View Full Version : Little help, please.

11-02-2005, 07:30 PM

I have been reading some of the posts and I have a couple of questions. The dwarf below has been an experiment and he seems to be doing well. He uses two weapons and acts like a little cuisinart. His AS is quite high with society skills, wizard strength, Surge, Weapon Specialization and soon Weapon Bonding. He doesn't get hit often with some spellups, parry and 2x dodge. He hopes to hit hard and fast.

I am currently re evaluating his training and I have seen posts about 2x Dodge and Full Plate. How much does Full Plate hinder dodge? Is it worth 3x in armor to 140 and get full plate and continue to 2x in dodge for life? I was considering that once he gets plate I would pick up some of the other skills he is missing like MIU and Arcane maybe some first aid and survival.

*PT currently 1x for life. I know this is the primary skill for redux and builds stamina. Possibly increase this at a later time.

*MOC currently 1x in that for life. Is it worth getting more than 35 ranks?

*CM, Edge, and two weapon combat. 2x for life.

*Perception currently 1x. I know this is mainly used for ambushing and disarming traps...how much should one need?

*Climbing and Swiming to 25 ranks

*harness power with 21 mana i think he may have enough mana for his needs ;-)

*plan on picking up head butt later.

Race: Dwarf Profession: Warrior (Post name shown as: Gladiator)
Level: 23

Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Constitution (CON): 97 (38) ... 97 (38)
Dexterity (DEX): 95 (22) ... 95 (22)
Agility (AGL): 95 (17) ... 95 (17)
Discipline (DIS): 77 (23) ... 77 (23)
Aura (AUR): 75 (2) ... 75 (2)
Logic (LOG): 54 (7) ... 54 (7)
Intuition (INT): 51 (0) ... 51 (0)
Wisdom (WIS): 59 (4) ... 59 (4)
Influence (INF): 39 (-15) ... 39 (-15)

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 148 48
Armor Use..........................| 172 72
Combat Maneuvers...................| 148 48
Edged Weapons......................| 148 48
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 102 24
Physical Fitness...................| 102 24
Dodging............................| 148 48
Harness Power......................| 35 7
Perception.........................| 102 24
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 58 12

Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Specialization I wspec1 3
Surge of Strength surge 4
Parry Mastery pmastery 2

Any advice suggestions etc will be greatly appreciated.



Sylvan Dreams
11-02-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by zhelas
*PT currently 1x for life. I know this is the primary skill for redux and builds stamina. Possibly increase this at a later time.

*MOC currently 1x in that for life. Is it worth getting more than 35 ranks?

*CM, Edge, and two weapon combat. 2x for life.

*Perception currently 1x. I know this is mainly used for ambushing and disarming traps...how much should one need?

*Climbing and Swiming to 25 ranks

*harness power with 21 mana i think he may have enough mana for his needs ;-)

On PT, I think you're shafting yourself bigtime. PT is the *ONLY* primary skill for redux. My warrior is fully tripled.

On MOC, I trained to 55 ranks which gives you 3 strikes at one target. I haven't felt the need to go higher than that.

CM, edge, and 2weapons- no comments there, can't do any better.

Perception. I single in it and throw in more ranks where I can. It usually manages to keep even with my dodge.

On Climb/Swim, I bumped mine to 35. I can go anywhere and be somewhat encumbered and be fine.

The harness power seems too high. Is there any reason that you need so much mana? My warrior uses 10 mana in total for signs. After the changes to the mana formula I found myself needing to get only 1 rank in harness power to put me at 11 mana.

Long term you will want to add in arcane symbols and/or magic item use. Personally, I have both at 30 ranks and plan to add more. This helps you in the areas that have Spellburst as well as lets you play with toys. It's really amusing to have my warrior blast some idiot with a twisted wand.

In dodge, I'm more than singled but not quite doubled. More like 1.25x. I throw extra points in there when I can.

I don't have any first aid or survival. I would only be able to dabble in both and the few ranks I'd be able to pick up wouldn't make me an effective skinner for anything that I can hunt that's skinnable.

11-02-2005, 07:56 PM
Is it worth it to 3x in armor to 140 and get full plate and continue to 2x in dodge for life?


As for PT, I wouldn't do less than 2x. 2x vs 3x is debateable, but below 2x isn't optimal.

[Edited on 11-3-2005 by Warriorbird]

11-02-2005, 08:10 PM
Thanks Sylvan Dreams and Warriorbird for the quick response.

I do plan on increasing PT once he gets plate, As for MIU and Arcane I do intend to pick those necessary skills in the future. Both of your inputs and warnings are helpful. I can't imagine the shock on that fools face when they got blasted by a sorcerer's wand:D Harness Power I have been tweaking. At his younger levels he kept running out of mana for signs and I would fry his nerves. LOL Currently he keeps Sign of smiting, swords, striking, defending, and wards up at all times. With Wizard strength surge and weapon specialization, at 23 his AS is 300 with his primary and 265 with his second weapon.

Thanks for your imputs.


11-02-2005, 08:12 PM
Dodge with full plate...even with the hinderance from full plate ,does anyone know how much it hinders dodge? Especially if i 2x in Dodge.

The Ponzzz
11-02-2005, 08:15 PM
well, I'll add my input...

Don't train up for in armor till you can wear new armor. Like yer 23 with 72 armor ranks. It will be 3 more levels to hauberk, so why not stick to double chain at 70 ranks till yer able to get into hauberk/MBP. If that makes sense. Because trainign for redux is dumb at early levels, so its not a big problem now.

So bulk the PT, stop PT do armor, and so on. Yer gonna regrat not 2xing PT up to level 36-40 till plate.

11-02-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by zhelas
Dodge with full plate...even with the hinderance from full plate ,does anyone know how much it hinders dodge? Especially if i 2x in Dodge.

Yes. Hardly anything at all. You lose something like 15% dodge DS when in full plate.

11-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Great! This has really helped!


11-03-2005, 11:56 AM
Perception doesn't help aiming from the open. If you are planning on disarming traps, be aware that while 1x in both will let you spot just about anything like level, you are not going to be able to disarm everything. If that's worth it for you, go for it. Perception alone is a useful skill though, I'd recommend keeping it. Knock it down to 0.5x if you need points.

Your signs will last longer as you get higher levels, so you can unlearn harness power later if you feel like it.

If you are planning on going through the guild and want to warcry, I strongly recommend redoing your stats and boosting your influence by a lot. Dwarves are extremely uninfluential to begin with, and while a negative won't hurt you, warcry is a real pain to go through, and every positive helps.

For MOC. Given that you want to hit hard, you're going to have a large base RT to work with. Given that you're a dwarf, you're not going to have much help from Agility/Dexterity. At best, you'll pull off 4 open strikes in 17 seconds.

11-03-2005, 12:09 PM
Strength factors in because he's using 2 weapons, Latrin, which is fortunate.

11-03-2005, 12:40 PM
I was under the impression that Strength only factored into which weapons could be used without penalty. Are you saying that Strength factors into the MOC RT equation?

11-03-2005, 12:48 PM
It factors into the 2 weapon RT calculation which factors into the MOC equation.

11-03-2005, 01:57 PM
Here's what I have for TWC RT (from Warden, sometime around April of '04):

Assuming a character's left hand weapon is as fast or faster than their right hand weapon, RT is calculated as:
Righty Weapon Speed + (Lefty Weapon Speed - 2, min 0) + Heavy Weapon mod = Base RT
Actual RT = Base RT + Encumbrance mod + Armor Hindrance mod + Dex/Agility mod + Aiming mod
The Heavy Weapon modifier is typically zero. It only applies if a character tries to use a lefty weapon that is considered heavy for their Strength bonus.

Is the heavy weapon mod the thing you're talking about, or do I have an outdated formula?

11-05-2005, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the imput. At this time I hate warcry I can see that influence could help. Currently I am working on tackle, disarm, and berserking. I can make the stat change at a different time. With Surge on top of his normal strength and not encumbered, His rt is 7 versus 2 opponents and 10 versus 3. He currently swings a falchion in his primary hand and a shortsword in his second hand. He seems to do okay. Thanks for the formula and the help. :)

11-05-2005, 07:02 PM
"an outdated formula? "

A bit of an outdated formula. Strength/race now factors into enabling you to get a 5 second RT with some weapons of the same base.