am considering taking my main's son this year, if he gets jostled about enough, and fed up, he will meteor swarm. It's just the way he is. That would really liven up the party! :lol:
Anyway, I hope one and all can find their own way to enjoy this festival.
Your last merchant alteration was 137 days ago.
11-05-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
if he gets jostled about enough, and fed up, he will meteor swarm. It's just the way he is.If there's any justice in the world, the GMs will deed your character if you do that.
11-05-2005, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by radamanthys
Well... share the love! I've never gotten anything :cry:
Infinity spins his orb of light.
The pulsating orb of light flashes back and forth in front of your eyes and comes to a stop, hovering in front of its victim.
The orb of light comes to a stop pointing directly at Radamanthys!
Infinity recovers the orb of light and says, "Congratulations Radamanthys!"
11-05-2005, 04:48 PM
Yeah then he fucked up everyone's notes and spent 5 minutes fixing them rather than spinning my damned name!
11-05-2005, 05:00 PM
Infinity stamps Jesae on the forehead!
You see Jesae.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She appears to be in the bloom of youth and shorter than average. She has large crystal green eyes and fair skin. She has hip-length, champagne blonde hair divided into several elegantly twisted sections and adorned with some iridescent moonstone hairjewels. She has a dainty face, an upturned nose and small pointed ears. A big red stamp on her forehead reads, "I snooze, I lose!"
11-06-2005, 03:33 PM
I'm still unaware of how these people always know when there's a merchant.
11-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Are you insane? You highlight the merchants name and type who/stat full every five minutes or so. It's not fucking rocket science.
11-06-2005, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Intrepid
I'm still unaware of how these people always know when there's a merchant.
Use the merchant highlighting script, WHO FULL, cross reference to Nilandia's EG list, and go to the appropriate places.
I have gotten 3 things done so far at EG. But my original complaint about observing morons in motion still stands.
An icy voice whispers, "The Spirit to Slay competition will begin in the Ebon Hall on the Isle of Tears in ten minutes. You must sign up in order to participate. Late arrivals will be denied the right to compete."
I'm praying that someone will post a log of this event.
I think I'll miss it!
11-06-2005, 03:56 PM
I've yet to even see a merchant at the festival. When I see that one is online, I can never seem to find them. Having fun nonetheless but I do have two items I'd like a merchant to look at for me if I happen to find one.
11-06-2005, 03:57 PM
It wouldn't be a festival without someone complaining about not getting work done.
Personally, I find Infinity to be retarded. This after someone pasted me last night text of her handing "a comfy hemp beanie" to someone. Like Chris said, "I'd like to ask for 'a phat piece of vaalin bling,' and see what they say to that."
11-07-2005, 01:16 PM
I thought they made a HUGE deal about hemp being illegal on the Dhu...
ahh well
I cannot complain too much...
I only wanted 3 things and I haven't gotten any of them..
A skullring
A garter snake on my bodice dagger
and my simucon charm altered into a hummingbird
I did managed to get a few things I didn't really need but were neat.
I got the script of merchants and use that plus the map on Augie's site... and nilandia's lists...
Hasn't been too hard I guess.
I suck at lists. So none were a list.
Was a decent weekend and hopefully a great rest of week..
Sean of the Thread
11-07-2005, 01:23 PM
>merchant xyelin
You show no merchant alterations record that would prevent you from getting any alterations.
NEVER muahahhaha. Alterations are for girls.
Originally posted by Unique
Extended observation of morons is detrimental to my sanity.
I don't really think merchants are hard to find (especially at Ebon's Gate), but being stuffed in a room with Augie for an hour or two has led to people jumping out of windows.
All the other people that immediately shove their head up the merchants ass make the wait often more trouble than it is worth.
11-07-2005, 01:33 PM
Maybe I just didn't look hard enough but IMHO this year the merchants were not as plentiful. I have waited in Nancee's cottage and so far she hasn't shown at all. I asked others whop have been waiting and no one has seen her.
I got work done by Infinity and he was fast and fun to watch, all he did the night I was there was lighten and deepen.
11-07-2005, 02:09 PM
I've had a blast so far. Lots of fun people/events to be had. And plenty of merchants (alot of waiting, but whatever)
Got my armor lightened to 5lbs(!) and altered.
Won a raffle.
Got my stat item recharged.
Got my Ghastlee orb unlocked.
Not bad so far. Woulda liked some padding, but whatever. I'm happy!
The irc has been fun, too :-)
Getting to know more and more of you, slowly but surely.
11-07-2005, 02:15 PM
Hey, I read that you won the robes raffle - lemme see what you got and what the actions are!
11-07-2005, 02:19 PM
So far, I got a strand of prayer beads made, another strand of prayer beads for another character (cleric, she needs them), two dancing scarves completely unlocked and one dyed another color, plus my 4x feminine acid-flaring leathers enchanted (paid 200k for the enchant!).
Apparently I'm not missing much with my list work.
[Edited to add: I had a spot at Slurmm's, but I dodn't have an idea and he wouldn't work on features, which was what I was looking for, so I gave my spot to Charna.]
[Edited on 11/7/2005 by Nilandia]
11-07-2005, 02:19 PM
Nancee came in last night, actually. Worked for about 2 hours, I think, maybe a bit longer.
I've been extraordinarly lucky during EG. Got 5 services done: Monkia's padding, Ghastlee unlocking my crystal ball, Durgah's lifekeep flask alteration, an alter from Rhomia, and got my cloak lightened and made closeable by Nancee. And since I won a round in Gruesome Dice, have an alter coming from that as well later in the week.
3 of those were by spinner, and 2 of those spins came later in the session because someone went AFK or gave up their spot. So sticking around and RPing with the merchants definitely paid off. :)
IRC's been a blast too. Tried to login to it at work today, and it got blocked by the firewall. :cry:
Sean of the Thread
11-07-2005, 03:03 PM
If by RPing with the merchants you mean distracting and annoying them while looking like ass kiss then you are correct.
11-07-2005, 03:03 PM
When it comes down to it. It really depends on luck, and how good your friends are in terms of understanding how much you want it and giving their turns to you, or informing you about certain merchants you might be interested in without keeping it to themselves.
Your last merchant alteration was 490 days ago.
Besides winning the Eonake slab which happens to be my 1st and only big win ever to this point. I've had 3 things done. I was not picked for any of them. Lightening was given to me by riscca, alteration for my collar given to me by herachio, and alteration for my belt given to me by tamral. Whyssper bought me a couple of items from the ebon gates, and Gigantuous gave me one of his prizes from the joust. It may sound like I'm a charity case but I have pretty good friends :)
Armor lightened to 5 lbs.
A thick silver collar
- While the collar has been polished and well-maintained to the point of being elegantly lustrous, its simple design bears the faint marks of a fairly rough past in the form of small dings and slight scratches. Formed from the thick metal in the back of the collar is a slight deviation of the design -- a single, broken link rises upwards from the silver, the loop broken and bashed away so that only a jagged reminder remains.
A low slung leather belt
You glance at your belt. Fashioned from soft black leather, the low slung belt shows clear signs of expert elven craftsmanship. Tailored for both comfort and mobility, it is well maintained to proudly display the owner's weapon. A hooked silver buckle clasp the belt together and an engraving of a crowned serpent suggests one of the owner at one time was once a high ranking magistrate.
You have a viciously barbed leather whip hanging from your your belt.
I'm not much for the cutest and prettiest of alteration for Shalla, so I went more for historic alter rather than high fashion.
There was one merchant who I was extremely impressed with, not only with effeciency but how she had complete control of the crowd. I think it might be Rhomia. She demanded people having their stuff ready and to be alert. Asking people when it is their turn.. Accept or Decline, to which the people who weren't ready will decline and give their turn to the ones who are. I wasn't picked but watching that alone impressed me enough that I didn't feel bad about it.
I think it's true that when we try too hard. We don't get anything. I've noticed that when I'm trying to find as many merchant as I could, I am more stressed and have alot of indecision and hop from one merchant to the next and end up not getting anything. It all comes down to luck, having focus not to let things stress you out and having good friends who would give the shirt off their backs.
[Edited on 11-7-2005 by Shalla]
11-07-2005, 03:07 PM
Spun- I have another post about it.
The robe stuff is there. Still trying to figure out how much they are worth- noone seems to know!
11-07-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
If by RPing with the merchants you mean distracting and annoying them while looking like ass kiss then you are correct.
Nah, most certainly wasn't ass-kissing. For example, with Monkia...I stuck around after the original spins because a couple of friends were getting work done. Out of nowhere, she whispers to me that I should sniff a wad of pink hair that was in a drain in her workroom. I go ahead and do so, and apparently it smelled so bad, it knocked me out. (those who were in the IRC saw me copy the messaging, heh.)
Ran with it from there with the other people in the room, and toss in another conversation about Monkia's unrequited love for Sproink.
Upshot: Got an RPA afterwards, and when someone gave up his spot that was spun originally (Godefroy, I think) and couldn't think of anyone in the room to give his spot to, the spinner landed on me.
11-07-2005, 07:36 PM
I got really luck at this Ebon Gate as well.. I kind of chased around people like Augie, Michiko or Jolena. (Shh, Don't tell!)
My boots were deepened by Infinity.
Amki changed my full leather to a side-laced black leather corselet with burnished golvern boning.
My feather trimmed leather neckpouch got a spruce up and its now a tiny leather pouch suspended from a delicate vaalin chain..
And then my last piece was altered by Sproink from a climbing pack in the rogues guild to a black leather rucksack clasped with a tiny golvern star. Then Nancee lightened and deepened it further.
I've had a great time so far at Ebon Gate!
11-07-2005, 07:39 PM
Someone should thank their benefactor for lending them money. :whistle:
11-07-2005, 07:40 PM
Rhomia was fucking awesome. I would up not getting any work done by him, but his outfit was teh hot merchant of the season, and he was whipping those assholes into shape.
[Edited on 12-8-2005 by HarmNone]
Originally posted by Things2Come
I got really luck at this Ebon Gate as well.. I kind of chased around people like Augie, Michiko or Jolena. (Shh, Don't tell!)
?! Who do you play? I didn't notice anyone following Michi around.
I've gotten five things done so far (custom ring color by Ghule, alter by Amki, alter by Sproink, recharge on my mana enhancer by Gouthar, and a specially balanced/altered dagger and harness by Siolan) and I consider that pretty damn good considering it's only Monday, and that this is a free event.
11-07-2005, 07:54 PM
There are surprisingly few fucktards running around too... considering the free event thing and all. Other than some of the usuals, that is.
11-07-2005, 08:19 PM
< There are surprisingly few fucktards running around too... >
Besides a few tone and act whores I'd have to agree. Most of the tone whores after some friendly ribbing got the point, so it's been enjoyable for me, too.
11-07-2005, 08:22 PM
It hasn't been at all bad- some have crossed that fine line between RP and being a whore, it's not been too bad.
Sproink was bad with people trying to get him to pay attention to them.
11-07-2005, 08:29 PM
Jolena's had two things done -- both general alterations.
Alania's had boots, handbag and skirt done and is due for work with Siolan on a dagger with special scripts and a sheath.
Stun's had boots, pants and jacket done and is due for work with Siolan as well on a dagger with scripts and sheath.
We didn't do too badly really.
But I do hope next year it's paid again, I disagree that there aren't many snerts. I've had to deal with a great amount of them. Plus lines at merchants have at times been horrendous. Infinity had over 300 people in his room at one point. That never would have happened if it were paid.
11-08-2005, 01:12 AM
You remove a slender ornately-hilted espadon from in your mountaineer's kit.
>look esp
The slender tempered-steel blade of this magnificent weapon has a single fuller which has been cut deep into the metal, creating a weapon both light and swift. The hilt and cross-piece of the sword are a series of polished silver bands which curve sinuously around the grip and forte section of the blade, protecting the hand of the wielder, and connecting at last with the pommel upon which a single rune has been inscribed. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
11-08-2005, 03:58 AM
I don't have many alters and have almost no ideas for new ones but it is fun to see what other people get. I know at last years EG brattt and I had some fun waiting.
One year they had that paper you could write on and jokingly I and a few others wrote a "list" and dropped the paper... didn't think anyone would believe it!! But a few did and we were like oiy! So picked it up but it was funny...
11-08-2005, 09:57 AM
I got my brig lightened from 21 to 17 lbs. That'd be all. The most fun I had was RPing with my empath's friend who decided it was "tramp day" and she was buying an extremely low cut bodice. I spent an hour wandering, shopping, and tossing coins down her bodice.
The best purchase I got was a gift for someone else.
Please god say it was a gift for me.
Please god . .
:murmers players:
11-08-2005, 10:28 AM
Tell me you were murmuring prayers, not players, dear?
11-08-2005, 10:30 AM
The only altered items I got were from my first and only wedding in the game when I first joined in the mid 90's. Basically (from memory) a wedding band set, a cane topped with a round sapphire, and sapphire cufflinks (I think my bride used the "Well, they have bowties, why not cufflinks" explination to make those possible).
I still have all 3 items (half of the wedding band set, as she left a year or so after the wedding).
When I was new to the RP scene and thought that a wedding made sense.
Other then that, I've only waited to see if I was chosen for an alter once. I had my character in and a friend's character in, waiting in the room.
She won. I didn't.
11-08-2005, 11:04 AM
Hmm so far I've gotten...
Two sets of Siolan's daggers altered with matching sheaths.
A dress by Slurmm.
Two scarves unlocked.
An altered longbow.
A feature alteration.
That's without really trying either.
11-08-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Unique
Originally posted by Intrepid
I'm still unaware of how these people always know when there's a merchant.
Use the merchant highlighting script, WHO FULL, cross reference to Nilandia's EG list, and go to the appropriate places.
Where can said script be obtained?
11-08-2005, 12:27 PM
I've hijacked this thread to make it my post it when you get it.
Siolan shows you an eahnor-set ivory vultite dagger, which she is holding in her right hand. Along the ivory-toned blade of this weapon, strands of eahnor have been inlaid into the midline, mere crimson wisps that interweave and coalesce at the heart of the guard. To either side, the limbs of the cross sweep up, forming a pair of wings laced shards of bloodjewel. Wrapped in ebony suede, the hilt is bound by metallic scarlet threads that twine along the grip to the base. From a mass of bloodjewel, the head of a phoenix rises as the pommel, its beak gold-leafed and its eyes dark spheres of onyx.
The actioned dagger from Siolan's shop.
Terminator X
11-08-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by radamanthys
Well... share the love! I've never gotten anything :cry:
11-08-2005, 01:45 PM
I feel like the unluckiest person evar for merchant stuff at Ebon :no:
Originally posted by Aaysia
I feel like the unluckiest person evar for merchant stuff at Ebon :no: You're in good company at least.
J>merchant Voldermort
You show no merchant alterations record that would prevent you from getting any alterations.
11-08-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
To either side, the limbs of the cross sweep up, forming a pair of wings laced shards of bloodjewel.Should that be "laced with shards"?
Neat dagger though.
11-08-2005, 05:10 PM
I got to the point where alterations didn't really matter much unless I had to switch gear.
That's it!
I've finally got my character looking like he will for the rest of his time in the lands.
I was lucky enough (once again) to have someone at Ebons to do his ears for me since I was at work.
You look yourself over with your own black eye...
You see Shimmerain K'aryeu the Apostate.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He is taller than average. He has stunning, sparkling violet-flecked black eyes and flawless, lily-hued skin. He has very long, flowing shadowy black hair separated into two lustrous and long ponytails. He has tall, sharply curved and upswept ears.
His face is concealed by a narrow leather mask laced with silk cord.
He has a ring of tiny black stars encircling his neck.
He is wearing a sleek black iron mesh cloak fastened from throat to waist with slate grey clasps, a suit of elegant dark leather armor beautifully scaled with scorched grey plates, a hazy glass ring, some sleek black cloth leg-wraps elegantly cross-tied with misty grey leather bonds, and a pair of matte black boots striated with pale grey hues.
<----- Happy!
11-09-2005, 02:41 PM
Let's see. My rogue got a tattoo
I had a pair of wedding rings done FINALLY.
My wizard got Ghastlee's 8 ball thingy.
That's about it for now. I'm just really really really happy about the rings :bouncy:
[Edited on 11-9-2005 by Aaysia]
11-09-2005, 02:53 PM
stfu DeV!! >.<
11-09-2005, 05:11 PM
I'll prephase this by saying that I was lucky enough to have three very fun experiences at EG this year: I highly recommend Gnymble and Scolexis for those that like to RP with merchants. Guntaka, I gather is run by a gamehost and is not a merchant, so I highly recommend him for those who just want to get the scope maybe on what happened to the Jugg or talk and rp with someone very cool.
I had one experience that I am neutral on (Cadaverous).
All that said, these experiences were offset by situations where the idiocity was too much for me to handle, and I found myself not enjoying the game. For every 1 positive experience I had, I had at least 4 negative ones. I've never been to a merchant where the crowd was THIS unruly and some of the Gamestaff so disconnected from what constitutes ooc and ic.
edited to add: I had one character win a spirit contest, and I wish I hadn't been so elated as to fail RPing her reaction to that. She more acted shocked, because I was.
So I dropped the ball on that one, as it could have been a *great* RP opportunity.
[Edited on Wed, November th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
It really should have been a pay event.
I didn't feel the justification in spending 3 (out of 7) days awake and in game, constantly waiting for an alter or raffle.
When everyone has access to the even like they did, it seems far too overrun and the GMs are overworked.
The next Wavedancer will rule. I think they had that in mind when they made EG an 'anyone can go' event.
11-10-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
It really should have been a pay event.
I managed to get more work done this EG than in any event I've paid for.
The reason is mainly my RL responsibilities for this week involved sitting at a computer. I was therefore able to sit at merchants with SF off to the side while working in other programs.
My grand total (not so grand really) is 2 items lightened, 1 item with added scripts, and 2 alters.
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