View Full Version : Lores: Elemental

10-09-2003, 05:01 PM
The Lores documents are out. These are details on how the lores will effect each spell:

Minor Elemental Spell Circle (400s)

This new command allows a character with the proper lore training to attune to the element of their choice. A minimum of 20 ranks in any of the Elemental Lores (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) will allow a character to become attuned to that element. If a caster has less than 20 ranks in every single element, he cannot attune to any element. If a caster is not attuned to any element, he will get a random element each time he casts a spell that depends on attunement. Also, if a caster?s highest element is either water or air and the other element (that is, water for air, air for water) is OVER half the higher element, he may be attuned to lightning. At any time, a player may ATTUNE RANDOM in order to go back to getting random elements each time. This addition grants a possibility of 5 flares (air, cold, earth, fire, lightning) for spells 411, 415, 435, and 915.

Major Elemental Spell Circle (500s)

504 Slow - Elemental Lore, Air: The target will experience a larger increase in Roundtime based on the Wizard?s Elemental Lore, Air training; +1 RT at 100 skill, +2 RT at 200 skill, and a maximum of +3 RT at 300 skill.

506 Haste - Elemental Lore, Air: The target will experience shorter Roundtimes enhanced by the Haste spell based on the Wizard?s Elemental Lore, Air training; -1 RT at 100 skill, -2 RT at 200 skill, and a maximum of ?3 RT at 300 skill. The one-second minimum RT still applies.

509 Strength - Elemental Lore, Earth: Training in Earth increases the Attack Strength (AS) bonus provided by this spell. A minimum of 4 ranks of Earth Lore are required to achieve a +1 AS increase, with the maximum increase of +16 AS achieved at 184 ranks. This added bonus is a self-cast benefit for the Wizard?s use only.

510 Hurl Boulder - Elemental Lore, Earth: Training in Elemental Lore, Earth will increase the damage of the spell.

512 Ice Patch - Elemental Lore, Water: Training in Elemental Lore, Water increases both the duration of the patch and how effective it is at making the target slip.

519 Immolation - Elemental Lore, Fire: There is a chance of a flat-out incineration kill on a target using Immolation, enhanced further by training in Elemental Lore, Fire. If the target was not incinerated, the damage done by the flames is greater with training in Elemental Lore, Fire. This will increase the chance of the initial burst of flame being focused on one area, causing more critical damage.

520 Stone Skin - Elemental Lore, Earth: The amount of damage that can be absorbed without shattering is the spell?s shatter point; if this is reached in one hit, the skin shatters. Stone Skin?s ability to absorb damage, or what?s termed the shatter point, is increased with Elemental Lore, Earth training.

10-09-2003, 05:40 PM
That 509 increase is that on top of the base of +15?

That would mean you could get +31 when self cast and still only +15 when cast at others. I like that but it would take awhile to get heh. I was gonna go heavy on earth and fire but it looks like I might need to spread load abit.