View Full Version : Lores: Spirit

10-09-2003, 05:00 PM
The Lores documents are out. These are details on how the lores will effect each spell:

Minor Spiritual Circle (100s)

110 Unbalance - Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning: The power of the attack is enhanced upon a successful cast on a target with ranks of Spirit Lore, Spirit Summoning.

111 Fire Spirit - Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning: The spell?s damage is increased, and the maximum number of targets that the caster is able to hit with Fire Spirit is increased with training in Spirit Summoning. A minimum of 1 rank is required to increase the maximum number of targets by one. 200 ranks of Summoning Lore are required to increase the maximum number of targets possible, which is 19.

120 Lesser Shroud - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in this Lore enables the spell to be cast upon others, briefly. The duration is 2 minutes and requires 60 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings.

125 Call Lightning - Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning: The speed at which the lightning cloud will strike is enhanced by training in Spirit Summoning. A minimum of 10 ranks of Summoning Lore are required to receive a 1 second reduction in cloud generation, with the maximum 7 second reduction benefit achieved at 70 ranks.

Major Spiritual Circle (200s)

203 Manna Bread - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in Blessings increases the amount of mana the bread can restore. Every 20 ranks of Blessings Lore will increase the mana recovery by one per cycle.

210 Silence - Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning: The duration is increased with ranks of Spirit Summoning; +1 second for every rank up to 100 ranks, and +.5 seconds for every rank past the first 100 ranks.

211 Bravery - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in Blessings enables this spell to be cast upon others, briefly. The duration is 1 minute and requires 50 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings.

215 Heroism - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in Blessings enables this spell to be cast upon others, briefly. The duration is 1 minute and requires 100 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings. Additionally, a +1 Attack Strength (AS) bonus for every 10 ranks of Blessings is available for self-cast only.

218 Spirit Servant - Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning: Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning has two benefits. Firstly, it increases the duration of the Spirit Servant. The base duration is 600 seconds. Every rank of Major Spirit spells known increases that duration by 10 seconds, while every rank of Spirit Summoning increases that duration by 30 seconds. Secondly, training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the duration of Preservation that the Spirit Servant will bestow on its Cleric. The base duration of Preservation by the Spirit Servant is 5 minutes. Each rank of Summoning Lore up to 100 ranks increases the duration by 15 seconds. For every additional Summoning Lore rank, the duration is increased by 10 seconds.

219 Spell Shield - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in Blessings enables this spell to be cast upon others, briefly. The duration is 2 minutes and requires 80 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings.

10-09-2003, 07:56 PM
There's a third lore, isn't there? Religion? It does nothing?

10-09-2003, 08:00 PM
It only helps clerics. Since those spells are mutual to empaths and clerics, they probably didn't list them.

10-09-2003, 08:03 PM
Who cares about empaths anyawy.

I want to hear about clerics.

RP-wise, I think it makes sense for Maimara to be 1xing in Religion, and .5xing the other two.

But that would suck if Religion does absolutely nothing.

10-09-2003, 08:07 PM
Considering empaths can now meditate...they can still hunt using weapons. Though yes, I do sense a theme of "Cleric gets all the nice shit" here. Are you really suprised?

10-09-2003, 08:08 PM
meditate? what it will do? lesser dream?

10-09-2003, 08:10 PM
Empaths could meditate before, in a horridly downtweaked version.

Empaths CAN hunt using weapons, but rarely do, because most empaths wait for their experience to find them.

Clerics get all the nice shit? Not necessarily. Then again, if empaths were given a choice between pure caster or semi, I don't know what they'd choose. But clerics went from being anywhere from pure to semi to anywhere in between to being straight-up pures in gs4. I would hope we get some nice shit to compensate for the fact that 302 (arguably the best hunting spell in the game, and the most well-rounded and useful for ANY level) is being downtweaked.

10-09-2003, 08:12 PM
Nice shit?! Read the spell lists and new additions. The clerics are being showered with new things.

Meditate will grant them more Mana, HP and Spirit per pulse. No more exp bonus for ANYONE.

10-09-2003, 08:14 PM
The only reason I ever bother to go to a node is because I need mana, and spirit.

Screw the old meditation. I can learn faster staying out on the hunting ground. :P

10-10-2003, 03:34 PM
The Religion lore is mostly for the cleric circle (306 and 302 namely)

Check it out:

Cleric Spell Circle (300s)

302 Smite/Bane - Spiritual Lore, Religion: This skill determines the rate of mana infusions (previously done with the Mana Share skill in GS3). The amount of mana infused is still based on the caster?s control over mana.

303 Prayer of Protection - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: Training in Blessings enables this spell to be cast upon others, briefly. The duration is 2 minutes and requires 40 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings.

304 Holy Blade - Spiritual Lore, Blessings: The number of swings a blade can be imbued with is increased with Blessings ranks; +1 swing for every rank of Spiritual Lore, Blessings (The base number of swings is 3 swings per level of caster).

305 Preservation - Spiritual Lore, Religion: The duration of Preservation is increased with training in Spiritual Lore, Religion; +15 seconds per rank in Spiritual Lore, Religion (the base Preservation cast for GS4 is 10 minutes, irrespective of caster level).

306 Holy Bolt - Spiritual Lore, Religion: Training in Religion Lore will increase the damage of the spell when cast upon undead creatures.

311 Blind - Spiritual Lore, Religion: The duration of the spell was changed to 15 seconds + 1 second for every 4 points of warding margin.

CS: +273 - TD: +167 + CvA: -1 + d100: +54 - +5 == +154
The duration the spell would be 15 seconds + (54/4) to equal 28 seconds.

Also, on a warding of 20 or more (==120 or higher) there is a chance the target will be forced to a kneeling position which is increased by training in Spiritual Lore, Religion.

10-10-2003, 03:39 PM
Erm, I posted that list last night.

10-10-2003, 05:49 PM
Yes I know but it seems Maimara didn't see it because she thought religion was useless. So I reposted it where she could see. Don't be hatin' *cowers* :)